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in #j6 years ago

Jasmine Screenshot at 2019-02-13 00:53:16.png

Flag Heaven

- 12:06 AM - Wednesday - Bingozee: "Keep contributing positively." How can I contribute if I'm being flagged, if my comments and threads are being hidden by @Leviticus, @Paladin, @TheFrozenWarrior, and all the people that are going after me? You are also telling me not to do what I did but I will always do what I do. I will never ever stop doing what I do. @Bingozee, you continue to lie more than @Paladin, it seems. I kind of like how @Paladin talks a bit about AI. Good to talk about that. But @Bingozee, you seem to promote transhumanism and humanism and things like that. You seem to say that is not a religion and yet it is.

Ignorant Arrogant Broadway Joe?

- 04:01 AM - broadwayjoe412 wrote to me - "Dude, did you really just call me ignorant and arrogant? You got a lot of fuckin nerve, kid. I may be a lot of things in this world, but those are not among my character traits. I’ve sat back and watched you troll threads left and right, start fights within the 'Comms that didn’t need to happen, and now you wanna call me “arrogant and ignorant”?" - 09:15 AM - "Still waiting for an answer, @JoeyArnoldVN Why the fuck did you call me ignorant and arrogant??? ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION."

My Response to Broadway Joe

- 08:45 AM - My response to broadway joe - You might be saying that western civilization should not be defended, supported, promoted, in the mist of storms, historical patterns personified, illustrated, again and again, similar to how the Roman Empire fell. Raising awareness to those patterns helps. He is taking it way too personal. I may have said he was ignorant and arrogant. But if he wants to prove that he is not, then he could try to see what he did not see. That was the point. I said that Paladin hated Christianity, because he does, even when he says he doesn't. He can do whatever he wants. But he lies and pretends not to hate it when he does. Yes, he talks about the crazy religious people, and I agree with that element which is a problem in many religions, cults, beliefs, etc. Yeah, of course, that is a major problem, the fanatics, people who try too much, too hard, to force things upon others, etc. Beyond that, still, I would rather that Paladin is at least honest to say that he hates Jesus as he really does. Joe came in and talked about how the infighting is retarded, and I basically agree with that on the surface, but that is only scratching the surface. But that is not the root of what was underneath the infighting. That is why I said he might be blind. He might be too focused on symptoms over root causes, and I said might, not to say that he is or is not. That is a common problem. Actually, all humans are ignorant and arrogant, due to total depravity, the fact that we are not perfect, through the curse of sin. So, it is not a personal insult. It is simply the condition of mankind. But it is a problem at the same time. Yeah, there may be infighting on INFOCOMMS. But stopping a fight does not always resolve the underlying issues any more than bandages do. Yeah, a bandage helps stop the bleeding, but the body must do the healing. We are the body.

Picking Battles

- 09:17 AM - Paladin and others has been flagging Paladin, me, etc, on the INFOCOMMS. So, should we make many accounts and flag them or go after them in return? My response to the idea is maybe, but I might not do that. I have different accounts on Facebook, YouTube. When I was younger, I may have done something like that. I may have done similar things in the past on Facebook. Right now, I may not do that. I can always change my mind. But I am basically too busy writing on my blog on Steemit. I understand the problems with people like Paladin and others. But that is the world. We live in a world full of problems. It is mostly a question of how to face adversity, problems, etc. It is a question of how do we go about it all. My main goal is to show people the problems and let the other people decide what they want to do about it.

Blind to Current Times?

