
in #j5 years ago (edited)

August 2014 - Dad On My Life - Oliver is just jealous that she is not the grandma of ISIS - Trump, please save me from 5G. It's eating me like Cancer Water - The biggest problem is that Big Tech is banning people from Social Ghetto Networks online. Trump must act and end the Black Contracts that Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, YouTube, and others, have, may have, and other things - Part 23 of Banning Oatmeal - I will continue to talk about this series of Banning Oatmeal. The purpose of this thread is multifaceted.

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Other Social Networks

Screenshot at 2019-05-04 19:16:11.png

Some highlights from Saturday, the 4th of May of 2019, as follows:

Internet Talk

11:07 AM - I could be wrong, but this DNS thing reminds me of VPN or maybe proxies.... wait, maybe not proxy websites.... wait, I think that TOR may have problems or so I have heard..... some of these things could be better than the others..... I think TOR is unique but problematic.... maybe because TOR doesn't use normal HTTPS protocol or whatever.... has it's own protocol which you could detect.... as it looks different..... that might be a problem it has if I heard correctly. Some ice-cream. 3 kinds. Oatmeal with raisins. Computer problem. It froze. Restarted it. While trying to fix the WIFI, dumped over my coffee. Mom off to sing at a thing. If there is a way to host DNS through blockchain systems, yes, as long as it is decentralized through those types of systems equally, through systems with no backdoors or as few as possible on as many different computers, servers, as possible. In other news, I was banned from the Mama Potato Discord.

Banning Oatmeal - Part 23

01:32 PM - The biggest problem is that Big Tech is banning people from Social Ghetto Networks online. Trump must act and end the Black Contracts that Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, YouTube, and others, have, may have, and other things. This is part 23 of Banning Oatmeal. I will continue to talk about this series of Banning Oatmeal. The purpose of this thread is multifaceted.

New Member

01:45 PM - @daniellevieira - Hi, my name is Danielle, I'm Brazilian, 25 years old, I live in Brazil. I'm a Dentist in love with what I do... - I replied: "You are awesome. Love your eyes. Very smart and lovely. I love to write too. Jesus is our Savior. He is our Heart. Thanks for joining Steem. Upvoted. Resteemed."

Dark Webs

01:49 PM - I told people that there are ways of finding where other people live, addresses, contact information, and this is an example of that. It's not the only one but it is an example of how the Internet works. You would be surprised what you might find in the dark webs. - My Life - Good thing I was banned from the Potato Discord. Why? Because I'm a monster, right? Can't trust me, right? So, you better ban me, because I'm a big bad wolf. Please ban me again from this website as well. Why? Because Potato must be right that I'm bad or something, fill in the blank, whatever words you want to use.

Dad On My Life

02:14 PM - Dad On My Life - Here is some information about my father according to My Life. This article is a sequel to All In The Family which was the last post concerning my daddy, Donald M Arnold, AKA Don Melvin Rasp. Born a Rasp. Adopted into the Arnold family. A baller. A hard worker. A great personality. You can learn a lot from this man.


02:26 PM - Oliver is just jealous that she is not the grandma of ISIS.


03:00 PM - Dug more. We put salt stuff on the ground. I put the soil back. Eating soup now. Took a shower.

Scott Adams

03:54 PM - He said that unfiltered social networks would mess things up. However, that is not exactly true for a few reasons. Scott also said that the smarted people would have figured out how to fix the problems already. However, we have. One example is in Steemit, Gab, Minds, and alternative social networks in general. Facebook is not private. They have Black Contracts with the American government. So, Facebook is payed by our tax dollars, directly, indirectly. The solution is in removing no liability from Facebook. The problem is that Facebook has double standards. Scott seems not to be talking about these things. It's possible that he is not aware of all of these things. Maybe, he chooses not to believe in some of these things. We should have a few different social netowkrs that compete against each other. If you choose not to have any rules on your network, it could work. just don't lie about it and ban people after claiming you won't. Life is not about what works. Life is abotu the struggle towards working. Life is not stable. So, competition is good. But don't get governments like China involved. Yes, filters are good ideas. They do already have NSFW filters on Steemit for example. Scott says social networks could choose to be either regulated or transparent and I agree with that. People can choose which of the two to be on. Molyneux says that the better ideas would win. We don't like bad ideas. So, retarded people wouldn't mess it up.


