2019-07-02steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Review of June 2015. Family First. Jumanji 2017 - Welcome to the Jungle. Body Language: The First Trump Kim Korean Border Meeting in North Korea 2019. Spent most of Tuesday reviewing June 2015. Watched ten hours of Infowars.

By Oatmeal Joey

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My Life in 2019

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Screenshot at 2019-07-03 02:01:13.png

Best of the Worst: Black Spine Edition #3

Some highlights from 2019-07-02 - Tuesday, as follows:

Family First

12:24 AM - People should marry and have kids. Life is better that way. We all know this. It's fundamental. Local communities are grounded on strong families. That's how it works. What you're talking about is out of context in the same way the Sandy Hook comments were taken out of context. What you're talking is very specific. I'm talking about general principles. You're throwing an exception clause at me. Very small exception clause in comparison. @well_well_well has never seen a Stefan Molyneux video where he talks to a single mom. @well_well_well is a globalist, promoting anti-family values. @well_well_well, you are a eugenicist? You don't want people to make babies? @well_well_well, do you want unmarried people having children? @well_well_well, you are a Drag Queen Story Hour All-Star. I want kids to have mommies and daddies. I don't want to promote parentless children. I believe in courtship over dating. I believe in no kissing, no contact, before marriage. Thảo Ruacon

Jumanji 2017

12:36 AM - 02:49 AM - Jumanji 2017 - Welcome to the Jungle continues vs lives...... when you have 0 lives, you are dead, when you have zero continues, that means you are dead when you are out of lives..... for example, you could have 4 continues and three lives per continue.... and when you have 0 continues left, that means, only 3 lives left and then you are dead in the game


10:41 AM - @Rob_Roy, I remember noticing demotion, decline, downgrade, after the first democratic debate 2019, last week. Part of the reason for the fall, for going from Regular User Status to Member Status, which probably began last Wednesday, might have been due to flags as I was sharing screenshots in @FreedomFighter414's thread, possibly too many. Plus, perhaps, due to sharing or stealing the avatar profile picture, allegedly, of @TheIsz. There may be other reasons, like some people might say, allegedly, that I might be too much, too excessively, subjectively speaking to some extent perhaps, spam, bad, deceptive, too rude, too offensive, too much hate speech, not enough offline activism (or some might argue, none yet), and too many questions, or wrong think or this or that thing and a combination of all of these things and more and @Fubar might have maybe accused me of something relating to something I might have said about child porn, allegedly speaking. Technically, and long story short, I mentioned child porn as an analogy to describe the value of not creating black markets which can come through prohibition and also in how prohibition can also help in making government bigger and bigger and it makes black markets and the sex child trafficking murderers and others bigger and bigger and bigger as well which is a bigger problem compared to the smaller issues in comparison and I was mostly trying to make that comparison or contrast by making a very extreme statement to highlight and emphasize contrast between one bad thing, child porn, with a worse thing, global tyranny, technocracy, authoritarianism, globalism, corporatism, etc, etc, etc.

Body Language Ghost

10:42 AM - Body Language: Trump Kim Korean Border Meeting

Topical Theology

10:50 AM - @well_well_well might be taking the Bible out of context through the art and science of topical theology. I could write a book or at least a new thread about that. Long story short, topical theology is like taking Alex Jones out of context in what Alex said for example. Topical theology takes God out of context. That's not good. But people do it all the time. They grab a verse and run off with it. They disregard the context. They disregard the whole story, the overall themes, etc. It's easy to take things out of context. Very easy to do. People are not always trying to take things out of context, but people do it. Slow and steady wins the race. It takes a lot of time to understand things.

Family First

10:53 AM - Ladies and gentlemen, the context begins in Genesis. Alright, class, let’s begin with the first of the 66 books of the Bible.

The Bible Promotes Family First

11:06 AM - Bible Promotes Marriage, Family, Not Genocide - Ladies and gentlemen, the context begins in Genesis. Alright, class, let’s begin with the first of the 66 books of the Bible.

Topical Theology

@well_well_well might have taken the Bible out of context, allegedly, excessively, perhaps. That's called topical theology. In other words, it's like taking Alex Jones out of context to say he told people to attack the media in 2018. No. Alex was promoting the second amendment, self-defense, because Antifa was talking about going to people's houses to murder them. We all take each other out of context sometimes. It's hard not to take things out of context. Topical theology is when you take God out of context.

Family First

Believe it or not, but the Bible promotes marriage, having children, being fruitful and multiplying. It doesn't promote genocide. It doesn't promote letting the eugenicists win. It doesn't promote what Satan and what globalists promote in Agenda 2030 and other things.

I started this thread to talk about this.

Yes, the Bible does talk about being single.

Apostle Paul does talk about the value of being single.

However, that is an exception clause.

