Banning Oatmeal - Part 013steemCreated with Sketch.

in #iwa5 years ago

Mind Bender Video - Episode 10 - The Oatmeal Agenda. They talk about me in this video. They talk about how I work for ANTIFA or something, allegedly, it would seem, because I'm in love with Jew Murdering George Soros, right? Because I want Muslims to invade and destroy America, right? In other words, I actually hate Christianity, right? Is that what they are saying in this video, that I'm a globalist, that I hate oatmeal? Read my commentary to this hour-long video below.

Infowars Banned Oatmeal

Banning Oatmeal - Part 001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 006 - 007 - 008 - 009 - 010 - 011 - 012 - 013
Infowars Army Community - INFOCOMMS


The Oatmeal Agenda Video

- 07:47 PM - Griff - Mind Bender - Episode 10 - Statement on Loser Oatmeal Joey - In the video, they talk about me, Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold, about how crazy I am, about how I have a handler, how I'm always online like Mama Potato, allegedly, how I only copy and paste things, about how I was never on the Internet before 2018 writing articles about many things, etc. This video was 59:33 minutes long. Who's in the video? Griff, Paladin, Leviticus.

Response to the Mind Bender Video

00:19 minutes into the video - Griff - "Let's get this thing over with." Why? Because, apparently, I'm a horrible person. I need more raisins in my oatmeal. Well, I'm Honeyless because I'm wifeless. So, apparently, raw oatmeal is unbearable. - Griff - "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can wash our hands of Joey Arnold.... I can't even stand the guy.." - 01:00 - Leviticus begins to compare me to ANTIFA punks who would try to like infiltrate Oath Keepers. So, apparently, I'm a punk & not a nerd. Well, maybe I'm a nerd, too? But according to Broadway Joe, I'm totally not an athlete. - Leviticus - "They all have this signature." So, I'm not unique? I'm just your average Joe, your average punk, then? - 01:25 - Leviticus talks about how I was causing disruption. In other words, it is all my fault. In other words, it was not like people were not already infighting with each other, which they were doing. But let's pretend Paladin wasn't attacking Mama Potato. Let's pretend all of these things were not happening and pass the bucket of blame right onto Oatmeal. Why? Because he doesn't want a fake apology. He doesn't want to sweep things under the rug. He doesn't want to pretend to resolve conflict which he learned mostly from his year in Revolution Hawaii with The Salvation Army. - 01:42 - Leviticus - "Oh, it's one of them." Referring to me as the problem. - 01:50 - Griff - "He's copying and pasting everything." Yes. No. But is that a problem? That's false, but even if it true, then what? Depends on what you mean by that. - 02:05 - Griff - "It's a security risk." How is it a security risk? Is it because you feel you cannot trust me or what? Paladin & Leviticus responded by saying, "Not any more," as people have had to look into how burnt my oatmeal is. - 02:40 - Paladin - "I was getting into it with Mama Potato." In the threads on drugs & religion. - 02:47 - Paladin on Potato - "She was spamming my threads.... and I guess Joey sees himself as her protector or defender...." So, is that a bad thing? I try to protect people from globalism & humanism as they go against nationalism & Americana. - 03:09 - Paladin - "[Joey] was intentionally misquoting me." Nope. Wrong. The context was still there. You could have clicked on it to see the quote that I would quote from and you could click on the arrow to go to the original threads that I got it from. - Paladin - "That I hate Christians.." So, you don't hate Christians? Oh, the way you say that, oh man. Oh, you try to laugh it off. After that Paladin talked about trying to Private Message (PM) me. So, why would I respond to you in private when you ignore me and lie about me in public? - 03:30 - Paladin - "It's like he is dissociated from himself." Like as if, what, like I'm an actor like Alex Jones