- 11:27 AM - I told @broadwayjoe412 that he was ignorant and arrogant to what was going on. That was not a personal insult. There was no period right after those adjectives. Instead, there was a follow-up, "To what is going on." Because Joe was basically agreeing with @nwenglarz in that there is no underlying root cause to the symptoms of what is really going on. Some people may say they don't want to pick sides, to remain neutral, but in doing so, you are picking a side. Yes, pick your battles, I agree. Don't get distracted in battles while ignoring more important wars, I agree. I told Joe he was arrogant because I wanted to try to get him to rethink the situation. My style of writing is similar to how Alex Jones talk. I try to write in order to do what Darth Vader did to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, "I'm your father." That sounded like an insult. But it might have been what he needed to hear. I write about Paladin because he is not the only person like that. Paladin is not a fan of Christianity. I use strong language to personify his stand on that. Yeah, Paladin can do what he want. That's not the problem. Rather, I'm disappointed in double-speak. Paladin would make up imaginary lines to say that Christians are ok but crazy Christians are not ok. Again, Paladin can say whatever he wants. That's not a problem. But that line is rather subjective. That's my point. Plus, the line may not really be there. My purpose for writing is to show people what I think I see, my perspective on things based on an outline of world history - 11:38 AM - going outside to shovel snow. After thirty minutes, back inside. Too much oatmeal. Taking a break.

Defending Western Civilization

- 12:28 PM - But you, Broadway Joe, of the INFOCOMMS, were. It doesn’t matter if you deny it. You may be unaware of it. My purpose is to defend western civilization. That’s why I say all that I say, whether you like it or not, and I will never ever apologize for standing up to globalism. Joe responded, "Good, defend Western Civilization all you like, just keep my name out of your filthy sewer." I will not do that and that only makes me want to use his name even more as he uses prohibition, a blockade, on his own name.

Philosophy Debate

- 12:27 PM - Belief vs Thinking - Bingozee Wrote to Mama Potato, "Its not about BELIEF, its about what we KNOW… BELIEF and its FANATICISM is the TOOL of which to Manipulate, However as I said, an Understanding thus Acknowledgement and will leave it at that…" True. But again, we are playing a game of semantics. When you really believe, you have faith, understanding, and confidence in knowing, eventually. There are levels to it. Mama added, "I know many things, but I don’t believe all things… Faith is the key to my understanding…" Bingozee: "Okay, Consider Understanding and its Acknowledgement are that which is REALITY and Belief is for Fantasy and the Imaginary Hence our living in ARTIFICIALITY… A Lie." Potato: "You are right… We live in an artificial world full of lies…" I understand and know and acknowledge the reality of a Christian Jesus.

Warning Warning

- 12:40 PM - Leviticus wrote to me: "Warning: I bookmarked this post if it changes to something that bitches about someone on this board or you go off on one of your Joey Shit posts…the community will take it down!!!" Mama: "Good grief @Leviticus are you trying to start something??? It’s all good… I worked hard on this post… Please y’all don’t start!! :expressionless:"

Knowing vs Hoping

- 12:58 PM - Interesting Debate on INFOCOMMS - I wrote, "That is why I love the book of Proverbs." Love Road Ryan Forrest wrote, "This always come to mind, The Book of Eli." Good movie, I agree. Went outside to shovel more snow for 90 minutes. Mom took some photos next to my 5 snow mountains.

Revelation Over Infighting

- 03:32 PM - Dux Ginger, are you saying that I have beef with some people? I know you want to say yes but the answer is no. Some people think I do but I don’t. I try to tell you what I do, and why I do it, and you continue to call me a liar. People are calling me a liar and saying that I am simply infighting. It is not infighting. It is more like revelation. @DuxGinger, I made a thread about Patriots vs Globalists. I made an analogy and called the thread Snow vs Water. The Patriots are water drops. Globalists and NPC SJW zombies are the snowflakes. Why would you be against that analogy? It is NOT a personal thing. It is global. @DuxGinger, do teachers have beef with their students? Believe it or not, you are my student. Call it what you want, I live my life trying to teach other people. You can call it beef, which brings up the analogy of milk and beef. A baby can have milk. When you get older, you begin to handle the beef. From the famous Wendy’s cards from the 1980’s, Where’s The Beef? - 04:01 PM - The Snow Water thread was about fighting globalism. But after I made the thread, I went back and changed the title and added something about the alleged infighting on this forum. But the thread was not really about personal things. I am infighting just as much as Alex Jones is infighting with Joe Rogan. Alex does that in the public. Also, Alex versus Ben Shapiro. So, whatever you want to call what Alex does, that is what I try to do as well. Dux Ginger replied, "The beef is with you and the guy calling you a pedo. The beef if with you and the people calling you a liar. I’ve not seen a quote from me saying that. The beef is between you and the people flagging down your post. You may not want to beef back, but it is still there, not nessararly is it your fault. So that we are both clear, would you like to hear my statement?" In other words, he really is calling me a liar. He may not know that he is but he is simply by not agreeing with me that I am doing what Alex is doing. He thinks I am just a little girl that is having heef with people. Strangely, Mongoose has been liking what Dux Ginger says to me. I thought Mongoose was on my side. I guess he thinks I'm a jerk, too. It seems a lot of people despise me - 04:19 PM - Advice on Dealing With Beef - Matthew 18:15-17 ESV - If Your Brother Sins Against You - 15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Growing Coffee

