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Austin Powers

- 03:25 AM - Thursday - 2019-02-14 - Infowars Online - Trolls Everywhere Do I make you horny, baby? How does that feel, baby? Oh, lower? [lowers voice] How does that feel, baby? I do not apologize because when I do things, I do them for specific reasons. I think about it before I write it down. If my account was hacked, and my account said things that I did not want to write, I would quote them and discuss each comment that I did not make and talk about them in specific details.


- 05:39 AM - Weapons - A knife can be disarmed if you can kick it out of the hand or trip the legs. I learned that when I was nine years old in Taekwondo - 08:44 AM - Taekwondo Masters vs kick boxers.

Mark Dice Wikipedia Debate

- 08:04 AM - Mark Dice made a really good video today about Wikipedia. Mark Dice, in this video, compared his Wikipedia page with others. There is a double standard seen between his page and other people's pages. There are many examples. The good news is that you can go to Wikipedia and click on the Talk tab of a given page in order to debate what should and should not be included, which sources to allow or not allow, the details of the editing for the pages. Mark continues to write many books but Wikipedia's last mention of his books were from like 2009. Also, they don't include how many subscribers he has on YouTube as the source, YouTube, is not to be trusted. Yet, YouTube is trusted as a source on other pages were other YouTubers have much longer profile pages on Wikipedia which includes how many YouTube subscribers they have and a bunch of things. They didn't include Mark's recent best selling books of recent years as, according to one editor, it just wasn't significant enough. I actually tried writing some pages, some things, on Wikipedia, and they were rejected. They generally say that people like Mark Dice and Alex Jones are crazy conspiracy theorists, unlike the Young Turks and other leftist liberals.

Tough Love

- 08:31 AM - Spreading Love - Tough love might be evil if it was evil. If it was evil, then it would not really be tough love in the first place. Tough love may be more an emphasis on justice, on correction, on prevention, on discipleship, as opposed to grace, mercy, kindness, procrastination, ignorance.


- 08:53 AM - The Story of Colonel Sanders - Verge Article - So, he began his career when he was 65 and became a billionaire 23 years after that, when he was 88. So, can we compare him with Trump? Where will Trump be in 23 years from now?

Young Dr. House

- 09:46 AM - Must-See TV - After watching that Death and the Maiden clip, I clicked on this video. Oh, it's young Dr. House.

What't Best?

- 10:25 AM - Spreading Love - What’s best can be determined from and by eternal principles and then filtered into and through specific applications.

Spreading IW

- 10:40 AM - Infowars (IW) - Blackouts - Exclusives - Globalists have been going after Alex Jones, Roger Stone, Donald Trump, and other patriots, for a long time. Roger has been working for Alex. Yesterday, ALex mentioned how Roger was like working for a different news outlet. So, people are speculating about that. So, is IW in trouble? Yes, but patriots are being born each day because of what IW and what Drudge Report and others do each day. So, continue fighting for what you believe in, because it is worth it as long as you are on the right side. IW is reaching new people on the ghetto platforms like Facebook, just not as much as before, or not in the same ways as now more people than ever before are mirroring IW to the dinosaur social network, including Twitter & YouTube as well. But on top of that, IW is also being spread to alternative social networks like Steemit, Gab, Minds, Trump Town, Me We, Mastodon, Utterz, Free Zoxee, Bitchute, Brighteon, Dlive, etc.

- 11:02 AM - Sandy Hook Debate - jburgess, thanks for that article which says that a judge legally ruled that Alex Jones must submit a sworn deposition in person, like a testimony in a court of law. The article claims, falsely, that Alex called the Sandy Hook Shooting as fake. The event may be partly fake with actors and partly real as well as people did die, at least according to some people. Alex interviewed people that questioned that event. Alex may have played devil's advocate to suggest that it may have been staged, but not that it was. But obviously, people take Alex out of context, all the time. Should we always trust official narratives by governments? We can look at 9/11, the 2017 Las Vegas Shooting, Parkland, etc, & ponder that question. If Alex appears in court, will they ask him, "Why did you say it was fake?" Alex would say as he has already said many times, "I didn't say that." I am a bit curious as to what they are trying accomplish. Are they trying to find something to arrest Alex on? Will they edit videos to make it look like Alex said it was all fake even when he said it wasn't fake?

