My first and last real Introduction !

in #introducemyself6 years ago (edited)


Where to start! Ill begin as to how I got introduced to steemit.

I am 33 years old, my name is Dan. I was born in Sunny England but thats about all the info I will share, because i like anonymity and plus I believe that we should stop judging people on their "life stats".

I was once doing what you do, the lifestyle that we are born into of modern day slavery- and for the first 15 years of my experience of life, it was normal to just do what everyone else was doing. Luckily at a young age I had much older friends so I saw how it was to be an adult. I knew nobody at the time who was truly happy, and happiness was a thing persued by materialism, a bigger and better one will make me happy.
My family are "normal" working class and im the proud black sheep. I decided since the age of 16 that what everyone else was doing, was insane,everyone of my older friends had so much debt. Also I saw that the expectations from society were taking creativity and individualism away from people, leaving them lost and unhappy with no real purpose in life.
I would have so many arguments with my mum throughout teenage years and she would be in tears asking why couldn't I just be "normal", but I was confused, why should I do what everyone else does, when it just didn't seem right.
" You must get a good job and get married, have kids and buy a house, that is just life"- they were the now old expectations of my mum from that after war generation. I say old expectations, because since a while, shes seen a different perspective through my travelling and mad adventures, and is since years very proud that I live alternatively, do my own thing and am an individual.

Ask a caterpiller, if they would like to be a butterfly, and the caterpiller would say-
" No way, im happy as I am thanks ! "

But I decided to be the butterfly.

I am a full time Anarchist ( although in the first years I didnt realise it) and I have lived in several locations in different country's with other Anarchistic Punks, Activists,Artists, Musicians , Freaks and Misfits of society, oh and my favorites- The Undercover Anarchists :)
This dosn't mean that I believe the world would be better without RULES, but instead Anarchy means to me a world without RULERS.
I gave up on the materialistic life after teaching myself about what is happen behind the big curtain, and since leaving the UK with only half a tank of diesel and 80gbp in cash, 90% of what I have consumed in the last 7 years is from the trash, food and clothes, yes - I and many many others live luxuriously from society's trash. Even when I have worked and got paid full carpenters wage, I would still go get dumpstered food just because its there. One time in Germany somewhere, I was looking through a supermarket dumpster and a worker came out to smoke.. He said to me in a disgusted tone of voice, that I should get a job. I didn't want to tell him that in my pocket I had (at the time) probably more cash than he has in his bank account. I have spent no more than 1000 euro on food in Norway and im here for well over a year already, and the previous years travelling slow, I reckon I spent no more than 2000 euro in total on food and clothes. I have lived in vans, caravans,trucks,tents, tipis, caves, workshops, forests, abandoned warehouses, restaurants and even hotels, boats, tree-houses, and of course well established occupied houses in the citys of Europe.

I got on steemit after meeting @scandinavianlife whilst working outside a store in norway.

I am since last summer physically into Crypto and decided to see as an experiment, what would happen if I write that I accept Crypto Currencies. You can check that post of our crypto encounter on his feed and be sure to follow him, he is a real Undercover Anarchist!
I sell here a magazine called Erlik , which has a bad stigma attached to it. In Oslo there is the biggest heroin problem I have ever seen in one small city, and many years ago, the magazine was launched to stop the begging for drug money, and to instead have a product to sell to the people so both of you felt somewhat better about the situation.

There is definitely a huuuuge social label put on heroin addicts, even in my childhood, society told me that drug addicts are all criminals and bad people. Since I work along side these people which is now coming up to a year, i have got to know them, and I have learnt that they are just very very emotional people, humans just like yourself, inside. For instance, did you ever approach a junkie as an equal being, and find out more about how they got stuck on drugs? Our mind categorizes others on the external forms, ever noticed that maybe you speak in a different way to your boss , than you would do to the cleaner at work? I have asked many addicts here in Oslo, and you know the most common answer I hear of how they ended up on heroin? I was very shocked that the most told me that a partner had left them, and they started using drugs to block the emotional pain. Shit. Really?
I have much respect for Russel Brand, and how he uses his celebraty status, to help inform people that addictions are illnesses, not convictions, he was also a junkie his-self one time. check out his work.

My view on drugs in society as were on the subject..

