2019-06-30steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

I created my second Steemit account @oatmealjoey - click here to read more. My name is Oatmeal Joey. Attended church. Hot day. Kids sang in the morning service. Can I get a new Steemit account? The Candace Owens Show: Nigel Farage. Doxing Antifa? I created @oatmealjoey on Steemit today. It cost 3 Steem or SBD for the account creation, the activation fee. I sent an email to myself. I gave myself 20 SP. It's delegated. I'm not sure what that means. I'm not sure if that means borrowed, rented. I thought people said you can delegate SP and then take it back later. Not sure how all that works yet.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

2014-12-31 - Wednesday - Avatar - Girl Near Old Ink Q1 HCM JA - 1907920_1516220895326329_7558573778746572996_n.jpg
My New Steemit Account @OatmealJoey

Some highlights from Sunday the 30th of June of 2019, as follows:

Illuminating Ignition

11:17 PM - I created my second Steemit account @oatmealjoey - click here to read more. My name is Oatmeal Joey. I'm 34 years old. I'm single. I taught English in Vietnam. I'm from Oregon. I can play guitar & piano. I like to draw, write, sing, dance, act, make videos, create memes, bike, climb trees, play basketball, sports, video games, computer games, etc, etc, etc. I knew a little bit of karate. I was a camp counselor. I love talking to people. I love meeting new people. I lived in Hawaii, New York, West Virginia, California, Idaho, Quebec, South Carolina. I was homeschooled. I grew up in a small logging town of less than 20,000 people. I love smiling. I love being random. I love learning, living, sharing, educating, entertaining. My Facebook is Real Oatmeal Joey. My page is Oatmeal Joey. My group is Oatmeal Joey. I love life. I love having adventures. I love being crazy. I love saying random things. I love experiencing life. I love eating from our garden. I'm curious about everything. I love asking questions. I love laughing. I love helping people. I love listening. I love being a friend made out of delicious original green oatmeal.

Completely Lost

@philippekieneI, thanks, but I probably will not be able to find my master key. That's why I'm trying to make a new account.


@drakos, can you help me? I registered for @oatmealjoey on Steemit.com over a week ago. I want a 2nd account because I lost my master key here on this Steem account, @joeyarnoldvn. I was reading an article by @santarius and I think he or she mentioned you, @drakos.

Second Account

This article was saying to see @drakos for help, if your account is not getting approved after 2 weeks. Good article. Thanks. I registered for a 2nd account via Steemit. I may wait a bit longer or I may eventually buy a 2nd account, probably, if I can.


Steem Creation Advice

01:21 AM - I registered for a second account on Steemit over a week ago. I'm still waiting. Do you think I will be approved @oatmealjoey?

More Advice

@sorin.cristescu, thanks. I registered for a new account on Steemit.com. Will Steemit not approve my 2nd account? It seems that some say that they might approve it eventually, that it may take up to four weeks. Some people seem to be saying that won't work. I just want to know if this is possible at all.

Some people told me to pay 3 SBD at https://steeminvite.com/ and I might try that. I'm just not sure if I want to trust that website or not.

Yeah, I need to find somebody for a discounted account.

Not having a master key might not be too problematic. I'm not too sure.

But regardless, I wanted to separate my account into two blogs.

One blog for the best of the best.

Second for everything else.

I went to Steemit.com and I registered for a second Steem account @oatmealjoey over a week ago. It felt like weeks ago. Will it be approved? Some people might be saying no. Others might be saying that it may take up to four weeks for additional accounts to be approved, verified, confirmed, accepted, for free. Some people might have said that it's not allowed. Some people seem to be saying that it's allowed.

It seems like some individuals have multiple accounts. So, correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears as if it's been happening. Some people say that you can buy additional accounts. So, there may be different websites, services, systems, things, people, that can help with account creation. The past few days, I've been talking to people about it. I've been reading articles about these things. I'm trying to see what kind of options there are out there.

