
in #j5 years ago

Reviewed January of 2014. Twitter Trending - White Privilege. I'm a Philosophical Joker. Metal Gear Globalism. Emptied the Snow Hill Pan of water under the snow ice mountain. Placed the pan on the hill. Contemplated shoving the snow in a cooler in a hole in the ground. Watched Pew Die Pie.

Smollett White Face Joke D271fJeXgAAxbn_.jpg
Twitter Trending - White Privilege

Black Mirror

Saturday - 12:39 AM - 02:23 AM - Watching - Black Mirror 400: Special - Bandersnatch

I'm a Philosophical Joker.

09:57 AM: There is truth in what I try to say. Yeah, I may fail at trying to say what I say. Savannah is on fire. Women, and especially wives, should aspire to be like her. That's what I'm looking for.

Discord App

10:54 AM: Installed the Discord App on my Ubuntu Mate 16.04 OS laptop for the first time a minute ago. Video works. I'm assuming the audio and mic system works as well. A question is not an argument just like a question is not a promise for Oatmeal to appear on Mind Bender. A question is a question and not an argument, well, unless if the question was rhetorical or something else. I want people to ask more questions for a bunch of reasons. Unlike Lionel Nation, I believe in objectivity. The questions are illustrations. If they are leading, then they are leading. But if you are not leading, you are following. Why follow when you can lead? If you fail to lead, then you end up following.

Metal Gear Globalism

11:23 AM: Video Game Propaganda: Bits of Buddhism was promoted in Metal Gear 4, especially. That can be a problem. At the same time, Metal Gear tells a story about how globalists are infighting with each other. It may be fictional, but I see as an excellent illustration of the world we live in.

Boy Meets Country

11:26 AM: Compound Media Video - Repeating History w Lauren Sivan & Bill Schulz ep01: Colin Quinn - This is a funny first episode of a history series from Compound Media. It opens with a clip featuring Mister Feeney of Boy Meets World as John Adams or something. They song a song about Thomas Jefferson and about breaking free from Great Britain. That was just the intro to this hour long video. It's an interesting show. It's funny. It's like talk-radio with video.

Disrespecting Alex Jones

11:41 AM: Is he against Jews or something else? - I love money. I always seek to make money. I love Alex Jones. I think he is great. I respect Alex for many reasons. I think I disagree pretty strongly with you for a bunch of reasons probably. Again, I love money, profits. If you don't, then why not try socialism? If I can make money off anything, then why not? I don't care. I don't believe in trying to look like a Buddhist with no money, as if that is better. Alex Jones talks about so many different things for so many years. He talks about globalists, technocrats, etc. What else can you ask for? We are winning. We are talking about so many different things. We are going after terrorists like AOC.

Illusion of Self

11:53 AM: @enjoyinglife - Philosophy Debate - Is that how people define ego, as subconscious memories, collections, thoughts, feelings, etc? I believe in the soul that can be observing what we collect in life. So, I think I agree with you. Resteemed. Upvoted.

Love of Money

12:02 PM: Making Money - You should be making money for work. This is work. You should be paid. If you are not paid, then maybe what you are doing has no real value. If this is very valuable, then people would love to donate money to you to help you do what you do. If not, then it may be a waste of time.

Dangerous Democracy

12:28 PM; Powerful Lies: Powerful Lies: The TRUE Founding Fathers PART 1 - Jerry, true. What you said in your video is very true, that democracy is dangerous. Some people say that they founded America in order to bring forth globalism, tyranny, a new Babylon, incognito, subliminally, slowly over the course of the past two centuries like you said.


Globalists have been infiltrating America in a bunch of different ways. Regardless of whether or not America was founded on the infiltration or not, it has been infiltrated nonetheless. Some people may say that people like George Washington were not trying to create this new nation to be like a Trojan Horse where technocrats, globalists, Big Pharma, plutocrats, and others, can rule like kings through the Wizard of Oz, the curtain, the illusions of individual freedoms. I would say that some of them may have been guilty of it. I would hope that George Washington was innocent of being one of the infiltrators. Maybe he believed in the good aspects of individualism, the three or four branches of government, etc. Long story short, maybe he was in on it or maybe he was not. This is a big can of worms. This is a big debate we can all have on who was who. Like, how good and bad were the different people during the founding of our nation.