Racism & Slavery

- 11:07 AM - Was This Racist or Not? - We still have different forms of slavery refer to by other names like debt, addictions, peer pressure, and Muslims still have slave women in the Middle East, and people who take vaccines are slaves to the contracts they sign when they are given hush money, and consumerism is a big problem and the addiction to Facebook, etc, etc.

Crazy Roger Stone?

- 11:22 AM - Stone, Flynn, Mueller, Battles - Pick your battles. You can choose to hide and demand that they get search warrants. That's why public figures say, "No comment." That is why police arrest people and say, "Anything you say may be and will be used against you." Generally, it may be better to zip your lips, unless if you are Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Tommy Robinson, Laura Loomer, etc, AKA famous public patriots. Why? Because you have to expose the globalists, the swamp creatures, the deep state, to the general public. So, Roger is partly playing a role in getting more people to see the corruption by showing many people how he tried so hard to give the FBI everything. He tried to testify. He tried many times for many months. Many people saw that he was trying to do that. Many people heard him say that he had nothing to hide. Not only that, but many people saw that Roger really was trying to cooperate, even if some leftists may claim Roger wasn't cooperating. Deep inside some SJW NPC zombies, they kind of know that Roger was trying. So, when they raided his house, that penetrated the hearts of millions of people around the world. It's optics. It's similar to what Alex Jones & Trump does. It is all about showing the world how evil those Gremlins are. Yes, if you want to keep yourself safe, then keep your pie hole closed. But if you are famous enough, popular enough, well known enough, infamous enough, or if you can somehow make it go viral in order make a point, in order to red pill millions of people, then it may be worth it. So, it depends. I can't say if Roger made the best decisions. I don't know if this was the best way to do it. But I do know what Roger has been doing does help to some extent. Roger is getting more people involved in MAGA nationalism. Beyond that, the deep state may have still did what they did, regardless. You don't know. But you do know that they are so corrupt. So, they may have raided his house, regardless. Besides, they have been trying to kill him as well.

Where should I live?

- 11:48 AM Location Matters - Try your best to live near people you want to live near, like people you may know, that is a fundamental principle. Patriots need to have gangs, communities, neighborhoods, groups, tribes, like the Mafia. Stick together. What we mostly have are leftists who stick together while patriots are divided up. Some people want to move out of the Hell Hole of New York. Where should patriots live, specifically? Alex Jones said, yesterday, that people are trying to get him to move up to Montana. At other times, Alex has said that he thinks about hiding out someday in Idaho. While working at summer camps in Oregon, California, & New York, for 5 years, I made a bunch of friends. I also met a bunch of people during college in New York and West Virginia. I say that to say that is what I did to meet people. There are many ways to meet people. But it depends on what kind of people you want to be around. You have to try your best to go to those places where those types of people are. Can you meet those types of people at bars? I'm not sure. You can meet people at Trump rallies, patriot events, and especially Infowars Army Meetups. That's my advice to everybody, try to meet other Infowarriors in real life and brain storm where we should live. We should have more meetups and talk about these things. It is difficult for a lot of us, all over America. We should not pretend that it is not a problem. So, we gotta make friends in person during meetups and strategize locations where we may want to live as a community of patriots. I'm 34 years old and I'm still single and I would always tell people that I was scared of dating, of getting too involved, in a quest towards marriage with a girl, because I never really thought that I could live a normal life. I understand that as I have felt that and have said those types of things for many many years that I would be the kind of person that globalists would try to kill and I feel that I would put my hypothetical wife and kids at risk because of that. Also, I always wanted to become very rich before I even begin to date, to court.

Fake Versions of Equality

- 12:39 PM - Marriage Debate - They say the husband and wife must be the same age, or as close as possible, because of the need for equality, allegedly, falsely, hypothetically, and that pushes feminism in some ways. Men are from Mars while women are from Venus. We meet in the middle, on earth. We should have equality in opportunities, perhaps, but not equality in the results of those opportunities, of our attempts, at what we end up doing as men and women are different, as different cultures are different, different body types are different, which means different possibilities, results.

Wife Husbands?

- If a woman marries a younger man for example, she might take on the role of being the husband, possibly as the husband is younger, maybe less mature. Generally speaking, the husband should be the husband. There may be exceptions and people can do what they want, but I'm stating principles, generalities, suggestions, numberless statistics.

Power Struggle

- So, when a wife and husband is similar in age, then a power struggle may develop which then may lead to divorce, affairs, separations, violence, murder, collateral damages, etc. So, the left is pushing for fake versions of equality in order to destroy marriages, families, communities, neighborhoods, towns, cultures, friends, nations, economies.

