Banning Oatmeal - Part 010steemCreated with Sketch.

in #iwa6 years ago

There was a bunch of infighting on the INFOCOMMS. Suddenly, they discovered a common enemy, Original Oatmeal. Maybe not so original and not so oatmeal after all, some might suggest. Nick is right about Coming Together to slay the Oatmeal Dragon.

Infowars Banned Oatmeal

Banning Oatmeal - Part 001 - 002 - 003 - 004 - 005 - 006 - 007 - 008 - 009 - 010
Infowars Army Community - INFOCOMMS

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Coming Together

- 01:32 PM - Nick - Coming Together - "I see a community coming together finally. Awesome stuff to see for sure! Even if the reasons are crappy." - There was a bunch of infighting on the INFOCOMMS. Suddenly, the discovered a common enemy, Original Oatmeal. Maybe not so original and not so oatmeal after all, some might suggest. - Griff - "funny how that works out."

Common Ground

Mama Potato - Patriots Unite - "I’ve never had anything personal against anyone here on the comms (except maybe bingozee and not for the reason one may think) and I know we’ve all disagreed at one time or another… But I’d like to think that if we were all put together in a defend or die position on a sort of info wars base in the 3d world when the shtf… That we would make one hell of a force to be reckoned with… We all have some amazing qualities and skills… And we are all amazing “thinkers” with a penchant for finding “info” and fighting battles… I try to keep that in focus. We need each other in this war… And I truly wish we could form a 3d community eventually so that we are not alone and we can fight together!!!" - Potato is right.

Taking Back America

Potato - Eternal Perspective - "Seriously imagine with me for a min: In the future, America has been invaded. They are rounding up people for the fema camps. You get the signal and start preparing for the journey to the destination we all agreed upon for this day we knew would come… You make it there to the compound. Our codenames are our user names here and a password we decided upon. You make it into the conference area after checking in and around the table are your fellow info warriors who you feel are your family now… @Mischief_With_Griff @Paladin @Leviticus @nwenglarz @Johnboy @broadwayjoe412 @Texas_T @NPC @PASTORSAM @Leviticus @MamaPotato and all the others are there and we all hug and embrace each other, glad we all made it there, but knowing what we are to face as we sit down and prepare for the hardest battle… the Battle to take back America! Imagine that…" Again, Potato is right. We should be preparing and planning for those kinds of things, each day, like I do my snow fort.

Planning in the Open

Griff - Security Issues - "Exactly, I’m just trying to provide security. With the discord server and everything. I have a legitimate issue with oatmeal doing what he’s doing. Imagine if Antifa reads his blog posts and they go out and kill one of us during activism because we planned it here. It’s much more than an issue than what I originally thought. It’s bad enough that we are planning in the open." - So, Antifa can't go to the INFOCOMMS but they can go to Steemit? But I thought the INFOCOMMS was a public forum. Am I missing something?

Dividing Oatmeal

Leviticus Falwell - They Will Not Divide Us - "Just realize there are others like [you know who] out there. They will test us and come at us again and again. I went through this at Oath Keepers years ago. Shit posters and evil dividers MUST be identified so that they can be dealt with. It takes will and determination. They are put here to keep us from organizing. There will be another [you know who.] We need to come up with a plan to keep that shit off the board!!!"

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Mind Bender 10

11:44 AM - Griff - New Show on Monster Oatmeal - "MindBender Podcast 10 the oatmeal agenda - It had to happen… open phone lines via discord. Will be talking about Joey and the issues he’s created. And a possible deeper agenda. @Leviticus @Paladin spot for one more as a panel. @NPC you want to join since you made the oatmeal times article?"

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forbidden frog forums

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Banning Oatmeal - Part 010

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Biography - Social Networks
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Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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