Real Founding Fathers

Yes, the citizens of the late 1700's were the real founding fathers in many regards. Yes, they had to present the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, these documents. So, there may be some good and bad in them. There may have been some co-op, AKA infiltration occurring even then. I love history. We all should look more into who was who. How compromised were they. But regardless, like you said, we are the fourth branch of government. Not the third but the fourth.

Constitutional Republic

We are or should be a republic instead of a democracy (mob-rule). Yes, globalists are taking advantage of America for their own plans or they at least have been doing just that for a very long time regardless of how involved they were or were not at the inception of this oatmeal, this country. I like the concepts of propertarianism. I don't know how bad Thomas Jefferson might have been. I appreciate the tenth amendment which speaks about how unused federal power are reserved or are to be reserved and returned for and to the state and local levels of government: it reads: " The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Jerry, I don't disagree with how bad George Washington might have been. I'm hoping he was not too bad, but I could be wrong. They were flawed but they were better than other people in many regards. I would rather have America, even if it was created by Satanists, then to not have it at all. I've had family who were in Freemasonry and I like it. But it was infiltrated as well, just like how Catholics infiltrated Christianity to turn into an evil thing similar to Islam, Scientology, and other cults. @BannerMan, in the video above, Jerry talks about how bad our founding fathers might have been in regards to a theory of how they created America, a land of individual freedoms as opposed to being enslaved by royalty, in order to slowly bring us to globalism, technocracy, tyranny, etc. To some extent, that is true. It's not a fake theory. But to what extent is the question. Bad people have been infiltrating our country even before it was a country. That's true in many ways. Did Alex Jones promote dual citizenship?

White Privilege

01:03 PM: Twitter Trending - #MyWhitePrivilege Funny Imaginary Theory. Fresh Prince Carlson Happy Tom Jones Unusal Sad Song Dance. Will Smith Cool. Was arrested and imprisoned for interfering with a prank 911 call that a drunk was making. #mywhiteprivilege #MisterBean. Need More Coffee. Lego Movie Funny. My Birthday. Thanks Harry Potter.

Historical Jesus

01:13 PM: There are so many documentaries about the historical Jesus. So many great books. So many things. We can talk forever about them. For example, we can also talk about what we can find in the ground. The Bible mentions things. You can go to those places, dig a hole in the ground and find those things. The Vatican is evil. Because Catholicism is evil.
That's not Christianity. You talked about how the Dead Sea Scrolls are from Before Christ (B.C.) which lumps them with other ancient scrolls. After that, I referenced all of those Before Christ documents and I was referring to all of them as a whole as they are a whole. That is what they are.

Rolled Oatmeal

01:42 PM: Twitter: rolled.... cuz u gotta roll with the punches

Sue The Invisible Person

01:51 PM: Forced to Pay - Twitter: "Our truck was once plowed into by an #IllegalAlien with no ID or insurance and all the costs to repair were our problem to deal with. The cop told us to sue the guy...with no ID or insurance. #MyWhitePrivilege cost me thousands, cost the #IllegalAlien nothing. #StopTheBias."

Fight Room

01:53 PM: Evil America Thread - The fight room is only for people who are not like me. You pretended like I wanted to be on your show just to have the excuse to not let me on your show as I never agreed to going on Mind Bender. Griff said, publicly, that he is from Utah. So, I quoted that. Now, I’m the bad guy for saying what he already said. Griff said what he said on a public message board forum. But even if he didn’t, it’s not like people can’t find him via some interesting websites that I could show you. I didn't say I would go on. You assumed that. You said that Oatmeal promised to go on but Oatmeal didn't make that promise. He only asked if Griff was serious about the invitation or not.

