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Debate Time

The purpose of this thread is for debating different forms of governments, including but not limited to socialism, communism, Leninism, Marxism, Stalinism, anarchy, capitalism, Crony-Capitalism, Banana Republics, democracy, free markets, representative / elected / constitutional republics (America), Theoracy, tyranny, empires, corporatism, technocracy, plutocracy, Progressivism, globalism, globalization, etc, etc.

Bernie Sander's America

When promoting socialism, communism, Obama Robin Hood Redistribution of Wealth, Universal Basic Income, etc., people may say socialism rose in the United States of America (USA) in the 1900's which may be technically true in some ways. However, America wasn't really founded on those ideas.

Specific Examples

As seen in this 2016 Steven Crowder video, when arguing for socialism, people may point at K-12 education, welfare programs, the healthcare system, maybe even the prison system, etc, etc. Globalists, world bankers like Rothschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, the CFR, the Federal Reserve, the UN, the NWO, and other people, other groups, have been infiltrating America for over a century in a variety of ways. So, it is true that deep state, the swamp government, the other people, have been slowly turning up the volume on socialism in America to boil us MAGA frogs alive. So, when a person argues for socialism and lists America as an example of socialism working, they may feel like they are partly right; but America has thrived despite of socialism and not because of socialism and America has been declining for many decades. Economically, America, was thriving so much in like the 1890's like never ever before. Defenders of socialism will say that we just need to try again. We need more time. This time, it will work. They will make up excuses why it failed in the past and why we have to give it another try. They will talk about how bad capitalism is.

The Differences

To some extent, Americans have been voting on some of the bills, laws, legislation, code, acts, politicians, senators, representatives, mayors, etc. So, in doing so, Americans, maybe to some extent, have voted for increased taxes, for enlarging government, for increasing welfare, social security, etc. Generally, Americans would vote in Donkey Democrats & Rhino Republicans who would then vote for bills that would bring us closer to socialism, tyranny. So, this has been happening for many decades. It happens so slowly, that kids grow up in a restricted form of freedom. But most people are taught that free speech, for example, excludes hate speech, spam, etc.

Failed Socialism

When arguing against socialism, people tend to give examples of countries, nations, that failed under socialism or communism, like Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Vietnam, the USSR (not Russia), maybe China, possibly some countries in Europe, Sanctuary Cities in America, etc.

Some Videos

Feel free to share your own videos in this thread. Here are some from Steven Crowder, Stefan Molyneux, & Lauren Southern.