
in #j5 years ago

Lawn Maintenance Job. No One's Ever Really Gone. Red Letter Media Video. Tech jobs at Info Wars. I don't have a resume. Just kidding. I have resumes I post online. Metal Teeth Weed Wacker. Good Friday. Alex Jones said amazing things on his show today. Landscaping Work.

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Other Social Networks

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

George Lucas Screenshot at 2019-04-19 20:53:12.png
Real Star Wars

Father Knows Best

06:00 AM - 404 - Bud became a leader of a group or something at school and then became big headed and then things were not working. So, he got help from his family or davice and he did things himself to get the picnic happening to get the buses coming. He talked about his family in front of his group of friends in the living room as his family listened on the stairs.

Father Knows Best

06:30 AM - 405 - Sentenced to Happiness - The Anderson family's former gardener got into legal problems. He was from Mexico. He was a migrant worker. He was supposed to take a test and he owed money. He bought flowers for the Anderson's or something instead and the judge didn't like that. He didn't show up for the test. There was sympathy given to him at the end.

Lawn Maintenance

08:00 AM - 01:00 PM - Metal style weed wacker machine. Kelly. Interesting to combine 2 trailers. Nice boat. King Richard. Cardboard. Nehemiah. Apple juice. Van. Talk about Crank. Word association. Red shirt. No, he said Richard. Different trains of thoughts.

Old People

01:48 PM - Senior Citizens - Liz, I was volunteering for a year in 2007 at an adult day care in Hawaii with The Salvation Army and like you said they suck out your youth like vampires. I liked it.

Tech Jobs at Infowars

03:28 PM - Information about the job openings at Infowars - Jobs relating to web design, video editing, web editing, photo editing, computer engineering, etc. I am interested.

Banning Oatmeal

07:13 PM - Info Wars Funding Ideas - I wrote: "But don’t make money on Steemit, right? Anything but that, right? Some people might have implied that, subliminally." Griff: "How much have you made from steemit again?" Me: "Should I make money from Steemit or PayPal or Patreon?"

Tech Jobs

07:17 PM - Email Here - I wrote: "I don't have a resume." Matt King Linux: "You can find templates on-line… You’ll need two things, a web browser to search for a template, and a document editing program. Thug life bra.: Me: "I just lied. Actually, I have my resume online haha." Doctors murdered my step-dad, Bill Cunningham. You can make money but I cannot, right? If I try to make money, that is automatically evil right? Everybody has a resume. We had to make them in ninth grade back in 2001 in Oregon. I can't imagine a person who doesn't have one.

Hunting Ivanka

09:51 PM - If we can get her for her emails, then we can get her (Hillary) for hers. - @therecfem, I'm just saying, "Lock Hillary up." But yeah, oatmeal is whatever you want it to be, whatever you want it to mean. That's funny to me. I've been known as Oatmeal Joey for the past thirty or so years. So, I guess I can't get it out of my blood.

Gone With The Wind

We means anybody. Bananas are delicious in oatmeal. It’s better to be flexible, optimistic, proactive, and especially practical. We don’t live in a perfect world. So, make the most of what you got. Anticipate multiple future outcomes and make it up as you go like I do like a broken comedian like you said. Need more duct-tape.

Empire Strikes Back

So, they’re going after Ivanka. Ideally, people don’t want the swamp to go after Ivanka. However, in the real world, oatmeal happens. So, why not give them a taste of their own medicine? Why not use the Ivanka Trial as a pivot back to the Hillary Clinton Trial from a market perspective? I’m mostly speaking from the point of view of trying to red pill new people. The good news is that Trump red pills people, like when he talked about busing Refugees to Sanctuary Cities, which they already do, which then led people to say that we can’t do that even as we do do that. Of course, we don’t want that. But this is what we got in life. Bad stuff is happening. So, make the most of it, be creative always, never stop trying, and try as you must to red pill people through the art of poetry, irony, sarcasm, videos, memes, Steemit articles, your mom, running around naked with the diversity sensitive Spice Girls.

Lock Her Up

10:38 PM - Hunting Ivanka Trump - Therecfem wrote: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Never LOCK HER UP. Make her put on a beautiful suit (she doesn’t know how to dress) and walk around San Francisco for 365 days in MOPP 4 picking up shit and only getting a 1 hour lunch work break; entertained by Gospel music from the homeless men and women who have been healed at Trump’s FREE DRUG treatment and home centers. I am mean! Oh yeah, she has to sleep in the homeless shelters that won’t accept Trumps paychecks that he donates every month from his Presidency salary." I try to avoid milk.

Turn Ons

11:59 PM - Instant Turn Ons - Women who are listeners, who act, who are active bloggers like a wonder woman, a cat woman.

Red Letter Media

No One Ever is Really Gone

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Red Letter Media

Ghost Buster Girls 2016

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 10:34 AM LMS - February of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 01:27 PM LMS - March of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-17 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - Campbell vs Trolls
2019-03-18 - Monday - 02:48 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 022
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST - Oatmeal Discord
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 11:15 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 023
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 06:10 PM - 06:59 PM: Fake Copyright Claims
2019-03-31 - Sunday - 09:41 PM - February of 2014
2019-04-06 - Saturday - 08:56 PM - History of Mail
2019-04-11 - Thursday - 12:21 PM - Jumanji Assange Arrested
2019-04-16 - Tuesday - 01:39 PM LMS - April - Lost My Master Key
2019-04-16 - Tuesday - 02:20 PM LMS - Reputation Declined
2019-04-18 - Thursday - 08:30 AM - Thursday the 18th of April of 2019
2019-04-19 - Friday - 07:30 AM - Friday the 19th of April of 2019
Published at 2019-04-20 - Saturday - 09:24 AM