Wild West - Chapter 12 - Part 2 - 5 minute freewrite challenge

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Courtesy of Pixabay

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Chapter 10

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Chapter 11

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1415, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

Chapter 12


Part 2

The first picture depicted nothing but Fishnick. No crown, no dome. Only a weird cancerous looking bulge on his head. On the second one was Fishnick again, only that time he was surrounded by weird flying orbs. Magic. No doubt. The third drawing had Fishnick channeling his powers upward, and in the fourth a beam erupted toward the sky. On the fifth drawing Fishnick was portrayed on his knees, exhausted, with a dome surrounding him.

The next drawing was the first that depicted information Tom and James didn’t know yet. It was a drawing of a miniature Fishnick in the middle, surrounded by a full circle, not just half of it. The circle represented the dome and indicated that it wasn’t limited to the surface. What was even more intriguing were the arrows surrounding Fishnick, all pointing below surface level, none above.

They didn’t understand what it meant until they took a look at the next drawing. It was a drawing of a rock with several straight lines surrounding it, suggesting it was glowing. Looking back and forth between that drawing and the previous, Tom managed to figure it out and started nodding.

“When Fishnick made the dome he lost his power. That’s why Kirk couldn’t take his power away from him, and that’s why we cannot take the power from Kirk. There wasn’t any in Fishnick to begin with!”

James raised his eyebrow and looked at him stupidly. “But where did it go then? I don’t believe it just vanished.”

Tom smiled from ear to ear and started tapping his pointer on the drawing of the glowing rock. “This. It’s stored in the ore. This is why Kirk wanted it. This is what Cryosatane is. It’s Fishnick’s power!”

James considered it for a moment, but found a crucial flaw in Tom’s explanation. “That’s all fine and good, but you can’t use magic under the dome. And Kirk used magic. How do you explain that?”

Tom gave him the stinkeye, but quickly lit back up with a smile and turned his look back at the drawings before him. “It’s got to be in here somewhere.”

He turned the next drawing over. Fishnick with a crown. They already knew he was the original King under the dome so Tom didn’t hesitate to turn the next page. The next drawing showed Fishnick lying on the floor, dead. Judging by the circular wound and the pool of blood it must’ve been a gunshot. The couple of wavy lines above his body likely indicated the smell of His rotting body. The author of these drawings must’ve found it really repulsing to include such a detail – it likely smelled of bad fish.

Tom turned the next page and it was exactly what they were looking for.

Disclaimer: The full story is in its unfinished state. All content is tentative to change.

Link to part 3

The prompts were:

"dog breath"

While you are waiting for content new,
in the comments below leave me a clue,
an idea for a story you'd love to read,
a journey to the unknown my keyboard will lead.

constrained writing contest.jpg

If you enjoy writing yourself, I am hosting a constrained writing contest, where each week I limit your writing with various rules and force you to be creative in brand new ways! If you're not a writer yourself, check it out and see what others have come up with! :D

I turn your writing prompts into stories.

Previous writing prompts I have fulfilled:

Happy ending
#1 - Living off the grid
#3 - A young thief
#8 - A traitor from hell
#9 - Not alone
#10 - Millitary testing grounds
#13 - Bigfoot
#14 - And angel in love with a whore
#15 - Down the rabbit hole
#18 - Reborn as a 10 year old
#19 - A struggling door to door salesman
#24 - Rebellious talking food
#26 - Ssssnails!
#28 - Mission Erased
#32 - Dog's breath
#38 - Abducted
#42 - Killer clowns
#43 - A penny
#44 - Fear
#49 - Morning coffee
#50 - Midnight sunshine
#51 - My new home
#2 - A dolphin tea party
#4 - Stained hands
#7 - The giant depressed onion
#21 - The red star
#25 - Long-distance Relationship
#27 - A dream
#30 - Potato
#31 - Dragons
#33 - The Jungle
#35 - A life lesson
#36 - Unicorn meat
#39 - The Purple Road
#40 - Immortal Store Clerk
#41 - Artemis' Hell
#46 - A scientist's journal
#47 - One of many
#48 - Gone in 10

#5 - The homeless man
#6 - A blind date
#11 - The wealthy man
#12 - Happy ending
#16 - Asshole soulmate
#17 - My bunny Fluffy
#20 - War veteran
#22 - Wishing to meet a villain
#23 - School trip
#45 - Crafted armor

#29 - Green Chewing Gum
#34 - Turkey Trauma
#37 - Stuck in a loop

Next writing prompt to be fulfilled:

There are currently no writing prompt for me to fulfill.
Post your idea in the comments below to have it turned into a story!

Want such a table for your own work? Or even make it better? Learn how to do it here.

Five minute freewrite challenges I have fulfilled:

Fire, Toilet, Flash, Soft feet, Pillow, Grounding, Surprise, Ending the pain, Going for a walk, Car Mechanic, Murderer, Dog hair, Ducks, Untested medicine, Forbidden love, Vacation, Awakening, Dentist, Wild west.

Should you find this post after the 7 day period and wish to throw me an upvote, please consider upvoting a newer post of mine. Thanks!


OMG! Those drawings and how you are describing them is magnificent! I am also trying to figure out what they all mean along with James and Tom. I was reading faster and faster, and I didn't want it to end! Tip!

Resident cat here, out getting some fresh air while delivering your new prompt: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-279-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-eagle-scout

[Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite](https://steemit.com/contest/@freewritehouse/week-14-win-a-membership-in-steem-basic-income-tell-us-about-a-favorite-freewrite

But end it must.... in order to begin again. :P
Don't you just love a good cliffhanger? haha :D

I said it in a different reply, but I'll say it again. Thank you so very much for the tips. <3 You're far too kind.

Hi @svashta! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @whatisnew!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Oh - the suspense. what were they finding? An Eagle Scout? LOL

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