Daily Inspiration #64 - Winston Churchill - Continuous Effort

in #inspiration7 years ago (edited)

Daily Inspiration #64
Winston Churchill
Continuous Effort

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was a British politician and statesman who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. As Prime Minister, Churchill led Britain to victory over Nazi Germany during World War II. Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a non-academic historian, and a writer, the fact that won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 for his overall, lifetime body of work.

Winston Churchill.jpg

So, I don't know if it's just the picture I found of him or not but he looks really mean. lol

Either way, he definitely knew how to succeed at something.

Here's his quote for today:

"Continuous effort,
not strength or intelligence,
is the key to unlocking our potential."

Ya know it's funny, I meet people all the time that don't believe that they can become successful.

They all have similar excuses.

"I'm not smart enough."

"I'm not strong enough."

"I'm not attractive enough."

"I don't have enough money."

money cash million.jpg

Look, you don't need any of these things to be successful.

You don't have to be smart, strong, attractive or rich.

You do however need to be persistent.

In fact, you don't really have to be right very often.

Guess how often you have to be right to be successful?

I'm going to assume you guessed wrong unless you know this already.

The answer is 1.


You only have to be right one time in your entire life to be successful!

"That seems a little far fetched Michael, I'm out of here."

Listen, you can be wrong about everything you ever do in life.

As long as you are right about that one thing.

The trick is, once you have that one thing you are right about you need to attack it with ferocity!

ferocity attack.jpg

You need to eat sleep and breath it!

When you wake up each morning, it's what has you leaping out of bed!

When you go to sleep at night, your mind is still contemplating your next move.

Not from a place of worry, but excitement!

This type of grit is what will bring you that success.

Each and every day you need to dig in and get as much done with your goal as you can possibly do.

dig in.jpg

It is that tenacity that will assure you success.

You don't need to be smart, strong, rich or pretty.

Just get out there and dig in!

Find that one thing that you know you are right about no matter what anyone else thinks, and make it happen!

Ideas mean nothing without the continuous effort required to bring them to fruition.

Trains start off very slowly and once they hit full speed they are nearly an unstoppable force!

So get your train moving!

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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That first picture of Churchill is how I see em in my head everytime. Tenacious chap I think is fair to say. Thanks for the daily!

haha, I never had a face to go with the name till that pic lol

Really? You're not watching enough war documentaries

Guess not lol

Two weeks ago I attended my brother-in-law's funeral. From a tiny high school and then college in south Mississippi, he qualified for Harvard medical school, and later became a highly prominent surgeon.

Years ago he told me this about his time in medical school:

"There were plenty of people there smarter than me, but nobody there was going to outwork me."

Churchill would have applauded that approach.

Nice success story!

Love his statement also.

Persistence will beat intelligence nearly any time.

Every day I am grateful that persistence counts more than intelligence!

Haha, it is a wonderful truth!

On the hill stands a church,
one that stays consistent.
Like an owl on it's perch,
hunts keenly and stays persistent.

Churchill really new how to inspire and motivate people during ww2 famous quotes like" Success can be measured by failing and failing again then starting something new with enthusiasm" end quote.

Pretty sure Mr. Skin made that up...no quote I ever seen by anyone. But you are right, Churchill was very motivational.

#inspiriation. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started"

Great statement @cryptoindex!


Thanks for the upvotes, friend!

Just the exact motivation i need....i get low payout but i guess i still have to keep believing
Nice post👍

If you know you are on the right path then keep on truckin!

Well, as far as continuous effort, I agree that it's really important, and probably always necessary if you want to reach your goals.

However, it's very hard to keep going if you're seeing insignificant results. If you're not seeing real results after a long while, you should tweak different parts of your method and keep going until you find the winning combination.

That's absolutely true! You have to see results as you go to know you are getting there. Setting smaller goals during the process can really help with that.

I did a post that covered that recently but off the top of my head I'm not remembering which one.

Altering your tactics as you go is just part of the process. The thing that stays constant is the goal itself, not the path to it, that is always twisting and turning.

Great response!

Never were truer words spoken! Perseverance always comes out tops!

It really does!

So what's the one thing??? Reminds me of City Slickers lol

That question has bee by far the most difficult for me. choosing only one to focus on that is.

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