Long story, short, families are the heart of local communities which are the cornerstones to states and nations. Families are better when the parents are married. Children learn from that. Otherwise, you get a bunch of orphans. You get a bunch of single mothers. You get a bunch of Muslims who are having babies, while Americana dies out. Stefan Molyneux talks about this. Alex Jones talks about this. Many people talk about these things.

Family first is fundamental.

It's so important.

@well_well_well might be excessively promoting anti-family values, that is excessively speaking, unfortunately, and maybe not on purpose. But regardless, it may be good to be single for a time.

It may be better to be single as opposed to excessive dating. Well, courtship is better than dating. So, there are different ways to date, to court. Long story short, it's better that man is not alone. God created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. The Bible talks about marriage and family.

Family reflects who God is.

Some people should be single.

But most people should at least try to maybe marry.

Family is better for so many reasons.

Founding America

11:16 AM - @Memeart, do you disagree with the implication of how Christian people were during the founding of the United States in the 1700's? Do you disagree with the context of the 1700's of how things were, with the assumptions that people made, including the majority of the citizens of those initial thirteen states as opposed to only the founding fathers of America? Would you rather live in China? Do you know that Stefan Molyneux probably disagrees with what you might be saying?

Gay Marriage Debate

11:29 AM - Two problems.

  1. Gay marriage is a problem. However, people should have the freedom to marry whoever they want. I disagree with it. I will not marry a man, as a biological male. But I do not want to force men not to marry other men. I will not promote it. I will not fund it. But I do not want to try to stop it.

  2. Authoritarianism is the bigger problem. Government should not be deciding who can marry and who should not marry. Government should not mandate Obama Care. But they did. That's the bigger problem.


Long ago, marriages were recorded in Bibles as opposed to kept in government warehouses. We got to find ways to make government smaller. Get them globalists out of our schools, hospitals, churches, town halls, businesses, national forests, parks, and houses.

Let people marry whoever they want.

Get rid of taxes, welfare, regulations, etc.

Homosexual Sex

11:32 AM - @Sue is right and homosexual sex is, in other words, psychologically abusive, counterproductive, dangerous, subliminally, gradually.

Freedom vs Principles

11:52 AM - Two things.

  1. Freedom is good. Specifically, @Bingozee should have the freedom to not be religious, perhaps, or whatever.

  2. But at the same time, eternal principles should be promoted by the people who believes in them. Specifically, we can learn from the patterns found in history, regardless of whether or not we want to believe in certain religions, politics, philosophy, principles, etc.

Bingozee should have the freedom to say whatever he wants to say to promote whatever he wants. That's freedom.

However, that doesn't mean that there is no God. Alright, maybe there is no God. Maybe Bingozee is right about some of what he believes to be true.

However, if Bingozee should have the right to not be religious, then other people should also have the freedom to be religious, even if they're wrong and there is no god.

But at the same time, religion played a role in the founding of western civilization and specifically in the forming of the United States of America in the 1700's for example. Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, and countless other people talked about how Judeo-Christianity helped humans get to where they are today.

So, long story short, God helped us, those eternal principles found in Christianity helped us, even if God does not exist, and that is a good thing. @Bingozee @Bingoze does not have to believe in God or whatever.

But why deny history?

Eternal principles withstood and withstands the test of time.

God's ways are better.

Even if God is imaginary.

David Knight Show

01:19 PM - Bitchute: David is wrong. You can visit Facebook and see public posts even if you are banned on Facebook or Twitter or YouTube or whatever. You can use Google or Duck Duck Go to find public posts on Facebook. David talked about how he couldn't see something on Facebook around 30 minutes into this video, that is today's show.

June of 2015

01:00 PM - 01:46 AM - Spent most of Tuesday and the beginning of Wednesday finishing my Review of June 2015 - I was renting a room at Old Ink Tattoos in Saigon, Vietnam. I was teaching English at places like the 23/9 Park (Công Viên 23 Tháng 9), McDonald's which was next to that park, and that bubble tea shop across the street from that park. I taught English to Vietnamese people, mostly young adults in their twenties, to people like Lego Mark (Zuck Lee) and Thuy Tran. Had a dream about McDonald's Power Ranger cyborg creatures. Somebody invited me for some ice-cream at Baskin-Robbins and I said no. I was invited to teach at AAA Spa, but I didn't until like 2016. I was invited to work online marketing and I declined. In 2015, I was saying no to people more. Saying no to students. Saying no to potential employers as well. I was already busy with my main student, Lego Mark, and we would meet almost daily for like a few months in 2015 and off and on at other times for like a few hours each time, each day. The rest of the time, I was probably binge watching movies and television shows on my laptop or teaching English for free at the 23/9 park which was across the street from my house.


Best of the Worst: Black Spine Edition #3


Best of the Worst Episode 78