Do you think the Mandella Effect is real?

in #freedom6 years ago

There is seriously something happening since to invention of the Quantum Computers that will literally change our history as we know it. Have you heard about it? Proberbly not, but thanks to steemit we have real freedom of speech and thats pritty much what im on steemit for.


Im prompted to write this post about a theory discovered by a female writer a while ago. Its a theory that people are remembering the past differently. Look at the picture up above, What one do you remember , what picacho looks correct?

I watched a video a while ago, going into more detail about this subject. The female author discovered something wasnt right when she had written a book about Nelson Mandella and had asked lots of people from all over, how Nelson Mandella died.

How do you think he died??


People answered this question differently and half the people had one memory, and the other a different memory of how and when he died.

This form of collective misremembering of common events or details first emerged in 2010, when countless people on the internet falsely remembered Nelson Mandela was dead. It was widely believed he had died in prison during the 1980s. In "one" reality, Mandela was actually freed in 1990 and passed away in 2013 – despite some people’s claims they remember clips of his funeral on TV.

Another example Below, what do you remember to be true?

Is it too much to comprihend that Human history is being ReWRITTEN?

Since I heard of these examples recently, and now that its common knowledge that Quantum computers are out there being used already, its all kind of making more sense that its True- The mandella effect. NOW- the recent one.. Watch it.



People , Freethinkers need to start downloading videos of knowledge of our history and to save it on a portable drive or Usb. This is seriously fucked up. I already cant find original videos on Youtube of certain information, especially about the documentary made that proved sandyhook was a false flag opperation and a set up.

ReSteem this please, not because I care about a few dollars, thats not even a cup of coffee the country I live in.. Its because this is a serious,and must be exposed just like a list of other fucked up things happening right now, that will affect everything we ever knew to be true.


Yeah, we are being fucked as hard as possible. You have to watch this 13 year old kid explain the Mandela Effect:

he lost me when he as soon as the napkin come out! Its blatently due to the partical accelerater.. and shit now with quantum computers its going to get so wierd. Best way to cause world confusion and then offer something like project venus as the solution..

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