I personally dont have a problem with drugs. Also in both ways of interpreting that sentence- I am not addicted to any illegal drugs but my biggest drug addiction is from the drug that is sold in the shops, tobacco. At the end of the day, each and every drug that has been found or created, has its risks and benefits. You can place any drug on a table, and it will cause no harm, but as soon as there is human interaction involved, then it could cause harm but thats depending on the human. Sure I have taken many different drugs on many different occasions, but have never stuck a needle in my arm, or smoked Crack - There is just bad properganda against illegal drugs, and no actual education whilst growing up.. If you were born into the illusion of society, then all your education has just been indoctrinated onto you. The things told to you as facts of life, were and still are false, just a huge diversion to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. If you still get Cognitive Dissonance from reading such things, dont worry, its normal! Off the top of my head a great example that everyone would know of- The "Reefer Madness" propaganda against cannabis in the 70s, telling our parents generation lies that weed makes people crazy. Ok given if you have had mental illness and you smoke very strong cannabis with high thc content, then yes it more than likely would make you "crazy" again. Like I say- theres no real Education. And today since years already, is now openly used in USA for medicinal purposes, and has openly been proven of the different medicinal values it contains. But how does just a few ask the question ....
" Well that was a lie, what else was just lies that i was told?! "

In 2016 in Berlin before I came up to Norway, I done a 30day diet with NO added sugars, really none at all. And wow that is a hard drug to stop taking. Also coffee, another favorite government drug to keep our minds fast and our bodies slow. I did a detox on this too, and now if I drink a strong coffee my body reacts like a nervous system seizure. The most deadliest drugs are , Alcohol , Tobbaco and Sugar , all of which are used to cause sickness, provided every as "luxurys" from our much beloved governments. Why do you think they had slaves back in the day for sugar?!


I proudly sell this Magazine because its tax free, I refuse to pay tax to the government and i refuse to pay tax since over 12 years. I have no boss, no set working hours. I get to stand there still, LIVING in the moment, watching people rushing around, getting from A to B in time to pay the master, all whilst deep in thought of future or past.
We definitely keep each other going, they see me as a poor homeless guy, and this makes them feel better whilst walking to the office in the mornings. Or when they return outside ladend with materialistic items they just shopped for.
Irony is that im stood there, looking at all the unhappy people thinking how lucky I AM, that I am FREE in the sense that I pay nobody to exist on this beautiful planet. People comment that im always smiling and i want to ask them why they are sad.
I qualified to sell the magazine because im Houseless, or was (now since July I squat a cabin not far with a bus from oslo) and I was sat on the street with a cup, and 2 doors that I had found in a skip. On the doors I had written on them that I was looking for a carpentry job.
Its not just junkies that sell the magazine, it is also for people who have problems fitting into society, so i definitely qualified!

I would get a couple of hours work at the wage I wanted but nothing full time appeared in a month, and luckily so, one day a guy who was selling the magazines took me to the office to arrange an interview when he realized that I had already taught myself enough Norwegian to have an interview.
And that was that, a job, tax free in the most expensive country in the world. I love anyway to just sit on the street and sit doing something, writing, playing guitar or even creating a circus show if I find the right people to do it with.. but also I love to just sit and watch the commotion around me and do absolutely fuck all. (Its actually the fact that Im alive, nothing terrible happened to me when I left the bubble, and now I have the TIME to just sit and watch and go wherever the wind blows.)
I create my own work and I dont receive money from any governments.

How crypto helps people like me..

I am since many years boycotting the banks and since travelling I am using cash, i used to get bigger chunks from building projects paid to me in cash, and anonymously by like minded people who were usually rich hippies in Germany and Switzerland. The rest is from things I make and sell or music and that buys tobacco and weed or hashish , oh and since having a smart phone (like 6 months), also data for internet - you know regular things.
I dont have to buy anything else because instead I have time to recycle with dumpster diving, and the only things I really must just buy are underwear and boots each year from a regular shop.
I eat like a king from the waste of the ANTI economy- that we know today as the "Economy." (ever looked at the meaning of Economy in the oxford dictionary?!)
Even last winter I found a pair of very nice hiking boots, thrown away from a shop because one of the metal parts for the lace was missing, and mine were already long fallen apart. They were brand new and lasted me 2017. If a pair of boots lasts me a year in this kind of life style, then they are good boots!
If I ever had known about dumpster diving when I was living in House Life, my experience of life back then would have been much much better. Better quality of diet, better quality of life. But then again we are taught from childhood, Bins are Dirty! so the thought would never be easy to pop up in the head.
There are many reason why I choose to change, but we stay with crypto for now :)