I first want to know if Steemit will approve my 2nd account or not.

If that fails, then I might try Steem Invite for 3 SBD.

If not that, then I may try other things.

After I figure these things out, then I plan to write an article talking about how additional accounts can be made, a how-to article to help educate people on some of these things.

Steemit Blog

01:43 AM - I went to Steemit.com and registered for a 2nd Steem account for myself @oatmealjoey over a week ago and I'm still waiting for it to be approved. Will it be accepted or will I have to pay money for creating additional accounts for Steem?

Prager U

01:30 AM - Thread - The Candace Owens Show: Nigel Farage

Children Books

08:20 AM - Can you write Cat & the Hat books? Love your smile. Love your pictures. Children books are awesome. Maybe I should write some as well.

Ravelry.com Banned Trump Support

08:43 AM - If you go to Ravelry - Ravelry.com - and say anything about Trump other than Orange Man Bad, in that knitting community, then you will get kicked off. Mark Dice made a video about that.

Michelle Makin for the president?

It's a good idea. But is it the best idea? That depends on who else we could get elected. If she is the best we can get, then great.


09:00 AM - 12:50 PM - What does it mean to be a leader and a follower? What is a pastor, teacher, Rabbi? What is a disciple? We talked about those things in Sunday School. What are you going to do, Frank? Good song. I must have sang impromptu those words along with how animals are dying with original oatmeal in YouTube videos. She said she thinks about that. I like that name. It's funny. Frank. I need your help says Alex Jones to Frank, a caller. That's a meme. Christ spoke in memes, parables. Specifically, Jesus was a good story teller. We have different gifts. Some are better at story telling and should focus on that. We all tell stories and should tell the stories we are telling. Pastor is good at object lessons. I personified object lessons in things that I do online. I live them out. Some might argue that my object lesson persona is too extreme. During the morning service, he mentioned Way of the Master. I like the Book of James in the Bible. So, Way of the Master might be too legalistic. Too legal. Too focused on the law. But it comes from the Bible. it's for those who don't know the bad news. If you know the bad news, then you might be ready for the good news of Hope Over Dope. So, he might have said that they are too legal. That might be true. I say, different strokes for different blokes or folks. It comes down to that foundation we live on as a worldview. Some Christians can have a foundation found in Genesis, in the literal six 24-hour days creation. Some disagree. But if that is not true, then how can you trust anything else? Also, are people good or bad? Is the human race good or bad? By the way, they give people grants. They give cities grants and then tell them that they have to do certain things with the money for Agenda 21. They gave colleges money, grants, in the early 1900's and then forced them to conform and teach certain things or else. Strings attached. It's dangerous. Welfare is dangerous. Be independent. Yes, reach people. So, the delivery of Way of the Master might be too strong for some people. It depends as different people need different things at different times for different reasons. What is natural flavors? People can redefine it to mean artificial flavors and bad. It can be like an extract but in a bad way as opposed to vitamins like Calcium which might be extracted. The problem might be in regards to whether or not your body needs it or whether or not the extract is modified, changed, altered, defiled, too excessively or not.


Mom was telling me yesterday about different things that happened in 1970. She said those things happened in 1970. She was born in 1951 and turned 19 on the third of July of 1970. She was probably in college or would soon be attending Umpqua Community College. Her cousin came out of nowhere from Canada on a motorcycle for a few days probably. Later, she went her family to Canada for her first visit. She went up for her second visit to Canada in 2018, just last year. There were around four or five things she was telling me about that happened in 1970. Two of those things were of her cousin coming there to where they were at that time. After that, they went to Canada for a visit. THe third thing was that mom also visited her grandmother or something. Maybe grandma Ann or Anne Pickell. So, mom went off to Medford and was like a waitress at a restaurant for like a month or a short period of time. THat was like the 4th thing she told me about that. Just four things, I think. Well, maybe 5 things. The 5th thing was probably that my mom's dad came to get her and take her back to probably Roseburg from like Medford. I'm forgetting why or how exactly. But mom was saying how that year was important. She said that Bill Cunningham broke up with her and went on to like date a girl. Then he went to join the military to like try to support this girl.

