Good Bad Blockchain Communism

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrency accelerates the second coming of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, communism, socialism, centralized collectivism, plutocracy, oligarchy, technocracy, corporatism, monopolism, subjectivity, relativity, progressive Neo-Liberalism LEFTISM, bigger government, centralized control, more taxes, more rules, more laws, more regulations, more restrictions, less money, less borders, less profits, less freedoms/rights, and more, right? This is a big question.

The above paragraph is a question. The answer is no, that blockchain cryptocurrency digital money systems, like Bitcoin for example, is more good than bad. Ironically, I strongly believe there is a good kind of socialism and a bad kind of socialism. What I mean is that it depends on how you define socialism. Take the word apart. This is the art of etymology, the study of words. In the center and heart of the word socialism is the word social as in society as in collaboration, team work, as in exchanges, as in free markets, as in the ability to buy and sell, to trade, to exchange, to compete, to share if you want or not, and so on. If socialism and communism were to be good, hypothetically, those would be the attributes of a good kind of it. I love blockchain cryptocurrency, copy left, open source, Minds, Steemit, Gab, Vidme, Info Wars, Drudge, Linux, Ubuntu, Bitcoin, and other things, other people, because that is the future and because it works better.

I do not like like communism because communism is not really communism, historically. We can see that communism is not really applied to the governmental structures and systems of the communistic countries they rule, they dominate. The government gets bigger as the people get smaller. The government does not become common with the people. For example, in Germany, Hitler took the guns. In the USSR (Russia), Stalin took the guns. In many countries, they take guns away from people. Northern Vietnam stole money, land, buildings, houses, and many things from Southern Vietnamese around 1975. We can see this pattern. They take the stuff from the people. They do not live like the people. They have this paradox, this double standard. It is like a contradiction. Government need to have guns themselves before they take your guns and stuff. Guns are not killers. Guns are not bad. People are bad. Police cannot always save you from bad people. I believe in the freedoms of speech, arms, religion, property, land, farming, seeds, expression, press, privacy, borders, profits, money, choice, failure, and so on.

I love capitalism over the bad aspects of communism because capitalism rewards hard work more than communism does. We know that communism promotes equality even when it is not earned. Communism tries to balance people out but people are not balanced. People are not equal. Some make more money. Some make less money. That will continue to go and go and go. The poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer. It is better that way. I believe blockchain systems helps our ability to compete, to buy, sell, trade, to make money, to succeed and to fail. The playing field can be balanced, perhaps, through Bitcoin, through decentralized cryptocurrencies, through these things, and that helps in the art of capitalism, competition, to try to make money and stuff. But that does not mean that we will be equal. Some of us will do better. Some of us will succeed. Some of us will fail. We come and go. We rise and we fall like the stock market. Some people preach the concepts of making it fair. But how does that encourages you to fight harder? You can say what you want but you might be wrong. It is good to debate this. I believe in the freedom and the art to talk about this, to have conversations, about this and so on. That is the art of the deal. It is better that way. If there are good attributes of communism, then some of that might be found in the blockchain. Beyond that, there is a lot of good in capitalism. But like the guy said in the Reading Rainbow, don't take my word for it.

Good Bad Blockchain Communism

2017-10-25 - created - Wednesday 2:18 PM MDNH

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