Year 2016 In ReviewsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #j6 years ago

2016-01-03 - Sunday - GROUP FAV DSC09702.JPG

Ugly Mouse.

Basically, my fourth year was the toughest of my five years in Vietnam from 2012-2017 cuz I gave Anna & Her Family all my money, over a thousand dollars. But I needed that money for my visa problem. I was trying to be nice. I was trying to teach them life lessons on money management, wisdom, time management, integrity, perspective, responsibility, etc. But I had wrong timing. I was trying too hard. My bad.

2016-01-01 - Friday - Guitar - District 7 - Saigon


January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

January, 2016

During this first month of 2016, I was watching through Full House. I ran into a visa problem in December of 2015, and in January, and through until November of 2017, I struggled to solve that dilemma.


Abusive Charity - Anna - Angry Birds - Blacklist - Broken Cup - Choose Life - Communism - Dropping Balls - Finding Dory - Facebook Expat HCM Group - Good Anger Versus Bad Anger - Gradual Steps - Kung Fu Panda 3 - Metal Gear Parody NWO - Mister Duncan English - Now You Can See Me - Revolution Vietnam - Scorpion - Star Trek Milky Way Only - Trump Over Hillary - Vietnamese Yes Men - Visa Gap Problem

Mister Duncan Vs. Oatmeal

2016-01-13 - Wednesday - Trump Over Hillary - I had the following conversation on Facebook with Mr. Duncan: I wrote, "In the U.S., an illegal immigrant shot a cop in the name of Allah, according to the homicide investigation. Later, the mayor stated that it had nothing to do with Islam. This kind of censorship & political correctness was happening in the Soviet Union. People are unaware of truth." Duncan James replied, "Don't worry folks. It's just Joey mouthing something he saw on the internet. He'll be back to posting photos of pretty Vietnamese girls tomorrow. glasses emoticon." I struck back, "Duncan James is a fan of ignorance, arrogance, and the new age movement of going with the flow of depression towards relativism as oppose to absolute morality." Duncan James muddered, "You are so wrong & quite deluded. Try to type something that makes sense; glasses emoticon." I rose up with lasers from my eyes, "People are in the dark cuz their deeds are evil. We love the darkness. We refuse to come out of the closet."

Trump Over Hillary Clinton

I continued writing to Duncan, "Donald J. Trump should be the next U.S. President and not the other alternative, the female Hillary Clinton." Linh Chii, Hương Ốc and Iliriana Illyria like this. I wrote, "Hoang Dang, questions opens up dialog." Don't watch this Banned Video. Don't look at The Savage Nation show of Michael Savage on January 11, 2015. Duncan James, who was Friends with Van Nguyen and 7 others, smirkled like Angela Merkel, "So, if you back him (Trump), Joey, then you agree with Mr Trump's view that Muslims should be banned from entering the USA? Do you agree with him? glasses emoticon." I replied, "The holy wars & Allah demands the death of the infidels." Duncan cried like the NPC that he is, "That has no context...explain yourself without babbling. glasses emoticon." I wrote, "Read the Quran."

2016-02-04 - Thursday - Anna's House - Q.Phu Nhuan, HCM

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2018
Join the Infowars Army

February, 2016

My student loan probably defaulted either in February of 2016 or maybe a few months earlier. I took out one $3,500 USD student loan for my first and only year as a student at the Appalachian Bible College (ABC) in Bradley, West Virginia (WV), USA during the 2006-2007 school year. Since then, I've paid back small bits & pieces, generally about $50/month for years.

2016-02-05 - Friday - Dropping Balls - FB JA HCM APN Screenshot at 2018-12-18 22:59:45.png

2016-02-05 - Friday - Dropping Balls:

07:00 PM - APN - HCM - I dropped the ball, the bed, literally, figuratively, passionately, logically, spiritually, as I was aiding in the assembling of bunk beds as I was seeking to balance one side while seeking to tie up loose ends on the polar opposite end of the bed. The random Vietnamese man came in time to save the day before the bed frame fell from that higher floor to hit the family down below. I did knock down a board from that higher floor and it may have hit the mother and it makes me wonder if I'm still a kid. I jump to conclusions. I think about things that I should not. I should be more honest with myself. I need to confess my weaknesses more. I am just a boy. I'm nobody to some extent. I need to take care of people more than I have. I need to find ways to give more to people while taking care of myself. I need to be more happy and I need to compliment people more. I need to apologize to people more. I need to say thank you more. I need to be more simple, not too complex, but also not too simple either. I need to seek to entertain people, make people laugh a little bit more. I need to die to myself more often. I need to be more patient as well. I pray and I confess as I write more about how I feel. I have always been single. I have never had a girl friend (GF) but I think about sex all of the time or sometimes at least. However, I refuse to sleep with women. Many people think I should just go with the crowd & do what others do, but I refuse to as a spiritually aligned virgin. Since I was about 12 years old or so, I have read books like I Kiss Dating Goodbye by Josh McDowell or somebody like that. I have heard people talk about how it is better to save it for marriage, not for before it. I have the freedom, especially since I was born in the United States, but I have chose a life of like purity and a life of service until others more than to myself. Like I have said before, I may be FA for the rest of my life, and I am willing to live that kind of life even as my heart yearns for a soul mate life companion since I was dreaming about marrying Tiffany Rochell Cumbo in 1993.... I think I am good at making people laugh....

