Banning Oatmeal - Part 004steemCreated with Sketch.

in #iwa5 years ago

Check out Parts 001 - 002 - 003 - This is Part 004. I was Banned for being American. After being suspended on the INFOCOMMS, some of the users there continue to trash me around dirtier than the mouths of Dennis Rodman and even Charles Barkley laughed about the two black guys beating up the other black guy in Chicago. People are awakening to what has been going on.

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Leviticus on Ryan - "He thinks someone is flagging his comments…I don’t see one flagged comment in this thread." - Ryan - "That’s because I edited it." - Griff - "If I was guilty I’d own up to it. Believe me." - Ryan - "I know, it was a joke c’mon. ;)=JK." - Griff - "Ok, too much drama. Had enough of that with oatmeal boy. Night guys." - Ryan - "I’d say it’s possible it was hidden by a moderate/admin bot because of the P-word. But that word is in other comments." - Griff - "Pedophile… No hidden content…" - Ryan - "I take that back, the edited version has the P-word too." - Leviticus - "Yep me too, I’m done with shit!!" - Ryan - "Hit the pencil to see the original comment. Nevermind, that doesn’t show the original comment. Screenshot does though…" - Ryan to Leviticus - "I’m not trying to be a Dick here Buddy."

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2019-02-24 - Sunday - 07:44 PM - Mischief_With_Griff - "Good point, he says he does but I have my doubts. Trying not to entertain that thought… You guys know me. He’s probably using hide my ass VPN which is run by a scammer call center in India… Oh, yeah they are connected that way."

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2019-02-25 - Monday - 03:45 PM - Norma Jeanne 89 of Arizona - "Finally colored it in, my first piece of info wars art."

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2019-02-25 - Monday - 10:14 PM - Freedom Fighter 414 Marko - "I listen to Fallout radio at YouTube, it has PRO AMERICAN Q940s and 1950 songs that came out during WW2 and the Coldwar, there are some nuggets of history in their music, I am sure YouTube will BAN it soon once they realize PATRIOTS listen and not just stupid gamers!"

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Banning Oatmeal - Part 004

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Biography - Social Networks
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Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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