2019-02-20steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j6 years ago

Screenshot at 2019-02-20 21:48:02.png

Walky Talky Internet

- 12:57 AM - Wednesday - 2019-02-20 - @Disgustabunk.com, why would the Internet be illegal? Do you know what the Internet is? It is simply when a computer is connected to another computer. The Internet is a bunch of walky talkies. But big companies came in and people throw money at the big companies like Comcast to connect them to Internet global highways. It's like building a car. If I told you that you can build your own car like Tim Allen & Jay Leno, then would you say that you are not sure if that is legal or illegal? Same thing with connecting your computer to another computer that might be then connected to another computer and so on and so forth. I have done this before. People are too lazy to learn how. So, that is why we throw money at big companies like Comcast who then does it for us. But then we become dependent and at the mercy of them. Was eating a bagel. Was in the middle of an article on reviewing July of 2013 of my Vietnam adventure. Was watching Lionel Nation. Some minutes later, I was probably sleeping until around 08:00 AM, Wednesday.

Reviewing Tuesday

- 08:35 AM - 2019-02-19 - I came back to help America. That girl is Vietnamese. I believe in country first. I encourage other people to do the same. I made an emphasis on people and some people are mad at me because I have priorities. So, @hxtr is against me because I love humans. I love animals. I would never murder a dog. When I heard people talk about eating dog in Vietnam, I was not happy. I used to talk to them about that. I don't want to eat dog. But I didn't say what people said I didn't say. That's the problem. People continue to lie about me and then they lie about lying about me.

Fake Science

- 08:41 AM - Rivers of Stars - How do we know how old the universe is if we were not there to observe it through observational science? This is more a projection through the means of historical sciences of speculation as opposed to experimental, observational sciences.

Draft Dodging

- 09:15 AM - Trump Twitter Debate - CK Charley_ck14 of Twitter wrote: "If you do it because you're a rich entitled coward and then have the nerve to mock POWs and question other American's patriotism, then you're a piece of shit." - I responded: "So, making a lot of money is bad? that means being poor is good as poor is the opposite of being rich... you are telling me not to make too much money.... but i love money.... please give me some of your money if u don't want to become trump..... too rich."

Internet Deception

- 09:59 AM - Real Alternatives to ISP - @Disgustabunk.com, I did not say that. I am not talking about that. You don't seem to understand what I am talking about. I am talking about Ad-Hoc connections, and P2P connections. I was not talking about ISP. I was talking about alternatives to that. I did not talk about stealing ISP. Because stealing is NOT an alternative. Stealing is theft of what we are talking about. But I was trying to tell you about how Substratum works for example. They are not the only project working on these blockchain alternatives. Also, you have Bit Torrent technology. You have a lot of different ways of connecting computers and devices to each other without ISP. I did not say to steal ISP. I am not talking about piggy back riding. I am talking about alternatives. When I say alternative, I am not joking. I am talking about projects that people are working on right now, all around the world. And Substratum is not the only one. Just like Infowars is not the only red pill. The Internet is bigger than you think. Facebook and things like that have tricked us into a deception of the Internet.

Activist Mommy

- 10:10 AM - Finding Websites - @dang, yes, this was the original link to the event website: this website was made via Wix, which is a web builder. So, the URL is her name, bigsistercrj, and the name of the web builder website, wixsite.com. Here is a screenshot: Her Main Website: There are two websites: the other website is for Activist Mommy, and not for the event, is this - https://activistmommy.com/ - Event Website - https://bigsistercrj.wixsite.com/mysite-1

Evil Computers

- 10:19 AM - Troy Protesting Capitalism - @Troy, are computers not products of capitalism?

Pressing Owens

- 11:29 AM - Bit Down - He seems pretty normal. I've seen Owen like this before, or similar. Yeah, you are right that he is a bit off and a bit down. That is true. I can see in his eyes that he is a bit down, maybe a little sick, maybe a little tired, maybe a little pressed with everything.

