The Workshop - Eviction Time and alot of luck with the Police!

in #alternativeliving6 years ago (edited)

Last days at the Workshop

Catchup: It was now April 2017. We had been kicked out of Lysopp- that beautiful unused small farm that I wrote about in Part 3 and had moved everything we had back to the workshop I had been occupying alone since the end of october. We had managed to occupy it for around 5 weeks and had a great party inside also.
I must add, I will not just edit something out because it involves drugs, or sex, or something that others would have trouble writing about. In the things I will post, I will write all I can remember as to share a full experience even if some find it explicit, I dont write any fiction :) I did start writing a book by hand so I can transfer and document the book slowly onto here thus saving it on a site thats not likely to vanish anytime soon.

We were settled in again and spring was showing its face which was a relief.

We also was offered alot of help from the nearby squat which made things easier and spent alot of time there socializing. We had great supermarkets to go get food for free from the containers out the back and the people that worked there didnt even mind that we did it either that always makes it easier and less childish to argue over the morals of recycling food with a sheep.

I had already registered myself as living at the workshop, to get a Dnumber, something you need to get work in Norway if your a foreigner. I had the idea first to use the workshop for yoga lessons, meditation classes and the office room for giving massages in and so I set up a company which ment I got the Dnumber quickly. After a short time I realised that I had already been "Free" as in not registered etc for many years and that I could just do the massage thing as a hobby for cash instead. Also around the same time I got the job selling the magerzines and this was it, I was happy enough so cancelled the company and with the Dnumber I could do the magazine job. I went the whole winter with no electric and one day I just rang up the electric company and said I was renting the place and wanted to get reconnected to the grid.

2 days later magically we had electric!

Sadly theres no more pictures of the workshop at this stage of it.

The build up to Eviction.

I had got a wildlife camera and placed it outside to see who was coming and going at the place because I was leaving to the city around 6 am, and getting back around 8pm, but i could see prints in the snow now and then around the place.
It was a great toy indeed! video footage with sound and night vision:) We used it and i was checking it every evening on my laptop and there was action but just people parking up to walk the dog or go fishing. We had even had occasions where people came and thought we were the owner and wanted to rent it off us. The thought really did cross my mind!

We had built the huge greenhouse out the back, and one day I was giving a massage to someone, and we were happy because after I had done it me and Cronus would go for the first time to an event we found happening in Oslo. Oslo is fucking boring by the way, so when you find something to do its a miracle.

The front door was open and the sun was setting, it was around 6.30pm, just finished the 90 min massage, and we were just getting ready to go get the bus. I then saw a police van drive past the door but not on the road, it was on the driveway outside very close to the open door. I ran back into my room, where I had 2 big led lamps hanging on chains and TWENTY plants in pots in my bedroom. I managed to take the lamps down and unplug them and put them against the wall, leaving the room in complete darkness because the window was covered with carpet.

I ran back into the workshop floor closing the door behind me to wait for the police who had just parked up, to venture inside. And so they did casually, just the 2 of them. At first I was thinking its all good and they would just ID us. They started to question what we were doing here and I told them I was living there since 6 months already and I had just gave a massage and then we would be going out on the next bus. They obviously had been called by the owner, and they asked if we had any drugs and to produce our ID. I told them straight away as they would find it anyway, that I had hash and capsules of mdma on me, and that there was even more in my room. I had fully accepted that i was in big shit, and i went to get my passport. . The policeman followed me to the door and I opened it. It was pitch black inside and now inside I had started to panic. I calmly asked to borrow the torch he had on in his hand, and with that he came in with me just inside the door. I had a shelf there and i thought that my passport was sitting under the bag that had more hash and mdma inside of it and he saw me pick it up to find the passport wasnt there. Then I remembered it was in my draw next to the wood oven so I got it and gave it to him.
As he turned with the torch to go out of the dark room room, he sees the tiny ganja plants in huge pots, and casually asks me, "are they weed plants?"

I casually replied back as we walked out the room - "Yeh".

I never let the police know that I understand their language - whatever counrty im in, and so I hear what they say and they speak freely thinking im not listening.
Cronus and the massage client, luckily who was from an occupied place in the city and was used to it, were stood there in shock at it all waiting for me to get arrested. They let the one who had the massage go home and that left me and Cronus realising that we will definatly be missing the event we wanted to go to.

The policeman who saw the plants told the other one and then they asked me about it. I told them that I cant afford to smoke grass in this country and so I grow my own, and its actually medicinal strains with CBD and low THC. They then asked me to give them what I had on me, which was 8 mdma capsules and 8 g of hashish and put me in the back of the van. I was smiling thinking that atleast Cronus could look after my dogs when I go for an unexpected holiday to jail and had already made peace with that fact, plus I had heard Norwiegen jails are very comfortable.

I knew that they would now be searching the whole place, my room, the workshop, cronus' room. I was in the van for over 40 mins. They came and opened the door and we stood outside the workshop in a wired silence.
They had strange looks on their faces, blank expressions. I hadnt been actually been arrested yet. One of them then broke the silence and said " We are not sure what to tell our boss". "We have destroyed the plants, and now we must report something because we were called out to visit."

Seriously we stood for easily a full 5 minutes, and then the one who was more in control went and picked up the radio and started to call the headquarters. I heard him only mention 8 capsules and 8 grams hashish, but he was half in the van on the radio so I couldnt really hear all. They then said to me, that the owner was willing to go to court to get us evicted and so me and Cronus agreed it was time to leave, "we think your a nice guy and your peaceful and honest so we take this very positivly. Your going to recieve a fine. "
The police drove off and we both started screaming in laughter "What the Fuuuuuck?!!!" Why didnt they say anything about the lamps stood against my wall and about the bag of mdma and hash sat on the shelf in my room??

