
in #j5 years ago

Game of Social Thrones - What's next? Artificial farms? They're making things more fake, AKA artificial. Not just with Artificial Wombs, but many things. It is turning into the Matrix. If you don't like it, what can you do? What will you do? What are we doing? We are talking about two different things. Dumb & Dumber Man - This is Not a Joke.

My Life in 2019

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Drudge Report

Some highlights from Tuesday the 21st of May of 2019, as follows:


12:07 AM - The good news is that there are different websites we can post to. Yes, there is Steemit, Busy, Dtube, etc, which stems from Steem. Alternatives - But there is also some other websites like Steem out there as well. I copy and paste my posts on Steem to places like Weku, Bear Shares, Smoke, Dream Real, and Serey.


12:52 AM - We are talking about two different things. I know what you are saying. That is one thing but I'm talking about the technical side to it as a web designer, I can see this. I agree with you with what you are saying about the pool, financially, in how that system has been working. These are two different things. I don't disagree with what you are saying but I was not talking about that. I like Steemit over Facebook. Is there anything that is better than Facebook that might give you money? I started out with no Steem Money. I earned some. I bought a plane ticket. I was in Vietnam in 2017 when I first joined Steemit. Now, I'm back in America.


10:16 AM - They asked somebody political questions about the kind of world we live in in 2019. I don't remember the questions or who was asking them. I don't even remember who they were interviewing. I think it was a well known woman. She used some words to describe the left. She used words that I think I never heard of before. She said that they are Hitleristic, Hittitistic, and antibook. So, the first word, Hitleristic, probably means to be like Hitler. The second word, Hittaistic, probably means to be like the Hittites. The third word, antibook, means to be against books, education, learning, reading, literature, debate, philosophy, information, logic, truth, objectivity, vocabulary. There may have been words words and other things in my dream that I can't seem to remember right now.

Mark Dice

10:27 AM - YouTube - Dumb & Dumber Man - This is Not a Joke - Facebook said they accidentally suspended Candace Owens.

Socialism vs Capitalism

11:45 AM - Earth Custodians, yeah. Maybe not. But I just want to at least try to minimize crony capitalism. I also want to make my argument for those who say they dislike capitalism and favor socialism or other things. So, I try to distinguish between hypothetical and perfect free market capitalism with crony capitalism mixed in with monopolies, globalism, tyrannies, and all these things that we have in the real world. We don't live in a vacuum of just one things. There are many things happening in the world at the same time that are interdependent on other things... or they interact with each other..... So, I bring up these things when I try to win a debate with people who may favor Bernie Sanders or other things.

Surfer Marly

11:48 AM - Consider me jealous. Offline is the heart of the world lol and some people should probably follow in your footsteps, that is if there are certain offline opportunities awaiting for them, take a leap of faith, dive right in, like a surfer. That reminds me of when I was living in Hawaii. Good times lol. Keep up the good work in your life and everything. Thanks.

Catwoman vs Batman

11:53 AM - That's probably why Catwoman was attracted to the smarter Batman. But of course, I'm sure that cat was a smarter cat burglar than that bat lol. And don't get me started with that new Batwoman coming the Fall of 2019 to television lol.

Big Tech Problems

12:08 PM - Can you make money off Facebook Ads without paying for it? No. For me, I joined Steemit for free. Yes, somebody must have paid for the creation of my account in 2017. But my point is that I did not pay any money to begin my journey on Steemit. Yeah, I only made a few dollars or more maybe. My account might have been worth a thousand dollars or so at one point. Some of the SBD or SP might have been sucked up by other apps, assuming there are Steem Taxes or whatever. I might have spent some of it. Now, my account might be worth only like $150 last time I checked.


Yes. Steemit has problems. I don't disagree. I will stay on Steemit until something better comes along. @KawaiiCrush, give me a better alternative to Steem, and I will look at it. Give me many alternatives to choose from. I do copy and paste my Steemit posts to other platforms that are connected to Steem, like Bear Shares, Serey, Weku, Dream Real, Smoke.... that is five separate websites..... independent of Steem.... I am sure others are coming... so, bring on the competition. If people can do better than Steemit, then that is awesome. If those five sites are better, people should focus on them over Steemit. You should check them out if you have not. If nothing else was better than Steemit, then hold Steemit close to your heart, that is if it is your best choice. At the same time, work at trying to build new platforms and networks that can do better than Steemit.


