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in #j5 years ago

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- 03:53 AM - Friday - 2019-02-15 - Bingozee said he was trying to get me banned. I believe in freedom. I don't want people to murder animals. However, there are more important issues at hand at the same time, like ownership/property rights. I love animals. I do not want animals to die. However, humans are more important, and that includes freedoms, rights, liberties, property rights, ownership rights. If you own a dog, you can do what you want with your dog. We grew up with cats, dogs, mice, guinea pigs, snakes, hamsters, and I love animals. I can show you pictures, videos. I wrote a song about it called Animals Are Dying. I'm a big animal lover. But I believe in priorities.

Why Private Message This?

- 07:47 AM - Mongoose asked: "Why are we having this PM discussion that sounds identical to almost every other topic? Pretty much everyone active is in here now? Can’t we just make this a normal forum thread, or use one that’s already been made? It’s an endless loop. Lol." Mongoose, I tried but that thread was probably removed by Infowars staff even while other threads that attack me are not. Bingozee: "Have a good day peeps, I am not interested in infighting or the discussion of." I tried to delete this group message and it said that I don't have permission. The messages I received said they were removed by Infowars staff. Were those messages counterfeit? Bingozee, I am taking notes and putting this on my blog. So, this is not a private group message conversation. Bingozee: "Yes the threads were removed by staff, your shadowed comments afterwards were not, these tagged by members." Leviticus: "Not counterfeit, automated response…" Bingozee wrote, and I quote, "I think better keep it here, we are not NEW members so let’s consider this a chat for the senior members that newer members need not be exposed to…" I replied to that. I am taking notes and putting this on my blog. So, this is not a private group message conversation. Bingozee: "Lol I never assumed it was… I am not naive. As I mentioned you spam everywhere, but it’s also apparent no one gives a shit. You have no following, I wonder why… but I don’t." But Bingozee did. He just lied, again. If it is public, then newer members can be exposed to it. Bingozee wrote, as President Trump is declaring a national emergency, "The point is they don’t need to be if it stops here, if you choose to continue spamming the community that’s your own doing, I would consider this a form of general respect and grounds for removal if your spamming and abuse continues. Lol @MamaPotato has on a number of occasion “told” new members to disregard the comments of older members only hours or day of them joining this community, a absolute shame. As mentioned the forum and this “chat” is being monitored as it should, again something I can appreciate. Lastly speaking for myself, I have no interest in anything you offer, nor to be a part of it, I see it as a shame and insult to the most basic form of intelligence. You admit your a wannabe and only seeking attention, I believe it more fruitful to seek more creative and positive attention then what you gain by DISRESPECTING and spamming and apparent disparity. I have empathy and pity, so I am forgiving, but that’s not saying mods or other members have to be. Karma’s a bitch and I love her wholeheartedly." Bingozee continues to try to get me banned. This is something that @Bingozee has said many times. It is a massive insult. Bingozee: "You continue working at getting yourself banned, stop blaming others, it’s weak."

Paladin vs Texas Thomas

- 08:44 AM - Paladin wrote to Texas Thomas, the Texas_T: "So I see you’ve gone from insulting me directly to talking behind my back. Should I repost the many, many times I asked you to stop insulting me? Should I repost the constant targeted harassment you have subjected me to? I do not have multiple accounts, and there is no reason to believe you are telling the truth about a phone call, esp after YOU posted your own phone number. All you do is spew hate about gays and Muslims, claiming that anyone you disagree with should be “hanged”. The conservative movement does not need rich, unemployed, uneducated, hateful bigots like you. Get a job and fuck off already. Nope, stop harassing people or there will be worse. Everyone needs to check your post activity and judge for themselves if your behavior here is acceptable. You cannot engage in targeted harrassment. Period. Bullshit, so try to charge me then. I have not made terroristic threats, liar. You, however have posted pics of your criminal activity and engaged in targeted sexual harrassment, which I can charge you for. Keep this up, and I just might. Look at this fucking coward, going behind my back and trying to have me banned. LOL" John Boy of Houston removed himself from the group message. Your meta data already has your location info routing through the Internet Service Providers and through cell phone towers and other things, generally speaking. Bingozee: "I think it also important not to post or include personal information on this site or any for that matter."

