
in #j5 years ago (edited)

Disney Plus. I think about Reagan sometimes. I wonder if he could have done better in making America great again. He probably tried his best and it can be tough with the swamp all around you and everything else.

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Screenshot at 2019-04-15 21:15:59.png
Info Wars

Disney Plus

09:57 AM - They will be competing with Netflix and other streaming services - Disney+ is to be available on Sony's Playstation 4. It may also be available on Microsoft's Xbox, for Nintendo, etc. This may be a good thing in some ways. I'm feeling tired. Been watching Star Wars Celebration. Watched Game of Thrones last night. Excited about Star Wars a bit. Sensitive are my teeth sometimes. Was it to spoiling orange or the cranberry juice? I'm at least avoiding Fluoride.

About Reagan

10:30 AM - @cyberpunkspike, are you accusing Reagan specifically as a sole root cause or do you see Reagan as a partial symptom and/or cause of many things that was happening in the 1980's? I see Reagan as a man like Trump who was making America great again to an extent. He helped bring back jobs. Bill Clinton took credit for the things that Reagan did. But deep state was still in the background even then. So, how many bad things did Reagan do? I think it's not so much what he did but what he didn't do. He may have been innocent. Maybe Reagan got scared of the globalists and backed down, especially when they got him shot like JFK and he almost died. Maybe he didn't know any better. Maybe Reagan tried his best.

Large Government

True, large government may not be the root cause but more a symptom, same as having money is not automatically bad but the love of money could be. I talk about how government grows because it does and it serves as an illustration for what happens. But like you said, it is a symptom, of course, just like coughing is a symptom. So, cough drops may not be the only thing a person should take. Same thing with Tylenol and headaches.

Serving Us

Of course, government can serve us. But the emphasis on only having government serve us increases welfare and tricks people into not helping themselves. Welfare began increasing in America especially in the 1930's and it has been growing ever since then and churches and individuals and local communities and groups were helping out each other like a lot more before the 1930's in most cases, percentage-wise it would seem.


Government should help us as much as possible and we should also try to help each other out as well at the same time and that should be part of the balance and the struggle in our republic.

Political Process

If our political process, activism, voting, and everything, is not serving the citizenry properly, then what is it lacking and how do we fix it and improve it? I would say that decrease the voting age to 16 doesn't help and does the opposite. Allowing illegals to vote is hurting the process. Trying to get rid of the electoral college is also a threat as well. How do we combat trans-national investors and others, the real enemies of the state or the real enemies of we the people of the state?

Infowars Live

10:50 AM - It may be technical difficulties and not necessarily, not completely, not always, rooted in deep state diversion, distraction, interference. If you can stream live videos from different websites (not just YouTube, Facebook, Periscope) and struggle to load Alex Jones on the Infowars.com website then it could be the fault of the Infowars website and probably not fault on your end. It could be a problem with the web browser. It could be a problem with how fast your computer or phone is, the free space, the RAM memory, the cache, the CPU, the GHZ, the speed of the Internet, the ISP, the router, the operating system, etc. I think that the Infowars.com website does has some problems with live streaming and they need to ask for help or try to hire some people that can improve how it works.

Fight Trump or Else

11:00 AM - Take a page from the way Trump negotiated with fire & furry with North Korea, the Rocket Man Chairman Kim, and act crazy, talk crazy, like Trump did. Fight fire with fire. We have to threaten Trump more both online and offline. We have to say things like, "Stop 5G, do Fiber Optics, as 5G gives us cancer, or we are not voting for you, Trump!" You have to be loud and you have to fight each day to get Trump to see us. There are too many people who either love Trump or hate Trump. But we need to be specific, objective, in telling Trump to do what we want Trump to do or else. Because that matters. Our emotions in loving and hating Trump is not relevant. Action is relevant. We have to fight him more. 03:39 PM - Facebook Reply - Jeff Miller wrote: "Go away ya libfucktard dummy!" Donna Marie Myers wrote: "You mean the Democrats need to get their fucking asses and start working on the American people's agenda, and stop with all their stonewalling hatred antics toward our elected President. You can't always get what you want."