But don't be alone with nothing. If Steemit was the only website in the world, then why not post stuff on it? Don't spend too much time on Steemit. But we are not alone. Like I said, we have some alternatives to Steemit, like Weku. But some of the alternatives may suck too, you may argue. If they do suck too badly, like excessively, then stay on Steemit until a better boat arrives, a better ship, right?


By the way, Facebook bans people. Facebook has banned me many times. When Facebook hates you, then they take away your ads. Two of my YouTube channels were banned. Same thing with Twitter. It happens to me and millions of people. We get censored, banned, suspended, shadow banned, etc, etc, in the 2010's globally, like never ever before in world history. Big tech have big problems.

Steem vs Bitcoin Debate

12:36 PM - Two things. First, @launch3d, you might be talking about a certain thing. But, however, secondly, let's talk about the technical side of Steem / Steemit. Specifically, like with computers / Microsoft. In other words, hardware / software. We can talk about that.

Steem / Steemit

Yeah, of course, Steem / Steemit is not hardware / software. Wait, let me say say, maybe not. Because technically, somebody could make an argument concerning the Witnesses, the servers, of Steem, the blockchain itself. But that argument would only be partly true as Steem is not hardware.

Software / software

So, Steem / Steemit is software / software. I'm no expert in all of this, but Steem might be more like an operating system (OS) and Steemit might be like an application, a program, that runs on that OS. I'm not saying Steem is an OS. Not exactly. I'm making a rough comparison or illustration. Yeah, my comparison may be flawed and incomplete.


Wait. Let me take that back. Steem might not be like an OS in my illustration. Better yet, Steem is like BIOS in a computer, the loader, the boot system that helps turns on the computer and helps the computer boot into maybe into an OS or whatever. BIOS helps startup the computer, phone, device, or whatever. So, maybe Steem is like that. But regardless, you can see, at least in theory, how Steem is not Steemit in the same way Microsoft Windows is not Microsoft Word. Yeah, both made by Microsoft.


So, are you suggesting that Steemit Inc. created backdoors between Steem and Steemit as to say that Steem is not as blockchain independent as Bitcoin is? This opens up a bunch of can of worms to the systems of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.


I didn't create Bitcoin. But I heard that Bitcoin runs through some kind of cryptocurrency blockchain system. Again, I'm not expert. I don't know how they are able to fork Bitcoin into Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold and all these other things. Same thing with Ethereum. I know that it has something to do with cryptography. That is related to math. I've watched many videos and have read many things about how Bitcoin works. I could be wrong about how it all works. I want to believe that there are no backdoors to Bitcoin.

Steem = Bitcoin

Yeah, they're different. But I hope that Steem is purely a cryptocurrency blockchain system in the same way, purely, as Bitcoin and Ethereum might be. I hope Bitcoin is not a bad thing. If Bitcoin is fake, bad, or whatever, that is too bad. But the theory of how cryptocurrencies work is great. So, regardless, cryptocurrencies are the future and may the better alt coins do better and compete and improve and everything.


So, again, @launch3d, do you think Steem is bad? Does it have backdoors? Is Steemit Inc controlling the Steem blockchain? That would be like one guy or one group, like Satoshi, running Bitcoin. If one person controlled the Bitcoin system, then government could then try to go after that Satoshi Person or the group. Same thing with Steem maybe, if Steemit Inc is able to manipulate Steem or whatever, then that is a problem.

First Thing

So, that might be the first thing. That might be what you are trying to say. Number one, Steemit Inc. may be manipulating Steem, maybe or backdoors and/or etc, etc. I don't know. Is that what you are saying?

Number Two

But like I said, at least in theory, Steemit is not Steem. That's all I'm saying in theory. All I know is what I heard. That is what I read. It is a theory. I have not actually seen Steem in one imaginary box and Steemit in another. So, I could be wrong about the details. Like with that first thing that you might be saying, Steemit may be in bed with Steem, hypothetically. Like Satoshi might be controlling Bitcoin. I'm not saying those things are happening. But that might be your argument. But, secondly, like I said, I'm just saying that Steemit is not Steem from a theoretical standpoint, at least.