2008-11-16 - Sunday

Mom married Bill in 2008, November 16th, on a Sunday, in Shelton, WA. I was living at apartment number 414 in Portland, OR. I met a random guy in his twenties while I was walking down a road Saturday night. I don't know if the guy was just being friendly, lonely, and/or gay. But I went over to his house. He told me about his life and everything. I listened a bit. We talked. I might have slept on the floor there. I probably went to bed around 2 AM. Then, I got up around like 7 AM. I walked all the way back to my apartment. So, I went down the hill from where he lived. I got ready on that Sunday morning. I must have taken a bus or my bike to Katie's place on Madison. Karen picked us up and we went Shelton, WA. My first time to Shelton. I walked mom down the aisle. She married Bill. Karen drove me and Katie back to PDX.

Red Pill Ultra

Soph - New Video - The Group Responsible For All Of Our Troubles - I'm watching this video right now. Yes, this video is missing a thumbnail. But it wasn't deleted yet by YouTube. soph should do parodies of pop culture..... like LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE meme and IS THIS REAL LIFE meme

Dark Heart

01:32 PM - Soph Credited Alex Jones' Dark Heart at the end of that video that was published to YouTube today.

Soph Live

Click here to watch that livestream on YouTube. People in Soph's live youtube video is saying things like biden 2020. i have never seen so much love for an old white guy before. minecraft beauty is like LEGOs on DRUGS. Soph 2090. yea, swimming is a new thing. soph is Q, just kidding. it is ok to be gay. what is smexy? employers need to be rich. rich people inspire poor people. how far down can you dig? dig to china. People talk about the Internet but not the Phone Net. but I like Ben Stein. If you are big, you can influence culture for the better. youtube banned 2 of my channels, and thousands of videos. the best people are banned from youtube. people are building walls. Soph = Gateway Drug. average height. 5'2" for soph probably. climb a tree folks. free mason history. free mason people believe they can save the world. some bad people don't think they are bad. What is GDL? Many people in the chat said GDL. Goyim Defense League. i like israel over palestine. some jews are good. people did 911. Soph said she is jewish. The guy said he was jewish. People asked if she was in her Sunday livestream. jewish = race and/or religion. why do people hate jews? i like jews. swamp did 911. some jews maybe bad. no, chat is normal. chat is a reflection of culture. PEWDIEPIE RIP. people stay cuz other people stay. some people are lost on the hate on jews. people inverse reality. i am here to comment on the crazy chat. geoengineering. eminem had a kid named soph. soph is the daughter of austin powers. chat rooms is the new party at a house. yang said free money. buy robot body guards. decentralized robots. flat earth like yo mom is flat. i like free markets. automation already here. who controls the robots? the problem with robots is centralization. robots are bad if remote access and controlled, hacked. like Wall-E. minority report = facebook. eww won muck freaked out about ai demons. minimum wage = distraction. i like robots and hate taxes. i would debate flat earthers. i might start live streaming to debate flat earthers someday. this chat room takes me back to the 90's. gamification is a problem. i was brown until i took a bath. u CANNOT tax bitcoin.... or we gotta stop that. bitcoin is not relevant to tax. bitcoin tax = fake news. texas ebola. bitcoin is NOT controlled. sometimes i feel invisible. heroin 2020. walking dead rick is my dad. 9 layers of hell lol. trump is an idea, not a person. paid by ducks. soph is like inception, a shill of a shill of a shill of a shill. Just kidding. i recommend Black Mirror. hitler had the same master that planned parenthood founder sanger had. 45 = trump. I am 45. she is 45. i was prerecorded? soph will go on joe rogan. scott adams simulation. 4th amendment. freedom vs safety. Somebody said central banks are for free markets lol. not to be confused with cronyism. a socialist's wet dream. the Not-Federal Reserve lol. the federal reserve and your momma lol. but hillary is my momma. agree like asians do. when i lived in vietnam, thats what they did, conformed, agreed. hello, i'm bernie sanders, did you just say my name? capitalism has been around for thousands of years. soph = bernie sanders lol. Good impersonation. i didn't know sarcasm until i was like sarcasm.... i must be retarded like alex jones. subjective but also forbidden? some say morality is subjective. cuz the cool cats at church. morality is subjective and the fed is free market. meaning of life is freewill. candace owens will interview soph. oxford infiltrated USA schools. jesus was black lol. morality is subjective and the earth is flat. morality is subjective and i am a black woman. morality is subjective and your mom is a cow. morality is subjective and guns have legs. facebook banned me for saying kill all white people. orange man bad, i am an NPC. murder is not murder if done right.... lol Dexter Morgan. murder is not murder if ZOMBIES. morality is subjective and rothschild can have all my money. let's have 100% taxes yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. tax is theft unless if there are poor people lol, just kidding. i am a slave to my computer. tax = rape. corporatists are vampires. i prefer anarchy. usa = 20% free market. 5G is a problem. morality is subjective and frogs are NOT gay. fed began in 1913. glenn beck talked about the fed some years ago before he went crazy. giants, 20 feet tall, their bones are discovered. market = anarchy. food is a social construct. multi-culturalism is like a jungle with polar bears. dlive has problems. hinduism peer pressure. religion = heart. everything is religious and political. bitchute. donate your taxes to soph. natural law is so old. make a video about oatmeal. make a video about kim kardashian. NEW VIDEO - leave me alone losers. make a video about taxes. make a video about star wars. god leaves people alone already. google has black contracts.