- 04:12 PM - Liberal Companies to Avoid - Can people grow coffee in America? That would strike a dagger in the heart of Starbucks. We need more farms, gardens, alternatives, freelance, choices, entrepreneurship, solar power, etc.

Make INFOCOMMS Infighting Again?

- 04:31 PM - I do not really have a problem. But I only want other people to understand Matthew 18 and also other things as well. I don't like it when people attack Christianity. I think @Paladin has been attacking Christianity. @Leviticus has been calling me Joe Biden. @Bingozee has been calling me mentally handicapped and he compared me to his dog. I just want people to see what these people are doing as they serve as illustrations, object lessons. I don't really care. It's not personal for me. I make a big deal about it because it causes drama or infighting. But drama does not have to be bad if it raises awareness to deep issues that we all need to talk about. Alex Jones does that. You have to get people to see what is happening. If you do it the normal way, nobody pays attention, generally. Like Pastor Sam's Make America Grinch Again Video. It's different. It may red pill some people. You have to sometimes try new things. Agreed. I thought @Mongoose was on my side but he seems to be supporting people like @DuxGinger who is telling me that I got problems.

Courtships Over Dating

- 04:45 PM - People are jealous that I’m not only single, never married, 34 years old, but also a virgin.When you say weird, that means you expect people to have sex with other people. Dux Ginger: "That’s really weird but I still don’t care. It’s not my business." HXTR: "No people are not jealous… they make assumptions and ignorant assumptions. Don’t feed the trolls like Dux was saying." When I say that I don’t do that, you say that is weird because that is not normal, but it was normal over a century ago and the globalists have been changing that to make you think it is normal to have lovers, to date. Long ago, before dating, there was a thing called courtship. The Amish people may still do that. Why not try courtship over dating before marriage and save sex for marriage? Mongoose responded, "Joey, have you ever been to Vegas? Go there. Find a cute asian woman for a one nighter - hint hint. Get that thing working down there. You’ll be a different person. For real. All love, dude. No one hates you. But just relax, man. Get laid. It’ll make a world of difference. Like Clark Kent turning into Superman. Do it."

Filthy Sewer Oatmeal

- 05:10 PM - If I'm a filthy sewer, then I might as well be a globalists, right, @broadwayjoe412? You make me want to use your name even more on my Steemit blog. It is like prohibition, you are creating a black market of your name by telling me not to use it. Broadway Joe, why do you hate me so much?

Parables Hide Truth

- 05:20 PM - When you let stuff go, and forget things, you repeat history, fall to the cycles of addictions, slavery, patterns, as seen for thousands of years, all around the world, by so many people, most of the time. When we forget history, we repeat it. Talking about it is fundamental. That is why the left is always trying to get us all to stop talking. That's the secret. That is why we are water. That's is how you learn lessons, resolve issues, move on, and everything, step by step, day by day. You have to get there, gradually. Illustrations are not bad. Some people may hate parables, but they work. Parables hide the truth to those who are not ready for it. But it reveals the truth for those ready to take on more responsibilities towards original oatmeal, eternal destiny - 05:27 PM - What I say in this forum is very important and I will never ever forget what I said. If it wasn't important, why would I say it in the first place? Broadway Joe wrote the following, "Are you off your medication, @JoeyArnoldVN ? I’m the last person in the world you wanna fuck with. You fucked up, not me. Move the fuck on with your business and go get yourself a date on Tinder or Adult Friend Finder. I’m certain I’m not the only one that’s over your childish bullshit, and your probably 3 threads away from getting the boot. Over and out.... There was a point where I actually felt bad for you because people were fucking with you, posting pics of you with young Oriental broads and whatnot, but you dug your own grave, buddy. Whatever happens to you from this point forward is a result of you not knowing when to just let it go. Pump your fucking brakes." Joe said he felt sorry for me but not any longer because I called him ignorant. Why did I say that? Because he doesn't care about what Paladin did to Mama Potato.