Stealing Art

02:46 PM: EU Bans Memes - @StovePipe, I give source credit on Steemit. But people still say that I steal anything that I quote, mention, reference, share, link to, talk about, etc. Stolen Art from Edward H. Campbell.

Sharing vs Stealing

02:57 PM: See the Sharing Buttons? - # See the Sharing Buttons on the Infocomms?
@StovePipe, you can click a button to share a video from YouTube to Facebook. Also, you can click a button to share a tweet from Twitter to Facebook or to other websites. But what's the difference between clicking these sharing buttons and copying and pasting to do exactly the same thing that the sharing buttons do? Message boards and forums like this one has sharing buttons. Yes, this Infocomms forum has a sharing button. So, you can click on the sharing button to share posts and comments from this website to other websites like Facebook. But I'm accused of doing what the sharing buttons allow. People do it on Reddit. They do it on many different websites all over the Internet and have been for many years. That is what the sharing buttons are for, sharing. You can click on these buttons and share things to other websites. When you copy and paste, you are doing the same thing that the share buttons do but manually as opposed to semi-automatically (assist). Did you know that video is a bunch of rolling film, AKA photography, AKA frames per second? Therefore, whatever applies to photography also applies to its extension, rolling photography, AKA film. To be or not to be. Oh, I just stole from William Shakespeare. There is a theory that suggested that Walt Disney stole art from a guy he was working with. Long story short, Walt may have been immorally protected through the aid of legal patents, copyrights. In other words, people sometimes steal things, copyright them, and then the real creators are screwed. I'm here to expose that big issue. That's why I do what I do, because I want people to see how big of an issue this is. @EHCampbell, I want to talk about the Link Tax and about how the EU is banning memes. Remember the Hitler Dog Man going to jail? Did you know that Weird Al didn't have to legally ask for permission to use the soundtracks, the music, that he used for his parody songs? Did you know that Facebook does not delete accounts? When you terminate an account, the content is then stolen and hidden. They collect all of it and they keep it. So, it's not gone. So, would you rather have that here, the illusion of being gone when you really aren't? Whatever happened to Not All White People? @AOC, good question and that is the thing about all of this. That opens up so many different cans of worms, morally, legally, etc. I believe that copyrights can interfere with free markets, potentially, generally. The ideas of copyrights are awesome, theoretically, hypothetically, in a perfect world. But we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world full of depravity, chaos, etc, etc. People try to use the law to take advantage of other people. Did you know that Big Pharma, Monsanto, and others, have patents on all sorts of things? Do you know what that means? Do you know what these patents do to local farmers who have these plants that are not producing seeds? But I want seeds. I don't want to be required to return to the store just because my plants are reproducing themselves.

Twitter vs Infocomms

04:16 PM: So you can't get removed but you can get banned? - Yes. You are not terminated off some websites like Facebook for example as they keep content from terminated accounts. It may be hidden but still saved on some computers, servers, devices, etc, secretly or not. Being banned means not having the ability to use your account when banned. However, like in the case with Facebook for example, your stuff is still somewhere. You just can't see it. You just can't use their services. But the stuff is not gone. The stuff is still there. There is a difference between censorship and consensus.

Ownership / Property Rights

05:02 PM: I support ownership of physical items. However, in regards to digital things, AKA intellectual property, not as much for a bunch of reasons as that is or could be a slippery slope towards banning hate speech and spam and calls to acts of violence and things that might be patented, copyrighted, etc, etc.

Ownership / Property Rights

05:19 PM: I support ownership of physical items. However, in regards to digital things, AKA intellectual property, files, data, videos, pictures, text, words, links, stuff, things stored inside computers, phones, devices, machines, etc, etc, etc, not as much for a bunch of reasons as that is or could be a slippery slope towards banning hate speech and spam and calls to acts of violence and things that might be patented, copyrighted, etc, etc.