who is not an actor? It is a psychology thing that I learned from my psychology classes from college. - 03:36 - Paladin - "Even the way he posts on Steemit, it's like he is talking about a third person." Right, because the lies about me is not me. So, I'm forced to talk about a person that does not exist. I'm not what you say I am. But I am letting people know what you guys think of me. Some people may know that it is not true. Hopefully, some of the people that do know me can verify that. - 03:40 - "It's like not him, it's like he doesn't make the connection." Why? Because there is more to it than that. - 03:44 - Griff - "PMs don't sell anything." But Steem is not money. - 03:57 - "PMs don't make him money." But I'm not making money on Steemit. The Steem is not Rothschild money. It is on the website. I didn't exchange the Steem into Bitcoin in 2019 or 2018. And Bitcoin is not even money either. - 04:02 PM - "He has to be showing that he is disrupting." So, apparently, I work for Soros. Apparently, I hate family first values. Apparently, I want free markets to die. That is what they might be hinting at. - 04:06 - "I don't think he is just getting paid from that Steemit thing. I think he is getting paid from a handler." So, to that imaginary handler that must have told me to write a blog about what I did in 1991 for example, I wanna say, "Where's my God Oatmeal Money?" I need new glasses. I need a new computer. Should I work at camp this summer? I'm in a transitional period in my life. If you were to follow my blog, you would know that by now. People say that Alex Jones has a handler as well, which he does not. - 04:24 - "He's making a living online somehow." Wrong, I live with my parents. I'm a nobody. No job. No money. I'm a loser Oatmeal Monkey Man. No friends. No lover. People should buy things from the Info Wars Store. - 04:28 - "He is always online," like Mama Potato, allegedly. - 04:40 - "His lists..." Yeah, I post full articles to about six blockchain websites and then I shared those full articles (posts) to at least 28 different websites (currently) including Facebook, Twitter, USA Life, etc. I also upload videos to dozens of different websites as well. The more, the better. - 04:54 - "Yeah, he's paid.... there's no question in my mind.." - 05:11 - "You know his brother looks just like him... yeah, it's a whole family that looks like that.... they're all goblin freaks.." - 05:30 - "Yeah, I shouldn't say that but it is, you know man, it is what it is. And they're nasty freaks, tho..." 05:45 - "Horse teeth... I don't even like it when the pretty girls do it... disgusting..." - 06:07 - "Seriously dude, he has a problem...." Back to the blame wagon. Could it be autism? Could it be this? Could it be that? Talk about insult. They might be saying that only perfect models can do things in the public. If you have six fingers, you must live in a dungeon, right? - 06:22 - Griff - "My wife has autism..." Griff was saying he could care less and how that is not why he went after me. - 06:34 - Griff - "He's using it as an excuse." What, I am? Did I say that? No. So, why are you putting words in my mouth? - 06:44 - "He knows exactly what he is doing" and he has told you why. But you refuse to listen to Oatmeal. He knows what he is doing and he has been doing what he has been doing for many years now. - 06:56 - Griff goes on about how I could leak a public forum that is already public to the Internet and leak it onto the Internet which it is already in and on and upon. What is the difference between Steemit & INFOCOMMS? They have both been public. So, you are saying that bad people can read my Steemit but cannot just go to INFOCOMMS to read it? What am I missing? - 07:06 - "Yes, that is a threat." Here they are lying. I have been encouraging activism. I am preparing to do activism myself. But they continue to sew the deception that I'm against oatmeal. That is what oatmeal is all about. - 07:13 - Griff - "That's why I setup this Discord server." - 07:20 - "Gotta really push the rest of the COMM for a login portal."