I was in shock for around 3 days after this, wondering how the fuck I wasnt even arrested for living in an occupied property, growing weed and possessing Hash and Mdma. In the Uk id have got atleast 5 years in jail, and Cronus who is from SA said id have been well and truly fucked if that was in South Africa.

I went back into my room to find it of course a bit upside down, Cronus said both of them had been searching my room since they put me in the van. I said to him that I had still a bag of things there and so I went to look on the shelf in the dark room behind the door, and the bag that I had picked up in the beginning to get my passport seemed completely untouched, with a lump of hash there still and a nice looking crystal of mdma, The only thing I found missing was half an lsd blotter that was on my bed somewhere in a small bag. One of the strangest days in my life and definitely a very lucky encounter with the piggys.

We rolled a phat joint each because they had taken what Cronus had aswell, and st to take in what had just happened and the fact i was still sat there in the workshop. It was then I remembered the wildlife camera!! We checked it on the laptop and sure enough we had left around 7 am, and at 9 am someone had come around the back and we got good footage of the greenhouse area. We saw a man looking at great shock at the greenhouse and then he started to try and take it apart. It was comical to replay the video clips, him standing there scratching his head, wondering where it came from! We came home that day at 2pm and if i had checked the camera we would have known to expect a visit from the police and to get a good 5 hours warning!

The next place to live for free would be the nature! Spring was coming, slowly, and we both had tents.

The problem was we didnt know where to go to. After a quick search we found a good spot on top of a small hill in the forest just 5 mins walk over the otherside of the road from the workshop next to the lake. This would be our new home- and we joked that if they didnt use the workshop and it was empty again the following winter- that we should open it again and move in as it was just across the road!

Youll be welcome again to be nosey at the lifestyle of a peaceful nomadic anarchist in the next post ill do of our forest camp 2017!

Thankyou all! See my other posts on travelling in a van below, and find other people living like myself using hash tags such as #alternativeliving & #vanlife

Part 1- An Escape Pod To A New Life
Part 2-Waves Goodbye
Part 3- Lost In BCN
Part 4- Still In Barceloca
Part 5- Finally Able To Move On
Part 6- Tarragona, Spain
Part 7- Black Jesus And The Animal Graveyard


Love it!. I have a few weird experiences like this story youve just told!. I think we have guardian angels looking out for us @movingman
Blessings bro 😊

of course we do man , we are LIVING LIFE as free beings - as it should be, we are good people and so we have good fortunes even in hidden random lucky events, even when we think that we have lost a fortune. it was an 800 euro fine but here thats not actually much money (its mental here) in Norway it seems its like "If you can Pay you can Stay" with freaks etc

Ha very entertaining... when I have time I will read your other posts. I have a few stories like that but not sure I will share... seems best left in past for me these days but are a giggle to recall with those who lived them with me.. 😄😄😄😄

Ah c'mon! Hahaha! Glad you enjoyed it 😁

Do I understand it correctly that you moved back into the same workshop you already got evicted from once?

Good morning sir! Ah no maybe that bit needs editing at the end? We moved across the road and joked that if the place was still not used by the next winter,then we would move back in again 😂

Hm. You write that you were moving into a workshop in your post "the workshop part 1" then in ["the workshop part 2 / lysopp"] you got evicted from there by polite police (after asking a bit around the electricity).

Then in your post "the workshop part 2 and Lysopp" you moved to Lysopp.

Then in this post you got evicted from Lysopp, moved into the workshop, made a greenhouse, got the electricity working after talking with the electricity company, and then got evicted by the police again? :-)

Quite possible I fucked it up lol, ill check after! thanks for the tip.. well, i moved alone in october into the workshop then met cronus in january, we moved into lysopp whilset the workshop was still with my room and bed there. Then yeh kicked out of lysopp, so we moved back to the workshop, it was like 5 mins driving, and then got electric in the workshop and shortly after got the lucky fine and then we left in march or april into the forest..

ah i see where the confusion is! and dam its to late to edit it.. The first visit from the police was literally just that conversation, I didnt intend to move away but i found Lysopp and that was anyway much better than the workshop, so we had 2 places, incase of real eviction at the workshop , we had made lysopp also livable. I didnt hear from anyone after that polite police converstation, i guess they though id just leave! stayed there 5 months more, storing things there and letting guests stay they etc.

ha just one sentance missing makes such a difference dosnt it :)

My hypothesis was that due to your excessive weed smoking, you no longer remember very well weather the police was just politely asking you to move out or also (even more politely) ignored the fact that you got busted growing weed ... and that you also no longer remember very well weather you asked the house owner to fix electricity or if you asked the power company directly ... and that you also didn't remember very well weather you moved from the workshop to Lysopp after getting evicted from the workshop or if it was vice versa.


No, it's not too late to edit?

How many plants did you have? I believe gardening is a major offence if the purpose is to sell drugs and if the production is significant, but if it's just some few plants, then probably it's no big deal. Bringing the case for the court and eventually putting you in jail would be a very costly affair, the police did the right thing, saving taxpayers money from being wasted :-)

I believe the police is generally very lax on drug usage here, perhaps they have simply given up fighting a "war on drug usage". There aren't enough policemen, enough capacity in the courts and enough jails for "cleaning the streets". I believe that if you had hundred plants, then the police would have been very happy to jail you up, and there would have been a small notice in the newspaper about the police busting a "major drug producer" :-)

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