Paladin Continues

- 09:29 - I would have liked to see that reflected in his posts to/about me but so far I have not. All he posts is “gay” this, “gay” that, as a synonym for “stupid”. I don’t know if he’s gay, though I suspect so, but I have colleauges with way more clearance than me that are gay and would be very upset, to put it mildly, to be subjected to that kind of abuse online. @Texas_T If you want to be taken seriously and respected as an adult, speak like one. You are not black, and you are not a victim. You have no reason to be lazy, unemployed and so goddamn angry. Some of us here on the forum are ex-military and expect a minimal level of respect and decency in our interactions. We, as conservatives, need to separate ourselves from the hate on the left, and the kind of shit you’ve been spewing does us no favors. I have tried asking you politely many times to watch your tongue online, but you’ve ignored me, probably because you have been protected by your parents from being accountable for your actions. I made it clear, and will do so again, speak with respect on this forum, or risk being cast out. If you are exposed, trust me, Owen will want nothing to do with you. He is too high-profile to risk being associated with a hateful bigot. Think before you type, that is not too much to ask. hxtr, You seem to be a decent guy, and I have no problem with you anymore. I hope today’s a better day for you.

Bible Debate

- 09:33 AM - Catholicism & Christianity - Some say that Trinity is not in the Bible, but God did say, “Let us make man in our image,” right? - 10:23 AM - Some people like to study the Bible through the filter of topics as opposed to through the context, the content, systematically, through the patterns, the structure, the dispensations, the original oatmeal, the flow, comprehensively, thoroughly, completely, step by step, first through interpretation and then into and unto application. Some people like to skip objective interpretation, who the books were originally written to at that time and who they were written by and why, the original languages, context, meanings, cultures, geography, archeology, laws, background history, and those people like to just skip directly ahead, prematurely, to application, in order to promote certain topics, themes, subjectively speaking.

Illegals Taking Our Jobs

- 09:42 AM - Illegals are stealing our employment - In case anybody forgot, Starbucks is hiring illegals. But there has to be hope. There has to be things we can do for local communities, towns, counties, in America - NPC Journalism - KJV posted this video:

American Yellow Vest Time?

- 09:46 AM - Becky asked this question - I've been thinking about this for a while. You may see the yellow vests in Europe that is fighting against the EU, against globalism.

Laura Loomer Protest

- 2019-02-20 - Wednesday - Laura Loomer Protest on the 20th of February of 2019 - It will be in New York - Laura Loomer is an activist, citizen journalist, an all-American. Twitter banned her for defending western civilization, for Americana. Twitter is a public square. Some websites may not be, but Twitter is. And Twitter used a bait & switch. The INFOCOMMS forum might not be a public square. There might be a difference, just maybe, I'm just saying.

Fake Trump Emergency

- 10:03 AM - #FakeTrumpEmergency - Trending on Twitter - This is trending on Twitter. This hashtag came after Trump declared a national emergency for the USA while saying he didn't have to. There are different ways to protect the borders as Soros & globalists try to invade, divide, & conquer, as they do in Europe and all around the world. Some people are saying that if Trump didn't have to do it, then there is no emergency, even as illegals cross the borders and murder people. It's very sad to see crime rise. The reporters lied about it as they pretended to ask Trump questions today. Trump began speaking at 7 AM PST. We are still facing many problems like the rise of 5G which seeks to put all Americans in microwave ovens to fry up their brains. China has been buying up America. So many things are happening. We are at war with globalists in so many ways.Owen Shroyer Twilight Zone Promo Got Real: new video:

Free Markets

- 10:33 AM - Illegals Robbing Our Jobs in America - I believe in free markets, in supply and demand. If you give money, then they continue to grow. You give them money and they give the money to the illegals. That is the flow of money. You have to cut off the flow of money. That is how the free market works. We need to continue to reduce taxes, regulations, welfare, bigger government, which supports illegals financially, as well. But on top of that, and more so, I believe in the free markets. I believe in boycotting. I believe in sticking together in order promote your favorite restaurants, stores, shops, companies. Be loyal to the companies you love and get other people to only spend their money at those places and no other places. Did Trump sign a bill and declare a national security at the same time? I am not sure but here is a video:

