Why is John Bolton so Obsessed with Regime Changes?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Some in the west in particular think that there are different views running in the US decision making circles and that those advisors throw their ideas and brainstorm others to come up with what is in the best interest of the USA and its citizens as a police, foreign or domestic based on the task assigned to each advisor.

Sadly, that's very far from what's going on in there, especially after the assassination of JFK and the early exit of Carter. Each other US president after that, in between, and even before that, has started a war or two of genocide abroad and they call it the president's 'legacy'.

But why they do that? And from where they find such advisors to only advise for more wars abroad and on the account of their own citizens?

A member on Quora asked this question: 'Why is John Bolton so determined to attack Iran? What's his obsession with regime change in North Korea, Iraq, Syria and others?'

I had a couple of paragraphs answer to him which I'm sharing here to preserve the answer from Quora's moderators. My answer there:

Some might not like my answer but I don’t care, it’s about time the people wake up.

Bolton is part of a cult that controls the US politics which has been taking control of all decision making spots all over the establishment. Don’t you find it weird enough that everything in the constitution is implemented backwards? Freedoms are now only applicable to minorities over the will of the majority, democracy is controlled by first only two parties competing for the same goals then within the leading candidates who collects more money from the same donors and vows to protect Israel, no matter what?

That same cult took out any politician that promised to stop it, either by intimidation or by literally eliminating.

Don’t be fooled by the terminology they use: neo-conservatives, right wing, hawkish.. These are terms used to beautify the nature of these war criminals.

Here’s a short introductory on how and who controls the US: People in Control of the US Want to Rule the World.

Unless they suck out the whole wealth of the US and use that in destroying the rest of the world, they will not rest, they need to set the stage for their false Messiah who will come and rule them until Jesus Christ comes back and destroy their new temple.

Read their books, their statements, their modified scriptures, examine their steps, and don’t let them ridicule you by calling you a conspiracy theorist.

Bolton doesn't think, he follows a destructive path drawn for him, also don’t overestimate these freaks, their place is behind bars, forever.

End of my answer on Quora.

A year ago, March 2018, I wrote here on Steemit about Bolton and his real job: 'National' Security Advisor or an International Destabilizing Warmonger?.

He didn't fail my expectations of him, 5 months later in August 2018, I had this update: The White Helmets and John Bolton Preparing for a New Chemical Attack False Flag in Idlib, it was related to a threat he issued to both the Syrian and Russian governments in order to protect al-Qaeda in Idlib, Syria.

This was 11 months ago: Uncreative USA Recycles its Dirty Trash!.

And this one from May last year: The US Foreign Policy in One Caricature.

What to do? We have to be everywhere and re-share our posts on all platforms before the US's increasingly heavy-handed censorship takes out our contents.

And just for the record I was never am author, a writer, a journalist, and I even don't like writings, you can easily find that out from my poor English and style, I had a totally different life before the crisis in my country affected me and my family, and still, very badly, so for me this is supposed to help spread knowledge about what's happening in my country and beyond, and also a way, not yet sufficient at all, to add to cover my family's daily expenses, so excuse my lack of academic writings, I write what is on my mind with as much knowledge I have.

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There are many cults and groups that are trying to take over the world. So, it is rather complex. So, did they get John Bolton and when and how? All of these things are happening. Many things. One group that we can look at is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). We could start with them for example. Follow the money. Cut off the money supply from these groups.

Sadly, they've amassed enormous funds more than imaginable, the only way to deliver them a blow is to recreate the USA and its currency, they'll lose big time, setting a limit on how much of old notes can be replaced with new ones will step them from their powers, anything else is just continuing the countdown for the demise of the US empire.

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