Memes Are Parables

01:42 PM - @Bob-Ross, @Texas_T, what if we all had Alex Jones Avatars. That's a good idea. I like Bob Ross and watched him in the 1990's as I practiced drawing, painting. Ironically, if a woman wears the same dress as another woman, then they might get mad. I'm wearing the dress of @TheIsz. So, some might consider me wrong for wearing the same dress. At the same time, those same people might embrace, however, the We Are Sparta Spartacus Alex Jones Trump V For Vendetta meme and drive to change culture, to take on tyranny, to create revolutions towards better democracies. Wait, no, not democracies, because that means maybe mob-rule in some cases maybe. Maybe good in some ways. Depends maybe. But let's say better republics and not democracies. Lots of food for thought here and there and everywhere and that helps. How about we all run around with the avatar profile picture image photo of Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I'm ok with that. Again, perhaps, different strokes for different blokes or folks. I love memes. Jesus spoke in memes. I mean, parables. Wait, I mean what's the difference? Memes are parables. I personify object lessons. What I'm doing is personifying object lessons online in the things I do. Some might claim that I overdo my object lessons. In taking this avatar that I have right now, that might be an object lesson. Just kidding. I'm kidding. Not might be. It is an object lesson. Perhaps many object lessons all rolled into one. Again, there are a lot meat and potatoes there. Wait, don't forget about the original oatmeal. That's delicious. Again, food for thought. That's why I'm oatmeal, food for the brain. Yummy. Good to the last drop.

Infowars Fundraiser Booths at Walmarts

02:11 PM - Are people doing this already?

If not, then here is the plan as follows:

  1. Gather information you want to share.
  2. Find a store.
  3. Get permission from that store.
  4. Put up a table with information.
  5. Sit down on a chair behind the table.
  6. Wait for people to come.
  7. Talk to them.
  8. Hand them Infowars stickers.
  9. Hand out brochures, books, DVDs, etc.

But don't ask for money.

Hand out stickers that says InfowarsStore.com.

Hand out information about what's in the tap water.

Information about 5G.

Information about geoengineering.

