
in #j5 years ago

I lost my master key. Can I get a new Steemit account? Nazi Planned Parenthood. Globalists, in the 1800's, were homosexual and they raped children, true or false? LIVE: President Trump Press Conference after Conclusion of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan. The Killing of Uncle Sam.Evil Putin: does that mean he is or is becoming a globalist? Never Work Lie.Banned from Discord. Game Inside Games Theory. Building a Computer Inside Mario Maker. Lucky Son Shirt.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Steemit Recovery Unable Screenshot at 2019-06-30 02:06:00.png
Unable to Recover my First Steemit Account @joeyarnoldvn

Some highlights from Saturday the 29th of June of 2019, as follows:

Globalists are homosexuals

12:43 AM - Globalists, in the 1800's, were homosexual and they raped children, true or false? The answer can be found in this book, The Killing of Uncle Sam by Rodney Howard-Browne and Paul L. Williams. This book talks about this.

Tech Debate

12:56 AM - You can still do a lot with computers made by them. Don't be too closed minded and too black pilled.


12:58 AM - LIVE: President Trump Press Conference after Conclusion of the G20 summit in osaka Japan

Killing Uncle Same

01:19 AM - This is a great book. It exposes who the swamp is, which goes back at least five hundred years with the Jesuits and others. I'm reading this book right now. Did you know that Hitler and the founder of Planned Parenthood both had the same master? Do you know who that person is? All of this and much more can be found in that book by Rodney Howard-Browne and Paul L. Williams.

Stealing Avatars

01:23 AM - Fair Use Does Not Apply to @TheIsz's Avatar? @Memeart, copyrights are like taxes. Taxes are bad. Copyrights, likewise, can be, perhaps, sometimes, depending on the nature of humanity, be bad too. Slippery slope. 1984 subjective government enforcement of copyrights, selectively, like with what Disney might have stolen back in the early 1900's for example. People talk about what I might steal. People allegedly say that I might have stolen the avatar of what might have been @TheIsz, allegedly, maybe so, while ignoring what Google, Facebook, IBM, etc, stole, etc.

Don't judge a book by it's cover or AVATAR.

Fubar Deception

09:44 AM - Fubar wrote in a private conversation concerning me, allegedly: "It’s a bit beyond that, Joey said some things that others before me called him out on, @Rob_Roy was one about how child porn should not be illegal, or at least that is the way I took it, his exact quote is in here. All Rob Roy said, was are you sure about that? And I told him I thought his comments were disturbing, then he posted that @FreedomFighter414 should masturbate to child porn and that I would like that. Which is very disgusting. I hate to say this, But I have no proof, that Joey does not have many accounts. I have seen now so that now @Bingozee and now @Bingoze one in red and one in blue, would the real one please speak up. And on @TheIsz it’s all the comments now have changed, how many just look the icon and never check the name and now it sounds like Joey and NOT Alex Jones. And Joey made a copy @TheIsz thread. If there is one definite troll, or at least person that needs to be talked with, I think @joeyarnoldvn is crossing some lines. I really don’t like being called a child porn lover, I think you word are writing checks you might not be able to pay for."

But that's not the whole story.

Rothschild Lover TheIsz

09:46 AM - TheIsz added to what Fubar wrote: "My issue was being called a “rothchild lover”, for not worshipping their established world view of cryptocurrency and reinforcing their self worth. At the level of issues I can see past just the obvious centered around me (which I won’t beat that dead horse), at some point I begin to question whether it’s innocent or not. Actions tell the tale, that deceivers never will."

Betty_Rose89 Hates Oatmeal

09:48 AM - Betty_Rose89 added: "Yeah the child porn stuff is over the line. He was kicked off the first infocomms but since it’s a public forum it didn’t matter, he was still able to go through threads and steal people’s stuff for his own profit on his Steemit account. It’s the reason I don’t post my art on here anymore. He’s quite a pest, I ignore him. I don’t even read anything of his, when I see his name I just keep scrolling. Probably why I haven’t seen the child porn comments."

