M.M.M. # 26: Ethereal Presence - Collaborative Art Journey With @Everlove (Original Beat)

in #originalmusic7 years ago (edited)

Please Press Play as you read along. Headphones or balanced speakers with some Bass is definitely recommended for a full experience. Picture above has been provided by @everlove, which I have interpreted for her Collaborative Art Journey & this is my 7th contribution for 7 consecutive weeks towards creating a full musical art gallery album to accompany the CAJ finale compilations.

I do not know what the picture is, but I interpret it as being a glass of red wine, which reminds me of Jesus Christ and the blood He shed for all of our sins, and it fits the title "Ethereal Presence" perfectly in relative context.

If you have difficulty playing the soundcloud player provided above, here is the direct link to the Ethereal Presence, which will redirect you to the website soundcloud.

Ethereal |iˈTHi(ə)rēəl|
1 extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world: her ethereal beauty | a singer who has a weirdly ethereal voice.
• heavenly or spiritual: ethereal, otherworldly visions.

When making this beat in particular, I read through my King James Version Bible and skimmed through several verses of where God teaches me knowledge about music and what instruments were mentioned during those times. God says, in paraphrase, "if one is sad, let him pray, if one is happy and cheerful, let him sing and praise." Therefore, I wanted to make a cheerfully beautiful song in tribute to Jesus Christ, my Lord & Saviour (with 7 letters not Savior with 6 lol) and this is fitting all around due to this being my 7th contribution and 7 being God's number.

We can only imagine how amazingly beautiful the music is in heaven with all the skillful angels and spiritual beings up above. Lucifer himself was the archangel of music and his body was made out of instruments, and when he fell to earth as Satan with his corrupted angels, I believe he now plagues the music industry with his evil agenda, working through the weaknesses in many people. Therefore, I fight back with the gift of music God has bestowed upon me.

The instruments mentioned in the KJV Holy Bible that I used are a choir, a harp (which King David - the same David who slew Goliath - would serenade and praise God with a harp), trumpets (which were used as a battle cry weapon in wars), and flutes. The bible also mentions dulcimer, cymbals, and psaltry, however I didn't include those, I chose the tambourine, a shaker, the triangle, some percussion drum sets, and violins. I wanted to captured the Awe and Glory as best as I could with the music sound patches I have available to me. I played everything by hand manually, besides sampling the tambourine.

Feel free to repeat this for the positive vibes of love and comfort. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is.

Thank you for reading and listening to this post in its entirety.

If you missed my other previous Melodious Music Memoirs, including Open Mic Contest Wk Entries, Please click on the provided links below:

Melodious Music Memoirs # 1: Change The World
Melodious Music Memoirs # 2: Impact
Melodious Music Memoirs # 3: My Mother
Melodious Music Memoirs # 4: Statements
Melodious Music Memoirs # 5: Love, Passion, Passion, Love
Melodious Music Memoirs # 6: Nothing But Bliss - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 2 Entry
Melodious Music Memoirs # 7: The Bitcoin Song - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 3 Entry
Melodious Music Memoirs # 8: Vacay - Open Mic Night Contest Wk 4 Entry
Open Mic Night Wk 5 Entry: Grim Is Out Stretching Death Fields
Melodious Music Memoirs # 9: When Darkness Falls
Open Mic Night Wk 6 Entry: Amnesia
Open Mic Night Wk 7 Entry: Last Day
Open Mic Night Wk 8 Entry: Spaceman Jones
Open Mic Night Wk 9 Entry: Somehow
Melodious Music Memoirs # 10: Structural Adaptation Acoustic and Oriental Versions
Melodious Music Memoirs # 11: All Dogs Go To Heaven - R.I.P. Bear
Melodious Music Memoirs # 12: Epic Arena
Melodious Music Memoirs # 13: Fast Lane
Open Mic Night Wk 10 Entry: End Of My Season
Melodious Music Memoirs # 14: Industrial Flames All Fired Up
Open Mic Night Wk 11 Entry: Get With The BlockChain
Melodious Music Memoirs # 15: Shattered Rainbows, Broken Skies
Melodious Music Memoirs # 16: Whip
Melodious Music Memoirs # 17: Romance & Bliss
Open Mic Night Wk 12 Entry: Crime Lord
Melodious Music Memoirs # 18: Do You See What Chia Seeds?
Open Mic Night Wk 13 Entry: Dad, I Believe That's Love
Open Mic Night Wk 14 Entry: Barz
Melodious Music Memoirs # 19: Recuperation, Rejuvenation
Melodious Music Memoirs # 20: Wisdom Of The Ancients
Open Mic Night Wk 15 Entry: M.A.S.H. Theme
Open Mic Night Wk 16 Entry: Lass Gehn, Let's Go!
Melodious Music Memoirs # 21: It's Hard To Trust But To Love… I Must
Open Mic Night Wk 17 Entry: What Could Go Wrong?
Melodious Music Memoirs # 22: Summer Gladness
Melodious Music Memoirs # 23: The Marvellous Matriarch
Melodious Music Memoirs # 24: The Cool Cats On Steemit
@Soundlegion's SuperNova Steemit Producer Challenge Entry
Open Mic Night Wk # 18 Entry: Your Dreams
Open Mic Night Wk 19 Entry: The Flute Of Fools
Melodious Music Memoirs # 25: On The Ball
Open Mic Night Wk 20 Entry: Sea Of Love
Open Mic Night Wk 21 Entry: No Defeat