Ate some soup and then some egg salad.

Trump Bed

04:20 PM - Trump is like my bed. So, my bed unmade itself. Really? Well, should I stop sleeping then or should I make my bed? Should I not fix my bed? Should we not yell at Trump to stop 5G and China and geoengineering and Big Tech and others?

May 4, 2019

Dear Trump,

Please save me from 5G. It's eating me like Cancer Water.

Yours Truly,

An American

PS. The sky is peeing on me (geoengineering).

Took a nap.

Star Wars

07:03 PM - I watched Sargon Review Alex Review Star Wars - Alex Jones Explains the Star Wars Prequels - Trump is Luke Skywalker and Alex is like Obi Won Kenobi. Do you agree? I love this video, especially as he said that Alex is a better story teller than George Lucas. So true. Jussie Smollett must have watched this video.

Banning Oatmeal

07:17 PM - Drama Debate - Griff wrote: "Hey @BannerMan I shut the podcast down because I didn’t like what it became. I ended it and @Joey is on IWA SERVER 2.0 so he can’t complain much." DId I complain? Yes. No. Good question. Would it stop me from complaining in the future? That's a better question. Watch my Banning Oatmeal Series to learn more. THE RISE OF SKYWALKER LAME BEYOND BELIEF! (POTENTIAL SPOILERS!) - Overlord DVD. Emperor is a holocron in episode 9, leak suggests for December 2019. They run around looking for a thing. They broadcast a Luke Skywalker message to the galaxy at the end while Rey trains the next generation of force users. Kylo Ren was inspired by the recording of the Emperor. So, the laughing in the trailer was just a recording. Funny video. If you balance the force, then you can't be a force ghost, right?

4 potatoes. Calling Out Fake News - Liberty Hangout Video

08:51 PM - Nguyen = Wing - Vietnam is Awesome VIA

August 2014

09:01 PM - 01:44 AM - August 2014 - Mr. Ribs BBQ Restaurant grand-opening. Dai Trinh said he was going to Canada in a week. Friday & Monday Night classes continued. I would email the students the class notes of the lessons we covered during class. In August or September of 2014, cops said I couldn't stay at Mr. Ribs or teach English any longer.

Pew Die Pie

09:09 PM - YouTube Video - May 4th, 2019 - I will retouch your photos ($5000) - I commented: "Why do you hide contact information that is already published online? It's not private. Why hide it?"

Star Wars

10:09 PM - It is possible the Emperor survived. He could have used the force to preserve part of the Death Star from blowing up.

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-17 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - Campbell vs Trolls
2019-03-18 - Monday - 02:48 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 022
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST - Oatmeal Discord
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 11:15 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 023
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 06:10 PM - 06:59 PM: Fake Copyright Claims
2019-04-06 - Saturday - 08:56 PM - History of Mail
2019-04-11 - Thursday - 12:21 PM - Jumanji Assange Arrested
2019-04-16 - Tuesday - 01:39 PM LMS - Lost My Master Key
2019-04-16 - Tuesday - 02:20 PM LMS - Reputation Declined
2019-04-27 - Saturday - 01:27 PM - YouTube Trending - 2019-04-27
2019-04-30 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 30th of April of 2019
2019-04-30 - Tuesday - 07:11 PM - Reviewing May of 2014
2019-05-01 - Wednesday - 12:00 AM - May of 2019
2019-05-01 - Wednesday - 12:00 AM - Wednesday the 1st of May of 2019
2019-05-02 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Thursday the 2nd of May of 2019
2019-05-03 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 3rd of May of 2019
2019-05-04 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Saturday the 4th of May of 2019
2019-05-05 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 5th of May of 2019
Published at 2019-05-05 - Sunday - 08:16 AM