2016-03-11 - Friday - Anna - Q.Phu Nhuan

March, 2016

I had money. I gave it to Anna & her family. Then I didn't have money for a visa thing. I wrote about this. I made videos about it. I had many conversations with them & with others concerning this thing. I asked them why they didn't save my money. I gave them all my money. But they were also trying to help me extend or renew my visa. I was always trying to tell them that they should have known better. They spent a lot of time, as a rebuttal, trying to tell me how I should have known better. It is true that both statements are true at the same time. We all debated the details for months. It was my fault for not making certain decisions fast enough. I was basically letting them try to help me. I decided to show them how much I trusted them by offering all of my money to them. I was experimenting with that as well. I wanted to see what would happen if I gave them all my money. I wondered if they would spend all of my money even while knowing that I needed the money for my passport, my visa, for immigration, for the sanity of my future. They acted confident in their ability to fix my problems. I was already trying to fix my problems and was failing. So, I was skeptical of their ability to succeed where others have failed in helping me. But I decided to give them a benefit of a doubt. I was trying to teach them some life lessons at the expense of my own career, my own life. I was risking too much. I was trying too hard. There are more important things to risk. What Trump is doing to save the world and especially America is way more valuable than what I was trying to do, if you think about it. I'm trying to learn how to pick my battles in order to be more effective & efficient in life. I had good intentions but I could have done so much better.

2016-03-04 - Friday - Kung Fu Panda 3:

09:00 PM - APN - I love that song where everybody goes Kung Fu Fighting. It inspires me to sing and dance and to smile more for the sake of others. Angelina Jolie, Jack Black, and many others are in this as the voices. Find out who you are and work together to bring Jack Black and Jack Sparrow back from the spirit realm.

2016-03-05 - Saturday - Dead Pool 1: 02:00 PM APN

2016-03-30 - Wednesday - Batman V. Superman: 08:00 AM APN: from a torrent on my laptop, I saw the flashback of how bat's parents died and then how he saw his friends died thanks to Superman & Zod. Later, they meet up as normal people and later they begin to fight but Bat's one weakness is his mother and he agrees to help instead of killing Superman whose weakness is the green rock and Lois Clark. Wonder Woman comes & helps them fight Doomsday who kills Superman as he kills Doomsday with the help of Bat and Wonder. Maybe Super comes back at the end or someday. Very emotional. Super personifies Donald who can save America but the world fears & hate Trump as they do Superman.

2016-04-20 - Wednesday - Abusive Charity Screenshot at 2018-12-18 23:27:34.png

April, 2016

2016-04-20 - Wednesday - Abusive Charity:
McParis: I am very sad and confused because I help people but they verbally abuse me almost daily since the year of 2013, about 3 years ago. I am happy to help this one Vietnamese family in Saigon, but they hate me now. They begin to hate me more. I don't hate them. I think they good. But they think I think they bad. I began to be part of their family. I became a sister to Anna. I care about people so much. I invested my time, my wisdom, my resources, my teaching, to them for over three years. Now it is the year 2016. I'm an American English Teacher. I even gave them $ as a gift and not for rent. They helped me for free. I didn't ask them for help. They choose to help me. They didn't have to help me. They're not obligated, required, to help, but they volunteered to help. I was working for them. I was teaching them. I'm not a backpacker. I'm a teacher. But they think I'm like Aladdin, a street rat. I think they owe me. But they think I owe them. They said I was good but now say I'm bad. The more I help, the more angry they get. They are telling lies about me now to people. It is a long story. I will continue to help people, even when they bite me like snakes. I don't hate them..... I want people to say thank you to me more. But instead, they insult me more and lie more... Contact Anna and her family: liên lạc với Anna và gia đình: Anna Lai Nguyen Thien An: 429/2F, Nguyễn Kiệm, P9, Phú Nhuận, HCM; Anna: 090-282-4505; Tuyet: 090-678-63612; 0126-767-3339; 0126-353-4779

2016-05-10 - Anna Story Banner - 13151706_1203821356303950_5754129382103109564_n.jpg
2016-05-10 - Tuesday - Anna Story Banner

May, 2016

2016-05-10 - Anna DVDs: I stayed at their house. I left some things there. Later on, I got them back, long story short. I made a big deal about it at the time on Facebook in order to encourage action. I didn't want my DVDs, my home videos, to disappear. I've been working on those videos, and other things, since 1996. In 2018, me and Anna have exchanged Facebook messages. So, we have communication as friends in 2018, currently. But there was this split, like a friendship breakup around this time in 2016. We didn't talk much for over like a year until like 2018. There was the one big fight at McDonald's. That is when I last saw Anna & her family. The separation was mostly them telling me how bad I was for donating my visa money to them. I was telling everybody that I gave them my money. They were acting offended about it. They said they spent my money. They knew I needed the money. I told the world this. They got mad at me for telling everybody this. They were trying to help me fix my visa problem; they knew I needed the money.