Allegedly, she might accused me of stealing her art. But I didn't define steal. I shared it. I helped her. But some people say I didn't. Who defines these words? Well, they say that they do and that I don't. So, we go back and forth on a subjective debate. They pretend as if they know how to be objective and are unable to think objectively when things become personal. Betty for example, is so blinded, that she is unable to see me. All she sees is what she wants to see. Trump Haters and Infowars Haters do the same thing. They get stuck on something they think is true. I talked about some of this in my Banning Oatmeal series. Sometimes, they attack free markets and turn it into a bad thing. They say things that might not be completely true. They take things out of context. Some of these people might be on the Infocomms. That's sad. It is a good website for people to come together. but the Infowarriors there should be careful not to give in to fake news. Not all of them are getting distracted by emotion. We are human and it is understandable. I still have much more to say on some of these things. They might unfairly ban me in the future from IWA. So, I will keep an eye on these things. I will continue to talk about some of these things. I have so many things I want to say about this and related things. Many more things. I want to continue to talk about many things relating to this. it is a long story. More on this later.


09:59 AM - @Memeart, so, you are happy with what Walt Disney allegedly stole from that other guy many years ago?


10:04 AM - It’s important to show people which kinds of people were homosexual and worse in history. I wouldn’t be surprise if Hitler was secretly bisexual to some extent.

The Killing of Uncle Sam

10:14 AM - @AtypicalRift, I agree on those 2 points, that mystery inspires and that it can go over the heads of people. In other words, most people don't get it. Some can get it. Yes, we may not know everything about the elites.

But we can focus on certain patterns, which includes homosexuality. We can continue to fishhook new people towards red pills via investigations, stories, mysteries, etc, like you said.

Yes, we have to give folks enough hope and ammo towards taking on the powers that be. A lot of people can feel too overwhelmed with their own lives, already. Therefore, looking behind the veil towards that wizard of Oz is rather too much steak to chew and swallow. Steak is harder to chew than original oatmeal. Yeah, that Bible quote reminds me of what a guy said on Spiderman, that if you got more power, then more responsibility is then therefore required.


10:18 AM - It was almost as bad as ending Game of Thrones or Firefly or Dollhouse. They ended Gotham after season 4 as well and then ended up renewing it for a fifth and final season. But yeah, I wanted Gotham to go on for ten more years.

Sanger & Hitler

10:22 AM - Sanger and Hitler had the same master. Do you know who this guy is? Not the Devil but a human man. I read about it in The Killing of Uncle Sam.

About Fubar

To Fubar I say: "If I said that you are something you are not, then I might have said it for another reason."

Stealing Avatars

10:28 AM - How do you know that this avatar is not mine? Only because you think @TheIsz had it first? What if it was an avatar of Austin Powers?

Steemit Bio Update

10:36 AM - I make videos etc. Taught English in Vietnam. Grew up in Oregon. Homeschool. Attended Bible Colleges. Basketball. Camp Counselor. Salvation Army. Word Of Life.

Can I get a new Steemit account?

10:41 AM - I already registered for a new account @oatmealjoey some weeks ago and I'm still waiting to be approved. I lost my private master key password on this Steem Steemit account profile page @joeyarnoldvn which I started in June 2017 and I still want to use this account and put out my best articles and main key things into and onto my second account, Oatmeal Joey and my main blog and rough drafts and secondary posts and everything else perhaps here to @joeyarnoldvn as I've been doing already.

Law Girl

10:47 AM - Hello Hannah. You have an awesome smile. Cute glasses. Very smart too I think. Upvoted. Resteemed. Welcome to Steemit. Have a beautiful day. I'm Joey.

Hunter Man

10:50 AM - Hello hunter man. I should learn how to hunt. That's on my to-do list. I love basketball.

Evil Putin

10:52 AM - Does that mean he is or is becoming a globalist?

Orange Man Bad

10:59 AM - Jimmy Carter was a bad president, like Obama. He hates Trump.

It Will Never Work Lie

11:03 AM - I agree, that innovation can be a good thing, especially if it is replacing a problem. For example, fiber optics can be a better substitution over 5G in the same way that cryptocurrencies are beginning to stand as alternatives to centralized Rothschild fiat money. Upvoted. Resteemed.

