
in #j5 years ago (edited)

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Visiting Texas

09:36 AM: @coruscate - Getting Stoked for Austin // Street Art Adventures in the Heart of the City - My favorite here is the two frogs. I knew a cool guy, Nick Littlejohn, from Austin who moved up here to Portland, OR. He told me a bit about Austin years ago. I've always been a fan of Texas and have thought about moving there. I love the art. That Russian House restaurant has an amazing exterior, the design, the color, is totally like not of this world or I mean country and I like it. Oh, that soldier must have been alive during King Arthur, just kidding. But yeah, wow, I love the body armor. Gives me some hope, courage. Upvoted. Resteemed. I need to travel more and take more photos like this, like a road trip around America. Lovely. @coruscate: "I found myself in Austin about a year and a half ago for work and had a morning free to myself. I got a cup of coffee and literally just wandered around the city with the intent of finding street art. It wasn't a hard task! Austin is an epicenter for both music and art, and so this really comes as no surprise."
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Beating Cancer

09:50 AM: @earthcustodians - 42% Of New Cancer Patients Lose Their Life Savings - People should look at Bill Gates and his foundation, what they did, what happened to so many people in India concerning what was added to those vaccines. College debt has been a problem as well. On television, people are blasted with prescription medicine commercials. Some of them may be the same, even if you are watching CNN or Fox. I don't really watch either, generally, for a variety of reasons. I believe in holistic doctors who are concerned with the whole body of the patient as opposed to taking symptoms out of context as the whole body works together in most cases for better and for worse. I believe in natural remedies. Cancer has been beaten. People do recover from cancer. But sadly, it can be a real money drain, regardless. In many cases, chemotherapy radiation has been counterproductive assuming that it nukes up the good and the bad cells in your body. That may weaken the immune system. I do believe in doctors. But I also believe in eating from gardens. Upvoted. Resteemed. Earth Ustodians: "Science for profit will stop at nothing: Gates, Bezos and Chase are dreaming of a blood cancer test, and If they’re successful, the market opportunity may reach $200 billion a year in sales, according to the technology’s boosters in 2016. We have not heard of this that much as of yet, but we can rest assured that they are working on it… instead of funding research that could eliminate the use of chemical and GMOs for example, and save the environment by the same token. That is why a money-free society is the ONLY solution."
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Zionists vs Jews

10:10 AM: @richq11 - Sabbateanism and The Illuminati-Zionist Conspiracy - Historically Accurate: True. I've heard about these things before. It makes sense. Some people may take it too far to say that only the Zionists are trying to rule the world or already do rule the world. Beyond that, people try to say that Zionists are just Jews and that all Jews are Zionists. But that's not true. There are different kinds of Jews. Rich: "I started watching some video's by an anthropologist named Robert Sepehr which led me to dig deeper into something that makes a lot of sense if you think about it. It has to do with the roots of Zionism along with the Jewish anti-jews that run banking, Hollywood, and much of the mass media. An argument has sprung up as to whether the Zionists or the Jesuits are behind the infiltration of the Catholic Church, the rise of the international banking houses and the decline of western culture... I don't necessarily call it good news, but the answer at least is all of the above. It all began with a man known as Isaac ben Solomon Luria who introduced mysticism and the occult into Judaic teachings through Kabbalah. Specifically the use of sex magick which would become more popular as time went on- picked up by Aleister Crowley and his Ordo Templi Orientis."
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Religion vs Race

Some people are Jewish by blood. But they may not practice the religion of Judaism and there are different versions of that religion, perhaps, including whatever that Zionism may or may not be specifically. It's a long story for those who don't know that there are different sects of globalists and different kinds of Jewish people. Some people can generalize too much. It's rather complex.

Assassin's Creed

I love this video game and it reminds me of what it may be hinting at which may involve Jesuit priests and others. There has been a bunch of infiltration by people over the years. The Roman Catholic church has been infiltrated by different people, different groups. The Catholics have been erasing history, burning down buildings, burning books, possibly more so than Jihadists. I don't know a lot of history but I do love history. I try to study Rothschild for example. It is good to look at it all. Upvoted. Resteemed.

Oligarchy Wars

10:27 AM: @michaelweddle - Support Your Local Oligarch! - I didn't really know much about this until now but it is very good to think about and to pass around. For example, look at Bill Gates of Washington State. I'm near Seattle, which makes me think about Bill and what he might have added to those vaccines in India which then caused so many people to die for example. Yeah, Big Oil. Yeah, big this and big that. Don't forget, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Globalists, Big Jihadists, Big Leftists, and Big China. Upvoted. Resteemed. Michael: "I remember, before Reagan-Bush, nearly every community of around 25,000 citizens had a municipal hospital. So we saw 12 years of Republican presidency with the rise of Hospital Corporation of America coupled with the decline of municipal hospitals. What was the then Democratic-controlled Congress doing?"

Four Types of Wrath

10:42 AM: @papa-pepper - SPIRITUAL FOOD 4 THOUGHT : NOT APPOINTED TO WRATH - THE 4 TYPES OF GOD'S WRATH - You mentioned 4 of them: eternal, eschatological, periodical, and perpetual. Now, I'm thinking that perpetual has to do with the consequences we may reap from what we sow, the mistakes, the sin, the negative results of violating eternal principles. I agree that there are probably about four types of wrath that we may see from God. I've attended Bible colleges and we studied the different theories on the future, concerning the tribulation, the rapture, gap theories, etc. Oh, yeah, some say there may be gaps between different future events. Some say that some of these things already happened or is happening right now. Some may say that some of things will not happen.