2016-05-26 - Thursday - Mistakes, Obama, Cultures:

08:00 AM ICT - Purio Staff: MDNH: ​I made some mistakes in what I wrote. For example, I spelled the following words or phrases wrong earlier: Constitution, Generally Speaking. I'm sorry that I was a little sick today. I came late. You waited for me. I'll try my best to get better, to get well, and to do better next time or in the future. I write this to tell you this but you can also practice English reading and stuff while you read this and you can speak out loud what you read. We talked about Obama and why people may like Obama. We talked about American culture and the differences Americans may have with Vietnamese and Asians in general. I also talked about my problem at McDonald's yesterday. They did not give me free water. Normally, they do. They did before for decades internationally. Today, a different MD store gave me free water and said some stores don't give free water. It is like a promotional thing...

2016-06-24 - Friday - 3 PM TLJ JA - Finding Dory - film - laptop - cafe - Vietnam - Saigon
2016-06-24 - Friday - 3 PM TLJ JA - Finding Dory

June, 2016

2016-06-17 - Friday: Gradual Steps, Big Big Big: TLJ LL: He said we did it. We do not do it. Please have love. Please have more grace over justice. What do you believe? Some people believe in killing people they do not like. Look it up. They do not believe in freedom, democracy, & American values. Tell your friends this. They lie about it. They say crazy people do it. They say Americans do it.... Do independent research. Be smarter. You can be smarter. You are one person BUT YOU ARE MAKING A BIG AND MUCH BIGGER DIFFERENCE more than you can ever imagine each day as you resist bad people & things & as you share & educate good things & truth with others. We are the rebels. Plant gardens.... Stop taking medicine. Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, & healthy things INSTEAD. Do more. We can do more. Laugh more. Laughter is medicine. No pain, no gain. Be full of unpredictability. KILL PEOPLE WITH LOVE....

2016-06-24 - Friday - Finding Dory

03:00 PM - Tous Les Jours (TLJ): Finding Dory is a funny cartoon Disney Pixar movie about how parenting will save your life as it did for Dory, her family, & her friends. Dory's parents taught Dory how to figure things out even when she forgets things or even when she doesn't know what to do or when she is lost or something bad is happening. This film is the sequel to Finding Nemo: released in Canada in 2003, May 30. This film starts with baby Dory. Her parents were teaching Dory life skills about what to say to other kids & about how to live. Dory would say she suffered from short term memory lost. In the first film, Dory helped Nemo's father find Nemo. In this film, they tell Dory she is too much of a hassle to handle because she forgets too much but then she thought that the field trip teacher wanted a teaching assistant (TA). They talked about migration. Where are you from? Dory doesn't remember. She tried to find them. She travels with her friends to look & begins to remember her parents. The flashbacks were so strong & it stuck with her despite her memory loss. At one point, she is looking for Hank & says to other fish at an aquarium petting fish zoo place, “DID YOU SEE HANK?” & the fish said "HANDS" and Dory is like no. Hank. Not hands. But then kid hands came in and started grabbing & poking fish. Later, otters blocked a bridge to get a truck & traffic to stop & everybody was like oh so cute. At one point, the octopus (HANK) drives the truck & crashes it off like a ramp or somehow off the road & into the river near the bridge. One recovered memory led to the next. Dory got help from an octopus, 2 whales, echo location from one whale, a bird (BECKY), otters, Octopus Hank, & fish. Destiny Whale knew Dory as a kid & they would talk whale language to each other which is easy to learn. Just talk slow like a weird old person. Dory followed clams to her house. They all end up living in the ocean at the end with each other all together. At one point, Dory felt hopeless & felt that her parents would hate her for leaving or for getting lost as a kid but Nemo's dad said that is so not true. They were asking what would Dory do because she is really good at figuring things out & that was thank to all that she learned from her parents as a little girl fish which includes songs they taught her like Just Keep Swimming. Our memories improves over time & we can always do much more than we think. I was in tears when Dory found her parents. The movie has funny points & great life lessons.

