Daily Inspiration #77 - Japanese Proverb - Vision

in #inspiration7 years ago

Daily Inspiration #77
Japanese Proverb

Well I 'm not sure who to credit for this one.

I just know it as a Japanese Proverb.

"Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare."

I love it though.

Such insight in this one.

I can tell you from personal experience that this is very true.

I've been an idea man my whole life.

I've always had great ideas, even when I was young.

Idea inspiration motivation education.jpg

They just sort of find me.

The issue was always that I would have so many good ideas that I would never really pull the trigger on any of them because I wasn't sure which one I really wanted to do.

So what would happen?

Well, not knowing which one I really wanted, I would often not start any of them.

What I ended up with was a pile of daydreams and what ifs.

While what ifs are sometimes amusing to talk about they are not productive and honestly get us no where.

I've also been in the position many times in life where I was working hard to make ends meet having no real vision or chief aim that I was working toward.


That position nearly often feels desperate and destitute.

Both vision and action need to be in harmony to really get anywhere.

Once a vision or idea begins it is vitally important to take appropriate action.

Action that is truly in line with your vision.

Doing so can be life changing, and often is.

Before deciding actions to take we must be sure that they are in line with our goals and that they will ultimately aid us in reaching them.


You can do all the action you want and if that action does not resonate with your vision you will just be spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.

You will be exhausting tons of energy getting basically nothing done.

I would easily call that a nightmare.

So if you have the feeling like you are working a lot and not getting anywhere, step back and see if your actions are leading you toward your goal.

Do they line up or are they headed in different directions?

If you are having trouble picking an idea then either pick the one that feels the best or at least pick one that you can resonate with.

Nearly any good idea can become wildly successful with the right action.


"Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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great proverb .... love your main pictures they are awesome

Really he has talent

the word japanese proverb is amazing .. I wait again your post, if there is a proverb from Indonesia .. he .. he ...

haha, there may be...

i will ponder on that one for some time to be sure i get it rigt lol

LOL this quote triggered such a funny memory for me
back early on in my work in Missions we had to go to a communications site were there was a problem with a repeater my and a colleague drove up and before i was even out of the car, my colleague was 100 Feet up the tower and climbing fast, I gave a chuckle and went and started getting the gear ready and waited for him to release once he got up to the repeater, that he had, no climbing belt, no tools etc etc
my thought at the time was something like bloody idiot of course, but more so like your quote action without vision or planning is a waste of action

thanks for the chuckle and another great post

haha, thanks for that, good for a chuckle on my end also :)

Superb one quote !! Really motivational !!!

Thanks so much!

I'm a huge daydreamer 😴 or better said, I'm lazy.

haha, well said man!

I find myself some years back in these words! I was always full of ideas but only talking and dreaming big! And there were so much that I was just confused.
Over the years I changed a lot and each time an idea came to my mind, I just sit back take a decision and action.
Most of my ideas are food based and I translate them on my plate.

I love that. I'm an admirer of good food. Not a chef myself by any means but I do occasionally like to be creative in the kitchen :)

Woo-hoo another foodie! Love it!
Sometimes my creativity in the kitchen makes me do crazy thing! I have that idea of doing a miniature sandwich in my head for some days now...I'll do that later today and post it. Then I can find peace! hahaha!

That sounds fun :)

This post has received a 28.99 % upvote from @khoa

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I visioned my Steemit engagement but it was just a daydream until @ssekulji showed me the money! Big debt to him! Awesome quote!

Featured you in my post shoutout (last tasting Pohjala Mets). I hope it gets you more views and clicks! Used your photo, too. I can edit!


I just noticed that when the ninja was out and about man. Thanks a ton!

Curious what he showed you :)

@michaeldavid - So true! Vision is something that acts as a motivator. However, it needs to be followed by an actionable skeletal plan and actions themselves. Well - vision, if communicated to others, at least allows others to act upon it and then it stops being your daydream and may turn into reality. However, the converse - action without vision is just like trying to get into a boxing match in a dark room. No one lands a punch but both boxers feel a lot of work has been done!

Thanks for an inspirational quote once again. Cheers. Upvoted full.

A boxing match in a dark room! Great expression man! Love it

Thanks. One of my favorite expressions when I am on the subject of wasted effort or misguided effort.

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