Melodious Music Memoirs # 45: Ribbon Of Hope - Collaborative Art Journey With @Everlove (Original Beat)

in #originalmusic7 years ago (edited)


Picture above provided by the gracious and caring @everlove

I present to you my musical interpretation of this lovely picture through the beat I have produced provided below. This one is another experimental beat. I usually never know where I will go or what I will infuse together, but like a Ribbon, there are so many possibilities with tying and linking and looping things together. Keep Hope alive, adversity and depression will test you all throughout life, but we shall persevere.

Headphones are recommended, press play, scroll down and enjoy the accompanying gifs.

If you have difficulty playing the soundcloud player provided above, here is the direct link to the
Ribbon Of Hope, which will redirect you to the website soundcloud.

Be sure to checkout @everlove's page and participate in her weekly community engaging Collaborative Art Journeys

If you missed my other previous Melodious Music Memoirs, including Open Mic Contest Wk Entries, Please click on the provided links below:

Melodious Music Memoirs # 1: Change The World
Melodious Music Memoirs # 2: Impact
Melodious Music Memoirs # 3: My Mother
Melodious Music Memoirs # 4: Statements

Melodious Music Memoirs # 5: Love, Passion, Passion, Love
Melodious Music Memoirs # 6: Nothing But Bliss - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 2 Entry
Melodious Music Memoirs # 7: The Bitcoin Song - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 3 Entry
Melodious Music Memoirs # 8: Vacay - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 4 Entry
Open Mic Night Wk 5 Entry: Grim Is Out Stretching Death Fields

Melodious Music Memoirs # 9: When Darkness Falls
Open Mic Night Wk 6 Entry: Amnesia
Open Mic Night Wk 7 Entry: Last Day
Open Mic Night Wk 8 Entry: Spaceman Jones
Open Mic Night Wk 9 Entry: Somehow

Melodious Music Memoirs # 10: Structural Adaptation Acoustic and Oriental Versions
Melodious Music Memoirs # 11: All Dogs Go To Heaven - R.I.P. Bear
Melodious Music Memoirs # 12: Epic Arena
Melodious Music Memoirs # 13: Fast Lane
Open Mic Night Wk 10 Entry: End Of My Season

Melodious Music Memoirs # 14: Industrial Flames All Fired Up
Open Mic Night Wk 11 Entry: Get With The BlockChain
Melodious Music Memoirs # 15: Shattered Rainbows, Broken Skies
Melodious Music Memoirs # 16: Whip

Melodious Music Memoirs # 17: Romance & Bliss
Open Mic Night Wk 12 Entry: Crime Lord
Melodious Music Memoirs # 18: Do You See What Chia Seeds?
Open Mic Night Wk 13 Entry: Dad, I Believe That's Love
Open Mic Night Wk 14 Entry: Barz

Melodious Music Memoirs # 19: Recuperation, Rejuvenation
Melodious Music Memoirs # 20: Wisdom Of The Ancients
Open Mic Night Wk 15 Entry: M.A.S.H. Theme
Open Mic Night Wk 16 Entry: Lass Gehn, Let's Go!
Melodious Music Memoirs # 21: It's Hard To Trust But To Love… I Must

Open Mic Night Wk 17 Entry: What Could Go Wrong?
Melodious Music Memoirs # 22: Summer Gladness
Melodious Music Memoirs # 23: The Marvellous Matriarch
Melodious Music Memoirs # 24: The Cool Cats On Steemit
@Soundlegion's SuperNova Steemit Producer Challenge Entry

Open Mic Night Wk # 18 Entry: Your Dreams
Open Mic Night Wk 19 Entry: The Flute Of Fools
Melodious Music Memoirs # 25: On The Ball
Open Mic Night Wk 20 Entry: Sea Of Love
Open Mic Night Wk 21 Entry: No Defeat

Melodious Music Memoirs # 26: Ethereal Presence
Open Mic Night Wk 22 Entry: Eye Contact
Open Mic Night Wk 23 Entry: PizzaGate
Melodious Music Memoirs # 27: Shadow Man-Dala
Open Mic Night Wk 24 Entry: Cherish

Melodious Music Memoirs # 28: Official Song Release Of "Cherish"
Open Mic Night Wk 25 Entry: I'mma Be A Father AKA "Harmony's Song"
Melodious Music Memoirs # 29: Sliver's Edge Of Ledd's Silver Lining
Open Mic Night Wk 26 Entry: Soulmates
Open Mic Night Wk 27 Entry: Beyond Words

Melodious Music Memoirs # 30: Beyond The Veil
Open Mic Night Wk 28 Entry: Waves
Open Mic Night Wk 29 Entry: The Echoes Of One Who Pondered
Open Mic Night Wk 30 Entry: God Gave Me A Solid Vision
Melodious Music Memoirs # 31: Ingrained

Open Mic Night Wk 31 Entry: Warning To The devil, Message To The People
Open Mic Night Wk 32 Entry: Thank God, I'm No Island
Open Mic Night Wk 33 Entry: Haven
Open Mic Night Wk 34 Entry: God's Cityzen
Melodious Music Memoirs # 32: POWER SPIRIT

Open Mic Night Wk 35 Entry: Silent Whispers
Melodious Music Memoirs # 33: Here & Now
Melodious Music Memoirs # 34: Life Stands Still
Open Mic Night Wk 36 Entry: Live Life Today
Open Mic Night Wk 37 Entry: Where We Are

