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in #j6 years ago

Screenshot at 2019-02-19 23:05:36.png

Pokemon Oatmeal

- 05:23 AM - Me Against The World - @Tyler, you better stop wasting your time, then. Life is all about priorities. That’s point. Find your hidden Oatmeal deep inside. Pokemon, gotta eat em all, digest it, and evolve.

Not Eating Dog

- 05:35 AM - Open Apology to Everyone - @Disgustabunk.com, I came back to help America. That girl is Vietnamese. I believe in country first. I encourage other people to do the same. I made an emphasis on people and some people are mad at me because I have priorities. So, @hxtr is against me because I love humans. I love animals. I would never murder a dog. When I heard people talk about eating dog in Vietnam, I was not happy. I used to talk to them about that. I don't want to eat dog. But I didn't say what people said I didn't say. That's the problem. People continue to lie about me and then they lie about lying about me. Talk about fake news. People live in their own fantasies. They enjoy insulting other people while pretending to hug trees, save the whales, virtue signal, and everything. I believe in what I do because I believe in the patterns in history, in hope over dope, and especially in eternal principles. @Bingozee might be promoting transhumanism. I talk about @Paladin because of what he did to Potato and others. I will continue to do what I do in the name of Original Oatmeal, the values that I believe.

Alternative Gateways

- 05:43 AM - Can America Learn From Athens - @Disgustabunk.com, did you know that there are alternative ways to access the Internet apart from the main Internet Service Providers (ISP) of like monopolies, of empires, like Comcast, etc, like you said? Not a lot of people seem to know about this but there are ways around ISP. I will need to start a new thread as soon as I do it myself. I'm connected to the Internet via Comcast. But I'm aware of the alternative gateways, star gates, and I strongly believe in open source, blockchain, GNU-Linux, etc.

Snow Party

- 05:49 AM - Facebook - Steemit Picture - Alisha or what was her name? Her older brother got a car. This is the house next to Tony which was 2 houses from Katrina & Kathy.

Hating Jesus Christ

- 09:30 AM - Tuesday - 2019-02-19 - Open Apology @Bingozee: "@Joeyarnoldvn You really are just a Moron who has not the command of the English language to even comprehend, use let alone teach, stop insulting the baser intelligence of any willing to read your brabble. You have already been noted to Plagiarize, Lie and Misconstrue pretty much everything, while you also seem not able to understand the simple constructs of the language such as Context of which words and sentences are formed and used to communicate properly. Just shut up and fuck off already, I think I am like the 20th person to say the same to you in the past two days, your not useful or making friends here Because your a Fraud, Molester and apparently have the aptitude of a baby, possibly do to Inbreeding, as you also have the common traits of The Mongoloid, IE. A person with Down syndrome You can say I am insulting you but I am not, I am stating what is perceived by your actions here in this community, that of an individual in real need and who avoids reality with your bullshit spamming of the things impossible to you, such as understanding even these simple things. Like the number of times I have asked, told you to not use my name or contributions in any of your pathetic spamming, and that NOTHING I say has anything at all to do with trans-humanism in any way fashion or form. Your scary because for people like you NO means nothing, no different then NO to the rapists or pedophiles and other sickly thing - molest - to bother, interfere with, or annoy." I responded with, "Bingozee, Jesus Loves You."

Stealing Myself

- 09:37 AM - Me Against The World - @Bingozee, why do you copy and paste the same comments again and again? Are you trying to force people to eat your oatmeal? Why does @Paladin like your repeated messages again and again? I love cats. I love playing piano and guitar. I have many video on YouTube where I'm singing songs. You continue to say how you hope I don't steal from my own songs. You remember the songs I wrote in 2009? If I began singing those ten year old songs, will you say that I stole those songs from myself? - Alex Jones Covering News - I love the like minded community spread as well. It can be sad when people can be on the same side if some of them began to fight the other ones who do in fact agree with them.

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Giving Life Meaning

- 10:05 AM - Twitter Gordana Biernat - that is why i have a journal, to give my life meaning

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Bingozee Hates JC Question Screenshot at 2019-02-19 10:19:04.png

Western Civilization

- 10:17 AM - Me Against The World - @Bingozee, @Paladin, why are you guys so much against western civilization, which stems through Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, philosophy, Athens, Rome, certain people, certain European places, through many many centuries, and especially through the eternal principles of Non-Catholic Judeo-Christianity?

Reasons Behind Them

- 10:41 AM Magical Science Time - There are reasons why the X-Men and the X-Files and the Planet of the Apes and Fringe and Star Wars and others have featured the superhero (human) powers of Psychokinesis and Telekinesis and ESP and Telepathy and other Pyschic abilities; it is similar to the reason why Asians draw dragons - Magical Science - Some people have seen these abilities in others or have shared in unexplained experiences, encounters, stories, situations, circumstances, that are almost unbelievable. Like UFO sightings. There is simply so much we may not always know about what a person can do. Magic and miracles are scientific, if true. But they go way beyond what we may know as humans with our limited understandings of the universe and everything. I try to remain as open-minded as possible with everything. I'm a life-long student. I'm learning Original Oatmeal each day. You can see FTWD here. Season 5 should be coming in the fall of 2019.