Marrying Older Men

- If a girl marries an older man, that older husband may be like a father to her in some ways, a father figure. Some people will demonize that aspect of being a husband, being the head of a household. The hierarchy system does not always have to be, automatically, a bad thing. They try to turn it into a bad thing. It can be abused, like in how Muslim men treat women for example. Wives should love their husbands and vice versa.

Marrying Younger Women

- If a man marries a younger woman, then that younger wife may be like a daughter to her in some ways as opposed to just a woman he can abuse, like an equal that he can get rid of at any time when he finds a younger woman that he can cheat on or whatever. If you were to marry a younger woman in the first place, then you would not have to find another younger woman. But I might be joking, and yet I'm not because it depends. A husband can always make up excuses for having affairs. But I'm actually thinking about some of these ideas for the first time. I've always viewed that the husband and the wife should be the same age or within like two years of each other. Right now, for the first time ever, I'm beginning to contemplate what I'm writing right here, all this original oatmeal soup. Yeah, some girls may have daddy issues. They may run into somebody like Charlie Sheen, an older man, a daddy figure. But a man may not want to marry a younger girl with daddy issues. That is another factor to consider. My brother married a woman who is like ten years older than him and from Honduras. So, I know that people do those types of things. So, I guess it depends on the person, on the situation. But I would prefer not marrying an older woman. I may prefer a girl close to my age. I don't know if I would draw a line. How many years apart is too many? I'm 34 years old. So, should I marry a 24 year old girl, for example? I would say, maybe. What about a girl that is more than ten years younger than me? Good question. I don't know yet. I'll be thinking about that.

Secret to Reducing Costs

- 01:50 PM - Infowars Servers Problems - Blockchain Servers - Infowarriors could host the Infowars websites, forums, videos, articles, on their computers, on their servers, and that is how Infowars could decentralize their network while reducing costs.

Expensive Bandwith

Alex Jones said during the second hour of his show today, Thursday, the 13th of February of 2019, that it costs millions of dollars just for the bandwidth for their sites per year, especially as they were kicked off YouTube. So, that's a problem. So, Gab.com and Minds.com and Bitchute.com and Brighteon.com have all been battling against the left, the globalists. Remember what Microsoft did to Gab? Remember what Patreon and PayPal and others did? A lot is going on. Different alternative social networks, like Gab, are struggling and they are growing at the same time, and that is good.

Decentralized Blockchain Networks

Beyond that, Steemit.com is a social network that has decentralized blockchain servers all around the world. When you register for an account, like I did in 2017, you can make some cryptocurrency money. I made some money from Steemit and bought a plane ticket with it in order to return to America after teaching English for 5 years in Vietnam until 2017. When I came back to the USA, I was detained at the border (the airport) for hours while Asians walked right by me. I was born to two American parents in 1985 in Oregon. But at that moment, I felt like I was not an American as they looked through my bags, as they questioned me at that San Jose Airport on Thanksgiving Day 2017 around 11 AM PST. So, you can make some money on Steemit. Plus, once you upload stuff onto Steemit, after 7 days, it stays archived forever. That means that not even the founders of Steemit can remove it. They can hide it, but it is still there. Plus, you can also try to be a server for Steemit. They call it a Witness. You get people to vote for you, and if enough people do vote for you, then you get to be a server for the website, for the Steemit blockchain. So, there are Steemit servers (computers that hosts the website) and nodes in many countries. If a government tries to take down Steemit in China for example, they can destroy the servers, the computers in China, but there would still be copies, clones, mirrors, of the content of what were on those computers but on other computers in other countries. So, in order to take down a blockchain, you have to take down all of the computers, all of the servers in all of the countries, both the online computers, and also offline devices that may be protected from Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Attacks, cyber attacks, etc. I say, why not try our best to decentralize the Internet in the face of tyranny?

Two Servers

Infowars should try to at least have two servers, one in Texas and one in England for Paul Joseph Watson and that other guy. Alex Jones can find people he trust to have server databases for his website. Mike Adams of Brighteon should help Alex with that. The problem is that Mike generally tells Alex all about possible backdoors to hardware, software, operating systems, and possibly even blockchain technology.

Back Doors?

So, why not build your own blockchain network from ground up, if you are so concerned with back-doors? Why not try to decentralize as much as we can?

