Home Alone | Lost in Transition
Newsies made me the King of New York in 1992 even while Bill Clinton was campaigning to be the King of the Titanic World of 1913. Batman Returns even while Hillary returned. Aladdin became a prince even as they went to blow up the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City in 1993, but failed until 2001. We saw Wayne's World even in the middle of a Soros World & now Soros Pay Pal. The irony is all around us in so many ways. I remember as George Bush Senior left in helicopter as Clinton took over the corporation of 1871, AKA the conquered states of America.
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Fashion Show
Here are 6 photos of my younger sister, Crystal, and my childhood friend, a favorite of the 1990's in America, the one and only Tiffany Rochell Cumbo, Rest In Peace (RIP) 1986-12-04 - 2003-04-05 Saturday: my mom, Marilyn, dressed Crystal & Tiffany up and took these photos in September and December of 1992. That year, some of us went to Disneyland for Christmas. We saw Billy Graham in Portland. At other times in 1992, we saw Home Alone 2, Newsies, Honey I Blew Up the Kids, Batman Returns, Wayne's World, etc.
My younger sister, Crystal Ann Arnold & a childhood friend, Tiffany Cumbo.
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Alphabetize My Family
Atkins | Crystal | Donald | Dwana | Joey | Katie | Marilyn | Ricky
Billy Graham
My mom, Marilyn, got some of us kids out to the bus stop. We had to run across the Pacific Avenue road in Forest Grove, as Tri-Met Bus 57 or 58 came to the street light near the Neil Armstrong sign. Mom was out of breath. The bus took us to Beaverton or to Portland, Oregon. We may have taken the MAX train if the bus didn't take us all the way to PDX. We followed big crowds of people towards the stadium to see reverend, evangelist, preacher, Billy Graham, preach and talk to thousands of people that day in the rain. There was some praise, some hymn singing. That was the one time we saw Billy. Some years later, we saw Benny Hinn, Carmen, Al Gore, and others at different times. We saw Billy on like a Friday, the 25th of September of 1992. That fall, played wrestling, then played softball in the spring of 1993 when I was eight, and then started playing basketball. When we went to the Billy Graham Crusade, Billy preached a sermon called, "Another Road, Another Chance," on Matthews 12:38-42 and on the story of Jonah & the whale. We saw Home Alone 2 with my dad's half brother, Jim Atkins, his son, Josh, possibly a Filipino girlfriend, as a family in November of 1992. Pretty funny film for sure.
Home Alone | Lost in Transition
Published in September of 2018 | By Oatmeal Joey Arnold | @joeyarnoldvn
(RSS Feed | Live Bookmark)
Timeline: Home Alone | Lost in Transition
1992-04-10 | Newsies | saw it with family in April at the Forest Theater in FG
1992-06-12 | Batman Returns | saw it a little in 92
1992-09 | Tiffany & Crystal | three photos here in September
1992-09-25 Friday | Billy Graham Crusade | Another Road / Chance | Portland, Oregon:
1992-11-20 | Home Alone 2 |saw it around Thanksgiving
1992-11-25 | Aladdin | saw it in 92 or 93
1992-12 | Tiffany & Crystal | three pics in December (red sweatshirt)
2001-03-05 | Monday | Carmen | Portland, Oregon
2018-09-23 Sunday 08:12 PM LMS | Home Alone | Lost in Transition
Published at 11:44 PM Sunday
Updated at 02:27 PM Monday
i find this post unique. i do not claim to fully understand. part classic movies, revue, part family photo and diary of events. so specific as well.
" We saw Home Alone 2 with my dad's half brother, Jim Atkins, his son, Josh, possibly a Filipino girlfriend,"
haha... that made me laugh.
thanks for this randomness
Rick & Morty Random? Yeah!
Haha, awesome, and that is the beauty of life, as it is random, and can be fun, and this will be my first comment, or first anything else as well for that matter, after the Hard Fork (HF) 20 upgrade in the Steem blockchain beta system.
Need More Power?
This comment will hit you in the face, assuming that I have enough Back To The Future (BTTF) flying skateboard, I mean, Hover board, or power board power, AKA Resource Credits (RC) as they say it in the future, AKA in the past haha, in 2015, wow, the future, I mean 3 years ago, damn it, where is my flying car?
You Need More Power
Whenever you need more RC, you should get a pop-up box that says, "You need more power," but in the voice of those kids from part II of BTTF. Classic. I'll upvote you too right now, assuming I have enough power, haha, thanks again.
I gave you an apx $3,000,000,000 Resource Credits (RC) upvote. Big number. Wow. But then again, maybe that included my comment cost as well. I had 286 billion (B) RC at 9:51 AM PST. Then I gave you a comment at 10:01 AM. Then http://Steemd.com said I had about 299 B at 10 AM. After upvoting at 48.35% voting strength via 208 SP at 10:04 AM, then I had 296 B.
09:51 AM - 286 B - before commenting
10:01 AM - 299 B - after commenting
10:04 AM - 296 B - after upvoting
10:18 AM - 296 B - before commenting again
10:20 AM - 274 B - after commenting
10:21 AM - 274 B - before uploading a 720p screenshot picture
10:23 AM - 250 B - after uploading that 307 KB photo file.
10:25 AM - 228 B - after updating this post here, this comment.
RC might be going up and down as it drains and regenerates due to my activities, which drains RC, and due to time & the activities of the blockchain by other people and everything, which replenishes the RC, the mana. I was going to upload more screenshots. Maybe they cost too much to upload. Maybe I'll upload another one to show a contrast between one and the other.
09:51 AM - 286 B - before commenting, upvoting

10:20 AM - 274 B - before uploading a picture

I visited Disneyland as a grown up. I think it's a great experience for a child:)
Posted using Partiko Android
Agreed and I had that Disneyland experience when I was seven. The only thing better is my experience as a camper for six years and as a counselor for five years.
Agree. Camping is a cool experience too.
Posted using Partiko Android
Nice to meet you, Joey! Cheers!
Cheers back at ya.
Jim Atkins
1992-11 - November of 1992 - Around Thanksgiving, my dad's half brother, Jim Atkins, and Jim's son, visited us in Forest Grove, Oregon, at the house I grew up in, for like several days. We have some photos of it. We walked around the train tracks. They were probably here on Thanksgiving Day, that last Thursday of that month. We saw Home Alone II in the main theater in Forest Grove. That film premiered right around Thanksgiving. The next month, we visited California to visit dad's relatives. One day, we went to Disneyland.
Living Room
In this photo, you can see Josh holding a Super Nintendo controller playing video games. Jim is tickling Crystal. Behind them is Rick and Joey Arnold (me). There is my desk, a crib. By accident, in the background, like superimposed like a watermark, is my mom's mom, Dwana Irene Pickett. You can see duct tape on a stool. There may be some coats in and around the crib.