The Worst Example of Mass Food Waste!

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

We know food gets thrown out if it is out of date, or if the packaging is somehow not "perfect" - But there's another reason which adds to food waste so much, and its rarely spoken of.

Electrical Power Cuts- If the fridge or freezer goes off at some point unexpectedly..


Yesterday, I went to see what was to be thrown out of an organic food store.

There's a shop here in Oslo, Norway, where at first I was dumpster-diving their trash and then have since managed to get to take a peek before it got wheeled off to the container and imminently it would be crushed. I get something 90% of the time, last time it was just a slightly molded pumpkin which sounds quite pathetic, BUT I ate the good part and 1 seed has sprouted that I planted from it, so ill have maybe 5 or 6 new pumpkins from this one trip to the shop. Great!

Today was a special day but you would be surprised as to how often it happens. I went and had a chat with the woman there in the shop, as we do normally and then come the right time to ask what they had for trash. She took me to a section of the shelving and we were stood looking at coconut oil and raw cocoa choco lumps, but then she said "Well yesterday, 2 FRIDGES turned off for more than a short amount of time, and so they aren't allowed to sell it. It was 13.00 just after lunch and she said that I should come back in 3 hours as she much take pictures and list what was to be thrown out. Off I went home to chill-out and later went back in the city.

I took a wagon with me, I knew even without looking than it wouldn't be of manageable bulk or weight to carry alone, and so the trolley came also to the city on the public bus. I found this wagon one day on my way not far from here, one wheel is slightly wobbling but there's nothing wrong with it. I arrived at the shop and it was busy, and waited until I got told to come over and speak to one of the staff who all knew I as coming it seemed. One took me to the fridges and said, you can take all of this and gave me 2 strong black sacks and let me too it.

There was A LOT of food!

5 or 6 different types of tofus?? Smoked Tofu, basil tofu and a mushroom one, and some other ones I don't even know.

Sausage's and bratwurst's, vegetarian..

A female customer saw me emptying the fridges and presumed that I worked there and said "That's not getting thrown away isit?!"

It was her lucky day also, I told her to go wait outside and I'd share it with her which she happily did! She said she wasn't vegan but she took some vegan cheese to try it out. Its mad how all these vegan product contain no dairy products but still the mind recognise's it as cheese to the taste.
I dragged the two heavy black sacks along the floor as they were Heavy- 60kg at least combined! and up the steps to put them in the wagon.

After the lady took some cheese, I was now stood outside the shop wondering if I should call someone with a car, or try get the bus with all this in rush-hour. I rang the friend and whilst waiting for him, I decided of course to stand in a busy street and hand out some free foods. It didn't look so appealing to have it in black sacks but that would make only the curious people get some free foods, and the ignorant could stay ignorant after seeing just some black sacks there and refusing to take a peek inside. I love working on the street, snapping people out of the drone mode of thinking whilst walking from A to B.

Here are the lucky people of whom I remembered to take a picture of..

This woman was talking and talking on the phone but took the "Cowgirls Steaks" whilst walking and smiled.

This guy was on his way to meet a new date, who was vegan.. Awesome he will definatly get laid now after bringing expense Vegan foods! Reminds me of a song "Tofu Fool" (one me and a mate made up)

This couple were from London, and they had just moved to Oslo last Saturday, Nice people indeed

Then I met this guy, whilst walking to where I'd get picked up..

"That guy!" is also English, from Bristol. He lives in Oslo and plays ukulele and was on his way to work at a concert. I saw him walking up some steps I was passing and knew he would be talkative! We even share the same name also, he took some foods, and then asked if I was on Facebook.

Well - you can guess my reply! "Im on!Are you?!"

He was instantly interested when I told him the very basics of it all. He also uploads to youtube.. Im in contact with him and have offered (of course) to get him a steemit account. In fact, Here is his facebook page, so go bombard him to join Steemit and!

I got picked up and split the food with the guy who drove and went back home to cook some food!!

