Ooooh ar' me harty's - Tomorrow (Friday) I go melt some more Silver- with a nice Cannabis story!

in #cannabis6 years ago (edited)


Where did this all come from?! No wonder I hadn't had an itch for a week! Since getting the maples it seems the best medicine when you get the shakes and then them sweats.. You know what im talking about!

I was just packing and it's late already, I get a train in 7 hours! hmm best make this a "quick one" (that doesn't exist yet in my reality!) What do I need to take, Silver, Hash, The dogs and a sleeping bag. I decided tomorrow that i would treat the folk of Hamar to some cover songs of great u.k bands and try entice them to buy a magerzine of at least not be stingy and fill the hat up! Ok the dogs sell the magerzines and ill play guitar.
I had a mad day today well, you know days are never quite "normal" anymore and actually this day built up from a few days ago. I was sat at the bus stop and a guy started chatting to me. He told me a story of his friend I think it was, who got told at the age of 60 that he had cancer and there was nothing the doctors could do , and he would die sometime soon.

The first thing he did was went home and told his wife that he wanted a divorce and then somehow he went and settled with a good friend of his ex wife, who sounded as he explained , to be quite an awesome freak\hippie. She was having her own land and growing all her own food, and ganja also. The woman (his new wife) urged him to start smoking ganja she was growing there. He went from " Your going to die anytime soon" to fit as a fiddle again.. And he died at the age of 85! 25 years extra experience of the life!

After telling me this story, he had a tear come to his eye and said, "my brother is 5 years older than me and he has just had the same letter from the doctors saying that he will die very soon."
I think everyone knows we smoke weed here, because we don't , well I don't really hide the fact. Plus how I look, people can see I smoke from a mile away. In a very round about way he got to the point that he wanted cannabis and could I help.

We went on to the bus still in conversation about oil, as I had said it was possible to get it from various places through the post and he said he'd read up on it and had got his brother ready to try it. He did smoke before, but I said he should be getting some medicinal strains. Anyway after telling him it would take time to firstly find where to get it from , then to get it shipped over likely from USA he was quiet worried. We arranged to meet on Monday to see if I had found where to get it from. Today as I was going to town it hit me that I had a glass of oil. It had leak half into my rucksack, which was cool at the time but there was a good 40 g left. I rang him as soon as I remembered and we then met an hour later. He was very happy and we sat in his car in a car park discussing it all. I had got in the city at a chemist a 10ml capsule with syringe, and it fitted 6.66g inside. This felt amazing to do, to hand over oil from a plant (It was made from CBD Blue Shark) that is more and more being researched enough to be proven that it kills cancer cells. I am happy because he will be receiving also some of the Critical cure when its dry, and really, the government cause cancers. They know the several cures that have already been invented and then destroyed again. Fuck you government, we have the seeds, and we can grow anti-cancer meds! That is fuckin' anarchy right there and I get a huge rush off of it!

His brother- by now, has had his first 0.66g dose of natural meds.. How good does that feel to know this!

I'm no expert and had to learn quick on dosing and gave him the dosages for a child or a beginner (well he has smoked already before so..) and building up to after one month 1.5g a day. The main thing I told him was to read and learn together with his bro. They are like over 60 years old, half deaf and a "pigs eye" as he jokinly said about himself, but he uses the internet. He wants a bottle for himself now also. I know what im doing with that Cbd strain, and Ill be making meds from it all for people with cancer.

I had this stuff just sat on my shelf and there's people that can start to use it, makes me want to make more. I have here 2 months worth of meds for a grown man. For that guys brother.

Check list before I sleep!

"Zola" Guitar-

Street Magerzines!


So Back On Steemit - next week! With some story's to tell and photos to show! Big Love!

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@movingman 's Library!

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part 2- The Workshop
part 3 - The workshop & Lysopp
Part 4- The workshop \ Lysopp Continued
Part 5- Eviction

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Part 4
Part 5

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The HusBus Adventures :
part 1 - An escape pod to a new life
part 2 - Waves Goodbye
part 3- Lost in BCN
part 4 - Still in Barcelona
part 5 - Finally Able To Move On!
part 6 - Tarragona
part 7 - Black Jesus And The Animal Graveyard
Part 8 - Leaving Tarragona!
Part 9 - Valencia
To be Continued!

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Personal Organic Cannabis Grow 2018 - part one
part 2
part 3 - Day 11
Part 4 - Day 19
Part 5 - Day 24
Part 6 - Day 28
part 7
Part 8 - Day 41
Day 41 Dtube
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The clones Part 2
Part 10

The Dumpsterdive Challenge!

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Part 2

How To Make Birch Water


Good of you to help out! Have a good trip!

Swings and roundabouts 😁

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