Cabin, No Cabin!!

in #freedom6 years ago

No!! The Cabin!!

The cabin

Welcome- Today or should I say yesterday, we realised that the foundation of the cabin has sunk, or should I say the ground under it has sunk, around 6cm leaving it in a very dangerous condition somehow still ok, just sunk the back wall inside the cabin a bit. I could repair it, but it would cost way to much money, time and energy as it needs a truck with concrete and a pump and the old uncemented stone fountain supported either side with lots on concrete. Underpinning its called in English.

On Friday I was in the city working and decided to stop and go to relax. I went into the shop to buy papers and when I came out , Oolo my brown dog was gone. So I stood shouting load for him to come, then took a walk around the block but no luck. Bastard. I waited for an hour loosing my voice from shouting, and pissed of that i must wait for him or call the police and then it would cost money when the dog catchers found him etc. Then I get a message from Cronus saying that iI must get to the cabin straight away because its going to fall out the cliff. Fuck really right now?! I messaged him back asking to explain more then he wrote something that didnt quite make sense 100% and i thought maybe he could write properly because the cabin was falling and he was busy panicing.
I decided there was nothing I could do so i got the next bus back. I get of at our stop and I hear shouting, Dan, Dan and I see Cronus with 2 guys across the road at the other bus-stop. So I go over and I see its 2 bus drivers with Cronus.
One of them shows me his phone and says look! I see its a picture of my dog on a bus.

He had lost me outside the shop at the trainstation and then had run to the busstation and actually got on the bus to go home. I didnt know he was so clever. I still dont know what way he went beacause we rarely walk to the busstation, and we dont really get the bus from there any more. He took the express bus though so it went straight to the next city and then the driver found him back at the bus yard. So kindly the bus driver had said to keep the dog there and then one drove me in his car. they had all done alot to not let Oolo go to the dog pound to save me the fortune.
So dog sorted, now I still hadnt seen the cabin but didnt have time because I had to go get Oolo. Cronus was adamant that the thing was falling soon and so he went up to take everything out. I had the reunion with Oolo and got back to the cabin to take a look. I saw down in the basement that the walls were cracked, and then went outside and found the clusterfuck problem.

We got stones and I wedged them in in critical places to stop it sinking further, but the ground sank and its all still frozen This creates alarm bells because when everything starts melting then its causing movement.
The evening rocked up and we decided to use the last of our money to go buy sand and cement the next day.

I decided to take pictures of the mission of yesterday to show ya the price of living like this, we obviously dont pay rent and taxes but we pay in time and energy!

First we went to ask if we could borrow a van from the hardware store and celebrated seeing the carpark and our feet on dry tarmac. The van wasnt there after a chat with the worker there. They like us and have been letting us charge there when we first moved in and it was sure shot to ask to use the van. We left ready to go get the trolley and go get the bus, and then we see their van coming! Hope still! We asked the boss as he got out the van, but it was his weekend off and he was on his way to dinner with the family.

Look how deep the snow is there, the neighbour tried with a small tractor thing but gave up trying to clear a path for his car! We had only the option to go with the bus and to take this trolley thing I found a while back with us which would fit 2 sacks in. We were prepared to be doing many trips back and forth and so we started to walk to the bus stop. Just as we arrived across the road from the busstop we needed , my phone rang and a mate said if we needed he had a big car and will come find us so we waited were we were, enjoyed the sun and had a spliff.

After 10 minutes we heard alot of car horn action coming down the hill to the crossroads..

He certainly had got hold of a big "car". He asked if I had a driving license and then said that he must take his car to his wife and that i can use it to go get concrete and let him know when we were finished with it. Legend.
We chucked the trolley in the back and we drove up to where his car was parked. It was great to drive a van again and we headed to the builder yard.

We scrapped the last of our money together and could afford 17 bags of ready mix super strong concrete, loaded them up and went to pay. We had the use of a huge truck and there was still alot of unused space and we found it rude not to go check out the trash of the 5 huge shops there. Sure enough we found some cool things to take back with us..

First this chipboard stuff that has some kind of waterproofing lack on it, covered in snow!

There is a trash container outside nearly every shop, gardening shops, builders yards etc like here, and always unless the trash has just been emptied, you will find useful things. We took 4 sheets of this out of this container.

Next Container..

Dosnt look like theres much but there was a cool wooden collaspable unit for a nice summers day BBQ grill that came with, theres nothing even wrong with it!

Would be perfect if you were a travelling magician, as it folds out and stands up automatically :) perfect for a pancake stand!

Load it all in! and lets go, I had to go find a tool i wanted but they didnt have so we went to the other shop.

No luck there either, I was looking for a pistol that can inject cement, they dont have them in Norway apparently!
We started driving back and had planned to do the work the next day (sunday) and just get prepared today.

We parked up back at the cabin and we started unloading the bags, all was ok..

Then came the start to take them all up! and so we started.

Heres part of the way up, before then going onto a slope which is just ice, and then 50 stairs up a steep slope. We were tired just from bringing the 25kg bags onto the driveway. They were ready to go up to the bottom of the stairs where we would first put them, we pulled them up on the snow.