2016-06-29 - Wednesday - Independence Day 2:

04:00 PM - TLJ - Resurgence: Will Smith's character died but his son & a team fights the aliens alongside of ancient alien allies. The film talks about the unity the earth has attained from the years 1996 - 2016, a twenty year period from the first film which is a parody of real life and the NWO which unites the world perhaps in some good ways, or some people may unite the earth in good ways, but this manufactured worldwide globalism is more bad than good for a series of reasons which humans are unaware of but it is something that is happening. They used the word "CONSPIRACY" as a parody to conspiracies in real life. A kid thought something did not happen and that it was only a conspiracy and they use this word to get us subliminally to discount, discredit conspiracies in real life which speaks truth which we should consider and yet we don't.

2016-06-30 - Thursday - Criminal Minds 11

02:00 PM TLJ LL: Criminal Minds 11-22 finished. Last half of the season watched the last few days to this point. Emotional story and send-off for Morgan who became a father to a son but also almost died in his last arch so far and then a good one for Emily. Now, the older man gets back with his former wife. Hotch is arrested in front of his son & hopes that doesn't hurt his boy. Be his father & enjoy that & be a hero to him for as long as you can.

2016-07-24 - Sunday - Angry-Birds-final-quad.jpg
2016-07-24 - Sunday - Angry-Birds

July, 2016

2016-07-24 - Sunday: Angry-Birds: 10:00 PM AC: On my laptop, I watched Angry Birds, the movie, & I'm thinking the pigs represents Muslims or bad people. The red bird may represent Donald Trump. The Eagle represents America or Uncle Sam it seems. I don't think the Eagle is Trump. But regardless of those details, they find that the pigs came there in peace or so they said and said there were only 2 pigs on the ship as they came to the bird island but there were more and they began invading or coexisting and it was like immigration and they had parties & danced and played music and the pigs acted like pigs and then stole eggs but then 3 star birds climbed the mountain to find the wisdom lake or piss pond and the there was Eagle in the cave on the top of the mountain with 13 trophies or colonies but Eagle said he was retired but the birds found a way to make a ship or boat & sailed to the Piggy Island and began to play Angry Birds with themselves and started sling-shooting over towards the pig cities and buildings and the castle and the Eagle came later to get the eggs before the pigs were to eat them and Red was able to blow up the city & survived to tell the tale. He used his anger or his control to save the day and they once sang songs for Eagle but then the baby birds were singing for Red at the end.

2016-07-24 - Sunday - What is Politics?