Grew Up Baptist

I was born in 1985 in Oregon, was saved when I was five, and grew up homeschooled and we attended a Community Baptist church. They generally would teach that the rapture would happen before the tribulation. So, most of my life, I've had that in the back of my mind. But I do consider the other views as well. I also try to be focused on each day, each moment, on things that are within my control. What may happen in the future may be beyond my reach, my grasp. But I'm not trying to encourage people to give up in a view of fatalism. I believe in trying to make the world a better place each day while we can regardless. It's still good to talk to people about these things, the future, for a variety of reasons. Thanks for this. Upvoted. Resteemed. Papa: "Often, pretribulationists will point to 1 Thessalonians 5:9 as proof that believers will not be here for "the Tribulation." While the verse does say that we are not appointed to wrath, this doesn't really apply to "the Tribulation," because "the Tribulation" isn't real. There are various kinds of wrath (i.e. God's wrath, man's wrath, the devil's wrath, etc.) and it is only God's wrath that we are spared from. His wrath comes in four types according to my understanding which are eternal, eschatological, periodical, and perpetual. When we are addressing His eschatological (end-time) wrath, we need to search out what He says about "the Day of the LORD" to truly understand what lies ahead."

Twitter vs Cryptocurrencies

10:52 AM: @dashforcenews - Jack Dorsey's Desire to Hire Bitcoin Developers Illustrates Advantageous of Dash DAO Treasury - Good Competition: That's good news. But be careful, folks, for a variety of reasons. Snakes are in the grass. But I love the competition and it may continue to push others to compete. Also, be careful as they may be trying to pull the general public from the better decentralized projects and cryptocurrencies in our world. Upvoted Resteemed.

Flat Earth Debate

11:05 AM: @maxjoy - Behind the Curve of the Flat Earth Community - Letting Go: Good ideas. It's hard to let go of ideas, people, things, generally. It's all about growing up. It's a thing people can learn to do, but it's still hard. Yeah, lots of people have known of our round earth for many centuries. That's very true. So, they may not really know enough history.

Reality Flat Television

Didn't they make some curved or round television screens? Kind of funny. Like, we love round things. So, why wouldn't more things be round and why wouldn't the other planets be round. Oh, wait, they appear to be round. Plus, the wind seems to be influenced by the shape of the earth. Plus, gravity as well. Plus, shadows. Plus, the thing about the sun. Plus the moon, the waves. The list goes on and on. Yeah, a reality television show about finding the edge is a great idea. Max Joy: "With the flat earth, "they" had to mean... every single person who has ever studied the cosmos. Every single member of all space exploration/observation program, from all the governments in the world for, I don't even know, how many centuries. Maya astronomy... not sure if they said the earth was round, but they did track all it's movements (and other planets) in detail. Movements that confirm the shape of the earth." All about dogs.

Oatmeal Discord

12:30 PM: I created the Oatmeal Discord Channel. It's a voice and text chat room. You can find me there. Find out what Oatmeal is all about. This is the first channel I've made on Discord. I've made it for a variety of reasons. Click here to join my Discord. Created: 2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST LMS JA: the 22nd of March: Oatmeal Discord. Join me there to find out more about what this is all about. Oatmeal to Griff: "Sorry for calling you a Rothschild Lover. I don't really think that. I said it to make a point for the world, for anybody and everybody that may be reading it." New day. New beginning. Good username. Baby kangaroo. Back on for the long haul of it all. Bricks for the wooden strawberry cage place. Rained. They left. Maybe they'll be back tomorrow. Bananas covered. Enjoying semi-retirement. 50 hours emergency broadcast. Interview with lady on Fox on Twitter. Maybe good for Trump to do if it helps educate the general public. Watch for transition to better media. Disney and Fox. Trump didn't say enough in that interview today concerning what big tech is doing. We should assume he doesn't get it enough. Got to continue hammering. What? Stop the hammering? No. Never. Let him know. Let me on your server, Griff, on Discord. I saw your video about me the other day. I'm planning to write about that. Planning to make videos and articles about that and other things. Oh, so many things to do. Friends on Twitter after hashtag games. Oh, photographer potato doesn't want her public photos to be public. Oh, the irony. Oh, let me share them with the world but not your world. Oh, alright. Whatever floats your delusional boat. Time to watch Gotham Saturday morning, that is soon.

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Friday the 22nd of March of 2019

Published in March of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Social Networks - Taught English in Vietnam
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2019-02-09 - Saturday - 08:11 PM LMS - 2019, Week 05
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 10:34 AM LMS - February of 2019
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2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-06 - Wednesday - 12:27 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 020
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-11 - Monday - 10:02 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 021
2019-03-17 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - Campbell vs Trolls
2019-03-18 - Monday - 02:48 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 022
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-21 - Thursday - 12:56 AM - Thursday the 21st of March of 2019
2019-03-22 - Friday - 09:32 AM - Friday the 22nd of March of 2019
Published at 2019-03-23 - Saturday - 12:26 AM