Blind Fibar

11:23 AM - Fubar is blind. I am trying to say something to Fubar. He cannot hear me. That is very sad. I am writing about this on Steemit. I try to say so many things. Maybe too many things. Then, people like Fubar are possibly unable or unwilling to digest what I'm trying to say in code and in many things. Perhaps, I'm too smart. Maybe, some people are too dumb or busy or whatever. That's sad. I said something about Fubar that was not true. But it appears that he might be offended or something. That is what he might have said, allegedly. If so, then he is missing the point. I said it to contrast that false statement that I said about him with another false statement that he said earlier about me. So, part of it had something to do with giving him, allegedly, a taste of his own medicine in order to help him see what it is like to be Alex Jones, Trump, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, Cernovich, Molyneux, etc. I try to say many things at the same time. Many different points. But some of it might be going over the heads of some people. So, not very many people may ever read this big long comment which should have been broken up into many paragraphs. That's too bad. But it's depravity, the nature of humans living in a cursed world since the fall. I didn't steal art. That is another thing I talk about. I might be banned unfairly from Infocomms again. It might happen. It happened before. People use that fact alone as justification to prove that I must be bad. What, not bad? Ok, fill in the blank for whatever word you want to use for it. Long story short. Well, long story. Many things to say. Many points. Very important. It's funny but true. I used to say that to Lego Mark that what I was about to say was going to be very important. This was in Vietnam in 2015. Favorite student. I used to say it almost daily. That takes me back. We should have filmed those classes. Good times. More on all of these things later.

Hating 5G

11:29 AM - @Mr.Anderson is right that I'm sociopathic Fiber-Optic-Loving 5G-Hater.

Discord Banned

11:31 AM - I was banned from the Discord of Griff and Bingozee and Potato and possibly others.

Game Inside a Game Theory

12:02 PM - The Game Theorists - We Built A Computer in Mario Maker! | Game Theory (Super Mario Maker) - Is that why we have to wait for video games to load and we have to wait a long time, especially for GTA?

Socialism = Fake Christianity

12:28 PM - I was reading about this in The Killing of Uncle Sam by Rodney Howard-Browne and Paul. Socialism is like fake Christianity.

Specifically, some people believe in finding ways to get humans to share things with other humans. So, I'm going to simply label things like that as socialism, communism, the redistribution of wealth. Obama talked about it. They say Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. So, I'm choosing to stereotype these things to be socialism. Exceptions might apply. Lionel Nation says that it's dangerous to call certain countries simply to be of socialism, like Venezuela for example. Long story. But I get what's he saying. Because certain terms can be tough to define. Arguments can be made, even falsely, for or against socialism and crony capitalism. By the way, I'm for free market capitalism and not crony corporate capitalism. But long story short, people can get lost in debates, in arguments.

Christianity promotes sharing. Allegedly, some might say that socialism promotes sharing as well. That's good. But some humans make different choices. I was watching a DVD about transhumanism last night. They interviewed people who believe in transhumanism.

Long story short, if we want to inspire people away from socialism, we should probably make sure we know where they are coming from.

Some people really do believe in socialism, for example. Again, I'm extremely simplifying everything I'm saying. But basically, people prefer safety over freedom. People want to believe in a utopia where everything is perfect. They want to believe that perfect parents produces perfect children for example. Yes, people can be wrong about their beliefs. But, if you only and merely just yell at them, are you going to be persuasive enough to show them the light?

It's important to emphasize on alternatives before you can push them away from a bad idea like socialism, 5G, transhumanism, etc. Some people know they believe in socialism. Some people don't know that they believe in socialism. Some people believe in aspects of socialism and other things, long story.

I believe in freewill.

So, I try to promote freewill over socialism and other things. The meaning of life involves making freewill choices through character development, trials, pain, suffering, limitations, weaknesses, etc, towards life, love, progress, joy, meaning, original oatmeal, etc. It's a journey. It's a process.

It's dangerous.

Yes, life is dangerous.

So, good and bad things come out of it.

Some people choose to believe in socialism as a way to run away from those risks that life has to offer.

We want the results without doing the work.

It is human nature.

In that movie from 2002 or so, Time Changer, a man from the 1800's was trying to take the name of Christ, of God, out of society and morality. He said that people would just do good if you told them to do good things. In a way, he was promoting socialism. A scientist put him inside a time machine and he traveled over a century into the future and saw a godless hell-hole of whatever America became. He told a girl not to steal. He said that stealing is bad. She said: "Said who?" Then she ran off. Well, said Jesus. He is the authority.

