The Earth and Saltwater Battery Experiment- Conclusion!

in #homesteading6 years ago

So we done the ice cube tray full of soil and heres how it looks!

this is a pic of the second try with nails instead of srews, both had same effect

So the results were, 8V from the icecube tray but very low on milli amps. We tried powering up a ceiling spotlight (led) and it worked , but very dimly. I have no clue about electrics, but now I have some more understanding. I got exited over 8 V and then was thinking, 2 of them together would be plenty to run 12v things...

Oh no- its all about the Ampage baby!

So we had like 700milliamps, or 70 I forget and then we tried a small LED strip light think surely that would work.. NO!

Heres the cup with salt water inside above,this gave a mere 0.6 v and nada milliamps. We only had thin copper cables and to get more amps the metals must be bigger in size as the same with the earth battery.

Im still shocked that we got 8 volts from dirt and something from saltwater and there is blatently a metal that is on this planet (or another) that dosnt oxidize and makes mega amps (something maybe from the Annunaki :P) or just another hidden secret locked up in a goverment basement somewhere. Could even be something that we use everyday like the other parts needed for free energy, who knows!

But for now we can conclude that these batterys need more research on my behalf like lastnight Cronus found a video that we watched on a "penny battery"- it was a stack if pennys with wet cardboard inbetween and then taped together and another with the cardboard but washers used as well placed ontop of the penny before the cardboard. The guy had an led connected to it and decided to see how long it lasted. He carried it for over 2 days, I forget how long until it actually went out but this led stayed on full brightness. This is how it looked *left* from the video im talking of , its from

This summer I hope to get alot of power from a water wheel that ill make or actually we can have around 5 set up down the length of the steep streem (haha word play!) which can be connected all to old car alternators and we know a place to get huge boat batterys to make a huge battery bank. This will definatly be cool!!

The penny battery is interesting! And also banging metal rods in the ground, OR potatoes!

Man, this is a huuuuge subject!

Dont worry , im not turning into a free energy nerd, ill leave that for people who know the difference between volts and amps!

I did say id make a video of us doing this but it was done in 10 minutes and we were stoned anyhow so forgot to even record it - But I did a video on where and how we get our water in our occupied cabin as we dont have a tap from the mains water, and ill do a short post on that next!

Again, thanks for following what could have been something great, but at least it was interesting and very thought provoking? I thought so anyhow!

First part of this post!


Lol its fucking the same time the ugliest power generator I have ever seen 😂😂😂 you for doing this experiment

Haha life is for having fun right?!

So we had like 700milliamps, or 70 I forget and then we tried a small LED strip light think surely that would work.. NO!

Probably 70 mA, not 700 mA, the latter would probably have been enough for bright light. :-)

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