Its been so exhausting to live here in the winter, the stairs are solid ice and to walk in the snow takes all your energy after a long day standing in the cold.

We decided that were not going to do anymore work to it and we have surrendered! which is an awesome thing to do when things start taking to much energy!

We can still use the land to grow and make small partys etc in the future :)

A good practice of Non Attachment To Things!

Time to move on! I dont think it will completely fall until next winters snow, but its definatly not safe to stay in that half of it. We prepared all our things today and packed them and we dont own much which is great.

Time to look for a houseboat thats cheap or free and needs some love! or even buy a pontoon that I can build on.

The thing is though that I want to just buy Bitcoin this year and not get caught up with more "things" I very nearly got attached to the cabin but realised this morning that yeh, its time for a change. We lived here since august, and what weve paid worked out that we rented it for cheap and we had a place very comfortable for the long hard winter.

Feel free to read up on my adventure when I finally left society in a van- totally broke of course, part 8 will be done this week sometime :)

Part 1- An Escape Pod To A New Life
Part 2-Waves Goodbye
Part 3- Lost In BCN
Part 4- Still In Barceloca
Part 5- Finally Able To Move On
Part 6- Tarragona, Spain
Part 7- Black Jesus And The Animal Graveyard

And also how I avoid paying rent to live in Houses by Occupying unused places!

The Workshop Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Eviction, and a lot of luck with the police!


That's so cool that your dog did that! One of these days I want to read your whole adventure!

It will take years to write up 😂 but thats what im on steemit for!

Spending your last money on all that cement, hunting so much for a van to carry it in, and at last carrying it all up that hill ... and THEN you decide to give up? Sounds like bad planning :-)

Hahaha your correct, we didnt take the cement up though its still there in the picture lol. We would need a serious amount, like a truck full,what we got and without the tool to get the concrete in the right place it would be ineffective and i dont think it would help much. If it stands after the melt,ill treat it as a project to do over the summer.. Its time i go to sea!

The sea is mostly free for all - it's possible to anchor up right outside the most exclusive properties in the Oslo area totally for free. In the summer time and shoulder seasons I'm often staying more in the boat in the Bærum area than at home (would totally have moved to the boat if it wasn't for the kids, school, kinder garden, etc). In the winter time I "need" land power, so I tend to keep the boat in the marina.

At the mouth of the Lysaker river it has been possible to moore up a boat totally for free right by the train station, something I've done frequently. It's ironic, the area is full of high-rise office buildings, making it quite much expensive to park in the area for people choosing to drive to work - I don't even work there, but I frequently "park" there for free, taking the train to work or home or wherever. The flipside is that one can expect a thorough beating around 07-09 and 15-17 when the express ferry to Nesodden is coming several times an hour, and even worse when there is strong wind from the south. The river bank is starting to get clogged up by wrecks moored up long-term, I suppose probably there will be some "no mooring"-signs coming up soon.

In the summer time there are also quite some "freaks" living in the river in Sandvika, in the guest harbour. One is supposed to pay harbour fee, and one is not supposed to stay there long-term, but quite many people stay there long term without caring to pay. The municipality is sometimes issuing warnings that the boats will be towed away, but they rarely follow up. It's a bit bad, as it's a nice and popular harbour, but often quite full.

One and a half year ago there were at least two boats anchoring up over all the autumn inside the Saraholmen island, using motorized dhingies to get too and from work via Sandvika. It's a bit yucky though - shallow water, popular bathing place ... and where does their sewage go? Right in the sea, I suppose. One of the boats also had to run a noisy generator in the evenings.

I really do feel its time to find something on water :) and 4 mins walk from here is a harbour thats 10,000kr a year for a place.. thats very doable! I would like to find , and actually i need your norwegien skills here to translate words I can use for a search on finn, im looking for a good word to use that will find already built platforms that float? I dont even know the best word in english to use lol. Im very interested in getting free electric from salt water and can imagine being able to slowly move a boat using the salt water battery technique.

Takk! :) :) :)

jeg kan bygge en min selv!

this is so cool! good 2readyou

Thanks man ,interested in your blogs! I need more tine to check em out thpugh, love the "freaks welcome" part haha nice!

yes you are a freak xD just won SBD prize in a writer philoshy contest sohighrightnow;

haha how did you know that?! I do try and keep up with online but im never really online! :) that might change soon though!

Good luck with the house hunt!

thanks! ill properbly just get a tent and start manisfesting a floating pontoon as we are 4 mins walk from the Oslo Fjord :)

Glad you got the dog back!!!! Fine looking cabin, pity you couldn't live there anymore. The universe is telling you to move your ass elsewhere!

We might still be able to save it,but fuck its started snowing now again heavily! The universe always knows best haha

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Sang man. And yeah was going for a sailboat before the van. Here is to making a different future!

good u found your dog again.

yeh and i didnt have to pay anything usually its 2000 kr min!

Haha great i flagged my own post with a random thumb movement in the app lol

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