New moon last night!

in #cannabis7 years ago

I started off my seeds last night with the New Moon for this seasons grow.


I do the same for every seed to start gemination,

I lay then in water in a labelled cup, waiting for the seed to crack open and for the tip of the root to come out. This usually happens after 3 days, if it dosnt , from my experience , the seed isnt so good and is hard to grow, BUT usually it turns into a great plant!
There are of course many different ways to germinate a seed. Germination means to start the seeds growing process, and for this to happen it must be warm and wet. Some people use wet tissue and lay the seeds on it and put in a warm place whilst being covered also in wet tissue then seeds will germinate in the wet tissue like shown below.
Its best to keep seeds in the fridge when preserving them. This replicates the actually winter, when the plant would have dropped the seeds and so the cold is natures way of preserving them until the warmth of spring comes.

This year I have a warm home to be able to do this properly. Last year I was in a tent for spring in a forest and started off my seeds , only to have a spring with no sun and just rain- and to make it sure they wouldnt survive, one night it was -3c in MAY. Anyway you will read about this when I do a story on previous places I lived.

The Good Old cups.
Of course I took them from the street..
You can see the cup with MAZ as the clearest example. The seed on the left hasnt yet soaked up enough water to sink like the rest, so i just gave the cup a slow caring swirl, and it sank.

Before (left) and After (right)


Really, I love this strain so much!!

I first smoked it in Spain, then grew it, then really feel in love with it. So I have Mazar, and CBD LIFE plant, 1 Acupolco gold, Critical Cure another cbd strain, and a nice looking seed from some outdoor weed from cheq repulic.

I did intend to grow all indoors but the electric wasnt so easy to accuire for it so im waiting for the snow to melt and ill build a green house. I learnt to use a greenhouse after loosing a crop because of a freak hale stone storm that shredded the plants in Switzerland. Best thing I could have done was let them finish and then just make Ice hash which I did :)
The strains i have here will be interesting to do out door, I dont know much about the A.Gold growing wise but we will see!

I will manually flower the plants mid july, so i will be harvesting before september to miss the moisture and to get summer sun in flowering time. Alot of work to be there at 6am to uncover the greenhouse, and 18.00 be there to cover it again for the flowering period, but hey all farming is a responibilty. Ill most likely get chickens as they have the same rythum :)

I do have a small led 25w lamp that some guy made himself.. its fucking tidy! Ill use this for the first month or so until it warms up a bit to put them in the green house, and i plan to grow in shopping baskets, they have great ventilation, and even wheels for mobility and they look massive. I like try alternative methods :)

Either today or tomorrow I will have to set up a small place for the light and the little beautys and ill be sure to post every stage, like a grow journal.

Let the season begin!!


Beware deer and rabbits when u do outdoor without a greenhouse one year i lost about 40 plants scattered around a forested area :( bastard creatures were probably sniggering at me from behind bushes whilest i walked mile after mile through the woods trying to work out what happened.

i leanrt a trick in gemany, go to the hairdresser and ask then to collect all the diferent hair they cut, then you take it, mix it all together and make tiny sacks of hair in womenens tights and hang them around and even on the plants.. The deer thinks there are 20 different humans in the greenhouse or in forest because of the smell. they last 2 weeks with no rain and then just go and replace them :) they dont go near the plants lol

I tried a similar trick
Piss with cigarret butts held in a bottle for two weeks with added a bit if oil so the rain doesnt wash it off and pouring it on trees around the area
That reeked nearly vomited a few times when pouring it on the trees and i dont easily give back what ive eaten.
Didnt stop the bastard creatures though :(

I did that once before reading somewhere on a permaculture website about the hair thing.. saving piss in bottles, and then yeh doing stinky work, and it dont stop even rabbits lol.. hahah shit that brings back memorys lol

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