Agenda 2030

- 11:01 AM - Banned From Travel - - There are problems with background checks and how they are leaked to the United Nations (UN) and to other groups and governments and systems all around the world. They are trying to restrict, control, regulate, determine, the flow of traffic. If you talk bad about 5G, bad vaccines, Big Pharma, big government, globalism, NPC things, no gender propaganda, geoengineering, leftist education, technocracy, corporatism, monopolism, the Federal Reserve, Soros, Clinton, Rothschild, etc, etc, then you may be placed on black lists, banned lists, from air travel, from boarding airplanes, and then detained, and then we have to pay for it. I was detained in 2017 in California for hours as I tried to return to America, my home country.

Remote Access to Blow Us Up

- 12:12 PM - Can We Stop 5G - cyberpunk spike, my concern is remote access to the 5G towers, the cell phone towers. Outside forces could remotely change the settings to the 5G to crank up the power to target conservatives, independent voices, etc. In other words, I'm concerned with backdoors with Mike Adams of Natural News & Real Video Brighteon agrees. He talks about that. I've heard that power plants and other things can be manipulated, controlled, remotely, to cause disasters, nuclear meltdowns, etc, especially if they don't have manual overrides that can safeguard from external influence, etc. Technology can be good and bad and that is good as long as we stay on top of it. Yeah, many people are not intentionally trying to harm humans. Same thing with most of the field agents in the FBI. The problem is generally and mostly in the people at the top of technocracy, of certain tech giants, of corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, globalism, the UN, the EU, the CFR, etc, etc. I'm for Linux, Steemit, open source technology. I'm for free markets. I'm for reducing radiation, back doors, etc, etc. Bingozee: "They got satellites for that, and to say military doesn’t invest heavily in energy based systems and weapons would be naive, considering the whole space war initiative is that exactly, energy based weaponry. Nukes and other conventional weapons have not actually been necessary since the advent of the microwave. 5g is very much a weapon, as even the smallest frequency has its affect unto biology, primarily the brain and synapse, the nervous system." True. There are a lot of stuff in the sky, satellites, etc.

The Gay Little Infighting Thread

- 12:32 PM - New Thread - Texas_T Thomas is addressing a few different issues at the same time: first that of style, communication, optics, delivery, art, expression, drama, theatrics; second that of freedoms, liberties, choices, freewill; and third of bullies, propaganda, peer pressure, political correctness, brain washing, manipulation, doxing, abuse, target harassment, certain agendas, root sources to skin surface book cover symptoms, etc.

SJW NPC Disney Death

- 12:41 PM - Taking Jobs - I believe in fighting and that there is hope. I do not wake up and think that there is nothing we can do. I might as well die if there is no hope. I am on Facebook promoting Steemit. People are learning about Steemit, Gab, Minds, and are abandoning Facebook and going to those places. It is so big that Facebook tries to ban and censor links to Minds.com. There are many different things that patriots are doing all around the world. I ask questions in order to get people to think outside the box. Many people are voting with their dollars. They are boycotting all kinds of things. It is working. It has been working. Look at the boycott on Disney for example. People are upset with how Disney turns Star Wars into a NPC SJW party. Things are happening. It is working. That is why I continue to talk about it. I support @Texas_T. I agree with what Texas Thomas is saying.

CPS & Griff

- 04:09 PM - Don't Shit Where You Eat - @therecfem made a comparison between @Mischief_With_Griff and CPS because they have something in common, and that is you guys both try to tell people what it means to be part of the team. Like @MamaPotato, you gotta know that @therecfem was not in a bad mood and was simply making a point. Not a personal point but rather a symbolic point of cultural and overall reference in order to paint a picture, an illustration, of what has been happening in the world, in a variety of ways. Spent 3 hours from 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM PST LMS, shoveling snow, making a snow mountain under the evergreen trees in our backyard. Mom took photos of me next to the mountain. I'm feeling sore, wet, sweaty, tired. Resting now. Had a headache since like Thursday morning. Now, it is almost gone.