Apologizing For Truth

- 05:42 PM - I told @broadwayjoe412 that he was ignorant, arrogant, because he seems not to care about how @Paladin attacks @MamaPotato and Christianity, and how @Bingozee pushes humanism, and then it seems that @hxtr agrees when Joe said that he felt sorry when @Leviticus was calling me a Pedo like other people did when I was in Vietnam, but then Joe said I dug my own grave by not saying sorry, for not apologizing. @nwenglarz wants me to apologize as well for standing up for western civilization, for the first amendement, etc.

Felix The Cat

- 06:22 PM - @Salty, Felix might have been the inspiration behind Itchy & Scratchy, seen in the Simpsons. I've never watched this cat until now. Reminds me of Johnny Bravo and Felix's voice is girly like Mickey Mouse. That boy reminds me of Dexter's Laboratory. The old guy reminds me of the scientist from Mega Man.

Girlfriend America

- 06:25 PM - Globalists want us to have sex before marriage. Mongoose replied, "They’re right about this one, homie. Go get laid. Leave the computer at home and go get some! You’re a good man and deserve to be fawned over and adored. Find someone who can give that to you. That’s my only advice. I mentioned before to find that girl who would be happy with nothing but your time and give her everything." I found her. She is so beautiful. Her name is America. I give all my time and energy and everything to her - 06:44 PM - @Mongoose said, "Experience as many as you can." So, sleeping around is fine, unless if you are a hooker? Mongoose replied, "It’s fine. Gotta start somewhere."

Joe Rogan Garden Time

- 06:57 PM - Alex Destroys Joe Rogan - I like to listen to Joe Rogan, he is funny, but it is sad that he has to lie about Sandy Hook, other things, and that he gets paid by Jack Dorsey of Twitter like millions of dollars but didn't even mention that. Instead of telling Rogan fans what you want to say, you might want to pivot them, transition them, over to maybe Steven Crowder, maybe Alex Jones, maybe other people, other things. If you don't find a way to do that, you can turn a Rogan fan off. It's an art. Almost like magic. Ask questions. Persuade them. Get them curious to question drugs versus gardens for example.

Prostitution vs Celibacy Debate

- 07:15 PM - My older sister, Katie Jean Arnold, was featured in the NY Post in an article called No more sex in the city and it talked about how she gave up sex. “Not having sex is like giving up junk food,” says Arnold. “Sex in New York for me had become like the 99-cent package of Ding Dongs on the corner.” The article even included a quote from Lady Gaga who said she was celibate and that is fine.

Pedo Joey?

- 07:22 PM - Snowflake Water Thread - Leviticus accused me of being a Pedo Joe Biden. I have thousands of videos of me other people. We can embed them here and watch them and then comment on them. The evidence of whatever I may or may not be can be found on those videos. I do not really care what people say about me. People can build a case against me. Just grab the videos and post them here. If I'm a bad guy, please let people know.

Good Bad Love

- 08:43 PM - Twitch Suspension - There is a good kind of hate and a bad kind of hate. So, I can tell you what I hate. In other words, the reason behind good hate is love for what you want to keep, for the people you care about, the values you hold close to your heart. I believe in country first values. I would hate to oppose Americana.

Woody Woodpecker

- 08:50 PM - Old Cartoons - That Woody Woodpecker cartoon is pretty educational and the art is very creative. I wonder if they were trying to mock or humanize Indians. I’m thinking the latter. When you watch old cartoons, it’s a lot like a time machine back in time to how people were, what they knew, how much smarter they were compared to the general population of today.

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1930's - 1940's - 1950's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
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