12:03 PM - Gossip is like money as it can be good or bad - Ken Ham asked a group, a college, if they accept all views. They said they accept all views. So, he asked if he accepted the view that your views are wrong and that my view is right. They said they did not accept that view meaning they don't accept all views. They said Ken is not tolerant of all views. Ken said that they are not tolerant of his view. They claim to accept all views except his view meaning all views except some meaning not really all views and only all accepted views are accepted and not accepted views are not accepted. I love Answers in Genesis.

Steemit Passwords

02:12 PM - I had some of my passwords, keys, saved, but it turned out the owner key that I saved was a public key and not the private one.

Flat-Earth Basketball Experiment

03:56 PM - @ZarkMuckerberg, did you know the globe is tipped slightly which allows for more light near the top, around Antarctica? Have you ever seen a diagram of this? Do you understand that as the earth rotates, the top remains exposed to the sun as the earth is not perfectly straight / parallel with the sun but is rather slanted or tipped a bit at the top? You can do an experiment with a basketball and a flashlight and a marker in a dark room. Set up a flashlight to be the sun. Make a black mark for Antarctica on the basketball. Rotate the basketball around, keep it tipped a little. See if there is still light on that black dot on your basketball even as you spin and rotate the basketball. Peas and noodle for the lunch. Hide and seek. The door. Hiding. Crying. The special hide and seek game with a base. The key. Doors are hard to open. Infowars to go live 24 hours a day in a few months. Women show coming. Talk about Easter. My best part of the week was going into my house, into my room to watch the Star Wars trailer and the worse was when I got scared at the end to the laugh of the Emperor. High school construction. Lost master Steemit key or never had them for many months since joining on Father's Day, around Saturday and Sunday, the 17ths of June, 2017. Have the posting key and wrote it down on paper. @ZarkMuckerberg, why not watch videos on YouTube that will show you just that? Are you afraid of watching videos? Are the videos going to slice your throat up? Are you scared of learning something? You wanna stay in the dark? @ZarkMuckerberg, why are you racist against basketballs? @ZarkMuckerberg, have you seen videos showing a titled earth with light shinning on it? @ZarkMuckerberg, why did you say that Antarctica can't be light for many days straight without night like a basketball tilted near light? 10:55 PM - @ZarkMuckerberg, there are thousands of Firefox addons and some of them may do something like this possibly. If not, then there are websites which filters YouTube videos that provide their own search engines that combs and filters through YouTube videos. I know this because I found out that my YouTube videos were on these websites I have never heard of before. Do you think I accused them of plagiarism? No.

Red Pill Education

09:24 PM - In Red Pill School, Trump generally talks grade 1 to the world and Alex Jones is more like Grade 12 or maybe even University Level. Trump probably understands most of grade 12 things but Trump is generally trying to red pill people and Trump is not perfect either and Trump may not know how 5G can give us cancer. Trump may be ignorant on 5G. Trump doesn't know everything. We have to get his ear and cut it up like pizza.

Not Retarded Trump

Trump can talk dumb, like grade one level to the general public but that does not mean we should only talk dumb back to Trump. There are too many blind Trump supporters who only leave dumb comments on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc, for Trump, like, "We love you." They say 2020 and general things which is fine. My wish is to get people to leave better comments because Trump and others do see some of it.

Dumb & Smart

You can be dumb and smart when you leave comments. You can write for example: "We love you Trump, 2020, but please promote fiber optics over Cancer Creating 5G." That is only one example out of many. We need more contests like the Infowars Bill Clinton is a Rapist Contest.... like maybe Bernie Sanders is a Crony Capitalist.

Full House Joke

10:38 PM - Kid: Mom, can they come in the house?
Mom: Can they sleep in your room?
Kid: No!

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2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 10:34 AM LMS - February of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 01:27 PM LMS - March of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-17 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - Campbell vs Trolls
2019-03-18 - Monday - 02:48 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 022
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST - Oatmeal Discord
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 11:15 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 023
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 06:10 PM - 06:59 PM: Fake Copyright Claims
2019-03-31 - Sunday - 09:41 PM - February of 2014
2019-04-06 - Saturday - 08:56 PM - History of Mail
2019-04-11 - Thursday - 12:21 PM - Jumanji Assange Arrested
2019-04-14 - Sunday - 08:17 AM - Sunday the 14th of April of 2019
2019-04-15 - Monday - 08:17 AM - Monday the 15th of April of 2019
Published at 2019-04-16 - Tuesday - 08:50 AM