Draft Dodging vs War Loving

- 09:36 AM - 10:53 AM - Twitter Debate - On Twitter, @Charley_ck14 wrote: "Draft DodgeBall." #ImproveAMovieWithOneWord - Loving War? - I responded: "u like war? i do not." She responded: " No. But I wouldn't dodge the draft and then chastise POWs. Would you?" I reacted: " you would rather not dodge and murder people in some wars? i do not like fighting..... unless if i am defending my community, my house." CK returned: " You didn't answer my question." I smirked: " so, if i dodge war, i am a bad person?" - Money Bad - Poverty Good - CK answered back: "If you do it because you're a rich entitled coward and then have the nerve to mock POWs and question other American's patriotism, then you're a piece of shit." - Show Me The Money - So, then, I replied, with a calm smile: "so, making a lot of money is bad? that means being poor is good as poor is the opposite of being rich... you are telling me not to make too much money.... but i love money.... please give me some of your money if u don't want to become trump..... too rich." I went outside and worked on my snow hill froma bout 11:00 AM to like 02:00 PM.

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Age of the Universe

- 02:24 PM - Different Kinds of Sciences - There is a difference between observational science and theoretical, hypothetical, historical, sciences of the imagination which rely on the patterns that are understood and interpreted through observational science. Evolutionists can weaponize (theorize) historical sciences to assume that what we observe in the present was always present in the past. I could tell @Bingozee and @Paladin all about carbon dating for example. There are many examples that shows the limitations of certain dating methods, the variables. Different scientists argue against each other on these things. They don't all say the same things. If a person is arguing for one side, then why not at least understand what the other scientists are saying? Notice how far off they are at dating things. They might date something to be thousands of years old and it may actually only be 200 years old for example. There are many cases like those. If something that young can be dated that inaccurately, then how much more might the age of the earth and the age of the universe might be off by, then therefore? @4LoveOfTheRoad, were you there? How do you know how old the earth is or is not?

How Many in a Minute

- 02:31 PM - Swearing Contest - One Minute Limit Challenge - Oh Jesus, my Lord, my Savior, oh God, I can only think of one, Son of an Oatmeal. I washed the dishes. Mom was watching Last Man Standing. Tim Allen has a sporting store. Jay Leno played Joe & was the best man in a wedding. Mom heard about something like Substratum. There are many projects out there working on decentralized Internet. I have made videos and articles about it. Mom said I should make more to help people see what it is like, what it is all about. Your computer is like the USS Star Trek Enterprise and it must navigate through the stars to get to websites, servers, through the nodes, routers, etc. Computers have to calculate the flow of traffic. Normally, we get access to some of it through Comcast and other Internet Service Providers (ISP). We can go around it or through other routes. I am trying to find better ways to help more people understand this. I am not talking about stealing Internet. I am talking about peer to peer ad-hoc bit torrent style Internet 2.0 things. Many projects around the world are working on that.

Against AIG

- 04:08 PM - Science Evolution vs Creation Debate - @Bingozee & @Paladin hates science, does not care about carbon dating, the diversity there, the inaccuracy. @Bingozee agrees with me that theory is not observational science but theory is taught in school as science in most cases as they continue their wars against Answers In Genesis (AIG). They continue to hide inside sand as the studies are out there. So many. So many. They refuse to look at science. They refuse to look at the evidence. That is very sad. They continue to lie about AIG. They may not even know what AIG is and yet they are truly against AIG even without knowing what AIG says.

Real Pastors vs Fake Examples

- 04:17 PM - Authentic People vs Counterfeit Deception - That is too bad but things that do happen. That is why real men, real pastors, must continue to rise, each generation, to serve as alternatives, in order for more people to know how real pastors do things. It is tougher for people to know when a pastor is a counterfeit when they lack authentic examples of real pastors.