Ready For the 11th of March?

07:40 - Griff - "What do you think is going to happen when Monday, the 11th of March, 2019, comes?" That is when my INFOCOMMS suspension for not comment spamming ends. - 07:47 - "This is his bread and butter." - 07:52 - "He's going to be right back at it." In other words, they're calling me a clueless NPC SJW Zombie couch potato bot, AKA impulsive, and crazy, and everything. - 08:02 - "I doubt that they'll let him back on." He said that because he thinks that what I write on Steemit is very bad. - 08:10 - "I'm emailing Zimmermann... [Oatmeal] is doubling down." Wow, more words to describe leftists. So, I'm a leftist according to them. - 08:13 - "He's doing it even worse." - 08:15 - "Now, he's taking people's artwork." Nope. I linked it. You can click on the photo and go to Norma. She wanted people to see it. Oh, but not too many people? But it is a public forum. Steem is not money. I shared her art. I did not steal it. I gave her credit. I named her. I said it was hers. I linked it to her. So, they continue to lie about me throughout this video. - 08:44 - Griff talked about how he asked me questions about Bitcoin. - 08:51 - Griff paraphrased something I said - "Are you a Rothschild Lover." Because Griff wasn't too sure about Bitcoin. Griff could have said no. But you don't have to do Bitcoin, like Alex Jones says, there are thousands of other cryptocurrencies to choose from. - 09:50 - Around this time, they talked about how they can help moderate INFOCOMMS via flagging. - 10:38 - Paladin - "Targeted harassment." Nope. Not true. - 11:05 - They talk about how people tell them to just ignore Oatmeal and about how long it took, how many people it took to get Oatmeal suspended. Reminds me of what they said about how Infowars was trending on Twitter in 2018. So, the one guy was like, "We got it down after lunch, like an hour alter or something." And the other guy was like, "Oh no, that's not fast enough." Then they talked about how people were wondering why they were picking on Oatmeal, which is what they do. But they say that I'm actually the one doing the picking. - 11:20 - Griff - "He played the victim perfectly." - 11:50 - Leviticus - "I swear to God, Joey went to a class to learn how to do this." Oh, when was this? What year was this imaginary class attended in? Leviticus went on to say how I did the same thing as this other guy. Something about anthropology and the Oath Keepers. Except that he was taking it to his own website instead of Steemit. Leviticus goes on to describe how the website looks good on the outside but in how it has bad stuff inside of it. Also, the guy took the stuff down. My stuff, however, stays up forever. If Oatmeal is bad, people would know. I publish my life. Unlike that guy, I don't take down videos and things that I hate. I have dumb videos. I have terrible articles that have spelling errors and all sorts of problems. I keep my burnt oatmeal on the Internet, flaw and all, unlike that guy. I promote Alex Jones. People should listen to what he says more than me. Stop reading this and just go to Infowars. Unlike the guy Leviticus mentioned, I tell people to go to Alex, to go to Tommy Robinson, to go to all these other patriots and to listen to them, not me. Leviticus describes how the guy messed up the Texas Oath Keepers group of about 50 at one time. That is too bad. I like Oath Keepers. I love Project Veritas. I've written about all of these different people and projects and websites in previous posts and videos all over the Internet for many years. People can see what I promote. It is what we are promoting as patriots. - 15:50 - They talk about how the INFOCOMMS might be devolving thanks to Oatmeal. The good news is that you find the more committed folks through the fire. Oatmeal brought you guys closer. You found a common enemy. You can slay the Oatmeal Dragon and continue with INFOCOMMS without Oatmeal. You guys get to win by coming together to slay a common enemy as opposed to what was happening earlier with a free for all battle against each other, people like Troy, Bingozee, Paladin, Leviticus, The Frozen Warrior, and others. - 16:09 - "People can't take the fighting." That's too bad, but globalists are fighting us each day. So, we can pretend that there is no fighting but there is fighting. China is going at us. Big Pharma is fighting with us. Fight is all around us. So, I guess Pastor Sam is not too happy with the fighting. - 17:56 - They talk about how in Texas, it's not about if you have a gun but how many. I agree. Globalists are trying to take away our guns like they did in Germany and Russia and many countries. They are also going after our fourth amendment, that is privacy, as well.

