On The Street -Crypto Awareness in Oslo

in #crypto6 years ago

Just a quick post, whilest im waiting in the warm waiting room until the ferrys and buses arrive. Its minus 7c outside. The lovely people will soon pass me and hopefully buy a magerzine. Chilled spot here for selling, and i thought it the right time to tell how many people have commented on the "can pay with crypto" that I have proudly on display,the last few days.

On thursday I was standing at my morning spot, and it was quiet after the rush hour. An old man,id say around 63,walked past then stopped to read and then he asked (to my surprise) "Do you sell many with Cryptos?"
He told he had just been fired from Telenor and now for the first time in years since his 20s,he has the time to walk around in the daytime and talk to strangers. Beautiful. So we chatted about cryptos and net neutrality. I told him about steemit and he was surprised to know it existed,such a thing 😂 after 10 mins he asked to take a photo and said,"See you then on Steemit!"
Is there i wonder,a referal program for new members on steemit? I have introduced many friends to it,and even randomers who ask about paying with crypto on the street.

Then there was, in the same spot but later in the day, 3 indian guys rocked up in a tesla and got out and walked past to go buy a coffee from the shop next to me. One of them saw the sign and laughed hard,and told the other 2. On the way back with coffees in hands, the took a closer look,and was shocked that it was true.
Still though,it seems crypto is in the air,but nobody has actually brought a magerzine with crypto yet.
Oh and even 2 days ago, a group of schoolkids came back to read the coins i accept,and asked, "No DOGE?!"

It seems its getting there slowly in Oslo.
I would love to hear of other citys and how it is there.
My friend, Gabba, is starting to go soon on the streets of Oslo, offering to sell Ltc Eth and Dash. I gave him an idea to sell paperwallets also to people who would like to buy cryptos for the first time. Its good to sell the coins,but most people have no wallets and its all very daunting. He has nearly finished the website,and ill post the link when its done.. He is also a little bit anarchistic 😂

Anybody had any Street Crypto Experiences ? Id love to hear about it!
Big love!

Dam as usual im now asked to leave the warm waiting room by the security 😢 haha


Awesome! This will be the biggest shift in transfer of wealth in the history of the world. Keep doing it. Keep talking to people about cryptos. Spend ALL your free time learning. Read and watch everything there is. IF thats what you want that is. The possibilites are there with cryptos. Make of it what you want 👍

I got to have a hobby whilst its to cold to play guitar outside and enjoy the nature! and theres no chance to give Kr to a bank hahahahahaahahahah

Steemit doesn't have a referral program but Busy.org does. It's an alternative outfit for Steemit to explore the blockchain and it has many cool features, like a referral link which you can find in Settings. Simply you just need to go to busy.org and log in using your Steem active key and you're ready to go.

Cool things happening with people getting more aware of crypto; I've told a lot about my friends about it and they have picked up some interest towards them, some have invested small amounts to biggest cryptos but haven't so far gotten anyone to Steem yet but I think I'll get there someday.

Btw, the old man sounded like a chill dude :D

Thanks for your reply,its appreciated! I just finished learning about the basics of fonts and headings etc to make better readings for future posting.. Im not really a sit on-line type , but then again i get glued reading interesting articles on here lately lol! Ill check out busy when im comfortable with steem first haha! the old guy was legendary indeed, hope he joins steemit lol EdIt, added.. Yeh i see first people are getting small amounts of the top coins first, fucking pussys lol- hihi its natural to test the waters I think first though! I actually I thought I had found cryptos late, but then after finding there wernt even really wallets at the time created for these coins, i was happy. And still its well early like another 6 months until 50% of people shall have wallets and different coins. And before that the rich who get those kind of newspapers that cost a shit load of money every month, which contain tips on trading etc, they shall be the first adopters, then the public people majority last. sad but I believe to be true.

You know, crypto currencies with referral programs are efficiently pyramid schemes and frowned upon.

However, Steem does not need an explicit referral program ... you will get your rewards if you manage to recruit followers :-)

Great story! Feels good cryptocurrency is being accepted by the world population now. Slowly it will become mainstream and hopefully the cryptocurrencies still have lots of room for growth. :)

I wish you all the best.

Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi, this way we can support each other!


Cheers digi,thanks for the Crypto terminology post!

If we can meet downtown tomorrow morning, I'll buy a magazine for ether, bitcoin cash or sbd :-)

We need 2 Anon masks,and 2 Steemit T-shirts, and then document it on here :)

I don't think we need two masks, I've never been anonymous on the Internet, too late to become anonymous now :-)

Hahaha 😂 I'll try get winter bridge if possible,thats my local spot lol. But hey we really should do a cypto transaction! I'll message ya soon,I also just spent some money all on magerzines again lol just like cryptos,I have to wait until I get the profits lol. But then more kr for crypto ;)

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STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 56681.24
ETH 3016.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.28