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in #j6 years ago (edited)

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Fighting Humanism

- 08:59 AM - Thursday - Reviewing Wednesday - Funny that Humanism is Anti-Human - Fighting Deception - In reaction to that first video, @MamaPotato, yes, people can be, can become, too closed-minded, not teachable enough. Yes, we should reduce the urge to be like Pharisees, like Catholics, some of the Name It & Claim It Insanity, etc. Yes, obedience is important. We can't really know counterfeit truth without first studying enough of the authentic source to the eternal principles found in the Bible. Yes, Satan appears as an angel of light. Their are wolves in sheep clothing. People can look good on the outside, not on the inside, true. Some of the churches are straying from Jesus, our Creator Savior Sustainer Trinity God. I really love the questions at the end of the video and the computer smashing part as well.

The Iron Heel

- 10:18 AM - Free Online Book - Archive.org - Steemit - @freebornangel - Facebook - "Mom, did you know about this Jack London 1908 The Iron Heel book? You can find old books on Archive. It is a great website." She came with a banana and I told her in person. I' watchin David Knight. Last night, Lionel Nation talked about how Jussie Smullett was or will be indicted. He hired two black Nigerian men and claimed they were American white men. They were not even American, let alone white. Mike Cernovich, David, Lionel, and others, have been talking about this. Yesterday, Laura Loomer had a protest in New York at Twitter: "Jack, come down, we just want to talk," said one man, there.

Internet 3.0

- 10:43 AM - You Can Bow to Internet 2.0 Kings or You Can Move Towards Alternatives - @Disgustabunk.com, Internet 3.0 is happening through and by many different independent people, groups, forces, around the world, independently, and you seem to be uninterested. So, you can remain in the dark. You might as well go back to Facebook and stay there in Internet 2.0. Facebook is Internet 2.0. What is Internet 2.0? It is the technocracy version of what was supposed to be a decentralized Internet. Tech Giants, corporations, oligarchies, plutocracies, and others, have been helping in the Internet 2.0 projects which includes virtual monopolies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Email (Gmail), etc. Internet 3.0 goes against those empires in a variety of ways. Either you build alternatives or you bow to these world kings.

Left Philosophy

- 11:10 AM - The Hoax Movie Exclusive - Anthony Scaramucci is talking to Mike Cernovich in the Hoax Movie and is making some points. I really like the way he talks about things. He could help in red pilling, in the walk away from the democratic plantation movement in America, and globally as well. Anthony talks about how fake news mostly comes from the left. What is fake news? He describes fake news as news that is misleading that seeks to destroy and silence the other side on purpose. He talks about how not everybody in the dinosaur media is purposely trying to get every story wrong. The problem, he says, is mostly in the philosophy that the left stands upon, even if their intentions are good in humanism standards. Funny that the humanism philosophy of @Bingozee is Anti-Human. I am still watching this Tony video. He doesn't dive deep into globalism, people like Soros and others. He may not be aware of everything. Regardless, he focuses on surface-level things, which is suitable for newly red-pilled folks who haven't had the time to get into the history of 1933, 1913, 1871, and other events that we should all talk more about - Freedom Tree - @Pipeline wrote: "The back reads: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Supplementation Lacks Supplementation?

- 01:06 PM - Facebook Reply - Government Can Legally Murder Christians - Marilyn Mitchell wrote: "A Jewish website, http://www.NoahideNations.com, states that the worship of any deity other than God, which includes Jesus Christ, is idolatry. The penalty for idolatry is decapitation. The book, Judaism’s Strange Gods, by Michael A. Hoffman (2000), describes how the Talmud specifically defines all non-Jews as non-human animals. It also distinguishes between actions by Jews against non-Jews, from actions of non-Jews against Jews. Jews are clearly spoken of as Superior to non-Jews. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God. Sanhedrin 58b. If a gentile hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed......" Me: "But Jesus is God, I would argue. The Bible says that many times. So, they have to literally say they disagree with their own Bible." Mom: "that is the problem; they believe in scriptures besides and instead of the Torah." Me: "But do they believe that supplementation is better when supplementing as opposed to replacing the Torah?" I finished my July 2013 article from around 01:00 - 03:00 PM. Washed the dishes. Shoveled snow. Took a shower.

Coming Back Again

07:08 PM - Thursday - 2019-02-21 - I found this - 2019-01-17 - Thursday - 05:54 PM - Reincarnation Promotion - @Bingozee wrote: "My mother asked me the other day, "What from this life if only one thing would you take and keep." May answer “memories, so that we can learn to not make the same mistake.""

Canon Foundation

- 07:13 PM - Bible Study - Christianity is founded on the 66 books of the 40 authors. Additional books were not added to the canon. You could study the other books for historical perspective. But some of those additional books may even be historically inaccurate. I continued working on my August 2013 article until like 11:00 PM. Then, was sleeping for about 20 minutes. Friday: 12:17 AM - 01:02 AM - Watching - Suits 812.

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Thursday the 21st of February of 2019

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