Jolly Roger

12:46 PM - I post about my travel in Vietnam sometimes. I love pirates. Y'arrrr.

Artificial Wombs

12:52 PM - What's next? Artificial farms? They're making things more fake, AKA artificial. Not just with Artificial Wombs, but many things. It is turning into the Matrix. If you don't like it, what can you do? What will you do? What are we doing?

John Bolton

12:56 PM - There are many cults and groups that are trying to take over the world. So, it is rather complex. So, did they get John Bolton and when and how? All of these things are happening. Many things. One group that we can look at is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). We could start with them for example. Follow the money. Cut off the money supply from these groups.

Paris May Day

01:12 Pm - What can we do? In America, people should continue to promote the first, second, and fourth amendments, first of all. Educate people on why we have them.


Some countries may not have those amendments, those laws. Yes, America has problems too. But there are reasons why people move to America and to Europe. Many reasons. And many things are happening. But America is better. Other countries can learn from that.

What is better?

Again, America is messed up. Why? Because of the globalists, leftists, tyrants, big tech, Big Pharma, Jihadism, infiltrators, world bankers, Hollywood, leftist educators, leftist religions, plutocrats, corporate overlords, bad doctors, bad scientists, Eugenics, etc, etc, etc, many things, groups, people, problems. So, these people are in America and around the world. They're messing the USA up in a variety of ways. But the good news is that we are trying to expose some of it and stop some of it. We are stopping some of it. Some good things are happening in the world. Again, America was better. Not perfect. But better. Maybe not better now as globalists are trying to destroy America and Europe. If we don't continue to fight, educate, etc, then they can win in a variety of ways via geoengineering, 5G, brain washing, taxes, the things Big Pharma does, by taking away our guns, through abortions, through Open Borders, Mercury Vaccines, distractions, attacks on the DNA, stopping people from being able to have children, fake news stuff, big tech things, etc, etc. Long list of things they are doing globally.


But there is hope. I'm just saying, learn from the things that work and pass that on. The art of education goes a long way and people educate each other online. That is why they censor us like they have been censoring people in China. Yes, America is becoming China. In some ways, Sweden became China in the sense of how they are able to control the people like 1984 Police State tyrants. But there are things we are doing. Education is key.


Go Yellow Vests. America needs Yellow Vests as well.

Yard Work

01:30 PM - 05:30 PM - Tilled the ground. Took down the potato cage. Tilled, shoveled, raked, along the fence, near the bookshed, around where the potato cage was, and along the fence towards the front towards the compose pile. Wheel barrow. Washed the dishes. Changed my shirt. Four hours.

Woke Thrones

05:40 PM - 09:30 PM - Game of Social Thrones - Why would you punish the real king, Jon Snow, for killing a mad queen, Danny, AKA Daenerys? He was sent to the wall? Wait, I thought walls and borders are bad. The earth is flat? Why send Jon Snow back to the Night Watch? Leaders were killing of leaders and kings in the Game of Thrones (GOT). Jon was not a bastard. He was a secret son of the mad king, or at least like a nephew. Danny was murdering women and children. I thought that was a bad thing to do. So, why punish Jon?

Coding to the Game of Thrones

07:57 PM - I love the numbers here. I can study things like this for years. Upvoted. Resteemed. I'm linking to this in my new article about the finale.

Facebook vs Steemit

10:25 PM - But Facebook banned Candace Owens and Prager U and Alex Jones and many people. You don't have to log into Facebook to see Facebook. People always make up this excuse. People are dumb. You don't have to have an account to watch videos on YouTube, to view tweets on Twitter, or posts on Facebook. Yes, Facebook is big, they say. So, I am on Facebook until Facebook bans me again. Then I will try to make new accounts. Yes, lots of reach. But big problems. There are doubles, clone accounts, profiles on Facebook. So many problems. Steemit is better than Facebook for many reasons. People who are not on Steemit read Steemit. Same thing for many websites. You don't have to be registered for a public website to view the public website.

Pardes Selah - Proof Trump doesn't believe abortion is murder (Pardes Live #33)

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