Socialism is an attempt to bring forth a perfect world without God. Yes, socialism is not just that. I know that. We could talk about that as well. But I'm just talking about what the average leftist might think socialism is on the outside looking in. In reality, socialism is not socialism. There is a lot more to it. It involves making government bigger. That can be a problem.

But I'm just trying to emphasize on the temptation of socialism.

Socialism is like ice-cream.

I like ice-cream.

So, many times, I ate boxes of ice-cream.

One box per day.

Instead of dinner, just a container of ice-cream.

Not just a bowl, but like ten bowls per day in like 2009 in PDX and sometimes in 2014 in Vietnam.

But I would regret it.

I would eat ice-cream. I was Fat Joey from Friends.

And then regret it.

Countries, likewise, eat socialism.

And then regret it.


Most people are not born gay.

Encouraging People is Tough

02:51 PM - Trump didn't do it by himself.

We did.

Infowars people got a lot of citizens to vote Trump.

We must continue.

We must continue to get people to do more than that.

So, how did we get here in the first place?

We got here by helping people to see the swamp.

So, we popularize draining the swamp.

Trump rode on that wave.

Trump didn't make that wave.

So, we must continue to make waves.

New waves.

Bigger waves.

We must continue to show people alternatives.

And problems.

At the same time.

And then encourage them to be part of history.

Socialism is Fake Christianity

02:57 PM - @John, that is right and in the early 1900's for example, some Americans would get scholarships to attend Oxford in England and then return to infiltrate the educational system in the United States. Slowly over time, they trick people into believing that a world without God is better and that we must force our beliefs onto other people. They trick people into believing in relativity and universality and to get sucked into gamification. Oh, I think I am a retarded genius as well.

@cyberpunkspike might be right, that @Bingozee might be promoting what appears to be like globalism. Not saying that is what @Bingoze is doing. Maybe Bingozee is against globalism. However, it really comes down to how terms are defined.

Bingozee is right that humans and laws can be imperfect, flawed.

Bingozee is right about the value in personal responsibility.

Bingozee is right that AI is like a reflection.

There might be good AI and bad AI.

That is another topic for another time.

Responsibility is key.

That's true.

I agree with @FlagDUDE08 and that is what I was saying.

Mom Married

2008-11-16 - Sunday - Mom married Bill Cunningham.

Infowars Party

03:13 PM - Ban Joey from voting all together. Because Orange Man Bad.

Old Steemit

03:25 PM - Steemit - This is my old account. By the way, old people use this tag as well. The point of using this hashtag was to talk about a new account that I registered for. This is not my new account. This is my old account. I am trying to tell you about how people use this tag, historically speaking. I am also trying to start a new account and I need help. How do I do it? How do I make a new account? This is my only account. I do not have that problem. I am not talking about other people stealing my posts. I'm only talking about trying to make a new account. I do not think you are limited to one account. Beyond that, how would they enforce that? How do you keep track of millions of people? Is Steemit going to force us to show them our ID cards like Facebook did to me in 2015? The enforcement part is the hard part.


03:39 PM - Lucky Son Shirt - Galaxy's Edge - Crowds Are Lower Than Expected At Disneyland

Fighting Socialism

03:44 PM - @Bingozee is right that they redefine God. Can we get some AOC repellent as well? TheIsz posted a pic of a hand holding oatmeal repellent.


04:48 PM - To imagine that I once lived in Portland, OR.

Cleaning Room

Vacuumed. Moved a shelf into a closet. Moved the TV to the wall, to my side. Making my bed. Sheets. Laundry. Unused electronisc to the book shed.

Mobilizing People

08:02 PM - @Bingozee is right that some of it is fake. Not everything is fake. There are real wars. But the average person may not know what the real wars are. So, during the past century, there has been excessive gamification, show, drama, distraction, confusion, procrastination.

One thing that helps is political apologetics.

Yahoo Chat

09:13 AM - This takes me back to the 1990's Yahoo Chat Rooms.


09:23 AM - Minimalism is Good in a way but also dangerous. Minimalism might be similar to what Buddhism promotes in not caring too much about excessive possession, drive, ownership, of the free markets, of buying, selling, having, getting, stuff, money, conquering, etc. The Bible says the love of money is like the root of evil or something. So, there is wisdom in there somewhere. However, there is a trap there as well. Globalists want us to embrace minimalism in order to divide and conquer us. Globalists and eugenicists tell us to ONLY rent small ten feet by ten feet box apartments and in mega SMART cities with our Joe Biden SMART guns and SMART cars and SMART Brain Phones, etc. Globalists rebrand what words means. They changed gay from meaning happy to meaning homosexual. They took God's symbol of the rainbow, meaning security, and gave it to the gays. They stole minimalism as well.

