Wild West - Chapter 9 - Part 3 - 5 minute freewrite challenge

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Courtesy of Pixabay

Chapter 1

If you wish to read the unedited freewrite versions of chapter 1, start reading by clicking here.

Chapter 2

If you wish to read the unedited freewrite versions of chapter 2, start reading by clicking here.

Chapter 3
Chapter 4

If you wish to read the unedited freewrite versions of chapters 3 and 4, start reading by clicking here.

Chapter 5

If you wish to read the unedited freewrite versions of chapter 5, start reading by clicking here.

Chapter 6

If you wish to read the unedited freewrite versions of chapter 6, start reading by clicking here

Chapter 7

If you wish to read the unedited freewrite versions of chapter 7, start reading by clicking here

Chapter 8

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Chapter 9

1, 2

Part 3

They stopped when they couldn’t see the light of the entrance anymore, backed off to the wall and sat down. They had to wait for the miners to show up.

“Alright, here’s what we’re going to do.” James spoke into the darkness. “Because no one will willingly switch rock for ore since is heavier, whoever gets to collect the ore will trade places with someone collecting the worthless stone, okay? Then the second time around we both position ourselves so we pick up the ore, and meet at the train.”

Tom forgot James couldn’t see him, and nodded. “Okay?” James repeated after a couple seconds of silence, and Tom realized his mistake and replied with “okay”.

It didn’t take long for them to hear the sound of the footsteps first nearing, then entering the tunnel. The first miners lit their Lyterite and the closer they got to Tom and James, the more blinding its light became. The miners didn’t even notice them until they were right next to them, at which point they stood up and followed the herd to the end of the tunnel. Like with their previous shift, the men with the empty wheelbarrows came shortly after.

James was the first, and was assigned to gather the ore. Same as before with the pickaxed, they staged a believable quarrel, so that when James would go to trade his wheelbarrow for the one with the bedrock, it wouldn’t seem weird that he didn’t talk to the nearest guy. After a couple coarse words with Tom, James approached the person 4th in line and asked for them to switch.

“What?” The miner looked at James from head to toe, his clothes different to those of the average worker – they looked way better made, and of much better materials. “You came from some monkey’s party and now you want to trade places? Fuck off!”

“But I’ve got ore. I’d be doing you a favor.” James was surprised by his response.

“Do I speak a different fucking language? Just ‘cause you look pretty don’t mean you get to do as you please. Now fuck off, I’m trying to work here!”

I'll be honest, I ran out of time on this one. I knew how I wanted to prompt to be embedded into the story, but I just couldn't get to that point in time. So instead of a five minute freewrite, today I give you a... 5 minute-ish freewrite. The idea was there. But the execution needed some help.
I can only type so fast.
Hope you don't mind.
Much love.

Disclaimer: The full story is in its unfinished state. All content is tentative to change.

Link to part 4

The prompt was:

"Monkey's wedding"

While you are waiting for content new,
in the comments below leave me a clue,
an idea for a story you'd love to read,
a journey to the unknown my keyboard will lead.

constrained writing contest.jpg

If you enjoy writing yourself, I am hosting a constrained writing contest, where each week I limit your writing with various rules and force you to be creative in brand new ways! If you're not a writer yourself, check it out and see what others have come up with! :D

I turn your writing prompts into stories.

Previous writing prompts I have fulfilled:

Happy ending
#1 - Living off the grid
#3 - A young thief
#8 - A traitor from hell
#9 - Not alone
#10 - Millitary testing grounds
#13 - Bigfoot
#14 - And angel in love with a whore
#15 - Down the rabbit hole
#18 - Reborn as a 10 year old
#19 - A struggling door to door salesman
#24 - Rebellious talking food
#26 - Ssssnails!
#28 - Mission Erased
#32 - Dog's breath
#38 - Abducted
#42 - Killer clowns
#43 - A penny
#44 - Fear
#2 - A dolphin tea party
#4 - Stained hands
#7 - The giant depressed onion
#21 - The red star
#25 - Long-distance Relationship
#27 - A dream
#30 - Potato
#31 - Dragons
#33 - The Jungle
#35 - A life lesson
#36 - Unicorn meat
#39 - The Purple Road
#40 - Immortal Store Clerk
#41 - Artemis' Hell
#46 - A scientist's journal
#47 - One of many

#5 - The homeless man
#6 - A blind date
#11 - The wealthy man
#12 - Happy ending
#16 - Asshole soulmate
#17 - My bunny Fluffy
#20 - War veteran
#22 - Wishing to meet a villain
#23 - School trip
#45 - Crafted armor

#29 - Green Chewing Gum
#34 - Turkey Trauma
#37 - Stuck in a loop

Next writing prompt to be fulfilled:

There are currently no writing prompt for me to fulfill.
Post your idea in the comments below to have it turned into a story!

Want such a table for your own work? Or even make it better? Learn how to do it here.

Five minute freewrite challenges I have fulfilled:

Fire, Toilet, Flash, Soft feet, Pillow, Grounding, Surprise, Ending the pain, Going for a walk, Car Mechanic, Murderer, Dog hair, Ducks, Untested medicine, Forbidden love, Vacation, Awakening, Dentist, Wild west.

Gif by @rocking-dave

Should you find this post after the 7 day period and wish to throw me an upvote, please consider upvoting a newer post of mine. Thanks!


I was wondering how you'd work in the prompt. When in doubt, make it an insult. ;) I used to go over the 5 minutes all the time. Lately I've been better but I still go over here and there to at least complete a thought. I doubt anyone really cares about the limit.

Wellll now that you've said it that wayyyyyyyyyyy~~~~... Let's just not tell anyone, shall we? ;)

I am sometimes a little lax about the 5 minutes. 5-ish works for me!

Yayyy! :D I tend to finish my sentences if I started them, or even finish the already started paragraph to have it make sense. I allow myself that much. :3

Well that was a difficult one to incorporate I do agree. No one holds the extra minutes against you;)
Here’s something a little easier: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-216-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-wire

Also, don't forget to read the latest posts from our new page

Click the graphic to join in the fun!

Difficult, yet not impossible. However much I appear to be startled by the said prompt... I do indeed like a challenge still. Truth be told, it was fun. :P

Thanks for the new prompt! ;D

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