45 years OR 45 BTC???

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

A friend who I got to know recently, came to visit us yesterday evening and I asked him if he was into Cryptocurrency. He smiled and said he brought his first 0.3 ETH a few days back. We were chatting about coins and im not sure how we got onto the subject, but he said he had just got a loan to buy an apartment and it would take 45 years to pay it off.

"45 years?! " I squealed in disbelief. "how much is the loan" I had to ask without sounding rude..

3.5 Million Norwegian Krone. This is somewhere around 400,000 euro I think.

He said he had the plan to rent it out and to go live somewhere cheap like Thailand. The guy is like 23 years old. I had to ask him, why he had brought the 0.3 ETH, and he said as an investment. And then i asked him why he had just got in so much debt, to buy a house. His reply was " Im not really sure".

I just had to point out the fact that if he sold his house tomorrow, and spent all that on ETH, or better still 50\50 on ETH and BTC, then in 4 years I guessed 200 ETH and 20 BTC would be ATLEAST 200 ETH @50.000 USD each and 20 BTC @ 100,000 USD each.

PERSPECTIVE, if you dont live in the bubble, you see it all from the outside.

I cant wait to see him next time, and see if he lost sleep over thinking about what I said.

What a silly but lucky boy! Silly for firstly getting a loan, but secondly lucky to have actually got the loan. In 2014 someone said to me, "Dan, I just received 20,000 euro inheritance, and I want to invest it." I said, "well buy BTC." They did just that and from 20,000 euro they now have at the current price 750,000euro.

I hope the guy Im speaking of will sell the house, its nice to see working class people having a chance to be finacially comfortable for the rest of their lives!

I thought this was well worth posting, just to remind people of a possible different view, who have expensive shit that they dont really need , and are in DEBT for it.

" For birds born in a cage, to fly is like an illness "

Hope everyone had a chilling day, Im going to go learn hopefully how to make funkier post formats hahaha


It's nice to hear you are so positive and sure about the future of BTC and ETH, I also see these cryptocurrencies gain such a value some day, but I would never do a loan or risk all my savings on any cryptocurrency.

I have faith but nobody exactly knows what is going to happen in the future. I would'nt see it as a guaranteed future that's all I'm saying.

Loved the post though!

well i know for a fact that bricks and cement with a roof on it, that costs 400,000 euro with 45 years to pay for- is complete BS lol. How do you think the world will be by then.. im sure in 10 years ALL pieces of paper, Contracts, "ownership", Money, everything of paper will be void.. dam we could even be living on another planet in 45 years!! the next 2 years of Btc and Eth will be VERY profitable, that in my eyes it is! only stoppable if someone cuts the cable early :) Thanks for your time in reading my rookie post layouts , the future ones will be more pleasing to the eye hahaha. Seriously 45 years from now.. how will it be on this planet?! Big love

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