What Im Hodling, Part 5?! Dam..

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

Welcome Crypto Fans! Come check out my Crypto Portfolio!

Welcome again to my Crypto Portfolio, If your just joining you can see the previous coins and tokens I will be holding onto for the next couple of years- (Except for XRP)


Heres the rest on my ledger..

Power Ledger - POWR

This is one that I want to get more off! I saw this and had many on Cryptopia a while ago but I was a complete rookie back then and didnt even know about Coinmarketcap.com and that its good to see what your buying hahaha. Anyway now they are on other trading sites and are looking great! Ranked 38 now :) 1 trillion token supply. They are all about renewable energy and is also decentralised so its not owned by anybody. They will cover many aspects of renewable energy and also offer a marketplace. Great investment.

Digixdoa - DGD

This MUST be a good investment. It will be a blockchain based gold reserve. When cash is gone, and theres no more work for humans then gold will become even more precious and held by the rich. It would seem rude not to have one for 5 years time!


I wish I had got some sooner! They have a platform where you can store and run applications of all kinds, very well up and running company and if your a bit cautious what to place money in, then id say EOS is a very safe bet.

Vchain - VEN

A company aiming to merge blockchain with the masses. Basically they will most likely be contenders for the proposed Smart Grid and will be a huge sucsess indeed. By the end of 2018 they plan to be fully up and running.

CanyaCoin CAN

A very simple business idea of having a blockchain for people to find services. This could really take off because I imagine the film Idiotcracy being the future of city life and everybody will be wanting some kind of "service"
I did also buy them when they were just placed on a trading site, you know, that rookie error of zooming out on the graph and they are 2 days old!

Decentraland - MANA

Just look at the picture! Its a virtual world where people can rent or buy im not sure, space on it to add what ever app they like and can then walk around there own land! Bound to be huge because again, just like in the film Idiotcracy!
I think this is very cool indeed and the future is VR and AI. Decentraland is obviously decentralised and a fucking awesome idea that is already up and running, they have great examples online of it in action and you can even get started as its already very much existing! buying and selling land on a virtual metaverse!

Cardano - ADA

Of course I have this! I have just forgotten I have it for hodling purposes :) pritty much a simple crypto currency!

Ill call that it for now! Maybe if your lucky ill do a post on the ones I lost in scam wallets, theres another good variety there too!

Have fun, spring is on its way if not already there.. 2018 we will all see some good profits hopefully!


oh yeh im no expert dont take any advice from me im just sharing hoping to see what others are holding, im just a freegan with a paid job!


Crypto is some serious business now. You really need to do your homework well before jumping in. I did pick some pacc coins however hodling is the only option left now.

I forgot to ask you, pacc coins as in the old PAC on cryptopia?

Yes they converted Pacc to $PAC.

I had just like 20 usd of pac, i didnt even check out the website even just because of the name lol hihi im going to go check it out to see what it even is! I learnt that coins like that when they are new on a website, you get the best price when its crashed usually 2 days after being put on then you can just sell it on the uprise again for a few bucks.. I never have been into ICOs even , ill just stick with ones that have a history for now. Hope you didnt invest alot man.

I am in the position though where i have a good job and my lifestyle is living pritty much for free. I do understand that if your the adverage person who lives in society then to spend money on crypto would be a disaster. Unless you can ignore everything and hodl.

Nothing is serious really, all depends on where your standing :) what would you do if you only had to spend 10% of a weekly wage to live well? I invest it before i spend it on stuff I dont really need but want, or I go register myself, get an adress, get a bank, and then give all my earnt money to an investor who will give me 1.5% apr? And that would also get lost at some point in the next 5 years!

Times have changed mate, some would say real estate is a serious buisness, but its not atall if you know how to build houses ;)

Thanks for dropping by :) i have a couple of hours to see other people stuff aswell now :) ill head over!

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