Wild West - Chapter 2 - Part 5 - 5 minute freewrite challenge

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Courtesy of Pixabay

Chapter 1

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Chapter 2

1, 2, 3, 4

Part 5

“No. You two are the perfect vessels, I can give you power, and I can also take it away, only you need to willingly let go of it, which is why if I were you I wouldn’t use the power not once. You don’t want to fall in love with power, trust me,” Ducköden made it clear He will show them no mercy if they try to run. After a brief pause, he continued in a more cheerful tone. “I take it you no longer want to bring little James along, hm?”

They both nodded no.

“That’s what I thought. I would’ve brought him along otherwise. Anything else you two wish to know?”

“How far is it? The dome… And what’s the size of it?” Tom spoke up at last.

“The beginning of the dome is a two day ride away, and before you ask, the answer is no, I cannot open a travel canal for you. It would raise suspicion amongst the others. We’re all very cautious with everything going on around the dome. Which is also why I already stripped you of your powers. The size? Roughly 200 miles across, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find that humongous fish.”

“When you say our powers, what do you mean exactly? Can we still shoot or was that all you?”

Link to part 6

The prompt was:


While you are waiting for content new,
in the comments below leave me a clue,
an idea for a story you'd love to read,
a journey to the unknown my keyboard will lead.

constrained writing contest.jpg

If you enjoy writing yourself, I am hosting a constrained writing contest, where each week I limit your writing with various rules and force you to be creative in brand new ways! If you're not a writer yourself, check it out and see what others have come up with! :D

I turn your writing prompts into stories.

Previous writing prompts I have fulfilled:

Happy ending
#1 - Living off the grid
#3 - A young thief
#8 - A traitor from hell
#9 - Not alone
#10 - Millitary testing grounds
#13 - Bigfoot
#14 - And angel in love with a whore
#15 - Down the rabbit hole
#18 - Reborn as a 10 year old
#19 - A struggling door to door salesman
#24 - Rebellious talking food
#26 - Ssssnails!
#28 - Mission Erased
#32 - Dog's breath
#38 - Abducted
#2 - A dolphin tea party
#4 - Stained hands
#7 - The giant depressed onion
#21 - The red star
#25 - Long-distance Relationship
#27 - A dream
#30 - Potato
#31 - Dragons
#33 - The Jungle
#35 - A life lesson
#36 - Unicorn meat
#39 - The Purple Road
#40 - Immortal Store Clerk

#5 - The homeless man
#6 - A blind date
#11 - The wealthy man
#12 - Happy ending
#16 - Asshole soulmate
#17 - My bunny Fluffy
#20 - War veteran
#22 - Wishing to meet a villain
#23 - School trip

#29 - Green Chewing Gum
#34 - Turkey Trauma
#37 - Stuck in a loop

Next writing prompt to be fulfilled:

There are currently no pending writing prompts for me to fulfill.
Leave your idea in the comments below and have it turned into a story!

Want such a table for your own work? Or even make it better? Learn how to do it here.

Five minute freewrite challenges I have fulfilled:

Fire, Toilet, Flash, Soft feet, Pillow, Grounding, Surprise, Ending the pain, Going for a walk, Car Mechanic, Murderer, Dog hair, Ducks, Untested medicine, Forbidden love, Vacation, Awakening, Dentist, Wild west.

Gif by @rocking-dave

Should you find this post after the 7 day period and wish to throw me an upvote, please consider upvoting a newer post of mine. Thanks!


Great post man! I think it's awesome how you write a continuing story using the #freewrite prompts. Do you have experience writing fiction before? Have you ever considered writing your own book?

Also, please check out my post detailing a day in Venice, Italy during my backpacking trip in the Summer of 2014 =)


All I've ever written is right here on Steemit, so I've been writing for roughly 4-5 months now. ^^
As for the book, I very much want to write one someday, and am actually looking to turn this into a bookworthy idea that I will then edit and polish before publishing ^^

So cool to see how your incorporating the prompts into one large arc of a story! Stripped of powers? Your story has powers in it? Might have to follow the story back to see how it got here :)

I would very much like to see if you do! :D
And then I'd very much appreciate your feedback on it ;D

I too like how you use the prompts for one continuing story. I wish I had done the same. As it turns out, I now have 3 and my novel which I started before joining the freewrites and have yet to complete.

It's never too late to start something yourself ;D Or pick up an existing story of yours and just... continue. :D
I hope you manage to finish your novel and turn it into something fantastic! :D

Thank you for that. I have started to continue each of those 3 stories and the prompts help decide which one. I at least need to continue Chozzy. :-)

Remember when I said I have a lot of work to do catching up with your story?
You just gave me more work!
And I'm sure not complaining ;D

Lol, "chuckles." Anytime. :-)

I just don't know what to say to you :) I read your stuff day by day and just have fewer and fewer words. This comments purpose is just to remind you that I am still here, still reading, and still thinking you are a genius, just not telling you this every day in fear it will go to your head :D

Thank you so very much! For the comments so far, for this one, and for all the support and feedback you're giving me ! <3
I'm so very happy that you like the story and that it remained interesting to you!
Thanks :D And thanks for your concerns, though I promise you I will try my best to keep this story (and whatever else I write) as good as I can make it be. Especially since so many of you have begun reading this series and are giving me good feedback on it. The last thing I want right now is a decline in quality of my posts. ^^

I want to say thank you again so much, but instead, have a heart. Hopefully it speaks for itself;


These are always interesting, and I really need to read back through them so that I can get the whole story! Each one piques my interest

Thank you! :D I'm very happy to hear I can catch you with some cliffhangers and get you curious! :D
I very much hope you decide to read from the first part on, and hopefully enjoy it! :D

I really do like you're writing style <3

I also like your line spacing. What do you you do to spread the woed spacing like that?


Hmm, I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if you wish to see "behind the scenes" of any post, replace "steemit" with "steemd" in the link... Using this post for example:




Using the "steemd" link you get to see the raw text, exactly how I wrote it down :P Hopefully it helps! :D If not, I'd like to ask you to further explain to me what you meant :3

I really liked this - I've just started getting into freewriting and I think incorporating them into an actually bigger story really takes talent. Good job!

Here's the new prompt: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-117-5-minute-freewrite-tuesday-prompt-church

Hope you got enough a glimpse of what the story is about to get you hooked to read all the previous parts :P

And thanks for the today's prompt! :D

Yes, I think I will, when I get a bit more time. You're most welcome. :)

Nic post i like it @svashta I followed u plz u upvotes and followed me thnx @sohailharoon

the travel canal 😜
love it!!

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