Free Markets vs. Socialism

- 11:29 AM - Debate Time Article - The purpose of this thread is for debating different forms of governments, including but not limited to socialism, communism, Leninism, Marxism, Stalinism, anarchy, capitalism, Crony-Capitalism, Banana Republics, democracy, free markets, representative / elected / constitutional republics (America), Theoracy, tyranny, empires, corporatism, technocracy, plutocracy, Progressivism, globalism, globalization, etc, etc. In order to not fight back, can we dodge like boxers or do we just stand firm and let them hit us?

Pocketball Pictures

- 12:48 PM - Senior Project Photos - High School Graduation Requirement - I built this modified pool game table. Specifically, it is a modified, shorten, version of Gutterball, AKA Carpetball. Was born in 1985 in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA. Was homeschooled. Attended the Forest Grove High School (FGHS) from 2000-2004. During 12th grade, my senior year in high school, 2003-2004, I was required to do a Senior Project in order to graduate high school. So, as a student, you have to pick a topic, a project, and then you have to find a way to do that project. You have to keep a journal. You have to take photos. You have to give a speech at the end which talks about the project. You have to make a board that highlights the project as well. I decided to make this table.

Health Masters

- 02:11 PM Competition Debate - My mom buys from Health Master and maybe a few others. But sometimes, she buys from the Info Wars Store. Depends on the product - Higher Concentration - She says that some of the Health Master products, for example, may have a higher density, concentration, and better ingredients, than that of Infowars, for some of the products - Going Mainstream - That may be true, but Infowars has a goal of getting more people to eat healthier, to live better lives. So, it is all about getting more and more people on the right path towards better choices, better products - Tip of the Spear - Infowars products are so much better than what you may find at a normal store or in many places around the world, nowadays. Of course, if you want to find even better products, you can do that - Target Audience - But the Infowars store's target audience, core customers, are or may be average Americans and average humans on earth as opposed to experts who are already eating very healthy, generally speaking, the mainstream consumers - Two Birds with One Stone - Beyond that, the Infowars Store is a two-in-one deal. You hit two birds with one stone (store). You get to get great products and you get to help Infowars expand. It is a great compromise. And Infowars products are getting better all the time. So, Infowars can continue to compete with Health Masters, with what Cernovich sells, etc - Free Market Drive - And that is the art of free markets, the art of the deal. They will continue to put out better products. They'll continue to compete and learn from their competitors. That's good. We can buy Infowars products and help them continue fighting socialism, tyranny, globalism - Brain Force - I had some Brain Force the other day and it was really good. It helped me shovel a bunch of snow here, near Seattle. Infowars should sell some Original Oatmeal. There is a lot of power in the voice, in sound, music, vibration. Let there be light. Let there be Make America Great Again (MAGA). Around 3 PM, watched the dishes. Shoved snow for my snow hill. It began to lightly rain. Took a shower.

Making Movies Better

- 05:44 PM - Draft Dodger - you would rather not dodge and murder people in some wars? i do not like fighting..... unless if i am defending my community, my house.... that is what I said to CK @Charley_ck14 on Twitter in the #ImproveAMovieWithOneWord game.

Space Force

- 06:11 PM - Space Directive Signed by Trump - I am not sure what to think about space dominance. I have mixed feelings about it. But I guess people are already doing things in space already. So, you don't want to turn space into a black market, right? Asians were not the only ones who drew dragons.

Rat Cat Bats

- 06:53 PM - 08:14 PM - Pet Photos - Didn't I tell you how much I really love animals? Did you know that I sometimes prefer humans over creatures of the jungles? Here are some pictures of our pets, mostly from the 1990's in Oregon (OR), USA, where we were raised. Was born in Forest Grove, OR, in 1985. We had some dogs. But we mostly had cats. Had some mice, guinea-pigs, hamsters, snakes, bugs, ants, gerbils, in the 90's. Didn't really have pets after the 90's. Dad would call the mice rats. Dad would the dogs rats. Dad would call the cats rats. He was probably joking and it was probably funny. Rats are like bats but without wings. I used to tell that joke in front of crowds during some events, when I was attending the New York Word of Life Bible Institute, 2004-2006. I was called up to make people laugh a few times when they needed some time to kill a few times when there were a few gaps on the stage during certain events that we would help out with, like youth group events for the teenagers. So, I would go up and tell some of my pet horror stories that were sort of funny in how I would tell these stories. Sadly, some people lie and say that I don't even like animals. I've been talking about this a little this past week in my previous posts. Sometimes, people take me out of context. Here is a reminder of where my heart lies. No pun intended. I love animals. But I like people more. Is that a crime?

Reviewing My First Summer in Vietnam

- 09:06 PM LMS - Reviewing July of 2013 - I'm still working on this article. Was working on it until about 01:00 AM Wednesday. After that, watched a little bit of Lionel Nation while eating a bagel. Not a good idea to eat too late. You should only eat twelve hours before you plan to eat again. If you want to have breakfast at 08:00 AM, then please don't eat after 08:00 PM the previous day, the previous night. If you don't, then you might feel bloated and full in the morning.