2019-07-03steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

No Bible Study. Nobody told me anything. Ate too many beans. New Steem Versus Old Steem. Review of June 2015. The Joey Symbol. Motorcycle Mom. Miley Cyrus Versus Britney Spears - Same Red Jumpsuit. GC Services might be harassing me. I looked up the phone number on the Internet and found this: "GC Services may be calling from 877-551-9781." On this website, in a box that looks like a Facebook message box that is directed to me, it reads: "I'm the Agruss Law Firm Bot! We can stop harassing phone calls from GC Services TODAY! You have rights under the law. What can we help you with?" The First Amendment: American Masterclass with Historian David Barton | Louder With Crowder. Dtube vs Dlive. @OatmealJoey got over a dollar on the first post this week. Three Stooges in Drag Queen Story Hour: There's the famous saying: "Kids will be kids."

By Oatmeal Joey

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August

Screenshot at 2019-07-03 22:05:18.png
News Wars

Some highlights from 2019-07-03 - Wednesday, as follows:

June of 2015

01:00 PM - 01:46 AM - Spent most of Tuesday and the beginning of Wednesday finishing my Review of June 2015 - I was renting a room at Old Ink Tattoos in Saigon, Vietnam. I was teaching English at places like the 23/9 Park (Công Viên 23 Tháng 9), McDonald's which was next to that park, and that bubble tea shop across the street from that park. I taught English to Vietnamese people, mostly young adults in their twenties, to people like Lego Mark (Zuck Lee) and Thuy Tran. Had a dream about McDonald's Power Ranger cyborg creatures. Somebody invited me for some ice-cream at Baskin-Robbins and I said no. I was invited to teach at AAA Spa, but I didn't until like 2016. I was invited to work online marketing and I declined. In 2015, I was saying no to people more. Saying no to students. Saying no to potential employers as well. I was already busy with my main student, Lego Mark, and we would meet almost daily for like a few months in 2015 and off and on at other times for like a few hours each time, each day. The rest of the time, I was probably binge watching movies and television shows on my laptop or teaching English for free at the 23/9 park which was across the street from my house.

Motorcycle Mom

02:11 AM - Candyward, is Harley Davidson the best kinds of motorcycles? Love your picture here. Mothers are the best. Upvoted. Resteemed.

Homosexuality Debate

02:43 AM- @Bingozee, are my dreams relevant to my thoughts?

Family Debate

02:45 AM - @well_well_well does not know how to read. If he did, he would begin with Genesis. We can go through all 66 books and beyond. We can look at what each book of the Bible says about family. @well_well_well does not know how to read. If he did, he would see the context. Instead, he wants to play a game called, "Take the Bible and Gay Frogs out of context." Easy game to play. The whole entire Bible talks about fundamental principles, stories, dispensations, proverbs. But some people are lost in topical theology. This is an example of how some people refuse to dive deeper. He said the ignore feature doesn't work. He is promoting anti-family values which allows Jihadists to kill us faster. When people are discouraged from having babies, from having married parents, then Rome falls all over again, and this is seen throughout the course of human history for thousands of years in many countries all around the world.


02:56 AM - Managing the China Challenge with Larry Diamond: Perspectives on Policy

Lauren Chen

09:39 AM - Alex Jones: America’s Most Censored Man

Death Of Oatmeal Joey

09:48 AM - I found out that new Facebook, Real Oatmeal Joey, is gone. I cannot log into it. No error. Just nothing. It does not go in at the moment. I'm assuming they took me down. I had only about 30 friends and 50 followers. So, why would Facebook staff go out of their way to take me down? But why are my other accounts still around? It could be any combinations of at least three things: one, I used the same phone number that I used for other accounts, I think, for account creation activation. I've used different numbers with Joeyarnoldvn on Facebook. I use the same IP Address, since I log in to different accounts on the same laptop. However, what if this was a library? So, that might be one thing. Secondly, it might be that I had the same name, same pictures, and links, in @joeyarnoldvn and @realoatmealjoey on Facebook. So, there may be artificial intelligent (AI) thing that is programmed to take me down through a criteria similar to how they ban Alex Jones and certain people and things. A third thing might be the manual aspect, that people may have reported me. People may have flagged me. People that saw me. Also, Facebook staff. That might be a problem. But I am not too sure as if any of this is true as they could have taken down my Joeyarnoldvn account as well and have not. So, it's kind of odd. SO, I can't say exactly what is happening. I'm hoping I'm wrong and that Real Oatmeal Joey is still on Facebook but probably not and who knows why or how exactly as I said already depending on possible factors.