Around that time, a relative of mine, from my mother's side, Musician & Real Estate Man Ted Pickett started a thread on his Facebook about government related torture. Not really actual torture but talking about politics can be torturous for all of us for many reasons. Ted wrote, "I have friends on both sides of the (political) aisle, and while I respect your opinions, please no political posts on my profile page." 42 comments spawn from that disclaimer, statement, notice. Kathleen Callin wrote that she tries to stay out of all of that online, on Facebook, and at bars. Julie DeNoma, Vicki Lynn, Lisa Bakoles Tuck, and others, agreed with Ted. Amen. They wish that Facebook would add an option to hide political posts, comments, videos, pictures, articles, links, etc. Facebook went on to do that or to attempt at hiding fake news, at increased Chinese social score style censorship systems. Robin-and Matt Clark wrote, "I wish Facebook would allow an option to not see political posts in news feed." My older brother, Rick Arnold, wrote, "The two important taboo subjects that people don't want to talk about are politics and religion. People don't want those subjects talked about at work, school, in public, and now on Facebook too - anywhere, basically. But last time I checked, you can't censure free speech in America. Facebook is one of the only places left to hear important information that the media has been restricted to report. So, if you want to be on Facebook, you are going to see talk of politics. Period." My response from my Facebook, Joey Arnold, "Education should be welcomed." That was my rebuttal to the notion of remaining politically neutral, hypothetically, assuming that is even possible in the first place as politics is everything in some ways as it deals with how governments do things which has been affecting all of our lives, directly and indirectly, in different countries in different ways. When government grows, politically or not, as the tyranny rises, individual rights, freedoms, liberties, which come from God, that is the rights as seen and mentioned in the first, second, and especially that of the fourth amendment, declines, generally, historically. Look at the larger patterns found in history. We can try to stay away from talking about politics but can politics stay away from talking about us? Ignoring politics is like ignoring abusive partners, spouses, who beat us, abuse us, belittles us, etc. I told Kimberly McDevitt that she was living under a rock, possibly or potentially,that she was making wrong choices. Jeff Super wrote, "I've never had anyone post on my page anything political or religious. Who does that?! Now my own posts that people reply to are to be expected or on my newsfeed." I wrote to Jeff, "NOT TALKING ABOUT POLITICS is like talking about falling without talking about gravity or like talking about parenting without parents." I also wrote, " Kimberly McDevitt, what is NOT POLITICAL? I do not understand. How can anything not be political? Do you even know what the word "POLITICS" even mean? If you understood it then you would see how integrated it is with people and how people govern or control each other or the lack thereof within the realms of freedom and security and everything.... not being political is the same as not being human, or sophisticated. you have to try to separate them in a very unnatural way..... you are living in deception as you seek to separate things that are dependent on each other." Jeff referenced me in his reply, "Why is Ted even friends with this clown?" I asked if Jeff was mocking Ted Pickett. Why am I a clown? Maybe because I'm Alex Jones? Maybe because I make effective analogies that pierces your soul? I also wrote, " POLITICS EFFECTS US.... BUT WE CAN INFLUENCE THE WORLD. people who do not talk about POLITICS are often FATALISTS and they feel they cannot change certain things. and I do not want to feel hopeless in this world.... I want to believe that each person can contribute to making the world a better place one action at a time and one person at a time and one day at a time for the sake of destiny, humanity, and legacy." I also wrote, "Kimberly McDevitt blocked me. Why? Because I told her the truth and she cannot handle the truth. That is the problem we have in this world. We are babies. We do not want to talk about important issues. That is why AMERICA IS DYING.... if you support Kim Possible, please block me." Lisa Anne Cunningham wrote this to Ted, " This is your house. They can either respect your request. Or go somewhere else. People need to have brains bigger than a roach. Speaking of roach...... Oh never mind." I replied to Lisa, "the issue is not about them but about Ted Pickett..... and there is a big difference...... we can talk about tolerating other people..... but I could also request you to kill a baby when you come to my house. BUT WOULD YOU HONOR THAT REQUEST? SAME THING WITH POLITICS TOO." Lisa responded to me, the alleged NPC SJW One Cell Amoeba, " You aren't that bright are you. As such, I'll leave you alone." I replied, "why leave me alone? I did not say that. It seems you are not bright for saying things like that. I am telling that the world can be ours but you live in denial." Lisa referenced my mother, Marilyn Kathleen Morehead Hunter Arnold Rasp Cunningham Mitchell, " The only person I would talk to is your Mother. For not raising you with enough manners to act appropriately in public. She obviously did not do a good job. It would not be a fun conversation for her." I told her she was a sad human. Lisa replied back, "Grow up... go to bed, little boy." I responded, "Marilyn Mitchell, according to Lisa Anne Cunningham, you were a terrible mother and you should go die now. Rick Arnold, I am not going to the funeral of our terrible mother. Crystal Ann Arnold, sorry that our mother was so terrible and so evil according to Lisa. Ted Pickett, Marilyn must of did a bad job at raising her four children, right? That is what Lisa said." Lisa replied, " Good job Marilyn. You've raised a real winner. One woman has already blocked him." I replied, "PEOPLE BLOCK ME EVERY DAY AND I LIVE AND WORK IN VIETNAM AND I HELP PEOPLE EVERY SINGLE DAY IN SO MANY WAYS AND I AM A VOLUNTEER AND I HAVE GIVEN UP MY LIFE FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS AND ALL YOU GOT IS THE IDEA THAT I AM A KID AND THAT I AM NOT GROWN UP YET AND THAT MEANS YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON." Cameo C. Massey wrote, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU POST STUFF LIKE THIS ON FB FOR OTHERS TO READ....ARE YOU ALL THAT PATHETIC THAT YOU CAN'T DO IT IN PRIVATE!?" I replied, "You are pathetic." Deena Kay Karbo wrote, "I find that I have had a few friends, typically the ones that are 20+ years older than I am, don't always understand the difference between their own personal timeline and what shows up in their newsfeed and they get the two confused. My mother, rest her soul, used to do that all the time. Someone would post a status update, it showed up in her newsfeed and voila. She thought they wrote it on her wall. I locked mine down so people can't post directly onto my timeline. I had people post some crap I didn't like… I guess I figure if someone needs to tell me something, they can send it to my inbox :-) my timeline is for me. ;-) Now what shows up in my newsfeed. That's for all of you guys to decide. If I don't like it, I just keep on scrolling :-)." Ted Pickett wrote, concerning me & my mom, " My cousin Marilyn was the odd ball in the Pickett family. As the black sheep I have always had a soft spot in my heart for my cousin because I know her heart has always been in the right place. In turn she has always had a soft spot for her wayward son who is a dreamer who has chosen to be an English Teacher in Vietnam and who I have seen struggle thru that. as a consequences I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Joey Arnold. I really hope you do find your way.You do not need to convince me that I am right or wrong I don't care I just hope you can find a better way to express yourself besides alienating yourself to a bunch of people. Jesus said love the sinner. I will always wish you well and you will always have a fan in me for having the guts to leave you country and go some place else and give of what you have. And as I say this I mean no disrespect for my cousin Marylin. She had had her own journey to deal with and I have the utmost respect for her as a person and her own struggles. Please don't disrespect your Mother Joey." I replied, "Ted Pickett, I am not disrespecting my mother, Marilyn Mitchell, but the other person was and that is the whole point and that is the irony and you should already know that I care about my family deeply but you need to look deeper at my words to see the stories that I try to paint and I am not lost and I express myself in the ways I feel are the best and I express myself like Donald Trump and if people don't like him then they will not like me or Simon Cowell of American Idol or the people that will be more direct and honest and less politically correct." Ted replied, "I don't think you care about your family Joey, by your words. Do you care about your sisters? Do you care about your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you care about the sinner that may not have the same world view as you? Do you even care about your business and not alienating those that look up to you as a teacher in English?" Jesse Taylor wrote, " Joey, I hope you're not teaching your version of to others. Giving Americans an even worse reputation than we already have in other countries. It was not a complicated request. Your wall, your rules. Speak freely there. Ted's wall, all of our own personal walls, our rules. Respond to topics at hand as appropriate or relevant to what we choose to post in our own personal space. You're feigning ignorance. I don't fault your parents. I'm embarrassed for your representation of them." Deena Kay Karbo replied, "OK this is going to seem like a completely out of place comment… I don't know why I feel moved to put it here. But for some reason I do. I got an inbox message from a person who I had just excepted a friend request from. He wanted to have phone sex. I was offended to say the least. I wanted to reply and really let the guy have it. But because I'm blind, I wanted to know a little more about him first. I showed his picture to a trusted person who indicated that that individual clearly had something wrong. Maybe on the autism spectrum him or downs syndrome or something else. I changed my mind about how I responded to that. I find. Responding with kindness is typically the best way to respond. So I did respond to him. I messaged back a simple "no thank you" and thank him for not sending me terrible pictures and stuff. We don't always know the circumstances the senders of info are living with. It's easy to make judgments and it's hard to have consideration for those people. Feed the hungry, not the well fed." Ted then said, "I will probably be taking my post down soon." Deena replied, "It served it's purpose :-)." Deena tried to discredit me by calling me retarded just like Hillary Clinton tried to do to Americans by calling them Deplorables, racist, sexist etc

