Banning Oatmeal - Part 011steemCreated with Sketch.

in #iwa5 years ago

Leviticus says Steemit Sucks. First, they get me banned off INFOCOMMS. But that's not good enough. They want me off the Internet. They want me, Original Oatmeal, banned off everything. But I'm not Alex Jones. I'm not Laura Loomer. I'm not Tommy Robinson. I'm not Owen Shroyer. I'm not Milo. I'm just an Oregonian Dragon. You can follow Griff Jenkins on Twitter at @CorruptDatabase. and on YouTube.

Infowars Banned Oatmeal

Banning Oatmeal - Part 001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 006 - 007 - 008 - 009 - 010 - 011
Infowars Army Community - INFOCOMMS

JA VN STEEMIT SUCKS fded87a60a5b1076a6ef54f65bc35ccb37e91bf3.jpeg

Fighting Oatmeal Dragons

12:41 PM - Leviticus Falwell - Steemit Sucks Like Oatmeal Joey Down a Snow Hill of Socialism Depravity - Epic Fail Sandy Time - Leviticus wrote, and I quote, "STEEMIT SUCKS We aren’t taking Joey’s shit any more! STEEMIT SUCKS.... STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS.... STEEMIT SUCKS Look how uncomfortable the young girl looks next to Creepy Joey! STEEMIT SUCKS... STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS... Joeygirl."

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Going Nuclear

12:47 PM - Griff - Big Time Party Time - "He’s going to go nuclear over this :rofl:." - Leviticus - "STEEMIT SUCKS I am saving the real good stuff for when it comes back! STEEMIT SUCKS.... STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS STEEMIT SUCKS..."

Destroy Steemit

04:30 PM - Bingozee - Kick Oatmeal Off Steemit - "Wow can’t believe we are still “talking” about this guy… how many have viewed his posts? If you would like to make a commitment regarding his abuse and posts contact Steemit directly. In it be sure to mention this community, the more of us who spend in offical complaint while mentioning you are a member of this community, will function more effectively while providing sufficient grounds to investigate. Maybe someone can write a partition we can all agree to, that can be sent to Streemit by each of us unilaterally. Lets concentrate on Solutions not symptoms." - Griff - "If you want to come on Mindbender which starts in 30 minutes you can. We’re talking about him.... About the real issue and Leviticus knows something which he’ll be on.... Hopefully @Paladin too." - Bingozee - Official Letter of Complaint - "I guess I am asking why? As I said I can’t understand why we would choose to make him such a priority that we will create servers and private channels to do so covertly and more efficiently. My question is also are we discussing a partition and official letter of complaint that each of us can send unilaterally to Streemit directly? Sorry @Mischief_With_Griff I am not being facetious, as I mentioned, I don’t understand the purpose?"

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Unproductive Oatmeal

05:48 PM - Sue Susan Robins - Not Productive Joey - "I generally make it a point NOT to comment on these matters; this case is different than the usual however… The guy was / is a trouble maker and needs to be segregated from us. Joey is not a productive, or even a neutral member of this community. Joey disrupts the harmony of this community and needs to be expelled. He is NOT what he says he is." So, apparently, I'm unproductive.

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forbidden frog forums

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Banning Oatmeal - Part 011

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Biography - Social Networks
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Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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