Information about drag queen story hour.

It doesn't have to say Infowars on it.

Do whatever might be more effective. For example, Kaitlin Bennett's microphone says Liberty Hangout instead of Infowars. So, you may want to experiment on what might be more effective for your target audience. Red pilling can be an art form and it depends on a few factors.

Yes, you can stick Infowars stickers around town as well.

But you can also wait for them to come to you.

It might be better in some cases to do both, to talk to them and to hand things out to them at the same time.

It might be better to act like you're selling stuff, fundraising, but then fail to mention fundraising at all. That might be comedic but also prophetic and it may convict some people to wake the OATMEAL up.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

During the Christmas holiday season of November and December each year, they have those kettles and they ring that bell. I was a bell ringer.

Infowars Bell Ringing

So, why don't we have Infowars bell ringing as well?

Why not tables?

Do we always have to run and hide from Antifa? Yes, people can vandalize our boards, tables, literature, property, our stuff. Yes, that happens. So, it is risky. It is dangerous. Of course.

But doing nothing is MORE dangerous.

Abortion is Sexist

Because it allows women to hurt their own bodies. abortion = genocide.


04:32 PM - Thread Debate - Sick and tired of trying to quit porn? You’re not alone | Covenant Eyes - Covenant Eyes - Secret To Stopping Your Porn Addiction - Click here to visit Don't Fight It Alone.com. Part of the answer is local community. I was asking myself today about why I love camps. Because of the atmosphere, accountability, discipleship, family, that used to be present more so in more towns in the world, centuries ago. @well_well_well, I didn't know that but that makes sense. @well_well_well, not the camps I worked at. Reminds me of Alcoholic Anonymous (AA). One of the first steps, out of twelve, involves admitting there is a problem. Specifically, people can accept weakness, that it's normal and bad. Now, society can say it's normal and good. So, some people can feel like their problem is good and therefore not a problem. But that's not good. Other people can feel like their problem is unique and that it's not normal. So, then they isolate themselves and get stuck in the cycles. That's not good either.

Ancient Egypt

04:45 PM - Half-animal/half-human creatures occupied earth. People had sex with angels, demons, the sons of god, the followers of Satan, and with animals, aliens, and created these mutated creatures. Is that the reason for the world flood?

Trump Prophesy

How Trump was predicted to win back in 2011.


For like twenty minutes.

Trump Entered North Korea

05:37 PM - Kim, why not speak English?

Second Steemit Account

05:42 PM - @timcliff, are you saying that my registration was rejected? @timcliff, how do they know if a person doesn't already have an account when approving accounts as that might violate the 4th amendment and what about accounts that may be of pets and groups and objects?


06:06 PM - Does Steem Invite allow you to invite yourself to a 2nd personal account? It says, right now: "Your maximum RC mana is 730910.95M, which does not let you claim any accounts. Power up some STEEM! With your balance of 37.176 you can theoretically claim another 12 accounts." It says I cannot and then says I can? Not enough RC? So, there are two ways to buy accounts, by Steem and by RC? And I can only buy accounts using Steem because I don't have enough RC? Yes. What is MM? Million mana? Maybe not. I think it means million, MAX.

Creating 2nd Steemit

2019-06-30 - Sunday - 06:40 PM PST LMS JA: I went to Steem Invite and logged in with my username and private posting key. To claim an account, I had to enter my private active key. I paid 3 SBD as of right now. I sent an email to [email protected]. I'm delegating 20 SP to my 2nd account.

Chem Trails From Ships, Boats?

08:23 PM - Infocomms Thread - Max Anderson, on Bitchute, was talking about geoengineering chem-trails, not con-trails, coming out of ships, boats, leaking into the rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, waters. He said that SkyNet is coming or is already here. Prepare with Richie.

I never really thought about that before.

It's not just coming out of the sky from airplanes, jets, etc.