Walls, Balls, & Calls

- 04:37 PM - South America Debate - [quote="MamaPotato, post:42, topic:7159"] - Mama Potato: "When everyone realizes Alex is not the only source of info." I agree. Then, we would be to the moon and back, mentally, spiritually. Understanding Threats - I like what @MamaPotato and what @PASTORSAM said with being smart, educated, prepared, etc, and with what @hxtr is saying with the threats of geoengineering, etc. We are building wall but at a slow pace. We shouldn't try to get involved in wars, in rebuilding other countries, like we do in the Middle East, but if we do, then we should do it well. Many different things are happening at the same time - Complex Puddle - Many different problems, threats, internally, in America, & with China, Russia, the NWO, etc. Like Yoda said, the future is cloudy, always moving with so many moving parts. Smart Kermit The Star Wars Frog Man, he was - Beating the Odds - @Paladin, your example concerning Chile & 1973 is a strong point, a strong case. But are we not draining the swamp now, about fifty years later? Are the details not different? Isn't Trump, and aren't MAGA Patriots, trying to change and alter the patterns of history? I agree that we should be aware of all of those things that globalists and others did in the name of America and other countries. - The wars we have NOW are more subtle, more invisible, than in the past. There are a bunch of reasons why that is. Please tell me you don't know why that is. Please tell me that you are unaware of how they disguise so many layers of war, of problems, underneath many layers of many different things. Think about how desensitized people are becoming to and with so many different things in life. When people stop caring, when they stop getting angry at injustice, then their society begins to collapse gradually, slowly, and then suddenly, sharply. We gotta find their hearts and stick em back in like we are Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, like Evil Good Queen of Once Upon a Time on ABC for seven seasons.

Bigger Fences Around Our Houses

- 05:06 PM - What We Can Do - @cyberpunkspike, but what can we do to build taller fences around our own houses, bigger food pantries in our basements, bigger backup battery systems, water wells, secret rooms of guns, trapped doors, more safes, bigger gardens, more actual books, more board games, etc? That's why I'm promoting the innovation, the self-governance, of decentralized blockchain, open source software, Ubuntu, Bit-Torrent, Firefox, Steemit, Substratum, etc.

Reviewing the Bible

- 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM - Went off to the gas station for Bible Study at 05:40 PM, to meet up with my ride, Nehemiah, and then we picked up Leroy. We got to the church for Mike's Men's Bible Study. We reviewed the first few books of the Bible, Genesis to Joshua. In the beginning, God created everything, including Adam & Eve, the first humans. Later on, there was a world flood and a rainbow. Noah's family was saved. There was a tower of Babel. Moses was told to speak to the rock, Numbers 20:8, but he hit that rock twice, verse 11, instead. In doing so, he disobeyed God & was punished. He was not allowed into the Promise Land. We talked about the judges that came to rule the New Promise Land, the New Jericho, the city of Jerusalem. Could Jerusalem be in the same location as the Garden of Eden? I would love to figure that out. High school kids might act like punks while playing basketball. In 2019, on Sunday nights, from 06:00-07:30 PM, each week, generally, since like maybe May or June, 2018, I would go the high school basketball open gym. Mike was like, "I haven't seen you there." In 2019, so far, I haven't attended. I think I attended last in December, 2018. On our way home, we stopped by Jack in the Box to find that the curly fries are not like $2 USD apart from maybe a value meal package where it may be discounted but instead like almost $4. So, we got some fries, Coke, & a burger, at McDonald's. I ate some fries. Got home. Good thing I shoveled out snow in the front, perfect for backing up a van, for turning around on a dirt road, like a dead-end street, virtually, basically. Mom has been watching Last Man Standing, off & on, all day. She was also watching a black & white show. I took a shower. Had some chicken and then a cold can of chicken noodle soup.

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Real Masked Singers Are The News

- 08:26 PM - Twitter Tweet - Lisa Havens - Isn't the news like a masked singer? #TheMaskedSinger - The Farm Garage

Blondie Laura to Hitting Road Jack

- 09:40 - PM - Blondie Laura Loomer to Jack - One Way or Another Meme Music Video Challenge - Meme Challenge - Can you put Laura Loomer to the tune of Blondie's song - One Way or Another? - You get a better idea? - Laura said today, to Jack, that she would find him, one way another, somewhere or another - Lyrics to the One Way or Another - Blondie - Should Laura Loomer sing this song? - "I'm Going To Find You, Twitter Jack Dorsey." Laura Loomer.

