Climbing Ladders
Billy Breaker Power Ranger:
Biggest smile in the world. Lighting up your world from the Big Apple. Just kidding. I'm not from China, haha. See me in this picture back in like 1998 when I was 13 years old. Behind me are KUMON Math Awards below that world map. Man, I love being a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT), but I'm not a swamp creature of CORPORATE DC. Wake up early & smile. Wake up early & make your bed. Wake up & eat your oatmeal. I'm trying my best. Take your life one step at a time!
Alphabetize My Family
Atkins | Crystal | Donald | Dwana | Joey | Katie | Marilyn | Pets | Ricky | Tiffany Cumbo
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Two Weeks Old
Baby Joey on Monday, the 25th of February, 1985, I'm guessing, getting some sunshine. Marilyn, Joey's mother, held his hand. The back of this photo said "2 weeks old" which may mean that Joey was 2 weeks old in this photo. Not sure of the exact date of this picture. Joey in Mommy's room at their home in Forest Grove. Joey is the third oldest kid out of four kids. Joey has an older sister, Katie, and an older brother, Ricky. The youngest is his other sister, Crystal. Joey was born on Monday, the 11th of February, 1985. Mothers guide children. That is a beautiful thing! Mothers are Creators!
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1985-02-25 Monday | Sleeping in a crib.
1985-02-25 Monday | Ricky, Katie, a bear, Joey, on a couch.
1985-03-11 Monday apx | Strawberry Shortcake Pillow | one month old
1985-05 | Eye-Patched Pirate Katie with Baby Joey
1985-07-03 Wednesday | Joey, Ricky, Katie; friend neighbors
1985-08-16 Friday | Grandma Ann Pickell with Baby Joey
Laying on the couch.
1985-09-07 Saturday | Professional Baby Photo Shoot
Blankets, like fish, are your friends.
1986-06 | Tickle Time because laughter is medicine.
1986-06 | Grandpa Richard "Dick" Erwin Morehead, Marilyn's dad, & Joey, in the living room. Grandma Skip seems to be absent in this picture. She seems smart. Radio station Z100 magnet is on the fridge. As a kid, I played with that toy computer, above the fridge.
1986-06 | Joey, Katie, a doll, a couch, smiling, looking. See the Disney Mickey Mouse pillow or bed sheet. See my train shirt. Stay on the Trump Train & get involved. Stay curious, always! Stay active!
Kitten on my back. I'm not kitten.
Rick's Teddy Bear is wearing my Mickey Mouse Shirt
Katie, Ricky, Joey, Marilyn, Crystal, cousin Alan Williams
1992-04 | Easter | Katie, Crystal Joey, our red car
1992-07 | Monkey Bars Swing Set Summer
1992-12-18 Friday | my first day in Los Angeles with family. We took a Greyhound bus, which took about two days from Portland, Oregon. So, this was when I was seven years old, in 1992, in December. We may have arrived in LA on Friday the 18th, or it may have been like Sunday. We stayed for like a week. I wet my pants during the night, I think, that is why my jeans are lighter at the bottom and darker at top. I was a bed wetter until I was like 14 years old. I slowly transitioned out of it as I got older and older.
Disneyland '92
Maybe Christmas Day, Friday the 25th, at like 6 AM PST in the morning at the gates, the entrance of Disneyland. We awoke around 4 AM and drove a few hours to get there. We spent all day there. It may have been Christmas Day and we went back to Oregon like the next day. We took a few naps during the day. I got like lost like Home Alone once trying to follow the back of my dad's head or something as I wanted to get back on Splash Mountain. We saw a Michael Jackson music video.
1993-11 | Joey, his siblings; & neighbors: Bhakti, Dharma, Patrick. See the Skippy peanut butter. See Rick in the Blazers pants. I wonder what we were watching on television. Remember TV? That was long ago.
1993 | Joey, siblings; friends: Bhakti, Jesse, maybe others.