Slaying Evil Oatmeal Dragons

17:58 - Griff - at maybe 04:14 PM PST or at least before 06:03 PM - "Oatmeal published another blog post..." - "I'm going to get a beer as you go get to it..." - 18:24 - Griff - "This guy is such an idiot." You think I'm going after Nick? No. Not exactly. - 18:35 - Griff wonders what coming together has to do with slaying Oatmeal Dragons. Well, I'm that dragon. You slay me by getting me suspended on INFOCOMMS. Now, things can go better for people on INFOCOMMS, now that Evil Oatmeal is gone. - 08:37 - Griff - "This is driving me insane; oatmeal this, oatmeal that, Jesus. My cum is thicker than oatmeal. I hear that Leviticus is getting a beer... haha... what the Hell..." - 19:42 - Griff - "He is a common enemy if you think about it." So, you agree with what I wrote but you kind of pretend not to agree with what I write? Well, you don't have to publicly agree with me. Deep inside your oatmeal heart, you know I'm right and you admit so in that video. Griff talks about how I'm constantly attacking people. Nope. Not attacking. Are you sensitive? I'm not attacking. I'm illuminating. - 19:55 - Griff talks about how I don't have big enough oatmeal balls to come talk to them. Oh, wait, I can't because I was banned, I was suspended from the INFOCOMMS. - 20:08 - Leviticus starts to lie by saying that he knew where to go, the young Vietnamese girls. Yeah, some of those girls were in their thirties. You wouldn't know that, would you? Go ask them on Facebook how old they are. - 20:13 - Griff - "That really set him off." Nope. Not really. But I did write more because I had more to say as I continue to talk about my life in Vietnam. - 20:33 - Leviticus - "The only way to push back evil is to keep on pushing." So, you really do think I'm an Evil Oatmeal Dragon, then? - 21:13 - Griff - "Oatmeal doesn't have the balls to talk to us." I can't because I was suspended and before I was, I did. No, I don't want to start infighting. I want to teach people about how infighting already exists and has been thousands of years. They say that is all I want to do, but that's not true. - 21:27 - Paladin - "I don't know how he even has time to finish his snow fort." Are you jealous? You want one, too, Paladin? - 21:35 - "What is a 34 year old man doing building a snow fort to talk about global warming?" How else do we stop geoengineering? They laugh at how dirty the snow is. Yea, it is pretty dirty. So is Soros & the swamp. - 22:07 - Griff - "He claims to be fighting Rothschild... Soros.... globalism..." - "He claims to be a doctor." And the crowd goes wild because dumb Oatmeal can't be anything looking like a Caveman, right? - 22:30 - "He can't even speak English..." - "I don't know how the fuck he's making a living..." - "I can't even understand the dude..." - 23:12 - Griff compares Oatmeal to Jerome Corsi. They talk about how bad of a speaker I am, that my whole family looks like retarded people, that I am nothing but a puddle of Poodle Oatmeal. - 23:38 - "Only Mama would give him likes." - 23:55 - "He fucks up a thread so fast, you can't ignore it..." - 24:06 - Paladin - "If he gets pissed off enough, he'll start a thread about you." I made a thread for Paladin, Bingozee, Troy, and Leviticus. I was not pissed. I love America. - 24:12 - Paladin - "The Paladin Thread. Fuck off..... then I started the Hey Joey Go Fuck Yourself Thread..." But that thread might have been removed by admins. Griff laughed about that thread and said he was like done with it, "It was so bad." - 24:53 - Griff - "Here's the thing, everything he does, he brings on himself. That's the crappiest thing about it. He does all this crap, he brings it on himself, but I'm the bad guy because I'm not supposed to be making fun of Arnie." My dad's tattoo on his arm says Arnie, how did you know? - 25:30 - They talk about the art piece. I didn't steal it, I shared it. There are links provided. but they like to lie and pretend that I steal when I don't. They talked about how I play the victim card, which I don't do. They talk about how Mama Potato fell for it until the art thing which I didn't do. I didn't do what they accuse me of doing. - 25:42 - Griff - "Meanwhile, Oatmeal is doing drive-by journalism..." - "Meanwhile, I'm a Rothschild Lover..." - 26:01 - Paladin "Paladin is against... it's not so black & white you idiot...." I disagree. Yes and no to that. Yeah, I agree but why not simplify things whenever possible for theatrical effects? - 26:14 - Everything has to have it's place." Oh, my mind is feeble, huh? I'm terrible because I'm against chaos and I'm trying to organize and place everything where they should go, apparently. - @6:25 - Leviticus - "It's mental illness for sure." Leviticus thinks Oatmeal is mentally ill, right? That's what I thought I heard in the video. Correct me if I'm wrong, folks. - 26:35 - Leviticus then talks about how I have the capability for intelligence.... web capabilities... - 26:48 - "But he's using it for bad choices (SHIT)..." - 27:09 - Paladin referenced how I said to Paladin, "It's almost as bad as what I'm doing to you on Steemit, some might say." Paladin left out that last part, "SOME MIGHT SAY." It is allegedly that if I am bad, then what I do is bad. If I am a dog, then maybe I bark. But I'm not. But they I am. - 27:16 - Griff - "He's fully aware." - 27:20 - "No empathy whatsoever." Wrong. - 27:23 - "He's not a sociopath, he's a psychopath." - 27:28 - Leviticus - "Completely disassociated from his actions." Nope. Wrong again.