08:30 PM - How about we just have grace to never ever steal, murder, lie, etc? In other words, we might as well have socialism, because if we all can have the grace to stop bad stuff, then we would only do good stuff. Socialism works if everybody's good and does good. Too bad you don't have the grace to stop your impatience. Accountability has value. Discipleship has value.

Stopping Porn

08:38 PM - One step at a time. Something is better than nothing. A step in the right direction. I'm trying to get the ball rolling. If there are better alternatives, we should be promoting them.

Jesus Trump

08:40 PM - Is Jesus the Creator and Savior and Sustainer?

Doxing ANTIFA, etc

08:47 PM - Doxxing isn't doxxing if it's public, if it's already published online, assuming it's not private in a closed-group, email, PM, etc. If a person blocks you on Twitter, you can try to first bookmark their Twitter URL or username. Log into another account or simply log out to access their Twitter, assuming their tweets are not locked, not private, hot hidden. Public posts should be viewable even if you're NOT logged into Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.

Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) - Most Prostitutes Are Slaves

09:06 PM - Ms. Lionel Nation Video Thread - Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT): True Heroes Saving Lives, Making A Difference (Their website). Most prostitutes in the United States of America (USA) are held against their will by their pimps. That's slavery. So, TAT trains people on what to do when they find those slaves at the truck stops, parks, etc. TAT works with police, volunteers, members, other groups. They expose predators, pimps, etc.

Illuminating Ignition

11:17 PM - I created my second Steemit account @oatmealjoey - click here to read more. My name is Oatmeal Joey. I'm 34 years old. I'm single. I taught English in Vietnam. I'm from Oregon. I can play guitar & piano. I like to draw, write, sing, dance, act, make videos, create memes, bike, climb trees, play basketball, sports, video games, computer games, etc, etc, etc. I knew a little bit of karate. I was a camp counselor. I love talking to people. I love meeting new people. I lived in Hawaii, New York, West Virginia, California, Idaho, Quebec, South Carolina. I was homeschooled. I grew up in a small logging town of less than 20,000 people. I love smiling. I love being random. I love learning, living, sharing, educating, entertaining. My Facebook is Real Oatmeal Joey. My page is Oatmeal Joey. My group is Oatmeal Joey. I love life. I love having adventures. I love being crazy. I love saying random things. I love experiencing life. I love eating from our garden. I'm curious about everything. I love asking questions. I love laughing. I love helping people. I love listening. I love being a friend made out of delicious original green oatmeal. Click here to continue reading.

Second Account

11:43 PM - Thanks. Yeah. I gave them a new phone number when registering. I waited over a week. But, today, I decided to stop waiting.. So, I used Steem Invite to make a 2nd account. I was simply going to wait maybe for 2 months to see. Because I really wanted to know what might happen. But I guess I was not sponsored or whatever we want to call it. I guess some people offered to help me with borrowing SP for the RC. But I ended up doing it all myself. Thanks again. I went to register on Steemit.com today. I typed in the username that I wanted @oatmealjoey and it was available. I took that to mean that my 2nd account was not pending.

So, like I said, I used Steem Invite to create a 2nd account after that. I might be wrong, but I'm assuming that they didn't accept the creation of a 2nd account. That's why I went ahead to create a 2nd account myself. Like I said, I probably could have gotten somebody to help me financially. But, I guess I have enough money to do it myself.

But I was curious.

Like, if I pretended to be a new person, would that work?

Good question.

But I guess it doesn't really matter.

I'm only intellectually curious about how things work.

Because I love philosophy, etc.

So, I love questioning things.

But I guess it's ok.

Now I know how to invite my mom and other people to join, since I know how to invite myself onto Steem.

And I will continue to try to encourage others to join Steemit.

Thanks again, Tim, for caring.

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Ravelry.com Banned Trump Support

08:43 AM - If you go to Ravelry - Ravelry.com - and say anything about Trump other than Orange Man Bad, in that knitting community, then you will get kicked off. Mark Dice made a video about that.