2016-07-11 - Monday - I wrote about the Time Gap Visa Problem as follows: The biggest problem I have is the hole in my passport. There is a time gap. My visa expired in 2015. If I get a visa in the 7th month of 2016, then there will be a hole or time gap of about 8 months from my last visa to my new visa. That could be a problem either now or someday potentially because it is illegal for me to be in Vietnam without a visa. But this time gap problem might be fixed with the help of an overstaying or exit visa. I don't know what you would call it but it would have to be a VISA OR SOMETHING THAT FILLS IN THE TIME GAP FROM DECEMBER 2015 TO JULY 2016 and that is what I'm interested in. Therefore, I think I would need to buy 5 things to fix my problems: to fix my visa problems, I might need to buy the following 5 things: 1. AN EXIT VISA TO FILL-IN THE TIME GAP BETWEEN THE LAST 2015 VISA AND THE NEW 2016 VISA. 2. CAMBODIAN VISA AS I EXIT VIETNAM TO CAMBODIA TO GET A NEW VIETNAM VISA. 3. INVITATION LETTER TO SPONSOR ME BACK TO VIETNAM. 4. A NEW VIETNAM VISA. 5. ROUND-TRIP BUS TICKET FOR THE VISA RUN

Now You See Me 2
2016-08-06 - Saturday - Now You Can See Me 2 - 5 PM TLJ

August, 2016

2016-08-02 - Tuesday - Good Anger Versus Bad Anger
2016-08-06 - Saturday - Now You Can See Me 2 - 05:00 PM TLJ LL
2016-08-19 - Friday - 08:00 PM ICT - Anh Coffee Cafe (AC) THD: Broke Cup: I mentioned this day in my Blogger Blogspot because I think I broke a glass cup at that coffee shop I was sleeping at around that time. I ended up being billed. So, I paid the amount they asked for, like 40.000 VND ($2 USD) or something like that. I was emotionally upset about that. I was hoping they wouldn't bill me as some places may not charge you.

2016-08-29 - VN FB Expats English Teacher Hunt - Contact JA Screenshot at 2018-12-18 21:48:28.png

2016-08-24 - Wednesday - Customer Service:

07:30 PM - Bank English Class - we talked about idioms, slogans, simple sentences, questions, answers, conversation starters, phrases, related to customer service, to dealing with the public, with new, old, returning, reoccurring, and potential customers, clients, contacts. Idioms Slide 01. Idioms Slide 02. Disney Lessons. Customer Service. Productivity Hacks & Tips. Customer Service Resolutions. Customer Service Qualifications. Stay Motivated & Self-Driven. Ignite Your Business.