Cash is on the decrease on the streets, the way people are shopping in the planed "cashless society." For the people who say no to the Bullshit, and take a step outside from it, we are loosing the chance to be involved with finance in the world leaving us in poverty. Where have all the public payphones gone since a few years? and internet cafes?
People say so often, "I would really like to give you something, but I have literally no cash."
That is a robbery of your freedom to do what you want with the money you earnt - in plain sight.
SOOO now, and in the future especially, people like me, can write on our signs, ACCEPTING CRYPTOS.. And we have a chance to be in this fast forming cashless society, but still have our freedom and anonymity to use society literally just as a shop. Even today a group of teenagers when i was working, came back to look at the sign, and ask why I didnt write doge on there but i managed to squeeze it on the end..

As for Steemit, Well! who the hell thought of this, you guys are real geniouses. what an invention!!!!
I am like ive said before a fan of anonymity and not a fan of egoistic blogging of what someones doing or how they are feeling every 5 mins throughout a day- and have definitely not once taken a selfie with a smart phone- but i am fully in with the Steemit Family and want to share the content of my Alternative lifestyle to the people staring at their smartphones all day , feeling that somethings not right with everything around them, and that there is no other way to live.
Really I love EVERY little thing about how it works and how it is sure to grow.

Since July I am managing to have money to buy firstly bitcoin which i have distributed into other coins to hodl before it came down in price- (XRP though is to me a sheep coin, so I wait until it rises and sell all before the banks crash that too! )
I saw steem, but shamefully never clicked onto the website to see what it was about. But hey, better late than never. I like the fact that humans that hate ideas such as Facebook and whatever other shit is out there, have now a community to share quality information on, and then secondly have a currency to use. Oh and no trolls! It really is a huge humanistic invention, I imagine my friends in Gambia alone, how this can really help them out!
People have a voice and now with a platform that is "indestructible" and the chance to be as anon as you like, we have THE place to share information that could give us more freedoms and perspectives as a collective, so we have some kind of power - the people.

Once apon a time I would have written the usual twaddle, about "me", introducing myself as a mind made story in my head, but since a few years im learning firstly about psychology, which in turn took me to learning about the mind. In this path of learning, I know less about who I really am, but anyway Ill write still!

I was writing a book of my travels, and the next main post will be of the bicycle journey from Germany to Oslo.. oh and before I finish the introduction of "me".. I must introduce my loyal doggy companions! The black one is Sniffy, and the brown one is Ulo. They are street dogs I found as puppy's whilst in Spain.


Great! Thanks for sharing. Love that you guys are spreading and talking to people about cryptos. Its very valuable!

Thanks a lot for the detailed introduction. Especially your insights into drugs and addiction made me think, since I also can sense the belief of "these people are just criminals" that is still seated deeply in the collective consciousness. Yes, most of these people simply couldn´t manage the overflow of emotions - feeling like a failure and the pain of ending relationships. So many people are not equipped for that and have no idea how to handle breakdowns of their imagined identity in which they believed their whole life, because their parents and society told them what and who they are. In the end, it´s all about identity and even crypto is changing this, since it changes how people do business together and it loosens old positions of power, which again will result in much "fight for survival" once it hits on a larger scale. In the end, it´s a good thing and sometimes I just sit and watch, how these identities crumble and result in a fight-or-flight situation.
Thanks a lot for your contribution and looking forward to whatever you have to share with us!

Good old reptilian brain, the system depends on this still. Im only just realizing when that flight/or/flight emotion comes flooding in, its like written in hard stone still. Have a great weekend, im getting pixel eyes!

Good to have another Houseless on here! I'm Van Living in the US, and I've always felt that Steem in particular iis a great move forward in crypto.

I have not yet defeated my own Sugar Vice, and am in awe of your achievement. I have no intentions of battling my tobacco or coffee vices, they are my dearest frenemies.

Cool then ill follow you for sure!

From time to time I'm also trying to stay away from sugar, caffeine and alcohol. I sometimes even manage to keep up for a while ... but sooner or later I cave in, usually not due to cravings, but either because of social pressure ... or simply due to availability.

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