National Emergency Day

- 01:59 PM - Trump Will Do It This Time For Real? - Thursday Family Game Night is all the holidays you need. Plus, Sunday is also a good weekly day set aside for reflection. Was shoveling snow around noon and around 2 PM for less than an hour combined, so far. We were talking about a new study - Seen Here - That adds new meaning, new layers to that TV Dr. Maury’s show where he would say that some men were not the father because maybe he was and that the test just didn’t find the connection. And even if he is the father, who knows when he became the father, assuming that his tadpoles, or just the DNA, can last even longer than we ever imagined.

Legalize Drugs

- 03:14 PM - Why You Should Not Smoke Pot - The most important thing is that all drugs should be legal. Why? Because if you don't, that creates vacuums, black markets, monopolies, lack of free markets. When you tell me I cannot do it, that makes me want to do it more so. On the War Room, they show a video of a family. The girl called her brother a sibling, not her brother, because he is not a he even as he is a he, clearly. Destroying language, oh boy. Can I say oh boy if I am not even saying a boy or a girl? Owen Shroyer is back.

War on Christianity

- 03:37 PM - Christian Persecution - Jesse Lee Peterson talked about the ACLU which attacks Christianity. Jesse always talks about how important fathers are and how fatherless families create all kinds of problems. For decades, each month, my mom would give money to the 700 Club & to other charities in order to fund some poor kids in Asia and Africa. The 700 Club is behind Operation Blessing. Billy Graham's son, Franklin, is behind Samaritan's Purse.

Trump Normies

- 04:07 PM - Worried About Deep State USA President? - How do we influence all the average Trump supporters who end up attending Trump Rallies? Because at the rallies, Trump will say things and the crowd goes wild. When I listen to Trump, I'm not always hooting and hollering, because when Trump complimented Paul Ryan, I froze, for example. When Trump says that the Internet helps people do trafficking. Yes and no to that. I can talk all day. I love Trump but I really want to stop 5G. I want to do this. I want to do that. So, maybe Trump talks down to the average American, and that is good. But at the same time, I wish the Trump Rally Fans were a little more educated on things. How do we reach out to the normies? I'm asking this because Trump generally only sees the normies. Trump rarely sees us. Trump needs to be pushed more. Trump needs to see the heart of America more. The problem is that whenever Trump is out in public, he sees fake news, he talks to swamp creatures (donkey & rhino politicians, neocons, etc), and he sees the normies that don't know much. So, Trump may know a lot. Trump knows about us. But it's like in the back of his mind. It's easy to forget sometimes. Can we start more conversations with the average Trump is Perfect Fans? Can we find ways to share videos with them? Can we find ways to ask them some nice little questions that can turn them on towards investigating things themselves? Religion is simply the philosophy to your lifestyle.

Just Infighting?

- 04:45 PM - Mischief_With_Griff Article on INFOCOMMS - Griff wrote: "Who loves consuming wholesome information and actual debates instead of shitty posts just flat out attacking people based on stupid shit? I love getting the best of all that but more than half of the content is shit. Too much infighting. Based on what? Religion? Sexual orientation? Tribalism? This infighting is turning infowarriors into keyboard warriors. And it’s sad. Most of the original ones are leaving, like @DistractedMasses. Haven’t seen him for a while and I’ll tell you this he’s better than half because he does the work and let’s it speak for itself. That’s why I hold him in high regard and respect. Meanwhile, I come on here and half the posts are locked down over stupid shitty opinions of each other. Let’s revive the challenge thread. Let the work speak for itself instead of arguing. I really want to promote infowarrior who are great at what they do. Which I need to send a shirt to @IW-FEMA-9 for his sign holding at a wrestling event. How about we challenge each other." Sadly, Griff is partly inaccurate. For example, I've been accused of infighting on that Infowars Community Forum website but I was defending Mama Potato, Hxtr, Texas Thomas, other people, Christianity, western civilization, Americana, from Paladin, Soros, Bingozee, Leviticus, The Frozen Warrior, Mongoose, and others. Specifically, I have seen Paladin attack a lot of people. I stood to defend them. Other people agreed and tried standing up to bullies. Like Charlottesville, the good people will be called Neo-Nazis, the hypothetical Alt-Right. I love America. I try my best to defend America. I love books. You know that books are a bunch of words. Words are the seeds of momentum action. Actions are the fruits of the seed, the words, the inspiration. The CPS almost destroyed our family in the 1980’s.