Resurrection of Oatmeal Joey

10:07 AM - I was not able to log into Real Oatmeal Joey and my password. I tried again using my email address [email protected] for that account for logging in and got in and Facebook said that somebody reported my name for being faked. I was given three options. I could say it was my real name, Real Oatmeal Joey. I could argue my situation in details. Third option was to change my name. So, I picked that third option and changed my Facebook account, my name from Real Oatmeal Joey to Joseph Scott Rasp. That's what I did. I wish I knew who reported my name. Was it Facebook staff or somebody that saw my account. Maybe it was an American or something like that. It seems that Americans or Europeans report more and that Asian Facebookers are less likely to report and flag people. That's how I feel based according to my Facebook experience which goes back to when I joined Facebook around 2006. So, I'm not too sure what I will do on this account.


10:52 AM - @Bingozee might be unaware of the problems with homosexuality. We should start a class to break it down step by step.

Adulthood Debate

10:55 AM - Children are in the adult world, whether you like it or not. Just watch Rugrats and you'll see. Some adults are not in the adult world. It's not really based on age but on maturity. Some get there faster and some never ever arrive.

Family First Debate

10:57 AM - Family first is the root to country first foundations. Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux and other people have made thousands of videos about these things. How do you want to raise children? Do you want children to have two mommies or two daddies? Could we have two mommies and two daddies in a family? People can do what they want, but who would be mommy number one and daddy number one? In some ways, kids have three mommies, generally, that is mom, and two grandmothers. But the first mom is the primary mom. People argue by saying that daddy number 1 could serve the role of daddy and that daddy number 2 could play the part of mommy. The problem is that the problem is deeper and more complex than simple labels can do justice. There's more to it, psychologically, physically, than what we see on the surface. @Rob_Roy, mommy might say no. So, little Billy might go to daddy and daddy might say yes. That happens when parents are not on the same page. One parent can be like the good cop. The other parent could be more like the bad cop.

Many kids have had four parents, that is mom, dad, a grand mom, and a grand dad. The grandparents tend to spoil their grandchildren. But psychologically, the grandparents are secondary parents.

But if you have four primary parents, two mommies and two daddies, that affects children, psychologically. It messes with kid's relationship with and on objectivity, reality, laws, family values, life values, etc. @Rob_Roy, please tell Alex Jones to stop agreeing with me. I am against making things illegal.

Facebook Down

11:26 AM - Facebook and Instagram is down. People are talking about it as FB and IG is trending on Twitter right now. Facebook is down for some people and slow for others. For me, images are not loading on Facist Book, the Mark of the Globalist Beast Book.


11:30 AM - @SGTWILLIS, speaking of that, Dane mentioned, yesterday, that there is a difference between low altitude crop spraying, watering, etc, over farms, and higher altitude geoengineering via airplanes, jets. He said some of it may be a distraction, either accidentally or purposely, depending on the situation. So, we got to be smart when we talk about it with new people.

Red Outfit - Two Girls

11:40 AM - Almost twenty years ago, in 2000, Britney Spears starred in a red jumpsuit in Oops I Did It Again. She sang on imaginary Mars. It was a love story or breakup between her and a astronaut. The song might have been an apology. She said she got lost in the game. That's part of the problem that we have with gamification in society in general.

In 2019, we see Miley Cyrus in a red jumpsuit. It's similar, but Miley looks like an aborted demon, in that song, Mother's Daughter, which doesn't sound like an apology when compared to Britney's song. So, the outfits might be similar and yet Miley seems to be more extreme than Britney's song was back during the Y2K era, the pre-9/11 era, back when Bill Clinton was still President. @Zor, please tell Alex Jones to stop going over the top. Only Carrot Top can go over the top, topless. @Rob_Roy, if only Infowars sold oatmeal. Does that mean the ego is bad or good or what?

RIP Joe Hagmann

12:08 PM - This is one of the reasons why I haven't begun my career yet. I don't have any protection at the moment. So, I feel like I should be prepared enough before launching myself out there like Joe Hagmann. We already live in The Walking Dead (TWD). The zombies are the leftists. However, there is a cure. But some of them will not take the pill. But there are other variables to consider, too, at the same time.

Off-Topic Oatmeal

12:16 PM - Oatmeal is never off-topic because oatmeal is a very general word that means anything you want it to mean, like hate speech lol. So, put me in a mill, a blender, and serve me tonight while the roosters are still hot and roosting like a mother in a shoe with too many children that she didn't know what to do.

Debt Collectors

12:32 PM - My aunt called and said that "Al Liese" is trying to get a hold of me by phone.

His number is 877-551-9781. That person could have found me online. My phone number is posted on the Internet. I don't know what is happening. It could be related to a camp in Oregon. Maybe not.