2016-09-24 - Saturday - JA Chim Pham English TLJ Class Screenshot at 2018-12-18 06:02:04.png
2016-09-24 - Saturday - JA Chim Pham English TLJ Class

September, 2016

2016-09-23 - Friday - 07:30 PM - Bank English Class - Communism Family Questions - Class Notes: we talked about what idols may be. Who are your favorite celebrities? Maybe Clint Eastwood. We talked about family, friends, Local Communities. Some of my friends are married already while I'm not. I'm still single. Some people can focus more on their public life than on their personal lives, that of their family, spouses, partners, kids, relatives, friends, chores, holidays, reunions, traditional values, shared meals, rituals, etc. Too Busy For Family Grownup Lawyer Man Peter Pan, in that 1991 Hook film, threw that Business Call Phone out of that London Window to pursue Family Values. We can pursue, hunt, seek after, find, discover, long after, family first values, Hope Over Dope, Original Oatmeal, true lasting meaning, Joy Over Circumstances. We talked about that film, Now You Can See Me 2. A political party may have began in Vietnam on the third of February, 1930. They named streets and certain places after famous historical figures, generally, in many countries, including Vietnam. We talked about communism, socialism, Russia, USSR, Lennon, Leninism, Maoism, Stalinism, Karl Marx, Marxism, kingdoms, empires, tyrannies, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). We talked about icebreakers, conversation starters, questions, like 101 fun & interesting ways to perk up boring, mundane, small-talk conversations.

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2016-10-07 - Friday - Timer Cafe - English Class - Chinh Pham

October, 2016

2016-10-07 - Friday - 07:00 PM AC - Vietnamese Yes Men: AC: At the park today, a white foreigner said some things. Vietnamese agreed with this man who was about 30 years old or maybe older. He said Americans have to pick between two EVIL PEOPLE, Trump & Clinton. I was overhearing their conversation. I was sitting at near them as it was raining. I was listening & jumped in at the end. He also talked about how some or most terrorism in America is done by crazy people and not by religious people or terrorists. I jumped in & talked about the evidence found all over the internet... PLEASE EDUCATE PEOPLE MORE.... YOU CAN JOIN US BY STANDING UP AND BEING PATIENT AND DILIGENT & HONEST AND DARING WITH OATMEAL. I'm sad BECAUSE foreigner at park told Vietnamese how terrorism in USA is random and how AMERICANS must pick between too EVILS, Trump & Clinton, & VIETNAMESE AGREE even tho they also MAYBE AGREED with me TOO in a contradiction in previous conversations. VIETNAMESE YES MEN

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2016-11-19 - Saturday - Tous Les Jours

November, 2016

2016-11-23 - Wednesday - 11:00 PM ICT AC - Revolution Vietnam: REVOLUTION VIETNAM HAWAII 4 YEAR VN SINCE 2012 REFLECTION. I don't know if I said this before, but I'm LIVING MY REVOLUTION HAWAII LIFE in VN. The program, REVOLUTION HAWAII is a SALVATION ARMY year-long missionary training course in HAWAII. In it, we learn to live on $5 a day and I might be the only one NOW VOLUNTEERING to go back to such a low income. We camped out homeless for a week on the beach with other homeless people. We ministered and fed and befriended children and folks of all ages and colors and sizes and religions and cultures in HAWAII. God gives us people and situations to help us grow and things do work out slowly but surely (ROMANS 8:28) WE CAN SEE IT MORE AND MORE AS WE PRESS ONWARDS TO THE MARK & TO THE ETERNAL THINGS. I'm writing this email because this is on my mind. I think it is interesting how I am choosing to live this kind of life deliberately and accidentally as a homeless person temporarily and for the past year as well and gradually and I'm reflecting on these things ON THE END OF MY 4TH YEAR in VIETNAM WHICH BEGAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 2012. AM STILL ALIVE AND STILL EDUCATING & ENTERTAINING PEOPLE BIT BY BIT AND PIECE BY PIECE AND LITTLE BY LITTLE AND DAY BY DAY

2016-12-17 - Saturday - Day Cafe Near Benh Thanh Market Q1 HCM JA Dalat Milk - 15585271_1817131868568562_153269501437001637_o.jpg
2016-12-17 - Saturday - Day Cafe Near Benh Thanh Market

