A Day in My Experience of An Alternative Lifestyle- Living Free

in #life6 years ago (edited)

What would you do if you didnt have to be on time to a job 5 days a week ?

What if someone told you,

"Hey the world will end in 6 days"

What would you do with those days? And without using any Money to do something-
What would you do?
Heres a day of doing something productive and helpful for someone who deserved it.

Heres a pic from on my way up to a friends place, of the cabin we are occupying.

Maybe you are wondering, what people who drop out of the system, can actually do with all the free time available to them.

Heres an average day for me here in Outback Oslo. Its a chilled place, so not much madness going on!
Its too cold to do anything really, and a Sunday, so I thought to share you a day and also you get some painting tips!

I have been helping a friend decorate her cabin. She was having a rough time, and I know the enviroment that you live in effects EVERYTHING. It used to be dark inside, not much space, and so I decided onetime to paint her ceiling from a dark stained wood , into white, which always makes a room feel more spacious and higher. She was skeptical at first but then loved it and after doing this she got motivated to repaint her home, and have a change around inside. Esteem in real life action!
Now her home is looking huge, spacious and light, when before it was more the "Cosy Cabin" feeling of dark woods and corner units blatantly decorated for an old person in the 70s.

We (me and the dogs) went up to do the kitchen windows as she had already finished the kitchen and I use a short cut which does save 30 mins- probably much more in the snow.. But its still a killer on the legs and even after a few months, I still haven't gotten used to it. Its steep, and you got no chance without spikes on your boots!

Even though my dogs are Spanish, they seem to enjoy rolling and sliding around in the snow, especially Sniffy!

Its very nice views from up the mountain side, but the day was foggy and very eary looking, Usually in the distance you see Oslo city.

The Holy Pain- Quality silicon based paint - And completely free from a dumpster of a paint shop of course!

So here is a cheeky little "Tips on Painting Old Windows"

If I was the average home owner and wanted to get someone to come paint my wooden windows, seriously the first tip on this is, that if someone turns up and starts using masking tape, then you've got the wrong guy! I was lucky enough to finish a kitchen fitting job i had when the contract was finished and get invited to go work with a father and son company in the UK for over a year. They taught me that painting is an actual skilled trade and that the saying on building site in England "If you can piss, you can paint" only went so far. And this is exactly what I got told when I asked for masking tape when we had to paint huge old school wooden bay shop windows one time..

" By the time you stuck all the tape on the glass, Id have finished the undercoat, plus by using the tape, it means you don't really care for the job and are almost intending to hit the glass. "

So I learn t how to paint properly. And yeh, if someone starts getting the tape out, just hope your not paying them by the hour!!

If you have the time to do it yourself, then heres the steps i took on my friends windows. Its worth to buy a good quality brush, 1" is perfect. If you buy shitty value brushes, you will get frustrated with the horrible bristles and it wont turn out so nice.

Firstly you must remove All the loose flaking paint by using sand paper. I used here some really ruff one and then had to use a smoother one because there wasn't a medium grade sandpaper to use. Compromise! You see I folded a small piece, and I use my thumb-tip (if I move it to the glass) as a stopper so the sandpaper stays on the wood, and this way you will never scratch the glass. Go slowly until you got it positioned correctly and adjust if needed.


These really needed some love and after a sand, its time to scrape out the old filler.

After this stage its time to clean up. You should usually apply a Primer onto the bare wood parts, and then undercoat all the woodwork with proper undercoat paint. I couldn't take pictures of the new Acrylic sealant because I needed 2 hands lol. Luckily I found silicone based paint, so it went on fine as a primer and undercoat in one. I will also restore the windows from the outside with the same paint in spring as its very rain resistant. If you buy silicone, you will find its not able to hold paint, and isnt that suitable (although you could finish painting, then use silicone as the last stage of it.)

Heres how they looked after one coat of the paint.

Just with one coat and a first application of sealant they look already much better

I did just one window,it took some time but then it was time to go get ready for work.
I thought Id try at a gas station in the area, and anyway the money was needed for data and Rizla papers which they sold there. I went and set up. I never ask, if I want to play guitar or hitchhike from a gas-station, I soon learn t that if you ask, then they can (and usually will) say No.

It went well , I got what I needed - even a bit of winter sunshine also!

"Work to Live, Dont Live to Work"


I can attest that @movingman is good with the paintbrush, as he helped me out a bit with varnishing the other day.

Wow, you are one skilled dude. I like working on things with my hands, building repairing. I don't really believe you need to call someone to do stuff around your house - like paint it or do small repairs - you can do them yourself.

I've never painted windows...though yours (the ones you painted, of course) look really good.

What would you do if you didnt have to be on time to a job 5 days a week ?

Well, you don't have to be on time for the job...well, you do, but it's because of a life you choose, don't you think? People often say that if they didn't have to work, they'd do x things they really desire to do, or if they weren't tied down to their house, they'd travel the world. I hate these 'woulds'. They're no good. You can do anything, anyone can. But people don't want to make the effort to actually break from their unhappy lives....

Love this post. Also, I love that last photo, it's awesome.

I wanted to add that people don't want to break away from suffering because the sad truth is that the mind creates suffering and we believe we are our mind. So if there is no more suffering in the life, the mind made entity of the self, feels threatened that it will fade away, and then we wouldn't know who we are anymore. ( That's scary!)
For the mind to loose the control is the worst thing that can happen in the view of the mind, so all the excuses of why to just keep being unhappy carry on existing.

Thanks alot! Yeh humans can really do anything if we break the mold😀

nice post, it's very beautiful where you live but woah fecking cold! it's so true about the masking tape, it takes bloody ages. thanks for sharing your day with us x living pretty free down this end too x

haha yeh its cold! but soon the spring will come and then its even beautifulllller :) hope to come down for a holiday at some point, I miss it there!

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