Banning Oatmeal - Part 015steemCreated with Sketch.

in #iwa6 years ago (edited)

I was banned from a great website that promotes offline activism. I've been passionate about promoting red pilling gateways towards inter-dimensional breakaway societies. In my videos, you can see my smile, my joy over circumstances. However, Griff falsely accuses me of being angry when he is the one that is angry. I've promoted Norma Jeanne's art and they call me the bad guy for giving her free advertisement. Maybe not totally free, but she didn't have to pay but they are upset that other people freely chose to pay via volunteering, donating, via a cryptographic blockchain protocol system, Steemit, and other places. You sound like the people that attack Diamond & Silk for making money. I'm trying to encourage more people towards offline activism. But I'm the criminal for trying to help? People continue to lie about me. I've said this many times. It's a long story. I talk and write about other things as my way of fighting globalism, but you say I'm too tiny to do that?

Infowars Banned Oatmeal

Banning Oatmeal - Part 001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 006 - 007 - 008 - 009 - 010 - 011 - 012 - 013 - 014 - 015
Infowars Army Community - INFOCOMMS

wow kaitlin bennett guns 2a

My Video Response to Mind Bender

My response to @Mischief_With_Griff, @MamaPotato, @Leviticus, @Bingozee, @Paladin, @hxtr, @NormaJeanne89, to the Mind Bender videos they made trashing and lying about me. They're also trying to contact Steemit to take down, to remove my posts, comments, content. No. Not making money. Not exactly. It's a long story. I'm sharing things. I'm commenting on things. I'm promoting, marketing, the INFOCOMMS, in order to encourage more people to join and partake in offline activism. I may make some cryptocurrency through a volunteering blockchain system. But what I do is worth money. And making money is not bad. And people pay money for marketing. And you are not paying me money to do this. And Facebook and Google makes billions of dollars off us humans in this whole world each year through stealing and selling our content. What I'm doing falls under Fair Use, Safe Harbor, and Anti-Trust laws. I've been trying to promote this website. I'm a journalist and many different things.

Deception Train

12:27 AM - Thursday - 2019-02-28 - You can find Mischief_With_Griff @MindBen64989328 on Twitter. Leviticus, please stop lying about me. I don't derail threads. I don't spam. I didn't steal art. I'm not making money. I'm trying to get more people to join INFOCOMMS, offline activism, journalism, etc. People are lying about me. Long story. I've been trying to explain it. I'm trying to promote INFOCOMMS. I'm trying to help Infowars. I'm not spamming. I'm not stealing. I was trying to defend and support Mama Potato, housewives, Americana, Christianity, Family First Values, Country First Values, etc etc. It is a long story. I'm trying to explain it. People are taking me out of context. I'll continue to try to defend western civilization. I learned a lot while watching the four hour Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience video today, Wednesday, the 27th of February, 2019. I didn't steal art from @NormaJeanne89. I shared it. I'm not making money for it. I'm trying to invite more people to get involved in offline activism. I'm preparing to get more involved in offline activism, journalism, etc. People take me out of context. People are lying about me. I wrote an incomplete thought when I talked about animals. I don't want pets to die. I said I don't have a problem but I do have a problem with it. But it is not the whole story. Like Paladin said, life is complex, but I was trying to simplify a bunch of things in my comments. I talk in code. I talk in parables. It is very tough for people to understand what I'm saying. People have been lying about me. Long story. But I don't spam, steal, make money, not really. I'm trying to get more people to join the INFOCOMMS. Broadway Joe, you want to turn this forum into a private hangout. That might discourage people from joining and from learning about it. New people can Google things and find this forum based on random words that are written here. Turning it private may be more problematic than it is helpful. It depends on a few factors. But it may limit the reach of this website. NPC, Please stop lying about me. You seem not to understand how Steemit works. I'm not really making money because Steem is not money. It might be a cryptocurrency but it's not money. I'm trying to encourage more people to join the INFOCOMMS. I'm trying to help in a variety of ways. The Frozen Michael Warrior of Canada, why would I be suspended or banned for trying to encourage more people to join the INFOCOMMS? Broadway Joe replied: "Beat it. Don’t message me again." I wouldn't even say that to Hitler. So, I must be worse than Hitler, right? Joe talks like a leftist who is against conversation. You sound like you just want to shut down the other side from speaking because of maybe hate speech and terrorism and all of these other fake accusations. Pastor Sam, yes. I've been following it. I understand that. Not my first rodeo. I do understand a lot and that is why I write so much. That might be why people think I'm trying to divide like Jesus flipping over tables. I could be trying too hard to educate, confront, communicate, at times, in my life, perhaps. I'm always trying to get people to see the bigger picture. I quote people in order to personify debate, topics, themes, principles, illustrations. Pastor Sam, if you don't know, in a Mind Bender 10 video, @Mischief_With_Griff, @Leviticus, and @Paladin, talked about how I, Oatmeal Joey, must have a handler, that I'm getting paid to destroy the INFOCOMMS. That video came out on Tuesday. Wednesday, in episode 11, Griff was talking to @MamaPotato about me as well. Some people say that I might be working with you. It appears that most people on the INFOCOMMS are against me based on allegations, hearsay, things misinterpreted, taken out of context, etc. Some of those people said that they contacted Steemit in order to get me removed off that social network website. They talked about it in the first video. They seem to be serious about taking me off all of the websites that I'm on. It sounds like a serious threat. @Bingozee said that he is also trying to get me removed off the Internet as well. So, I'm concerned that they will continue to attack me online on as many websites as possible. I am a bit scared. NPC, are you familiar with the concept of Steem Power (SP) versus Steem? I've been focused on SP which has a different focus. Plus, there are other factors that should be considered. It's multi-dimensional, like what Alex Jones said on Joe Rogan 1255, yesterday, like the aliens, like many things.

