Dream Diary - 7/1/19 (Part 2)

in #dreams6 years ago (edited)

Hello again,

I hope you all enjoyed Part 1 of last night’s dream. Now I have the second half for you. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday 7th January 2019 (Part 2)

So whilst we were all sat around drinking champagne with Therese, I noticed there was a problem with my designer handbag. It was one I recently bought (that I remember from a dream last month that I didn’t write about). It wasn’t the style I would normally go for. It was quite brown in colour and it had little red and green pom poms on the front and it had some writing on it that was done with a very thick, black thread.

Some of the pom poms had come off and the black thread unravelled half of the word that was sewn into my handbag. I was then transported into the designer shop and was telling them about the issues with my bag. The staff tried to tell me my bag was fake, even though I had a proof of purchase. The staff pointed to another handbag that was on the table and said 'this couldn’t possibly be theirs as it was written in Portuguese’.

I took great pleasure in saying that the bag they were referring to wasn’t mine and I made sure I put my bag right in front of their face. My dream changed again and I was in a foreign walkway. I got an text from one of my aunties and she was asking me what it meant to be ’spit roasted’. I couldn’t believe that she texted me to ask something so personal. One, I don’t know why she thought of me and that I would even know the meaning if it, and two, surely this is something you can google, or at least ask one of your friends, not family! I did reply with my response. Then I found out it was a guy called Marc that was going to spit roast her. I knew what sort of man he was and what he had been up to in the past. It didn’t surprise me that he wanted to do that, but I didn’t need to know who made the pass. Now that’s gonna make me feel awkward if I ever see him again. In actual fact, Marc is a friend of Terese and for those of you who read my first dream, you will understand if I will or won’t see him again.

My dream changed to me being in a room with my Mum and my late Granny. Both my Mum and I were talking about caring for Granny at home so she could leave the care home and be with us for the rest of the time she has left. We had this conversation in front of Granny and she seemed to take in a lot of interest. Then I turned to my Granny and said I was going out with my friends.

This dream featured a lot of people that I know. Some I care about and others I don’t. The weirdest part of this dream was about the damaged designer handbag. Why did I remember a bag I dreamed about and what significance does it featuring in this dream? Does thee fact this bag started to deteriorate mean anything? God knows why my auntie was in my dream too. She isn’t a blood related auntie, but to dream about her being with Marc and her asking me something so personal… what does that all mean. I do know what spit roasting means and it’s nothing to do with cooking a piece of meat, but it’s to rude for school so I can’t tell you. I just hope I have a pleasant dream for my next one.

If you enjoyed this dream, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

7/1/19 - Part 1 | 2/1/19 | 1/1/19

4/12/18 | 3/12/18

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30/6/18 | 29/6/18 | 28/6/18 | 27/6/18 | 26/6/18 | 25/6/18 | 24/6/18 | 20/6/18 | 19/6/18 | 18/6/18 | 17/6/18 | 15/6/18 | 13/6/18 | 12/6/18 | 11/6/18 | 10/6/18 | 9/6/18 | 8/6/18 | 6/6/18 | 5/6/18 | 4/6/18 | 3/6/18 | 2/6/18

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30/4/18 | 29/4/18 | 25/4/18 | 24/4/18 | 23/4/18 | 21/4/18 | 17/4/18 | 16/4/18 | 15/4/18 | 14/4/18 | 13/4/18 | 12/4/18 | 11/4/18 | 10/4/18 | 9/4/18 | 8/4/80 | 7/4/18 | 6/4/18 | 5/4/18 | 4/4/18 | 3/4/18 | 2/4/18 | 1/4/18

31/3/18 | 30/3/18 | 29/3/18 | 28/3/18 | 27/3/18 | 26/3/18 | 25/3/18 | 24/3/18 | 23/3/18 | 22/3/18 | 21/3/18 | 20/3/18 | 19/3/18 | 18/3/18 | 17/3/18 | 16/3/18 | 15/3/18 | 14/3/18 | 13/3/18 | 12/3/18 | 11/3/18 | 10/3/18 | 9/3/18 | 8/3/18 | 7/3/18 | 6/3/18 | 5/3/18 | 4/3/18 | 3/3/18 | 2/3/18 | 1/3/18

28/2/18 | 27/2/18 | 26/2/18 | 25/2/18 | 24/2/18 | 23/2/18 | 22/2/28 | 21/2/18 | 20/2/18 | 19/2/18 | 18/2/18 | 17/2/18 | 16/2/18 | 15/2/18 | 14/2/18 | 13/2/18 | 12/2/18 | 11/2/18 | 10/2/18 | 9/2/18 | 8/2/18 | 7/2/18 | 6/11/18 | 5/2/18 | 4/2/18 - Part 2 | 4/2/18 - Part 1 | 2/2/18 | 1/2/18 - Part 2 | 1/2/18 - Part 1

30/1/18 | 29/1/18 | 28/1/18 - Part 2 | 28/1/18 - Part 1 | 26/1/18 | 25/1/18 | 24/1/18 | 23/1/18 | 22/1/18 | 21/1/18 | 20/1/18 | 19/1/18 | 18/1/18 - Part 2 | 18/1/18 - Part 1 | 17/1/18 | 16/1/18 - Part 2 | 16/1/18 - Part 1 | 15/1/18 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 14/1/18 | 13/1/18 - Part 2 | 13/1/18 - Part 1 | 12/1/18 - Part 2 | 12/1/18 - Part 1 | 11/1/18 - Part 2 | 11/1/18 - Part 1 | 10/1/18 | 9/1/18 - Part 2 | 9/1/18 - Part 1 | 8/1/18 | 7/1/18 | 6/1/18 | 5/1/18 | 4/1/18 - Part 2 | 4/1/18 - Part 1 | 3/1/18 | 2/1/18 - Part 2 | 2/1/18 - Part 1 | Weird Dream 4 Years Ago | 1/1/18 New Years Day

2017 Dreams

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