Animals Are Dying

- 04:59 PM - Murdering Animals - I do not murder animals. I love animals. I do not want animals to die. However, in contrast to how children are sold into child sex trafficking, that is the question. It is also a question of property / ownership rights. If you own something, you should be allowed to do anything with what you own. We should not allow government or others to invade our 4th amendment rights which they actually are already invading, but we should try to get back our 4th amendment liberties and make government smaller and not let them steal our land and our animals. I do not want government to steal my land. I grew up with cats, dogs, mice, a guinea pig named Ra Ra Hercules Roberto and another named Oreo. I love animals. I believe in protecting animals. But I do not want to steal your animals because you might be hurting your animals. I want to mind my own business on my own property. If you are murdering your animal, that is terrible. But I don't want to trespass onto your property and act like your mother, a helicopter parent. I don't want government to come in to confiscate our guns, our children, our animals. That's a problem. Yes, we should treasure animals. We should also focus on bigger problems at hand. The bigger issue is the tyrannies, the globalism, all around us, like CPS who almost stole us kids from our parents. Government trespass onto our lands and they sometimes murder people. The FBI could have killed Roger Stone. I believe in priorities and especially in the 4th amendment.


- 05:04 PM - Sandy Hook Hoax is Treason - I would begin with talking about the track record of the government, the good and the bad: the official stories behind certain events like the murder of JFK, 9/11, Las Vegas 2017, etc. That should probably be the first conversation as a foundation before getting too much into the different elements of Sandy Hook, the different stories, the different perspectives relating to that event. Do you mean that covering up the whole story of everything that happened, concerning the root, the heart of the matter, of what really matters with Sandy Hook, of what really happened, is treason, in the same way that covering up for the fake Russian Collusion Delusion Witch Hunt is treason as well, in that it is covering up the crimes of the Clinton Russia Uranium Deal, the Clinton China Deals, other deals, basically? One argument, a leftist would say, is that they need more time to investigate. Please give us more time. Five more years, please. Another argument is that our investigations are more credible than that of the alt-right, the Neo-Nazis, the crazy Alex Jones conspiracy theorist freaks, the Q Qanon weirdos. So, please trust our news outlets, our articles, our investigations, like CNN says, the most trusted news agency. We have been bringing you breaking news, trustworthy news, for decades. We never ever have to correct our stories a day later on page 14, way in the back, in the fine print, and you only need to read the headlines, folks, and we have to pass the bills if we want to read and see what is in the bills and only we can read the Wikileaks and it is illegal if you even look at it for even a second. So, trust us. And you can keep your doctor, plan, guns, money, land, gold, etc. The biggest argument is generally that you gotta trust us because it's not like Gay Frog Alex Jones could be right about the fluoride in water which is poisoning us, and it is not like Alex has been right about anything including whatever he said about Sandy Hook, and we all saw how Megyn Kelly debunked Alex completely when she interviewed him - 07:07 PM - Guns are bad. Guns kill people. We need to ban more guns. If we had more guns banned, then Sandy Hook would be a thing of the past. That would be a big talking point that the left has.

Gotham 506

- 05:41 PM - I'm Pregnant - Jim Gordon had to do that. There was a computer 666 chip in the Riddler's head that was remote control by Gordon's former friend. Riddler was commanded to kill Gordon. Gordon struck and deactivated that chip. They actually have these chips in military, hospital patients, animals, criminals, etc. Like in this episode, people can remote control people with chips in the head or in the hand like as predicted in the legend of the Mark of the Best many thousands of years ago in the Bible. Gordon fought his former friend and that guy was impaled into a spike. A woman came to save him with the help of Doctor Strange. The other woman had a chip in her brain as well. The Riddler came and saved the police. He had a fake bomb.