Animals Are Dying

27:41 - Paladin talked about my comment to Jeff Hxtr about how I don't have a problem with the death of animals. People who know me know that I do have a problem with that. but I said it to emphasize on how there is more to it than that, like Paladin said earlier, that everything is not black & white. Do you want government to violate the fourth amendment in order to spy on neighbors to see if they are torturing animals? Should we ignore the veterans who are dying on the streets while saving animals? I remember talking to homeless veterans on the streets in Hawaii when I was a missionary for a year in Revolution Hawaii from 2007-2008. So, many people know that my heart is so big. It's sad when people who don't know me lie about me. Hextr like called Paladin a goat fucker. So, they were fighting but then found a common enemy, Oatmeal, and it stopped. I saved the day like Batman did when the cops went after him at the end of of the second Christian Bale movie. I'm that Batman. I'm helping people even if people hate my guts for it. Hextr was in the Coast Guard & got his nickname there. Kind of cool. - 29:01 - Griff talked about how he went at it with Bingozee and they talked about how that us normal for people to do that online. - 29:48 - Griff - "Let's just say that Oatmeal was the biggest part of the problem because he was constantly doing this type of crap. He was going after everyone. There's just too much going on..." - 30:09 - Leviticus - "It could wreck the whole membership..." Then Paladin says that by March 11, that I may be up to part 30 at that time... 30:24 - Leviticus - "We have to give him some content..." - 31:40 - They talk about how I'm on Minds. It takes time to register and to get vetted to join. Griff talked about trying to join Steemit to see if he could blog better than me... - 31:54 - Leviticus - "He's exposing us...." Are you being sarcastic? I got you to make a video about me. But it's not about me. It's about raising awareness of being more independent as people. How do we do that? It's starts with talking. People come together, they talk, they brain storm, and then get things done. - 32:25 - Paladin - "Once Steemit steps in and does something..... they said they dealt with him before and that they treated it like a medical condition..." Wow, so, is that true? Some Steemit people think I'm retarded as well? So, the people posting porn on Steemit is fine. But oatmeal sucks, right? So, am I committing the crime of hate speech? - 32:40 - Griff - "Oh great, so he mas a medical condition." Nope. Wrong. Fake news. Paladin then went on to say that he is trying to get me banned off all of the websites on the Internet. He said he contacted some Steemit people in order to get some things taken down and then he plans to go on to all of the other websites and social networks as well. - 33:28 - Griff - "I'm not in favor for censorship, but this guy is hurting a lot of people...." Then Paladin talked about how the worse thing that could happen is that I would get a job at McDonald's and have sex for the first time, about how that would be a good thing. Griff followed by saying that he is being very hopeful. - 34:40 - Paladin reads the Sue comment on that Joey thread. Paladin went to Steem.Chat to report me, allegedly. So, in other words, they might be saying that I'm not allowed to talk about anything that they dislike. I have to always be politically correct? Yeah, VPN is good. Private Internet Access (PIA) might be a good VPN according to Paladin. Torrent Freak Website. Bit Torrent is good. Yes, it is good to have backup servers, Discord, etc, in case they take down INFOCOMMS, etc. They talked about the Hogan guy, the Freedom Fighter. They talk about some of the users they like there. - 48:08 - They talk about the Troy Cult. Yeah, Troy & Bingozee might be promoting immortality, humanism, and especially transhumanism. - 49:53 - Paladin - "Hot off the presses." They began talking about Part 11 that was published at 06:03 PM PST. Yeah, Paladin does sound like Mark Dice. Make some videos like Mark. That is a good idea. I do enjoy watching this video. It was fun to watch. Scary at the same time, assuming that people do remove me off the Internet. - 51:39 - Leviticus talked how he trapped me with that picture that says "STEEMIT SUCKS." Why? Because then the Steemit People will then want to take me down. Because porn is fine. All of these different things on Steemit is fine. But a little meme that says Steemit sucks is crossing the line, buddy, sarcasm detected haha. But maybe Leviticus is right. We will find out. - 52:00 - "He doesn't get it." - "He thinks the whole world revolves around him." People say the same thing about Alex Jones, but that is not true about me or Alex. - 52:31 - "He's a bot." Yeah, that is what Twitter said in 2016, when I was telling people to vote for Trump. I was being accused of being a Russian agent or that I was sharing and posting things from Russia, allegedly. I was censored on Facebook for quoting pictures of Hitler talking about using Islam to take over Europe via Open Borders. I'm against Open Borders. - 53:10 - Griff - "He's probably running an RSS Feed." Or something. Nope. I'm just a keyboard warrior. They notice how I included what Sue said in my post. Just about a ten minute difference. yeah, because I'm a writer, a web designer, etc. My Steemit has an RSS feed but not Infocomms. Now, they are falsely accusing me of streaming it all to Steemit. But I'm not doing that. - 54:12 - Leviticus - "I think he's a cut-out. I think he gots help. He has people behind the scenes..... I caught him one time because he couldn't be in two places at one time..." Nope. Not me. That was another person. - 54:47 - Griff - "Yeah, we're probably being watched by the CIA." Reminds me, today, Tuesday, Mancow asked Alex Jones about the Federal Reserve. There are two. There is a system that began in 1913. And there is also that one bank in New York that is mostly foreign owned. Important to let people know this. I've heard echoes on my phone as well. Yeah, the NSA has been recording stuff. The swamp sucks out our meta data and much more. They talk about the Wiki Leaks. They talk about how you have to be crazy in order to take on the globalists. - 59:13 - Griff - "But not as crazy as Joey." So, I'm not fighting globalism but you are? Alright. I'll stay on my short bus. You guys have fun fighting for the future of western civilization.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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MIND BENDER 10 - OATMEAL Screenshot at 2019-02-26 20:34:53.png