Possible Answer

I looked it up and found this: "GC Services may be calling from 877-551-9781."

But I don't really know. I am only guessing. I don't know anything about this website that said that the phone number might be of GC Services.

Debt collectors like GC Services, LP, cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law. We will stop the harassment once and for all. THE BEST PART IS… If violated the law, you will get money damages and will pay our fees and costs. You will not pay us a penny for our time. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.

Who is GC Services, LP?

is a collection agency, headquartered in Houston, TX. was founded in 1957 and now has over thirty call centers across the US. is a Limited Partnership. According to their website, offers a wide array of accounts receivable solutions. We’ve helped a lot of consumers deal with . While they are most well known for collecting on college student loan debt, they also collect on debt from retail, utility, banking, telecommunication, automotive industries, credit cards, installment loans, auto loans, retail store credit cards, student loans, insurance claims, and healthcare debt. is both a first and third party debt collector. Third party collection means that they are hired by outside companies to collect debt on the company’s behalf whereas first party means that they are a subsidiary of the original company the debt is owed to. Often times does not identify themselves as a collector when placing account receivable calls to consumers and that is something to watch out for as it is a violation of the law for them not to. If has left you a voicemail, save it and call us. If they left a message that violates the law, we can help.

GC Services, LP, Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information

GC Services is located at 6330 Gulfton Street, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77081. The main telephone numbers for are 800-756-6524 and 713-777-4441. These are just two of many contact numbers.’ website is https://www.gcserv.com/

GC Services Might Be Going After Me

12:59 PM - GC Services might be harassing me. I looked up the phone number on the Internet and found this: "GC Services may be calling from 877-551-9781." On this website, in a box that looks like a Facebook message box that is directed to me, it reads: "I'm the Agruss Law Firm Bot! We can stop harassing phone calls from GC Services TODAY! You have rights under the law. What can we help you with?"

Complaint filed by: CHARLES

01:12 PM - Hi daily I get a call always from a different phone number and the message is the same asking for a Kelly Martin to return the call to 877-551-9781. There is no Kelly Martin here. Here is the call record from today: (786) 338-9823 15 min ago Hi, my name is Linda. This message is for Kelly Martin. Please return my call at 877-551-9781. Thank you. Vincent wrote: "Got a robocall voicemail from this number, the person asked for my name, nature of the call was not given." Somebody told me that Al Liese called from 877-551-9781. So, allegedly, apparently, it seems that Al is trying to contact me. Maybe for a school loan that should be gone already and paid off or whatever. I wrote an article about this. I want the world to know that something might be happening. Actually, many things are happening.

New Steem

02:33 PM - New Steem Versus Old Steem


03:00 PM - For an hour or less. Five red five. I thought I was cumminicating with Griff. I told him to repeat this message, "Five red five," to relay back to me in real life to prove that we can communicate via dreams. By the way, it makes me wonder if dreaming is a way to go outside of time to where we can see the past and present and future in some ways like that episode in Star Wars Rebels where they went into a world between worlds.


03:55 PM - I do not understand the poll. @Bingozee writes books within other people's threads but can't even write complete sentences in his own thread and poll.

Little Mermaid Live Action

04:03 PM - Black Ariel to be played by Halle Bailey

Barbie Anna Letters

02:37 AM - Anne wrote: "You know Joey
I won't become your friend foreverv
Because we have never asked you marriage
My sister
We were joking we talked about that there re some couple have fake marriage to you."

02:44 AM - "My boyfriend and I are be together in distance relationship for 2 years we are in real love and maybe in the future the embassy might doubt me cuz your post.
Even at the point , You unable to invite someone to USA at the point my sis and I are not stupid to choose someone who has no job , no pay bills every month, who own money from gov....cuz your finance was not eligible to invite someone to USA to live .
We were friends for 3 years and I think you understood me, you messed my life I quited my highschool grade 11 because you abuse me on internet and now is my future husband .
02:52 AM - "Be honest I wish I have never met you."
03:05 AM - "Joey Arnold Even at the point , You unable to invite someone to USA at the point my sis and I are not stupid to choose someone who has no job , no pay bills every month, who own money from gov....cuz your finance was not eligible to invite someone to USA to live but the true we have never asked you get married and you have never supported my family , you gave my family around 500$ to stay in my home for 3 months and eat my food, after 3 months my family can not support you and police contact to my family that they won't a foreigner stay in my home if I let a foreigner who has no visa stay in my home, my mom could be in the jail and pay a lot fee cuz she is owner. I'm sorry cuz I must let you leave my home cuz you are in blacklist visa. I promise that we have never asked you get marry with us we talked about other people did that , I'm the person who sent email to the lawyer Canada to request him cancel my visa Canada when I realize that my ex husband sell drugs in Kelowna and I have the proof it in my old email, we refuse marry with someone who we are not in love no matter where they come from and we hate illegal . How can we want to marry you when im the person who refuse visa Canada from my ex husband when I know him sell drugs ?"