Artificial Intelligence

- 07:12 PM - Technology Dangers - The problem is not AI but the worship of AI. But we don't want untrained people to have guns. [said in Bob Saget voice] But actually, we should train ourselves how to use guns. I'm a big fan of Firefly and Castle. You know in Firefly, the Wild West Star Wars Trek Comedy Show, I really loved it, but I didn't pay a lot of focus on the roads. But I agree with that. I love the style of Firefly. You know, we already have AI as AI is simply a program. It is only a question of how big, how much, how fast, how complex, how many variables, in the programming. Yes, imagination is the seed to the formation, the archiving, the sharing, the developing, the vision, towards knowledge. It is like the driver while knowledge is a car with no gasoline. Yes, that's true, technology has been advancing, accelerating, doubling, exponentially, the past few decades, or so they say. That is very dangerous, of course, for a bunch of reasons. @longandshort, well, Scott Adams, of Dilbert, probably agrees or wouldn't eliminate that possibility as he says in his videos that we might all be in a simulation, a virtual reality (beyond augmented reality), a Star Trek Holodeck, a SIMS WORLD video game. @Bingozee, yeah, Alex Jones talked about that on his show today, Friday, the 15th of February, 2019, not about reincarnation, but about how our earth bodies, our human vessels, are literal, physical, DNA composites of our ancestors, our family, their memories, their experiences at a gut level, it is stored, in the DNA, it is passed on, and our bodies are that of our family, and that is the special bond we have with family, with blood, and it is magical. @Salty, my older brother would always say that he preferred 2D video games over 3D games. I sometimes agree. Yeah, analog, mechanical, design is better for a machine that only has one function. Plus, my laptop could be more mechanical. It could have a screen power button. Why don't laptops have that?

Android Problem

- 08:32 PM - Infowars App - I bookmark Firefox web pages on Android and that works like an app via a web browser as it may look exactly the same and may work better than many apps. So many apps are not very good. People waste too much time on bad apps. It really depends on what the app does. For surfing the web, for visiting web pages, just bookmark the pages you want to revisit again and again on your phone's desktop. The left ends up doxxing people, already, so, why not dox yourself before they can dox you? Info Moms is coming out with a new video on Sunday. Cannot wait. And you really don't have to make videos all the time. Yeah, you want to give it 100%. It can be more authentic and awesome that way. But at the same time, they do say practice makes perfect. In writing class, our teacher told us that good writers must write each day, even on bad days. Same thing with playing piano, basketball, and maybe even with making videos as well. So, once a week or once a month is a good idea. Just don't worry about being perfect each time. The more famous you are, the more likely that the wrong people will find you no matter what. So, if you can try to remain as private as possible, good luck. It is really hard to say as Facebook spies on us as so many different groups and things and people spy on us in different ways. Most people have a Facebook and that is part of the problem with trying to be off the grid.

Trump Time

- 09:05 PM - Deepstate President Problem - Like Alex Jones said on the show today, Trump has been buying us some time, but we are in the middle of the war and time is running out on/for us. We are winning but like Trump said, many people become rather too complacent. So, we really have to run like we are more in a sprint right now as opposed to just a marathon as Trump can be murdered at any moment, or who knows what. We gotta get more people on board this train. You want other patriots to know where you are. If something happens, then people can come to save you or come to investigate. Or if they lie about your location or try to frame you for something, the whole world will know that the fake news is lying as you have already published the truth. If you become too big, then they begin trying to lie and destroy you like they do to Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Trump, Tucker Carlson, etc.

Lego Movie - Part II

- 2019-02-15 - Friday - 09:25 PM-11:05 PM - Watching - Lego Movie Part II - I'm planning on writing a review on this soon.

Becoming Borg

- 11:13 PM - Artificial Intelligence - I do not favor too much AI, especially if it involves becoming cyborg, transhuman, one with the matrix, part machine, in the cloud. Donald Trump is doxxed. I have always been doxxed. I have always been in the yellow pages, those big books, offline and online. There are many websites that has the addresses of many people. I use my real name and random websites that I have never seen before has my address and thousands of other people as well. I didn't give it to them. I never been to those websites before but they have them and they might have your address as well.