I have stumbled cross gas stations also that have thrown out all the cooled items because the fridges cut out, and when this happens , imagine a whole shop of food being trashed. THIS HAPPENS OFTEN!

If there's ever a power cut in your area, go and check out the food shops around on the same day, and take a wagon with you!

Thank-you all, and as usual I hope I shocked some people and also gave some people inspiration if they feel controlled by finance on what there is to eat in "society".. There's plenty of food being wasted so why do we work hard to pay for bad quality foods?!

Here below is my Library of posts here on Steemit. Steemit is the First and last website that I have and will ever post on, I only post things of my alternative choice of a lifestyle, which you can see just by the titles below alone.

Most Recent- How to make straw-bale gardens & Time To Sort The Back Out

Self Talk
Steemit on the Streets!
Untold truths of a smart meter
Who am I? By Me and Myself

The HusBus Adventures :
Part 1 - An escape pod to a new life

Part 2 - Waves Goodbye
Part 3- Lost in BCN
Part 4 - Still in Barcelona
Part 5 - Finally Able To Move On!
Part 6 - Tarragona
Part 7 - Black Jesus And The Animal Graveyard
Part 8 - Leaving Tarragona!
Part 9 - Valencia
To be Continued!

Do You Think The "Mandela Effect" Is Real?
My Beloved Guitar
No Cabin, No!!!
Calling all Norwegian Steemers!
How Your Physical Freedom Is Just An Illusion
Occupying a Property, what is squatting?
Wisdom starts with Toothpaste?!
Sweet Killers - Pepsi max
My dogs with shoes for the first time!
Overthinking, and you want it to be less?
51%- Something Incredible
Couchsurfing, Heard of it?

Personal Organic Cannabis Grow 2018 - part one
Part 2
Part 3 - Day 11
Part 4 - Day 19
Part 5 - Day 24
Part 6 - Day 28
Part 7
Part 8 - Day 41 Day 41 Dtube
Part 9 - Day 50 Panic Flowering!
The clones Part 1
The clones Part 2
Part 10
Part 11- 21days til harvest and the LST Outdoor Orgy Begins!
Outdoor grow update, Norway

Why Do We Pay So Much To Live? Earth battery experiment Part 1!
Part 2
How To Make Birch Water


What a feast!! I love the way you gave this stuff away to random strangers. That's AWESOME. Where are you when I crave smoked tofu and can't afford it??? Resteeming...!

I'm glad you shared this. What a cool post!

Soooo much foood! on one shelf I calculated there was the same worth as a whole years salary for a Gambian person. FUCK THE SYSTEM

Whoaa, I can't believe I never considered this, thanks for the enlightenment. I'm all against food-wasting and try to avoid it in our own household. No one would have to be hungry if the stores would all give what they can't sell to charity after they close. I think at least bakeries do that here in Cairns, Australia. Will definitely wander to a food store next time the power goes out...

That really makes me happy to know that you read this write up! Its exactly why im posting on steemit to open people eyes as to how we are just enslaved and sheltered from alot of "life hacks" so to say in a modern way..

Did you ever consider to go Dumpster-diving?

I'm totally getting around living of others waste. unfortunately most of the store in perth Aus lock up their bins

nice, another full timer :)

Little tip, go buy a tube of superglue rapid setting, and drip 2 drops in the keyhole..

they wont be able to open it either, but they need to , to put the trash in.. so they ring a locksmith, and have to arrange all of this, pay for it, then replace the lock, and as soon as the new lock is on it, go and do it again! I guarentee you after a few new padlocks, they will give up - and the trash is open!!!!!

haha, that's one way to do it. I'm stuck between small operators who I wouldn't want to hurt and giant operators who can afford security and cameras

Again, my friend, you set a shining example and make a wonderful post about it :-) Thanks for keeping us aware of this gigantic waste and thanks for turning it to a pleasure for yourself and the lucky people who meet you! ;-)

My pleasure mate!