Christmas '95
1995-12 | Christmas Play | Joey, Crystal, & Ryan Flynn, played shepherds; you can also see Elizabeth (Liz) & Nada Warren, Chet Bishop. This was at our Cornelius Community Baptist Church. We were also taking karate lessons that year. A few times, like on Mondays, we would go up for karate lesson near 7 Eleven at like 6 PM, & on like Mondays, or like a few times each week, we had to walk about a mile over to church right after that for practice at like 7 PM a few times a week from like October to December, or something like that. I had a few lines. This was the first play or movie I've ever acted in. I might have been an extra in another play in like 1987 or something.
Climbing Ladders
Published in October of 2018 | By Oatmeal Joey Arnold | @joeyarnoldvn
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1997 | Bald Joey & Sister Crystal in the front yard.
1997 | Bald Joey & Sleepy Ricky in our room near the TV, near the Nintendo 64.
Baby Honey Cat
1998-05 | Joey with Baby Honey Cat
1998 | Play-Doh! Clay Elephant Joey
Timeline: Climbing Ladders
1988-02-12 | FRI | Field Trip | Post Office
1988-02-19 | FRI | Field Trip | Dentist
1988-02-28 | SUN | OMSI | Dinosaurs | Marilyn, Katie, Joey
1988-03-23 | WED | Walt Atkins Called
1988-04-09 | SAT | AWANA Sparky's Blue Ribbons | Katie, Ricky
1988-04-29 | FRI | Field Trip | Plant Nursery
1988-10-14 | FRI | Injured Hand
1988-11-25 | FRI | Broke Arm | Car Collision | Marilyn
1992-07-06 | MON | Salvation Pledge | Tiffany Cumbo | Cornelius Community Baptist Church | VBS | in July | we stuck her in a car trunk while playing hide & seek, & then went to VBS & she stayed & talked about how she was scared of her family maybe moving in the future
1992-10-01-03 XX | Theatre in the Grove | Babes in Toyland | Auditions: August 01-03
1992-11-28-29, 12-4, 5, 6, 11, 12 | Babes in Toyland | Performances
1997-04-19 | SAT | Stimpson Picnic
1997-04-23 | WED | Joey 56" | Crystal 50 1/2
1998-05-02 | SAT | Birthday | Pastor Dan Kennedy's 50th BD | his house | 3:30 PM BBQ & games
2004-01-15 | XXX | Starlight Photography Invoice | Saleswoman Tiffany | Sales Category: SR04 | total: $225 = 3 portrait special #6 (3x60 = $180) + 14 wallet special ($40) + 3 retouching (3x10 = $30) - $25 discount | invoice #3506
2004-02-26 | XXX | Starlight Senior Pictures Due Date
2018-10-03 Wednesday 09:02 PM LMS | Climbing Ladders
Published at 01:44 AM Thursday
The Beach
1999-06 | Arnold's Family Photo | All Six of Us | at Karen William's house for the high school graduation of Karen's son, Alan. Karen is my mom's sister. Karen is funny & amazing. Her sons, Nathan & Alan, played basketball. We enjoyed going to their house in Warrenton in the 1990's. We loved going to the beach in the summer, annually. Compare our family photo of 1999 with that of 2004, just five years later.
Word Of Life Awards
As an Olympian club member, I memorized verses, recited them, went through the books, won medals, trophies, awards, as seen here, & also in AWANA's Sparkies, in the 90's. After high school, went to a Word Of Life Bible Institute in New York for 2 years, from 2004-2006. After that, went on to counsel at camps.
Our Pets
1999 | Honey Cat & her kittens.
1999 | Joey playing the N64 with Mexican Friends.
Our Filipino Neighbors at space 164 during high school.
Ski Retreat
Find Waldo. Where is Waldo? Wait, just kidding. He is not there. Better yet, where's Joey? You can see me here with my Hillsboro First Baptist Church youth group in like January of maybe 2002 or 2003. I think I went two different years and can't remember which year this photo is from. Our youth pastor was Ryan Cruz. My favorite friends here may include April, Naomi Miller, Cheri, & 2 guys that might not be in this photo as they graduated would be Matt Oakes and Dan Anderson, I'm guessing as they skipped or were already gone. Maybe they graduated high school like 2003.