Lyrics to the Blondie Song:

Song Name - One Way Or Another

One way or another I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna win ya
I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna see ya
I'm gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha
One day, maybe next week
I'm gonna meetcha, I'm gonna meetcha, I'll meetcha
I will drive past your house
And if the lights are all down
I'll see who's around

One way or another I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha
One way or another I'm gonna win ya
I'll getcha, I'll getcha
One way or another I'm gonna see ya
I'm gonna meetcha meetcha meetcha meetcha
One day, maybe next week
I'm gonna meetcha, I'll meetcha

And if the lights are all out
I'll follow your bus downtown
See who's hanging out

One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip, a slip of the hip or another
I'm gonna lose ya, I'm gonna trick ya, I'll trick ya
One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna trick ya trick ya trick ya trick ya
One way or another I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip

I'll walk down the mall
Stand over by the wall
Where I can see it all
Find out who ya call
Lead you to the supermarket checkout
Some specials and rat food, get lost in the crowd

One way or another I'm gonna getcha, I'll getcha, I'll getcha getcha getcha getcha
(Where I can see it all, find out who ya call)
One way or another I'm gonna getcha, I'll getcha, I'll getcha getcha getcha getcha
(Where I can see it all, find out who ya call)
One way or another I'm gonna getcha, I'll getcha, I'll getcha getcha getcha getcha
(Where I can see it all, find out who ya call)
[repeat until fade]

American Gods

- 10:10 PM - Predicting Programming Time - It is a step above Once Upon a Time which dealt with folk lore like Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, etc, etc, and it also had Hades, the god of the underworld in Greek mythology. That reminds me of shows like Hercules & Xena the Warrior Princess which were on in America in the 1990's. Also reminds me of the Lucifer show.

Info Wars SVU

- 10:17 PM - Law & Order - Special Victim Unit - People can watch this episode any time they want for FREE via many different websites - here is a link - there are other links like this as well: when you click on this link, you will find dozens of different websites to choose from: you can also watch it via Bit Torrent and things like that as well: so many ways to watch shows and movies for free. Episode 17 Real Fake News (225 links) 2017-05-03 - The Pizza Gate Episode - Some of the clips may be on YouTube and other websites. Sometimes, just scenes and sometimes full episodes and movies of almost anything can be found on YouTube, Facebook, etc.

Finding Jesus

- 10:44 PM - Fining Eternal Principles - Videos Included - In reaction to that first video, @MamaPotato, yes, people can be, can become, too closed-minded, not teachable enough. Yes, we should reduce the urge to be like Pharisees, like Catholics, some of the Name It & Claim It Insanity, etc. Yes, obedience is important. We can't really know counterfeit truth without first studying enough of the authentic source to the eternal principles found in the Bible. Yes, Satan appears as an angel of light. Their are wolves in sheep clothing. People can look good on the outside, not on the inside, true. Some of the churches are straying from Jesus, our Creator Savior Sustainer Trinity God. I really love the questions at the end of the video and the computer smashing part as well.

More Money

- 10:49 PM - Infowars Store - If you are bigger, you have to eat more everything than us little people, already, and you are already doing that with everything else. That is already assumed and understood. It is self-explanatory and common sense that the bigger you are, the more you eat. Therefore, you have to spend more money. You know that. We all knew that. You might be preaching to the choir, @FreedomFighter414. You already have to spend more money.

Facing Tyranny

- 10:53 PM - Turning Purple States Red Again - Can we do blockchain voting?

Humanism Screenshot at 2019-02-20 23:12:13.png
Screenshot at 2019-02-20 23:11:53.png

Main Stream Entertainment

- 11:17 PM - Turning Purple States Red Again - Main Stream Entertainment Promotes Humanism which produces NPC SJW weirdos and many many things. As seen in this photo below, it looks good on the outside but not on the inside. So much smoke & mirrors. We have to continue to develop alternatives. When we don't, the general public run to Beyonce, to the main stream entertainment gods who lead them away from independence, etc.

Suits 811

- 11:35 PM - 12:42 AM - Watching - Suits 811