I'm excited to join the dumpster diving revolution. I have heard many wonderful stories but have yet to really dive in myself. I have an upcoming bike trip in Vancouver and intend to do some diving before, during and after. I want to make sure that I don't adopt a mindset of "I can't afford to buy food" as that would negatively impact my abundance mindset. Instead I think I will view this as "there is so much abundance that food is getting thrown away!"

Hi! You should do it full time! Not just on Trips :) then you get to go on more trips because you have saved so much money from not buying food!!
Maybe look on horrible nasty scummy Facebook to see if there are groups and people to go with in your area?

I want to make sure that I don't adopt a mindset of "I can't afford to buy food" as that would negatively impact my abundance mindset.

I changed my mind set to "why the fuck should I buy food even when I have a lot of money, If I know its around the corner in a container" :) My disgust for the system and those who created it and still run it all , goes very far !

Awesome! My gf is vegetarian and i find that most of the food actually has more or better taste than real meat. I guess they over compensate. Great score. Glad you were able to share a lot of it too.

Its all just soya beans in different shapes though. Its definitely been designed by psychologists, because you read the packet and its all Soya but all different labels hahaha - amazing!
22% protein also in the tofu, and the rest im guessing the same :) It was a sign that I should do some vegetarian month again. I was thinking about it and then it happened so , can't not do it can I lol.

I forgot to add.. You really cant beat a real free land organic fed animal dead on your plate! and even better when its taken from the trash and recycled, or really fresh like a road kill hahahhahaha :)

My moms side of the family is from Norway, I would love to move there!

what! your half viking hybrid?! fucking easy over here mate aslong as you dont have any contracts to be somewhere everyday! If you have free time in norway, your the richest!

Great find! So nice of you to share it with the people you met on the street. Unreal just how much food goes to waste every day. Can’t wait for your next big score. 🐓🐓

hi! Yes it was an epic score indeedy :) self-forced vegetarianism works good for me lol

"he will definitely get laid now" lol

Hey there @movingman :-) I hope you don't mind, but I want to ask you something. As you know, I'm in this little community, @helpie. From there also the @c-squared project started, and they're both aimed at improving the quality of Steemit and promoting quality content. I have sort of introduced you there by submitting this great post of yours at the lovely people @c-squared: as you can see they selected you, even when they normally only select posts with very small payouts..:-)

It's clear in my mind that you belong here, and that you're one of the most genuine Steemians around and make great posts about your personal lifestyle.

I would be honored, if you are at all interested of course, if you would accept our invitation to join @helpie. If you are, please let me know (you'll need Discord)!

And if you'd rather not, I'll still be one of your biggest fans, so don't worry or feel pressure either way ;-)

I need 85mb of free space but cant delete any other apps lol

Hey man, there's no hurry :-) Are you doing everything by phone though..? My respect for you has grown again then ;-) I can't work with those damn devices.. :-(

When you are settled and have some time left, here's my Discord link:

And, btw, Discord also works as a webpage, doesn't it? ah well, just take your time, like I said: I'm not going anywhere, and as you can see, I work strange hours (just woke up, 15:22 hour now ;-))

I view Steemit on my phone but do write ups on laptop.. I didn't know there was a desktop discord! oh wait, yes i did, because I used that first and got an id, but then installed the app so I could use it more, but then i had a different id number !

maybe you can use this invite link for PAL server:

It's the Peace, Abundance & Liberty Discord channel we use as a portal: use the invite link and then I can contact you on Discord through that server ;-)

We'll get there, one way or another :-)

I'm at work now, so it may be a while before I can come back, maybe in 5 - 6 hours from now...

Oooooh yeh, discord ! I will go find this website :)

Oooooh yeh, discord ! I will go find this website :)

Haha nice this comment didn't send due to a lag.. and now im back on Discord! movingman#0184

second edit, " Oh!"

Ill have to juggle apps only phone to squeeze discord back on my phone lol!

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