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $794 and .63 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $00.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided: [email protected], but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@fulltimegeek, @papa-pepper, @scammymcspambot, @prufarchy, @trevor.george, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs, @jedau, @sumsum, @edgarstudio

All Gifs used from Giphy.com

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


What an inspiring artist you are @verbal-d. You are consistently AWESOME! Ethereal this is, very angelic-like, suave and sprite all at the same time. This is another amazing creation...so grateful for your participation in this journey!

That's most important to me, is staying consistent and making a difference! Thank you very much @everlove, your feedback and thoughts are always so genuine and kindhearted. I'm glad you enjoyed this and have been playing to the community often, that's wonderful news to hear :) Hope it helps to uplift your days higher.

Uplifting is the perfect addition to our day--indeed what other reason would there be for listening to anything? Thanks for being an awesome constant!

Thank you for being a constant giver and generously genuine as well!

Reflections of each other. How perfect!!

awesome music! resteemed!

Thank you so much @sumsum, I truly appreciate the resteem. Glad you enjoyed it

Wow, man you just send me in another galaxy. You have done an amazing work. Cool music and very relaxing. Very good bro!

Haha, I'm happy to have sent you far far away into the space of creativity :) Thank you very much, I am very glad that you can relax to this song. It brings good intentions and love. I appreciate your kind words.

Ever since I first heard you Basketball-inspired M.M.M, I've become a very big fan of how you create beats. It used to be that I could always rely on you for the rhymes and the poetry, but this really expanded your repertoire for me.

This is actually the third of this @everlove collaborations I've seen in the past days, and I'm very much enjoying all the different takes on the theme. Your beat is by every definition ethereal, and it kind of flirts around with a sort of mystical aspect. It's otherworldly and earthly at the same time, straddling the blurred line between the two worlds.

Your range is amazing, brother, and your beats are truly on another level!

You simply write some of the best comments, and I am very grateful to be the recipient of such kindness. I consider myself a jack of many trades but a master of none, there is always room for improvement indeed. I am still awaiting one of your poetic entries for @everlove's collaborations :)
I am glad you found my beat to be in concordance with the title of the art project, I gave my very best effort to bring it to such depths. We must always expand our ranges and that requires an open approach to being creative and allowing growth. Time to reach the next level up! Thank you again bro.

Kindred spirits, bro, talking about jack of many trades, though I prefer ending it with "master of some". I try to take full advantage of the comments every chance I get. My thinking is that if you're going to give feedback or encouragement, might as well go all out. I find that a simple "good job" doesn't really provide a sense of appreciation for the effort put into a post.

Definitely indeed bro, I am the same way, I often give a lot of effort into commenting and staying faithful to that method because the engagement is one of the most important aspects of building and strengthening a relationship. Catch the wordplay? Faithful, engagement, relationship? lol

Haha yeah, good one, bro! I agree that there are a lot of similarities between the concepts. It's all well and good. Everything we're doing is for the benefit of fostering a thriving community.

Thank you. Definitely, one comment at a time, one impact at a time, one memory nurtured at a time.

I'm out of adjectives bro....Lord! That beat is sick.
I zoned out while listening...hoping to hear you spit some bars. (lol)
Ethereal indeed. I Love it!!!

Thank you very much bro lol you gave me plenty of adjectives, it's all good, so glad you loved it. I'm happy you gave it a chance and listened. Much appreciated. And I will probably do a whole album of rhymes to these beats I've been making for sure.

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