Why I live like this Full Time -Because Life is Free

in #travelfeed6 years ago (edited)

During November of 2016 I found an abandoned mechanics workshop in a beautiful spot on the edge of a huge forest in Norway. This post warped into an introduction as to how ive ended up bloggin what I blog about which mainly is on how to live an alternative lifestyle without being dependant on the system instead of Part 2!
You can also follow steemians like @trucklife-family,@mattjack, @markwhittam and @moderndayhippie who in my short time have connected with on here, theres a guy living in an earthship, but hey its huge so I forget whos who lol.

I have been travelling slowly and stopping a year for the last fews years in different countrys but I dont travel like the adverage "backpacker".

I have never saved money to go travelling and now ive been going 8 years around Europe. Whilst travelling I never had the opportunity to just "go to the atm" or "just go eat at a restaurant or jump on airplanes" and/or the choice to stop living humbly and go back to the lifestyle I had before, the only reason I dont have the choice to go back isnt because im a wanted criminal - I cant go back is because ive "grown out of it" would be the best term I could use.

I refuse to use banks after the amount of money ive paid them during my age of 16 to 22 for going slightly overdrawn many times of 2p and getting fined 20 pounds, which caused me months on end of financial poverty. (This was even before I started to learn how the banks really operate.)

Ill let you know this about me whilst im at it- I HATE any authority figure in the society, police have also cost me alot and effected the way I grew up. I am against anybody who thinks they have any form of power over me.
Police to me are just corruption and the hate I have for them burns so much that they are not even a human in my eyes.
Id go to a riot any day and happily throw bricks at a row of them. The whole "justice system" is also corrupt. The banks are also fucking criminals if you ever have time to learn how they work.

I am against Schooling. This is Brainwashing into Fascism. (Fascism to me is telling someone how they should be)
And yeh the Technology thing, Im not against technology, I do like it but I dont like how its being used,how its produced, and how much it all is costing - again as slavery and control of the masses.
We are very special, all of us, and I believe also that we are actually just dummed down so much because we have so much power and knowledge that they didnt tell us about, that there wouldnt be any cogs left to keep the greed filled machine of society running.

What really made me leave it all was that all my life and everyone around me , the whole point really of life was to make as much money as you can to have a better life. THAT WAS IT. Life. The fact that we get put into a full on ILLUSION of what life is, and then we just do it because everyone else does it and then before you know it your 58 just paying of all your debts if you lucky i guess and you say "fuck." where did life go?!

The worst thing is, is right now in your life,if you want a change but you dont do it then you will be like the example of many above.

" For birds born in a cage, to fly is like an illness "

I am since years, looking from outside of the bubble that i was born and raised in also where my family still stay, in that bubble of society. Its really just a bubble, because if it pops, then you dont fit in anymore and will have conflicts and troubles in your life.
When I was living in what I refer to as "House Life, I could just see that it is fucking depressing and it is actually insane what people are doing and how its all become.

I opted out.

Since years I havent paid rent or tax, havent really paid for food or clothes, and I am happier than I ever was back in"House Life". I have no boss, only an alarm clock for a job where I pay no tax when i need to work, and the situation im in is what I chose at some point a few years ago. Usually I like to live in the nature or a wagon in the nature, but since a year and a half in Norway I have been occupying empty houses or abandoned buildings more than I have lived in the forest.
I live off grid.
I have no bills to pay and I can also play a few songs on the guitar anywhere to get money for tabacco and whatever else. I have no debts and just me and 2 dogs to look after. I only ended up getting on a laptop multiple times a day for trading cryptos late last year, and then got introduced to Steemit by @scandinavianlife and yeh thanks to cryptos I have use of a place to meet others around the world with similar interests, and mainly most of all to blog about another CHOICE everyone has especially as we are waking up more.
If you quit the "House Life" you get all the time to do whatever you really wanted to do, and naturally learn how to adapt. I used the last years learning how to grow food and to live in a permaculture setting, and once you can grow food (one example), your very independant.

some of us are waking up and have been doing things different for years already, if your intested on how its possible to live with more Quality of life - then you must follow my blogs !

If not NOW, when? If not YOU , then who?

Heres one way you to can give it a go!

Part 1- An Escape Pod To A New Life
Part 2-Waves Goodbye
Part 3- Lost In BCN
Part 4- Still In Barceloca
Part 5- Finally Able To Move On
Part 6- Tarragona, Spain


@movingman you cant put a price on freedom and i don't think people realize how trapped most of us really are. Good post man.
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I'll look into that when I get the chance, thank man

Welcome, hope it helps

Hi movingman
Happy traveling.
Welcome to steemit.

You have wonderful life style. Enjoy it as long as you can. Happy travels.

Sounds like you have found "your way". If all of us were so lucky! :)

Welcome to steemit. Sounds like you'll do just fine here. :)

What are you doing with life? I want to tell people that anyone can live for much cheaper meaning that we have to work much less.. don't even have to go travel either :)

going slightly overdrawn many times of 2p and getting fined 20 pounds, which caused me months on end of financial poverty

Went and saw the bank manager about that happening to me once. I was so fucking livid. The bank manager said 'i think you will find that 20 pounds is not a lot of money' and i totally lost my shit. For being overdrawn 75 p. I argued for so long they gave it back to me.

Hihi i do remember that people strated to claim it all back but i just quit tge system instead, tax free life since 10 years ;) fuck em!

I'm really, really excited to follow you! I used to be utterly beside myself figuring out how the hell I was going to do this life thing, because I was in my twenties before people were talking about how to do this on the internet. I just looked around me and knew that I couldn't live like that. And I spent the next seventeen years figuring out how to make it living a life that I liked and not as a bored slave. Going well now! I struggled my fucking ass off in those years resisting that life - trying to figure out how to eat and have a roof over my head without selling my time making myself miserable working a job I hated.

how are you living now, you mean you changed the lifestyle in the end from what you hated?
You look pritty happy and healthy anyway! and actually if you do enough meditation and yoga then we can happily live in any situation/ but fuck that hahah :)
Im happy that your following also, thansk for that enthuism in written form :)
Im not one to sit on a compuetr all day of get a bad neck from looking at a smart phone but, for steemit, and a place to keep a history of my travels - its well worth it! sleep now zZZZzzZ

I work for myself, have no debt, live in a spiritual city that's built on the counterculture, and I do what I want. And I do what I want. I do what I want. I do what I want. That's all I care about. 😀

thats great! I can see by your posts that your very THERE!

Happy that I came here. Following you for all the moves you take. Cheers and stay blessed

Welcome along for the ride! I hope to do part 6 of the HusBus adventures in in 10hours.. been having internet connection problems last 4 days

Bring it on

didnt manage to finish it due to drafts not saving hahahah ill squeeze it in soon but im starting working long hours agian before the dip is rising again ;)
actually ive only got to add pics and edit then i can publish it. plus by then i hope to have remembered some more details! bed time for me now

oh - it will be part 7!

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