New Steemit Account

09:34 PM - Some people have more than one account. Some accounts are not even people. Some accounts are groups, stores, things. Therefore, their rule is not a rule as they accept objects and not only people. They accept group accounts and not just individual accounts which means potential overlap.

Steemit Bio

09:38 PM - Vietnam English Teacher Filmmaker Musician Historian Doctor Pastor Artists Developer Athlete Cartoonist Journalist Gardens Basketball Homeschool From Oregon.

New Steem Account

09:50 PM - What can I do? I tried to make a new account and was not accepted at @oatmealjoey. Should I ask for sponsorship? Should I just wait for my account to be approved on Steem? Individuals sign up for personal accounts on Steemit. Technically, groups and objects and animals register for profile accounts as well, on top of that, meaning possible and potential overlap between personal and not personal accounts that have been approved before. That's why I'm signing up for a second account, partly. Also, I lost my private master key password on Steem and possibly other keys. So, I desire a new account. Do I have to go into settings, into my wallet, and buy an additional account? Will nobody help me? Only one person per account? How is that enforced? Do you understand how difficult that might be to verify something like that? Are you only thinking about this in theory?

Trump Kim Live - North Korea

10:41 PM - Trump Kim Live - North Korea

Trump is in South Korea. He may cross over to North Korea. I'm watching it live.

Will they try to kill Trump?

Bathroom Signs

10:57 PM - How do you enforce bathroom signs? There's a picture of a man peeing over and up and around and into the toilet bowl. America Got Talent. There is an X over that meaning don't do that. Reminds me of the do not have sex restroom signs. THe no sex signs can be enforced simply by listening for screaming. But if you are quiet and you are peeing successfully, then who would know?

Police Against Americans

11:03 PM - Speaking of police, when I was coming back into America, the security, at the San Jose Airport, in California (CA), told me to stand in a line for a few hours while Asians walked right by. Then they went through all of my bags with gloves and asked me many questions like as if I was a terrorist. I felt like I was being banned from the United States of America (USA), that is my own country, my own nation, my home.

So, in other words, I get like banned from everything or so that is how I have felt emotionally speaking.

Steem Ninja Account Creation

11:15 PM - I want to make a new account. So, I delegate how much SP or SBD or Steem to @steem.ninja or what is delegation? Does it mean giving Steem Ninja all rewards that I would earn during a seven day period in order to earn an invite, AKA ability to create a new Steem account?

I am confused about the details.

It seems that there is an ability to create accounts from the wallet.

So, I'm trying to compare and contrast the different methods there might be for creating additional or secondary accounts.

I registered for a second account like some weeks ago and was not approved.

So, I feel like I should look around for other options.

Mining Steem & Bitcoin

11:19 PM - How do you mine? Is it similar to how Bitcoin is mined? Can Steem be mined on a laptop without like GPU? I might have some GPU but I mostly have a 4-core 3 GHZ CPU and 4 GB RAM. So, I don't have a lot at the moment for mining, I'm guessing.

I am just saying things for the record. I went through the steps. There is no emotion in words. So, you might be making false assumptions by reading into text whatever you want to see or believe. Humans normally do that. From a scientific point a view, I'm observing as a historian.

I want people to know how things are.

Sadly, you might be ignorant or deceptive.

People make multiple accounts.

You focus on a theory.

But it's important to look at how things are.

I registered for a 2nd Steem account some weeks ago and I'm still working. I'm feeling like I was denied. Should I continue to wait? Is it possible that Steemit will not approve a 2nd account? Perhaps, I should just pay for a 2nd account.

Saturday the 29th of June of 2019

Published in June of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam - Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed - My Newsfeed - Forbidden News - Infowars Activism Forum

Game Inside a Game Theory

12:02 PM - The Game Theorists - We Built A Computer in Mario Maker! | Game Theory (Super Mario Maker) - Is that why we have to wait for video games to load and we have to wait a long time, especially for GTA?