Melodious Music Memoirs # 35: Official Song Release Of "Where We Are"
Melodious Music Memoirs # 36: Official Song Release Of "Dad, I Believe That's Love"
Melodious Music Memoirs # 37: Tangled Webs We Weave
Rap Challenge Wk # 2: Role Model First, Emcee Second
Open Mic Night Wk 38 Entry: Jesus

Melodious Music Memoirs # 38: Official Song Release Of "Jesus"
Melodious Music Memoirs # 39: Bird On A Wing
Melodious Music Memoirs # 40: Official Song Release Of "Thank God, I'm No Island"
Open Mic Night Wk 39 Entry: RIP Prodigy Of Mobb Deep
Rap Challenge Wk # 4: Bringer Of Life

Open Mic Night Wk 40 Entry: RIP DJOfficial
Melodious Music Memoirs # 41: Official Song Release Of "RIP Prodigy Of Mobb Deep"
Melodious Music Memoirs # 42: Reflections Of A Blessing
Rap Challenge Wk # 5: Deep, Lingering Pain
Open Mic Night Wk 41 Entry: Queen

Melodious Music Memoirs # 43: Official Song Release Of "Queen"
Rap Challenge Wk # 6: A Gorge Of Love In A Valley Of Hate
Melodious Music Memoirs # 44: Madame Kali
Open Mic Night Wk 42 Entry: Baby When I See You
Open Mic Night Wk 43 Entry: Down

Rap Challenge Wk # 7: Steemit Hip Hop Community

Thank you for reading & listening to this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


Ohhhhhh I love this sooooo long beat!! Yay!!! What a great beat. Makes me feel like I just want to keep going on, and on, and on, and on. Very melodic and almost hypnotizing!!! Light and cheery at the same time. Very grateful to have your beat amongst these masterpieces. Thanks for coming out to play @verbal-d!!

You're welcome my dear friend, I made it extra long because I knew you would prefer that. Don't get hypnotized for too long! lol I am always happy to present to you more musical gifts, Thank you for accepting them :)

Of course you did!!! Nothing like taking a break to sit with some delicious tunes, close my eyes and just feel the beat. The longer the better!!! I am always happy to receive those gifts. Wow! I'm so blessed! <3

I'll be sure to always make the beats as long as possible :) Enjoy the musical vibes and I'll be bringing you more gifts soon enough.

I love how my Universe works. Ask and you shall receive!!!! Oh so blessed!

It is a beautiful process of giving and receiving and reciprocating such kindness :)

Heart warming and soooo fulfilling. Grateful to be doing it with you @verbal-d!

Yes, grateful to be collaborating for sure :)

Are you about to do a submission for the Beat Battle my dude? that would be epic to see.

Yes. indeed I will bro, thanks for the reminder, exactly how many hours do I have left to submit? it is 5:42am here, I'm just catching up with other projects. I was planning on working on the Beat Battle today cause I haven't started yet.

Ayy you have plenty of time my brother. You can submit it anytime up to your Monday night whenever that is your time :)

And heck yeah looking forward to your magic o weeee you got me so pumped.

Thank you very much bro, I will be working on one today, I'm excited to see what I can come up with. Enjoy your day

Amen heck yeah keep doing great things buddy

You too bro! I will try my best to get an entry in for the beat battle. Fingers crossed

Heck yeah no rush we are announcing Wednesday night so whenever is clever my friend.

Just entered in, thanks for stretching the entry time for this first week, That really helped me a lot bro. I was so crazy busy, but I'm glad I was able to get it in today. Next week I'll have plenty time for sure. Appreciate you. Looking forward to the announcements and all the fresh beats everyone made. Hope you enjoy mine. I posted mine in the first submission post and the first announcement, as well as it is on my page as a post.

This post got a 11.81 % upvote thanks to @verbal-d - Hail Eris !

This is great, brother! I picture this fitting in with a story idea I have in mind or for a pixel game. The electronica was done well and everything meshed together splendidly. However, I just couldn't shake the image of @everlove's art as being a brain. Am I wrong that I see it that way?

I'm curious about the title Ribbon of Hope? What aspect of the art made you think of it that way? It's the first time your MMMs and I didn't sync, so it's definitely interesting.

Thank you very much bro, you are not the only one who thought that way. She titled it Ribbon Of Hope, and I believe it indeed looks like a brain. But I'm glad you liked the beat, I feel this was an off day for me, but I am glad to have participated nonetheless. Everything is practice until a solid hit arrives like the composition I made for your novel or @dreemits. The next one is brewing silently before the noise arrives :)

I would love to play that pixel game, time to check scrabble for me!

Your move, my bro ;)

Your turn now :) let's goooooo

I wonder when we're going to finish given the timezone difference hahaha!

I think pretty soon, it won't take too long if I play 10 Bingos, that's only 70 letters :). hahahahaha I wish, your turn bro

Oh cool, I was waiting for your contribution, awesome!

Thank you very much my dear friend, I feel it could be more awesome, but I was pressed for time on this one, I might revisit it or leave it as is :)

Dope ish. Love the Caribbean vibe to it. Nice.

Yeah I like playing around with the Caribbean styles, my wife is Caribic and I love fusing cultural styles together and meshing genres. You never know what will be created in the end. Thank you for always providing feedback after each track, that is super cool that you do that.

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