All of this is a long story. I've written about some of it in the past. They helped. I helped them. Those are good things. Many good things happened. But some people might focus on the bad things. That's sad. The bad things might include that they might have made mistakes in how they live their lives. They have the freedom to do what they want. I talked about it because it serves as an object lesson for people to learn from. We learn from each other. Many different things happened. They said they were trying to help me. I gave them that opportunity. I gave them all of my money.

The Joey Symbol

04:52 PM - This is a drawing I just drew a second ago. It is based on an original format that I began drawing around 1995 in Oregon back when I was ten years old. I begun by brainstorming things for a Joey Entertainment System. I was also drawing pictures of video games and of video game consoles. I was coming up with ideas for having universal super computer systems that could play cross-platform or cross-console games from SEGA, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft's Xbox, Atari, computer games, etc, etc. Here is the Joey symbol below. I have been drawing this for years. I've drawn different versions of this Joey Hook Symbol, but they're all basically like this. I'm Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I was born Feb 11 of 1985. This is a beloved icon of mine. I would draw it as a stamp that says I wrote or drew or did something. It would go with my signature.


Washed the dishes

Shaved my beard

06:28 PM - I ordered something, I told mom. I said I order myself a new face. Perhaps for her birthday. You could say my arms delivered. It cost me an arm and another arm. Not really legs but just my arms as it costs time and energy. Not much if you only shave once a month, but it does take work.

Steven Crowder

07:08 PM - The First Amendment: American Masterclass with Historian David Barton | Louder With Crowder - Steven Crowder has some new videos where he is talking to a historian about guns. No limit. If government has it, we can have it.

Digital Post Office

07:56 PM - The United States Postal Service (USPS) sends me emails about what is coming in the snail-mail. So, the USPS is partially digital. Government funds Fed Ex and UPS.

Should USPS create their own Twitter?

Good Versus Bad

08:24 PM -Bad is defined by good. If anything can be good, then nothing is bad.

Twitter Bio Update

08:40 PM - Vietnam American English Teacher; Historian; Homeschool; Gamer; Musician; Camp Counselor; Athlete; Artist; Filmmaker; Doctor; Pastor; Designer; Developer

Dtube For Two Blockchains

08:55 PM - [Didn't D.tube already have a websites? So, two blockchains. Sadly, Dlive went to Lino but probably could have posted videos to two blockchains, Steem and Lino. So, are you saying Dtube is powered by Steem and Scottube is powered by or is a new blockchain network? If so, then that's good, I hope.](Didn't D.tube already have a websites? So, two blockchains. Sadly, Dlive went to Lino but probably could have posted videos to two blockchains, Steem and Lino. So, are you saying Dtube is powered by Steem and Scottube is powered by or is a new blockchain network? If so, then that's good, I hope.)

The Bitcoin Thread

09:55 PM - What do you think about Bitcoin? Should we try to put data into Bitcoin? Should we try to put 3-D Gun Blueprints into Bitcoin for the 3-D printers?

Marriage & Government

09:58 PM - @cyberpunkspike, should marriage be regulated by government? Shouldn't marriage be none of their business? In other words, shouldn't marriage certificates not be issued by government? Why not the free market make the certificates? @well_well_well, do you want government to save us from all of our problems, including the problem of homosexuality being stuffed down the throats of children, or should we let free markets rise?

Drag Queen Story Stooges

11:08 PM - Three Stooges in Drag Queen Story Hour: There's the famous saying: "Kids will be kids."

However, should we take advantage of their innocence? Should kids be allowed to make all of the same decisions that adults make or are they still kids? Are they not ready yet to make those types of choices? Beyond that, should we force the juvenile towards things they don't want to think about? This Meme Picture is my entry to @richatvns's Meme Day meme contest. I love the three stooges. I love history. I love helping people through education, entertainment, music, memes, and everything.

Freedom Promotion

I promote freedom, freewill. Let people do whatever they want. But please don't shove it down the throats of other people, especially children. Historically, you can study this. You can look at how the Roman Empire fell. It has something to do with the rise of homosexuality and other things. So, long story short, we all can learn so much from the patterns found in history.

Fake Polls

11:32 PM - @Bingozee admits that he is silly because at least my poll admits that it is crazy while your poll pretends to make sense.