Daily Inspiration #90 - General MacAurthur - Security

in #inspiration7 years ago

Daily Inspiration #90
General MacAurthur

Douglas MacArthur (26 January 1880 – 5 April 1964) was an American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army. He was Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s and played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II. He received the Medal of Honor for his service in the Philippines Campaign, which made him and his father Arthur MacArthur, Jr., the first father and son to be awarded the medal. He was one of only five men ever to rise to the rank of General of the Army in the US Army, and the only man ever to become a field marshal in the Philippine Army.

General MacAurthur.jpg

MacAurthur gave us a great quote to use today.

"There is no security on this Earth, there is only opportunity."

I remember a time about 6 years ago or so...

One of my older brothers had been working at a place for about ten or fifteen years and his company downsized and he lost his job.

He had to go on unemployment for over a year as all the jobs available in our area he kept being told he was over qualified for.

About a week after I found out about him another brother of mine, who lived further away, lost a job he'd had around 20 years for a similar reason.

This was the brother that married the first girl he ever dated, fell asleep in school because he was up to late reading his bible the night before, and had only ever had about 2 jobs in his life because he was so dedicated to those jobs that he thought straying was somehow immoral.

The first brother came close to losing his house several times before he finally became an independent contractor so he would have more control over his own job security.

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The second brother was always moving up at his company.

He had a nice savings so he began flipping houses part time right away so he didn't lose that while still seeking another job.

I had a talk with the second brother that really stuck with me...

Here was a guy that was so afraid to think out of the box that he built boxes inside his box to make him feel more comfortable.

He followed every life tip of the ultra conservative, and as the sole bread winner for his family (since the mom was meant to be a house wife) had lost the very foundation of his existence.

For him this was much more than simply losing a job.

It was a huge wake up call.

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He was about 45 at this point and had already planned his life through til gravestone.

He told me in that conversation that he realized immediately, that there was no such thing as job security anymore.

I was shocked at first that a guy like him would say, let alone believe, something like that.

I also thought it peculiar that he said "anymore" as if there used to be at some point. lol

His entire life plan had to change in an instant because he finally realized something that it seems the general here had known all along.

That the only security you will find in this world you must create for yourself.

Well, he landed another 9-5, because that's what he knows.

However now he is also still flipping houses as a side income in case things go awry again.

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I will say this part again...

There is no security on this earth except that which we create ourselves.

How do we create a sense of security?

By seizing opportunity.

Why does it feel more like security if we create it ourselves?

Because we have our finger on the button.

If you have put your entire life in the hands of an employer, or other such entity, and they decide tomorrow the company just isn't profitable anymore....

Do you have a plan?

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Are you ready to seize opportunity?

Are you even aware that there are opportunities around you?

It's not a companies job to care.

It's great when a company does care, but if it is going under it wouldn't matter how much they cared anyway, they would still have to let you go.

The point I'm making here is simple.

There are many people, companies or whatever that we may trust in this world.

However, the only person you can truly rely on when all the chips are down is yourself.

Outside forces are shaping in their own realities, only you are shaping in yours.

So if things are going good, don't start expecting the worst or planning for doom and gloom.

Don't go out and quit your job because you just realized they could can you at any moment.

Just remember where you security actually comes from...

Then seize the right opportunities.


"There is no security on this Earth, there is only opportunity."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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Your publications are really beautiful I've checked most of them and found them amazing you're really worth it all thanks for sharing I hope to be like you in the future I work with all my efforts and perfection of God

What a wonderful comment man. Thanks so much!

Welcome 😍😍

very good article

ur welcome, If you have time please your visit my blog

You are really endowed with so much gift! The lord is you strength sir!

This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 7.69 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @michaeldavid. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

A great post and indeed in most sectors there is no job security and you have to be prepared, that has always been a concern for me to make sure I had options if I needed them, and to be honest I didn't do that very well

Luckily there hasn't been an outbreak of peace in the last 30 Years so my job has stayed there for me, even if in different missions or positions

Hope your weekend is going well

Yea it's true. We must keep open options.

This post has received a 7.19 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @michaeldavid.

I am witness of this situation man. I worked for 5 years in a company and climbed up the ladder to the top, and then...BOOM...left the job!
There is really no security at all, but i've learned that it is not right to concentrate on only one source of revenue in our life.
We need to have back up and always have minimum 2 sources of revenue to survive should one of them is closed.
Right now I am earning here on Steemit(Low but still), opening a small grill restaurant in November , launching a banana plantation this week and working as part time auditor with my brother. I keep myself busy with all of these, but I am sure if one does not work, I still have 3 more options running.

Wow, you are busy. Banana plantation? In what country?

Not a huge one mate, I have a plot of land which we are not using! It is in Mauritius, my country.
I already did it yesterday and planted 50 trees in all! The 50 banana trees will become 150 soon as it multiplies very quickly!
I will be making a post on it soon!

Very nice. Yea Bananas divide quickly for sure. I had a chance to start a cacao and coconut plantation in Nicaragua once upon a time. Next time I make it down there I may still look into it.

Oh that's another league man...cacao and coconut...this sounds wonderful. I hope you can do it man and share it with us all here, this will be cool!

It will be some time before I can get back down there but i do believe the land is still there just sort of waiting.

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