Banning Oatmeal - Part 007steemCreated with Sketch.

in #iwa5 years ago (edited)

I was banned from Infowar's INFOCOMMS for ticking off Anti-Religious Folks, possibly, and other variations down in the hood.

Norma Jeanne 89 drew this. Check her out. Mama Potato said that you should not check her out because it's personal, even as it was posted publicly, not privately, and there is no such thing as bad publicity according to McDonald's & even Trump, and is Oatmeal really that evil, so evil, that nobody is allowed to associate with it, with that Demon Oatmeal Guy? People can check out Norma for more info. She is a great artist.

Infowars Banned Oatmeal

Part 001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 006 - 007
Infowars Army Community - INFOCOMMS


2019-02-26 - Tuesday - 09:13 AM PST LMS JA - Paladin - "This might be the biggest laugh you’ll have all day." - Griff - "i just saw it. it’s ridiculous."

FLAG ON FLAG Screenshot at 2019-02-26 09:37:59.png

07:47 AM - How Many Flags Does It Take To Get To The Bottom of a Tootsie Roll Thread - Flag On Flag Dude 08 - "Were you posting the same thing in about 5 different threads? Or were you creating new threads when there was one already available for the topic? Those will get you a flag. Perhaps you should change the way you’re posting, and you won’t get flagged." - But Flag is wrong and silly. The question is not about to flag or not to flag but rather how many flags does it take to hide a comment on the INFOCOMMS. The question was not about the art of avoiding flags. It was not a question of how to lay low below the radars of being politically correct or whatever the cases may be at any particular time.

BRENT WHITAKER - STOP SPAMMING - BUT I DO NOT SPAM Screenshot at 2019-02-26 10:06:04.png

08:01 AM - Infowars Banned Me - Brent Carl Whitaker - "Stop Spamming." - Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold on Facebook - "I do not spam."

POTATO Screenshot at 2019-02-26 10:27:18.png

Bad Publicity Myth

Paladin - "Just thought you’d like to know @joeyarnoldvn posted your work to his steemit (and most likely other crypto sites) for profit." - 10:13 AM - Mama Potato - "Ok now that’s where I would draw the line!!! She definitely didn’t deserve for him to take her work regardless if he credited her or not… That’s personal… Only she should decide where and when to share her work… :unamused::unamused::unamused:." - Norma Jeanne 89 drew that drawing.) Check her out. Mama Potato said that you should not check her out because it's personal, even as it was posted publicly, not privately, and there is no such thing as bad publicity, and is Oatmeal really that evil, so evil, that nobody is allowed to associate with it, with that Demon Oatmeal Guy? People can check out Norma for more info. She is a great artist.

Hiding Art

- 10:39 AM - Norma Jeanne 89 - "Yeah and I’m thinking he might have taken it after he got suspended so I’m hesitant to put up more artwork in the future." - So, she posted her art on a public forum, but she might be saying that she does not want her public post to be public. but she posted it in a public forum. Google takes that via web crawler bots and have been doing so for like decades. When something is public, it goes all over the place. There are even Internet Time Capsule programs and projects where web pages are saved and archived even after they are removed off the Internet. You can find long lost things at and other such places. Some websites archive removed YouTube videos and it is saved and download and stored on other websites, servers, computers, from around the world, even after the videos are removed. Pictures, drawings, articles, and many different things, have been archived and shared onto many different websites. That is what has been happening since like the 1990's, if not sooner. But publicity is good. You want people to see your portfolio. That is networking. That works. That is how Linkedin works. Many people agree with this winning perspective on life. You can choose to be proactive or you can hide in the shadow of double-speak if you want.


- 10:46 AM - Talent Show - Salty - "I’m not an IP lawyer dear, but I’ve had more IP stolen than you could stomach. Doesn’t stop me. Just keep shining brighter and higher up! I am dissapointed in Oatmeal Joey for being so inconsiderate. Keep at it!" Paladin responded to Norma & Salty with his thread about turning INFOCOMMS into Facebook to require the users to login before they can see the content on the Info Wars Army Community forum. In other words, Paladin is suggesting that INFOCOMMS turns into a closed Facebook Group. Actually, a closed, private, and secret, Facebook group. That means guests will have to register first. Guests may be less inclined to do so without previews. There is a Lounge area on INFOCOMMS which you have to login to see. There are also private group messaging which is private as well. - Paladin - "Support this then please. I think it’s the best solution."


- 10:51 PM - SUPPRESSING INFOCOMMS - Mama Potato - "I’m behind ya :100: on this idea!! I’ve been concerned about this being an open forum for a while now!! :+1:." So, in other words, you want to preach to the choir. You do not want to really reach out to new people. Well, new people can still register, but they may be less inspired to do so without a preview, a taste, of what is happening on the forum.

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Banning Oatmeal - Part 007

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