Supernatural Philosophy

- 06:14 PM - The Mind Has No Firewall - People generally focus on specific examples of religion while ignoring the more general definition which is never used or almost never used. The general definition is so rarely used, most people discredit it automatically without a second thought. People don't look back at history at the etymology of words and where they come from. For example, you can clearly look at the differences between natural philosophy (science) and allegedly supernatural philosophy. Taking it one more oatmeal step past that, you can even, if you dare, reconsider what supernatural philosophy might be, which takes back to that general definition which most people are unaware of. Jack Sparrow quote of the day from Pirates 32, "Don't shit where you eat." The story within Fallout is almost as awesome as that of Metal Gear. The problem is that globalism is tougher to enforce, globally, if America is still a represented, constitutional, republic (not democracy), and America is being invaded and different globalist groups are trying to take over America in a bunch of different ways at the same time, slowly. It's pretty complex, and they are taking over Europe through the EU. So, Trump is great and is helping us a lot. But we are still in the middle of the fight at the same time and the USA is the last place.... oh wait, the globalist also have to conquer Russia and maybe a few other places too. But America is a big one that they have to get on top of before they can Pinky & the Brain dominate the world like Lord Zedd & Rita from the Power Rangers. I learned a lot from cartoons. The bad guys were always trying to take over the world, hint hint. I used to wonder why anybody would want to take over the world as a kid. Oh, power. The love of power. Recycling? Are restaurants choosing to put them in or is government forcing them to? If it is the government, then we gotta make the government knock it off. I believe in the free market and that restaurants can do whatever they want. I don’t care. Make common sense common again. Mark might have said that Facebook is a platform (not a publisher) for all ideas, even as they do not welcome pro-Christian ideas. Is this forum a platform for all ideas or is it focused on activism instead?

Bill & National Emergency

- 06:29 PM - Bill Mitchell of Your America, Karyn Turk, & Laura Loomer, are live on YouTube right now, and they are talking about it, and it looks like Trump will sign the bill and declare a national emergency at the same time. Billy Breaker (Bingozee) actually compared me to his dog. I shoveled more snow around 7 PM for a few minutes.

Facebook vs Freedom Forums

- 09:28 PM - I have beef with the staff who removed my threads and not the threads that attacks me. This forum can ban people if they want because this forum is not Facebook. Yeah, Facebook bans people but Facebook has said they would never ban people and yet they ban people and that is the problem. This forum has never made a claim to never ever ban people like Facebook has claimed. It is important to look at what Facebook originally said a long time ago and not what they say now as they try to erase and rewrite history and lie about what they said in the past and you can watch the interviews and listen to what Mark said about how Facebook is a platform for all ideas and not a publisher and publishers can ban people and platforms aren't designed to do that. Facebook operates as a publisher and as a platform, which is illegal to do so in America. Choices are made with wisdom, in the moment, through a filter of principles. It really depends on what your choices may be at any given moment. If you do fight, it should be in self-defense, and try to get it on film. Try not to start fights. Depends on what the INFOCOMMS rules are as this is not Facebook. The problem is that we come here with the assumption that this forum and all websites on the Internet for that matter will be the same as whatever Facebook originally alleged to be. First, you start with whatever the rules are for this site and go from there. I started this group message in order to share observations. I started this thread to report on my observations. That is what I’m doing right here. I am telling the world what has been happening. That is my objective as a freelance reporter. I’m simply looking at everything. I’m telling everybody what I’m seeing. That is the purpose to what I’m doing. @DuxGinger, why do you continue to lie? This thread was written to the Infowars staff with observations. I really want people to understand what is going on. I will never let go of the art of the deal, the art of communication, the art of persuasion, the art of oatmeal. Was sleeping around 8 pm for thirty minutes. Got back up after that.

Beaten Up in Vietnam

- 10:19 PM - National Emergency Time - While I was living in Vietnam for 5 years teaching English, I confronted Buddhists, foreigners, and Vietnamese, and I sort of felt like a prophet during those moments when I would try to stand up to bullies, criminals, liars, robbers, etc. I didn't fight. I stood there and they threatened to fight me. When they came to try to scare me, I just stood there. I decided in those moments to take it and to let them beat me up. But they did not. They did not hit me, except for maybe a few times. So, I was attacked and physically wounded. But I didn't fight back. I made some videos. I wrote about it on my Facebook and then my Facebook was terminated. And then my YouTube was terminated as well. Watched Gotham at 10:40 PM.