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Dark Irony

09:38 AM PST - Thursday - 2019-02-28 - the 28th of February - Broadway Joe 412 Dark Irony Statement - Joe - "I love raw, unfiltered Alex Jones. It’s fucking fantastic!" But hates Oatmeal Joey. But I'm Alex Jones. But he sees me as a loser. Mama Potato turned on me. I'm sad about the lies. I didn't steal. I shared. It is not theft. That is a lie. I have to teach you how these things work. You were lied to about the world. You are spreading the lie. There are a few factors to these things. This is my continual rough draft, part 15 of the Banning Oatmeal series that talks about how I was banned from the Infowars INFOCOMMS and that is too bad. I am still trying to tell people the details because I am trying to help and I am right. If you don't like how arrogant and ignorant and retarded that sounds, then why are you reading this? Are you going to continue to try to get my stuff pulled down by claiming that I stole everything? I can quote. I can share. That is not theft. I am referencing. I am quoting. I am linking. You seem not to get how it works. You live in deception. I did not steal from Norma. Paladin attacked Mama Potato. I got punished for defending her. Bingozee seems to be against all religions but is part of religions. I am being accused of being the trouble maker when I'm actually trying raise awareness to issues and many different things. I am still trying to expose the lies and everything. I tell people my side of the story and Paladin and Leviticus and Griff and others ignore what I wrote and said and they lie about it and take me out of context and ignore so much while saying that I do that to them when I do not and I do not but they say that I do. That is a reverse in reality. Mama Potato said that I might be a psychopath but I'm not. However, I am passionate with my job in life. I contribute so much for the world and to the world and people lie about it.

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Copyright Take Down

Paladin quoted from DMCA, concerning copyright complaints, in order to take down my quotes, my commentary, on things. I'm not violating copyright laws. But people are lying and pretending that I am. It is possible that I may be punished for what I'm innocent of, falsely. I've been there before. That's the scary part. What I do falls under Fair Use and Safe Harbor and Antitrust to name a few things, laws, acts, codes, rules, etc. Some people like Bingozee, Paladin, Leviticus, and Griff, are trying to falsely accuse me of copyright claims. What I've been doing falls under fair use but they have been contacting Steemit in order to get me banned off Steemit over Fair Use commentary, quoting, referencing, linking, screenshots, supplementary, education, illustration, application. Can my posts get removed over false DMCA take-down notices? That is what these people are trying to do, get my comments, posts, contents, taken down, removed.