Windy Digital Items

Trying to catch digital data could be like trying to catch the wind. Claiming ownership of data can be shady as the data could be present in many different places (computers) at the same time. The property of digital items has been different than the properties of tangible, physical items. Decentralization could be a factor as well. Digital data is like water, like fire, like wind. It can be or could be all over the place. If you were to own digital data, would you then, by extension, own the computers that store the data? If not, then does that mean we should legally forbid Google, Facebook, and others, of using Safe Harbor and other laws that may give them liability protection? This is a big can of oatmeal worms. It's rather complex. Can I copyright the word "REACT" like the React channel did or tried to do on YouTube? That is only one question, one example, of how crazy it can be. Yeah, believe it or not, but people try to copyright things. On top of that, like Alex Jones says, they try to ban us from saying mother, father, he, she, Muslims, homosexuals, this word, that word, this other word, the N word, etc, etc, etc. Dangerous to limit the first amendment while ignoring the fourth amendment which deals with privacy.

Muddy Oatmeal Waters

It really depends on a bunch of factors, mostly the factor of who are the judges who decides where the invisible line is. If I accidentally write a book that accidentally mirrors another book, should I go to jail or pay money? In other words, is it my fault that I didn't Google my own words or my own whatever just to make sure other people did or have NOT written or produced whatever that I made up inside my head? This actually happens. You can look at many cases where this happens.

Trump Stole Obama?

Did you know that people accuse Melania Trump of plagiarizing Michelle Michael Obama? King Solomon said there is nothing new under the son, I mean sun. I like the idea of copyrights but less so on the enforcement and judgement of copyrights, patents, especially in regards to the EU banning memes and in the new link tax that is coming in April 2019, etc, etc. Dangerous muddy waters. Weird Al Time. @hxtr, cuz if I don't, that makes me an evil white womanizing man, just kidding but that's true, but I like that she is Wonder Woman and that she is pro this and pro that and a Neo in the Matrix perhaps, like an oatmeal in a bowl. @hxtr is wrong. That was just a question, just like my question concerning going onto Mind Bender. A question is a question. You don't have to attach so many assumptions and scary oatmeal onto it. Just saw a music genre movie trailer for Teen Spirit which is set to release in APril of 2019. It looks interesting. I want to see it. I'm watching Paul Joseph Watson.

January of 2014

07:47 PM - 01:58 AM: Reviewing January of 2014: - Thu Duc Kids English Class. Leaf Pagoda English. Visited Long Khánh, Dong Nai. FYG English. Continued teaching English at all of these places and then some.


08:00 PM: I like Country First. The people of Israel should be taking care of themselves. Americans, likewise, should try to take care of the USA. It's that simple. I love Israel. So, if I love Israel, am I a Zionist?

Compound Media Video - Repeating History w Lauren Sivan & Bill Schulz ep01: Colin Quinn

Saturday the 30th of March of 2019

Published in March of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Social Networks - Taught English in Vietnam
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Godsmack - Cryin' Like A Bitch!! (Official Music Video) - I sing like this - Thanks, Griff - I should try to sing more like this

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-09 - Saturday - 08:11 PM LMS - 2019, Week 05
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 10:34 AM LMS - February of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 01:27 PM LMS - March of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-17 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - Campbell vs Trolls
2019-03-18 - Monday - 02:48 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 022
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST - Oatmeal Discord
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 11:15 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 023
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 06:10 PM - 06:59 PM: Fake Copyright Claims
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 08:52 PM - 2013, September
2019-03-27 - Wednesday - 08:15 PM - 2013, October
2019-03-28 - Thursday - 01:31 AM - Thursday the 28th of March of 2019
2019-03-28 - Thursday - 05:35 PM - 2013, November
2019-03-29 - Friday - 09:56 AM - Friday the 29th of March of 2019
2019-03-29 - Friday - 04:33 PM - 2013, December
2019-03-30 - Saturday - 09:51 AM - Saturday the 30th of March of 2019
Published at 2019-03-31 - Sunday - 08:15 AM