December, 2016

2016-12-28 - Wednesday - Star Trek - Milky Way Exclusive: 3 PM: TLJ LL: Star Trek focuses on the Milky Way galaxy alone and Star Wars focuses on a galaxy far far away and I did NOT REALIZE that Star Trek stayed in our galaxy and there are trillions of galaxies they say or more in real life. In Star Trek, the Milky Way galaxy is divided into four parts, the Delta, Alpha, Gamma, and the Beta quadrants. The TV show, Star Trek Voyager, had that crew and starship, for 7 seasons, for seven years, lost in the delta quadrant. I was always thinking that the DELTA QUADRANT was a division of the whole entire universe or entire KNOWN UNIVERSE. I'm learning or relearning this thing like on Christmas Day 2016 or around Sunday or Monday this week. Of course, the universe is pretty big or infinite or whatever. But this REALIZATION adds DEPTH AND DIMENSION TO IT ALL. Info Wars mentioned today in an article online about scientists detecting 17 bursts (five at 2 GHz and one at a 1.4 GHz frequencies) from a part of space (AURIGA constellation) since 2007 that could be from solar flares or from EXTRAGALACTIC aliens. Why didn't they contact STAR TREK PEOPLE? I mean, why didn't writers make episodes or movies about this? Why is nonfiction more interesting and more crazy than fiction? In Star Trek, they focused on OUR GALAXY, but in real life, it seems that radio signals or flares or whatever is coming from FRB 121102 according to Green Bank Telescope and other sources too. But may we not let this distract us from LIVING FOR EACH OTHER ON EARTH FIRST AND FOREMOST INSTEAD OF ONLY STARING AT STARS LIKE DISCIPLES DID WHEN CHRIST LEFT EARTH: MERRY CHRISTMAS 2016: OUTER SPACE & OUT OF MIND

2016-12-31 - Saturday

Metal Gear NWO Analogy: compares events from that video game franchise with real historical events in our own world.

2016 - Review - Toby Mac - Screenshot at 2018-12-18 04:32:58.png

Year 2016 In Review

Published in December of 2018 - By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - @JoeyArnoldVN

2016 - Review Trump - Donald & Melania Screenshot at 2018-12-18 04:29:03.png

Timeline Map

2018-12-17 - Monday - 11:30 PM LMS - Fuller House 401 - Watched;
2018-12-18 - Tuesday - 02:25 AM LMS - Fuller House 402; 4:16 AM LMS - Year 2016 In Review
2018-12-19 - Wednesday - 03:12 AM LMS - Published



About the visa problem and the risk you took with that Vietnamese family. Man, that was insane! True, we should always try and see the best in people but it also would never hurt to be careful, too👌🏾But everything seemed to have turned out fine, so that's great! I'd say still, congrats for surviving that that journey😃

Posted using Partiko Android

@Fretchie, thanks, agreed. I was trying to help them. But sometimes, you need to help yourself first. I actually understood the problems better, generally, than people who tried helping. But I was trying too hard to do too many things at the same time. I always try to multitask and hit many birds with one stone. I hurt my reputation at times even when I had good intentions. I had a visa problem for two years. So, in other words, I was homeless in Vietnam for two years. But you are right that I survived that journey. I made a lot of friends and did so much my 5 years in Vietnam. I learned a lot and did a lot. And life is full of risk. And some calculated risks are worth the investment for sure, at times, when the time is right, for sure. Thanks for writing. Oatmeal.


October 2016 Picture

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My Life in 2016 | Timber Coffee Cafe | Chinh Pham

Saigon Timber Cafe

2016-10-05 - Wednesday - 09:24 PM - ĐC: 23,Nguyễn Hiền,P.4, Q.3 -gần Bệnh Viện Bình Dân. Saigon Timber Cafe - 23 Nguyen Hien P4 Q3 HCM VN | Foody | Lâm Thị Thanh Ngân - I remember being there at that cafe on that day. It may have been my only visit to that cafe.

Timer Cafe

2016-10-07 - Friday - The Seventh of October of 2016 - Picture of me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and my English student, Chinh Pham. - I probably saved this picture on the seventh, on that Friday. But I went live on Facebook in a video when I was there with my student at 2016-10-05 - Wednesday - 09:24 PM - PST - Meaning this picture is from the 5th, actually, assuming I was only there one time. I probably was only there that one day.

Anna Hostel

02:42 AM - 2016 - Year in Review

New Laptop | I said that Trump was going to be the 45th President of the USA. | Was trying to extend my visa. Nobody would tell me why I was on a blacklist. I stayed at Anna Barbie Hostel Prison. | I stopped teaching at FYG English and other places due to Anna Barbie Policies, mostly. | Was watching The Walking Dead and Star Wars Rebels. | Was teaching at Anna English. Visited Dalat with Anna's family. | And then Anna Hostel Ended. | At that point, I only had a few dollars left. | But was able to get back up again around April. | Visited Love English | Zootopia July | In December, I ate some racist vanilla ice-cream. During the course of 2016, I was teaching English to different groups in Saigon, Vietnam, as usual. However, I also started teaching a Business English group, for example, and a few other groups too, off and on, as usual. Around March, FYG English discontinued due to the Anna Hostel Policy. During the first four months, I was staying at the Anna Hostel. Long story short, Anna and her family were trying to help me extend my visa. We had many adventures dating back to 2013. I bought a new laptop and also a new phone. While living in Vietnam, I had different phones. I watched all seven seasons of Star Trek: Next Generation in October. I watched other shows as well.

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